timeperiodshows · 1 year
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It's my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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timeperiodshows · 2 years
The fact that you believe C has more children is enough to put you in the extreme column.
Or are you in the extreme column because you apparently don’t believe Sam and Caitriona have more than one child? 🤔
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timeperiodshows · 3 years
Later read
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass) || Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round) || Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger) || Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 7: Stick To Your Guns
Get a grip on yourself // Get in shape for tonight // Take a look at yourself or your dreams // You're losing sight...
You got to stick to your guns // What's right for you, ain't right for everyone...
Soundtrack: “Stick To Your Guns,” Mötley Crüe, 1981 [click here to listen]
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Time passed.
Claire’s sessions with Gillian progressed well. For five mornings a week, ninety minutes at a time, slowly they untangled the path that had led Claire to despair, to addiction, and to The Ridge.
Claire started keeping a daily gratitude journal. For Gillian had helped her understand that she had so very much to be grateful for. Almost every entry featured Jamie – something he’d shared with her, or something small she’d done for him, or a few chords he’d played on his guitar, or a new memory she’d timidly shared – thanks to his quiet, patient encouragement.
Afternoons were for Group, and for recreation. And now that the summer was in full swing, she was volunteering in the garden. It was Glenna’s pride and joy – and grew a healthy range of herbs and fruits and vegetables to be harvested at various points through the summer and served in The Ridge’s kitchens. And Glenna’s passion quickly rubbed off on Claire – who had never gardened in her life, but absolutely relished getting dirt under her fingernails and harvesting from the plants she’d tended to so carefully.
Together with Marsali and Jamie – and a shy newcomer, Elias Pound, barely out of high school but terribly addicted to painkillers – she continued to prep and clear the dining room each evening. With Gillian’s encouragement, she took Elias under her wing, guiding him through The Ridge’s process much like others had when she had first arrived.
And when Elias quietly shared that he wanted to be a doctor – she’d started giving him pointers on what to study, how to focus his energy, and how best to mentally prepare himself for what that life would be like. A life certainly without pills.
Her medical skills had come in handy a few times, too.
There was the evening when Glenna had cut a deep gash in the back of her hand as she’d sliced corn off the cob for dinner. Claire had expertly and calmly sutured the wound, with Elias’ diligent assistance. To the applause of the small crowd that had gathered, watching.
And there was the morning when Geneva had been stung by a bee and had a terrible allergic reaction. Dougal had burst into Claire’s session with Gillian, seeking urgent help. For all that Dougal was opinionated and in charge, he clearly knew when to step back – quickly doing as Claire bade, following her down the hall and bringing her adequate supplies to stop the swelling.
And of course there was the lunch, one rainy day, when Rupert had eaten his roast beef sandwich a little too enthusiastically and began to choke. Swiftly Claire mobilized, and with a few pushes of his diaphragm the half-chewed sandwich spewed all over the table. Everyone in the dining room had cheered.
She had a purpose.
She belonged.
She’d proudly told Uncle Lamb all about it (for patients at The Ridge received phone privileges – one thirty-minute phone call every three days – once they’d been there for two weeks). And Lamb certainly shared her joy.
“You just sound healthier, my dear.” He blew his nose into the receiver. “Excuse me. Claire – I feel awful saying this to you, but I think you’ll understand now. You were so desperately unhappy for such a long time, but you didn’t want any help dealing with it, and I felt utterly paralyzed – ”
“It’s all right,” she reassured him, twisting the phone cord in her free hand, watching through the windows as a few people played volleyball on the lawn. “I wasn’t ready to hear any of it. But now I am.” She paused. “Lamb, I’m so, so sorry. I’m sorry for what happened, and I’m sorry for how bad it got, and I’m sorry for disappointing you.”
“Oh, lovie. There’s nothing to be sorry about. I – ” His voice choked. “I’m just so glad you’re off of those stupid pills, and I’m so glad that you’re getting the help that you need.”
“I’m lucky to have really good people here, who want to help me. To build new habits, and to break the old ones. Did I tell you I’ve really gotten into gardening?”
��Yes! You’ll have to tell me more about it the next time we talk.”
“I will. All right – our half hour is just about up. I love you.”
“Oh I love you, Claire. Stay well.”
She hung up and sighed.
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timeperiodshows · 3 years
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Poldark/ Versallies Time Period Shows turned 8 today!
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timeperiodshows · 3 years
Hello there, Librarians. I was directed here this morning by someone who told me you could help me find some fics in which Jaime travels to the 20th century? Preferably some that are finished works.
