timelordlover · 3 years
I have a hyperfixation that turned into an obsession of sorts...it hurts my heart when I see things about said hyperfixation that makes me sad ;-;
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timelordlover · 4 years
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This is what I got
what type of lonely are you?
rb with your results
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timelordlover · 4 years
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Night Star Cat, Cat-O-Lanterns, and Ghost Cats.
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timelordlover · 4 years
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timelordlover · 4 years
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timelordlover · 4 years
kinda depressed that the better half of my 20s will be spent wading through the immediate effects/aftermath of a global pandemic
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timelordlover · 4 years
guess what i’m drinking tonight!!!!!
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timelordlover · 4 years
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by Xergion
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timelordlover · 4 years
Have some happy news
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By: The Happy Broadcast, Source
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By: Good News Movement, Source
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By: Global Positive News, Source
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Via: Love What Matters, Source
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Via: Upworthy, Source
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By: Good News Movement, Source
Via: Good News Movement, Source
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By: Majically News, Source
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Via: Upworthy, Source
More uplifting news 🌙💖✨🌈♥️
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timelordlover · 4 years
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timelordlover · 4 years
This is the first I'm hearing about this and I'm feeling dread, discust, loathing, sadness and fear running through me at the same time and it's making me want to throw up...I strongly dislike the police involved with this and I strongly dislike the people they were protecting
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Milwaukee Police Have Been Caught Sex Trafficking Children By Neighborhood And Nobodies Talking About it
Originally 2 girls went missing in the neighborhood and after many attempts at trying to get police to help, which they refused to do, the community took it upon themselves which is how they landed on the sex trafficking house
“Before we came out here, there were nine kids missing, after we came out here four kids were returned,” said community organizer Frank Nitty, narrating a live video on Facebook from the scene around 7:00 p.m. But the number of kids returned might only be two, as Morales later reported one of the teenage girls wasn’t found and Nitty said another child ran away. 
This was all Live Streamed on Facebook
multiple fires being set by unidentified individuals (most likely to get rid of evidence) and gas and non-lethal force being used by the police department. 
Demetrius, the steamer who filmed the cops sneaking children out the back of the house is targeted by police for reprisals. They just pulling him over and are arresting him for nebulous reasons and are impounding his car.  An angry crowd is gathering.
Cops tear gassed and shot at crowed with rubber bullets 
People who went inside the cops’ child kidnapping/rape house say they found a room with a bed and floor covered in blood 
As for the house?  Well the house not only burned Tuesday night but also has a lengthy history of visits from the Milwaukee Police Department. According to its dispatch log, officers have visited the home at least 27 times in the past four years. The house was burned last night by a crowd after members of the group charged that criminals were using the home and others nearby for sex trafficking.
Cops parked their van near the house and quickly rescued the SEX TRAFFICKERS by putting tarps over their faces to hide their identities and get them safely away from angry crowed. 
Source  / Source /  Source / More Video
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timelordlover · 4 years
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timelordlover · 4 years
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Black women really are on another level 👑
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timelordlover · 4 years
This makes me happy
Hey now, you’re an all star
listen to what I orchestrated
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timelordlover · 4 years
7 months into 2020
Every single odd number has an “e” in it.
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timelordlover · 4 years
This is important to know!
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Gather round kids while I explain this manipulation tactic that men perpetually try to use and why it’s bullshit.
If someone is openly showing interest in you by making disparaging or disappointed comments about your age, they’re trying to put you on the defensive. This guy wants me to try to quell his discomfort, to bring up that I’m only a month shy of 20, etc. - he wants me to try to prove myself to him, that I’m mature and adult enough for a man like him.
His goal is to establish a power imbalance right off the bat. If we were to date, I would constantly be on the defensive, constantly striving to be an equal, constantly trying to prove my “adult” credentials. Anything he says or does or wants from this point on that I object to would just be seen as a strike against my age, proof that he was right and that I’m not mature enough for him. This is how SO MANY men pressure younger individuals (primarily women and girls) into situations and relationships they aren’t comfortable with. If he truly thought I was too young for him, he wouldn’t have messaged me. This is a very calculated move, and it’s fucking gross.
Adult relationships with age gaps are completely fine, but only if all parties view each other as equals. If someone is trying to set you up in a way that ensures that’s never a possibility, run far away.
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timelordlover · 4 years
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