I’ve actually heard you have a genre page dedicated to it, but admittedly I don’t really know what a genre page is or how to find it...
Any help offered would be greatly appreciated!
Hello there @trash-000,
We’re so glad you found us! Welcome!
We do have a wide assortment of different category lists; lists of fics that we’ve compiled that share different tropes, themes, or other features. You can find all of those category lists right here.
As for your specific request, a category list of fics where Jamie goes through the stones can be found right here. Now, that category list hasn’t been updated in a little while, so there may be some fics missing from the list, but we hope it’s a good place to get you started!
Happy Reading!
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timeperiodshows · 3 years
Dans un autre monde - Part 11
The ride back from Craigh na Dun was spent in relative silence, except for Roger quiet sobs. Mrs Graham was sitting in the back seat with him while a red eyed Reverend drove the Anglia back to Inverness. As much as he had believed everything Claire had told him, actually seeing her and the girls passing through the Stones had made things even more real.
As they pulled into the rectory’s driveway, they noticed a forest green Land Rover parked by the entrance and a young couple waiting.
“Father, look! It’s Auntie Claire!”
The reverend had barely stopped the car before the little boy opened the door and ran toward the young woman who, while looking incredibly like Claire, was clearly too tall and looked much younger.
“Auntie Claire! I knew ye’d be back! Where are... Ye’re not me Auntie Claire!”
The young woman smiled warmly, crouching to the little boy.
“No, I’m not your Auntie Claire. My name’s Clara and you, dashing wee gentleman, must be Roger. I heard a lot about you, young man.”
“Ye ken my Auntie Claire?! She just left with the girls...”
“I... You could say I know her... Here, this nice man is my cousin, who’s also named Roger. If you ask nicely he’ll show you around his brand new Rover...”
The little boy didn’t need to be told twice and ran toward the redheaded young man.
“May we help ye, Miss...”
“Fraser, Clara Fraser from Fraser Press. And this is my cousin, Roger Murray. It’s an honour to finally meet you, Reverend Wakefield.”
“I imagine ye are nae here to bring me new published books...”
“No, I’m not...”
“Well, we should all get inside, right Reverend? Roger, lad!”
Both Roger turned toward Mrs Graham, making Clara Fraser laugh softly.
“A Diah! There’s two of them now... Come, both of ye!”
Clara Fraser and Roger Murray were seated in the sitting room of the rectory, waiting for Mrs Graham and the Reverend. The former had taken wee Roger to his room while the latter was fetching his best Scotch.
“I cannae believe it, Clara! It’s Roger Mac and he’s a wee laddie!”
“Hush, Roger! You know we can’t let them know about that... But you’re right, it’s quite bizarre. Wait ‘til we tell Grand-Père...”
The Reverend and Mrs Graham finally joined them, bringing a decanter and glasses.
“So... Miss Fraser, Mister Murray...” started the Reverend. “If I remember correctly from what Claire told us, I would assume that ye are both related to her...”
“You are correct. Both Roger and I are descendants of Claire and James Fraser. I... I don’t know what we should and what we shouldn’t tell you... This whole time travelling...”
The two cousins exchanged looks before coming up with an answer.
“Clara is a direct descendant of Claire and Jamie’s first son, Fergus. As fer me, my da is a direct descendant of Jamie’s sister, Jenny, and my ma is Clara’s aunt, a descendant of Fergus.”
“So ye must ken that Claire and the wee lasses left this morning...”
Clara nodded.
“As you must know, Fraser Press was first established as a printshop by Fergus Fraser, Claire and Jamie’s son... Our many times great-grandfather... When he first started it, his mother gave him and his descendants a task, an important task. She gave Fergus a large chest, containing hundreds of letters she wrote for a man who wasn’t even born yet. Fraser Press kept this chest through the year until it was time to bring it here and give you the first of the letter.”
She searched her handbag and handed him a letter sealed with wax.
“This is the first letter... We have a very specific timeline for each of the others. We will post them accordingly.”
The Reverend looked at the wax seal bearing the crest of the Fraser of Lovat and their moto, Je Suis Prest.
“Reverend... May I ask ye something?”
“Go ahead, son...”
“What is she like? Claire, I mean... We saw portraits, there is a rather large one at Lallybroch and another one at Grand-Père Fraser’s house in Edinburgh...”
Mrs Graham was the one to answer, seeing as the Reverend was clearly taken by emotion.
“She’s quite the lady, our Claire. Ahead of her time, even by today’s standard, right Reverend?”
The old man nodded, trying very hard not to broke down and cry. Finally he raised his glass.
“To Claire Beauchamp Fraser... A unique lady, ahead of her time!”
To my dear Reggie,
If you are reading this letter, then my plan worked and my Fergus’ descendants were able to keep the hundreds of letters I wrote to you through the years. Although for you I just left this morning, for me it has been many, many years. I am now even older than you currently are. My hair is still as thick and curly as ever, but now it is streaked with grey. But to Jamie I am still his Mo Nighean Donn.
I am now an old woman, an old woman who had the joy and privilege of watching my children grow up and start their own families. But I want you to know that I never forgot you, neither did the girls. Each of my children and grandchildren grew up knowing about their Uncle Reggie without whom I wouldn’t have found my way back to my Jamie.
You should received the first letter I wrote to you in a week.
Please kiss Roger and Mrs Graham for me.
Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp Fraser
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timeperiodshows · 3 years
Like father, like daughter.
Alone Together: Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16 || Chapter 17 || Chapter 18 || Chapter 19
Claire crossed her legs on the couch in the living room, mindlessly leafing through a magazine. Watching - and listening - as her husband and daughter played on the carpet, Jamie sprawled on his elbows to be at eye level with Bree.
“Doh!” Brianna exclaimed, handing Jamie a square wooden block.
“Thanks,” he said sincerely, and piled it on top of the four other blocks she had already given him. “What’s next?”
Brianna’s tiny fingers grabbed for her rubber giraffe - a favorite, especially now that she was teething - and handed it over to Jamie.
“Hmm. Are we building a house for Giraffe?”
Already Brianna had grasped the next object - a board book of Goodnight Moon - and handed it to her father.
“Is this for us to read to Giraffe?”
He opened the book and began reading. 
“In the great green room, there was a telephone.”
Bree scooted closer to Jamie, now clutching her favorite toy bunny, eyes intent on the book.
“And a red balloon. And a picture of - the cow jumping over the moon.”
She leaned against Jamie’s shoulder, spellbound.
Quietly Claire pulled out her phone to take a quick snapshot of the two red heads together.
“ And there were three little bears sitting on chairs. And two little kittens, and a pair of mittens.”
A siren floated through the open window, along with the September breeze. 
Claire wished that time could stop.
“And a little toy house, and a young mouse. And a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush.”
Jamie wrapped a strong, steady arm around his daughter’s back. Holding her close. His greatest gift.
Claire set down her magazine, and joined the two of them on the rug.
“And a quiet old lady who was whispering “hush”,” Jamie and Claire read in unison. Watching their daughter’s eyes slowly drift closed.
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timeperiodshows · 3 years
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Category List: Jealous Frank
Greetings, clan! Here we have a new list for you all to enjoy. This one is a bit tricky, because even in the canon, Frank is often times jealous of Jamie. We tried to do our best to grasp stories that really fit the mold of a “jealous” part to the story. We hope you enjoy!
And as always, please feel free to add on to this list. We will update accordingly.
XX, The Librarians
5 Times Frank Randall Was Reminded of Jamie Fraser by Letitbe1250
Set during the 20 year J/C separation. Whether it be finding a string of pearls, noticing an interesting scar, or hearing Claire tell a story… this is five times that Frank was reminded of the man who stole his wife’s heart. It is a J/C story, but it’s centered around Frank’s feelings of jealousy. No Frank/Claire romance.
Taghadh by @thefraserwitch
What if Claire had gone through the stones the first time Jamie tried to send her back (post witch trial) and what if he accidentally had gone with her? Would she stay? Would he stay? How does Frank work into all of this? Taghadh (Ghaidhlig for choice) explores how our beloved Outlander would change through answering all of these questions. It is the first fic in a series of three called An Trianachd Fhriseil (Ghaidhlig for The Fraser Trinity).
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timeperiodshows · 3 years
Vasectomy anon here-- sadly that's not the one I was thinking of (Claire performs a vasectomy without anesthesia and jamie tells ian its worth it if he doesn't have to see her in pain again) but thank you so much anyways!
Hello again, anon! Sorry about that.
It looks like we’re a bit stumped on this inquiry. Time to phone in the fandom! Anyone out there know about this one?
Thanks and happy reading! xx
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timeperiodshows · 3 years
Pound Cake
Peanut Butter Glazed Banana Pound Cake
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Buttery Pound Cake with Salted Caramel Glaze
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Cream Cheese Pound Cake Recipe
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Old Fashioned Buttermilk Orange Juice Pound Cake
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Vanilla Red Velvet Marbled Pound Cake Recipe
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Lemon Pound Cake
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apple cider poke pound cake
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Classic Sour Cream Pound Cake
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More pound cake recipes here!
Really nice recipes. Every hour.
Show me what you cooked!
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timeperiodshows · 4 years
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Foto: Panorama Helsinki / Finland - Dom und Parlamentsplatz (by   tap5a)
“We only do this for Fergus!” is a short Outlander Fan Fiction story and my contribution to the Outlander Prompt Exchange (Prompt 3: Fake Relationship AU: Jamie Fraser wants to formally adopt his foster son Fergus, but his application will probably not be approved… unless he is married and/or in a committed relationship. Enter one Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp (Randall?) to this story) @outlanderpromptexchange​ ​
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Chapter 9: Confronting the ‘Enemy’ (2)
           Claire led Geillis to the elevator and together they went to the third floor. She opened the door to her apartment, turned on the light and invited her friend in.            “Oh, wow! That’s what I call a view!” exclaimed Geillis when she saw the large panoramic skylight.
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timeperiodshows · 4 years
It’s Here!
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For those of you wondering what the hell I’ve been doing all year, this is it. And it is complete and it is posted in full, so binge to your hearts’ content!
A couple acknowledgements are in order:
Thank you to @faeriesfanficblog​ who inspired Jamie’s nickname “Fortnight” (and therefore this entire fic).
Thank you as well to @iihappydaysii​ who served as a sensitivity reader for a few crucial chapters.
This fic fills quite a few events! @lordjohngreyreadingnook​ Lord John AU Event (not a bingo square) @badthingshappenbingo​ (fills my bingo square kidnapping - Another 5 in a row!). @outlanderbingo​ (fills my pistols square in chapter 18 and knife play in chapter 19 on my second card) All updated cards are below the cut
Title: Die for This Kingdom Fandom: Outlander Pairing: Jamie Fraser/John Grey Rating: M (for graphic violence, also MCD, and some sexual content; please see full list of tags on AO3) Summary:  All Jamie “Fortnight” Fraser wants is to provide a good, safe life for his family in Chicago. But with tragedies keeping him tangled in his uncle’s deadly schemes and one tenacious—and handsome—police officer determined to bring him in, Fortnight Fraser has a choice to make. Bend to Dougal’s will… or burn it all to the ground.
You can read the ENTIRE fic on AO3!
You can also find a public Spotify playlist here. 
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timeperiodshows · 4 years
Ginger Snap, Chapter 4
A/N  Here’s the next chapter installment of Ginger Snap.  I now have this story mentally plotted to its conclusion.  It will have a total of 6 chapters, with perhaps a wee epilogue.  In keeping with the theme, the title of this chapter is “Where There’s Smoke”.
Previous chapters are best enjoyed on my AO3 page, because I have a bad habit of going back and editing them after they’ve been posted.
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timeperiodshows · 4 years
I am absolutely gobsmacked by all the love this wee story has gotten over time. I did not intend for it to take as long as it did to find the ending to this story, but alas, life and circumstances (and a f*cking pandemic) got in the way. BUT- it’s here. The final chapter. I hope you all have enjoyed the ride. This story started off as a prompt about a trope that I had always enjoyed but never considered writing. I am glad I took the leap and am forever grateful for the support and beta magic that are @abreathofsnowandwaffles​ and @missclairebelle​. Without you both I would never have attempted this. I love you both.
To everyone who has read, shared, and enjoyed (even a little!) this story, thank you.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Mood music
The word danced around the corners of her mind. Her eyes shifted from him to the golden hues splashed across the sky. Was she whole? Twisting her wrist for inspection, she felt no sharp pain, just a dull ache from use.
No longer broken.
Now came the recovery. As a doctor she had seen the scans, she knew the rehabilitation trajectory. Yet here, with him, the statistics and analytical journal findings faded from mental view. Here, in this moment, she was simply Claire. With Jamie. Her Jamie. An overwhelming sense of calm washed over her.
“I think I know exactly what you mean,” drawing her gaze back to him, she exhaled contentedly. Instinctively, her hand reached out for his, taking it gently. “Thank you, Jamie.”
“Och, ‘tis nothing lass.” Dirt-stained fingertips pressed into her skin. His warmth encompassed her.
“Jamie…” she started, her eyes lowering to see their fingers intertwined. Blinking hard and tilting her face to meet his, she finished, “I don’t just mean for today.”
An echo of a smile tugged at his lips and he exhaled.
“Dinna fash, Sassenach,” His voice hummed, soft and tender. “There’s the two of us now.”
His words were so simple. But there was something in the blue of his eyes that spoke to the depth of his meaning. Her breath caught as she felt the same weight of prophecy to his words.
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timeperiodshows · 4 years
Dans un autre monde - Chapter 10
  I was coming to the end of my story, how Jamie had gotten me and Faith to Craigh na Dun when the entrance door came bursting open and the sound of Faith, Brianna and Roger’s crying filled the Rectory.
 “Mama!” shouted my youngest.
 “Bree, darling, what’s the matter?”
 “Roger, lad, why are ye all crying?”
 At the grand old age of 9, Roger wasn’t known to cry for nothing, so something must have happened. Before the sweet lad could answer, the younger Mrs Graham came in, carrying her own daughter Fiona.
 “Reverend, Miss Beauchamp, I think yer lad and lassies might have some ear infection… We were having a picnic, then they started complaining about their ears…”
 “Mama, they scweamed!” sobbed Faith. “They were so loud, mama!”
 I frowned. “What was so loud? Roger, what is she talking about?”
 “The sound, auntie Claire, the sound was awful!”
 Sound? Screams?
 “Where did you say you went on your picnic?”
 “Just outside the city, Miss Beauchamp. Near this hill, Craigh na Dun.”
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timeperiodshows · 4 years
Prompt: A penny for your thoughts.
Alone Together: Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16 || Chapter 17
“What’s that?”
Claire briefly glanced up at Jamie, who had just stepped into the kitchen - undoubtedly for his customary mid-afternoon coffee. “When I went out to Gristedes yesterday I passed by one of those plastic boxes full of a few kinds of free newspapers and magazines. Mostly they’re junk - but for some reason this one had a copy of The Montauk Sun.”
Jamie measured out a spoonful of coffee and tipped it into the moka pot that Claire already had ready on the stove. “Are you thinking a trip out east may be in our future?”
She continued leafing through the magazine. “Why not? It’s summertime - we can rent a car, take Bree to the beach. Really enjoy the fresh air for a bit.”
He turned on the stove. “It will be impossible to find a hotel, with all the people there this summer. And I don’t want to pay through the nose for a rental.”
“Didn’t you say once that one of the authors you worked with last year has a house out there?”
He frowned, thinking. “You know what - you’re right. Amy McCallum - she told me all about it. Said I could stay there whenever I wanted - we didn’t last year because your pregnancy was so touch-and-go.” His face brightened. “And I know for a fact that she’s not there right now - she and her husband took their kids to his parents’ place in Scotland, right when things were starting to get bad. I guess marrying into the aristocracy has its perks.”
Claire smiled. “Indeed. So - do you think you could drop her a note?”
The moka pot whistled, and he turned off the burner. “Absolutely. We could both still work - all we’d need is a rental car.”
“Leave that to me - it’ll give me something to do in between virtual visits.”
He poured his coffee into a mug, and leaned over to kiss her forehead. “Next week, then? Assuming Amy’s all right with it?”
She nodded enthusiastically. “Bree’s already got a car seat that we’ve never used. It’ll be such a good change of scenery for all of us. And Bree’s first trip, too!”
So six days later Jamie edged the rental car around the corner, where he met Claire at the curb. They packed in their clothes and a giant bag of Bree’s essentials and a crate of groceries to stock the house with. They buckled Bree in her seat, and put on their sunglasses, and Jamie turned on CBS-FM, and Claire and Jamie held hands all the way to Montauk.
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timeperiodshows · 4 years
Dans un autre monde - Chapter 10
  I was coming to the end of my story, how Jamie had gotten me and Faith to Craigh na Dun when the entrance door came bursting open and the sound of Faith, Brianna and Roger’s crying filled the Rectory.
 “Mama!” shouted my youngest.
 “Bree, darling, what’s the matter?”
 “Roger, lad, why are ye all crying?”
 At the grand old age of 9, Roger wasn’t known to cry for nothing, so something must have happened. Before the sweet lad could answer, the younger Mrs Graham came in, carrying her own daughter Fiona.
 “Reverend, Miss Beauchamp, I think yer lad and lassies might have some ear infection… We were having a picnic, then they started complaining about their ears…”
 “Mama, they scweamed!” sobbed Faith. “They were so loud, mama!”
 I frowned. “What was so loud? Roger, what is she talking about?”
 “The sound, auntie Claire, the sound was awful!”
 Sound? Screams?
 “Where did you say you went on your picnic?”
 “Just outside the city, Miss Beauchamp. Near this hill, Craigh na Dun.”
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