timeticking221 · 4 months
would do you guys think?
I hear everyone thinks because Americas health system you have to pay a lot and the UK you don't well let me tell you I would rather pay to get good care than be treated like shit. Let's start from the beginning I started being sick everyday for a week I thought it was just a big but then 2weeks later I was i was having really bad chest pain and couldn't stop being sick so we we re told to go to a and e we waited 11 hours to be seen we got our in a side room and said tell be back with pain meds 3 hours later still waiting my nan goes looking a for a nurse and she comes and tells us this area is closed and we abound of been put in here so the nurse moved us to a room gives a a canola and a drip on pain meds and nausea meds and sends me saying they can't do anything about being sick 2days later still the same a week later we go to an appointment with the doctor they send me up the hospital we wait again 14 hours later we see the doctor he tells us he doesn't know why were here and just to go home we then go to another doctors appointment telling them the meds sent working she sends us up th e hospital again we wait 11 hours the doctors have emergencies so they can't see us for 4 hours we get sent home again the same doctor tells us the same thing it's been 6weeks now and I'm being sent up the hospital again still as I'll as before I wait 6 hours and finally I get seen and my own room nurses tell me I'm dehydrated and that I need an if they want me to stay in overnight my blood pressure s really low they say you should of never been sent home they give me if meds and run all tests I still can't stop throwing up 2weeks into the hospital stay my blood pressure continue s to stay very low still is to this day nobody has done anything don't think they cared much they kept pushing back all my tests on sorry we forgot oh sorry not today I felt like I was intruding being there week 3 they stuck a tube down my throat the nurses came to set it up yanked it across my face an attached it to the other side of me it hurts so bad but they they kept yanking on it went we asked for pain meds it took them 3 hours was their quickest time I mean I know they have othe r patient s but that's just crazy I just wanted out of there so I pretends to kee my good down and after a few days they sent me home no help no follow up appointments nothing when we got home I doubled up on my meds that seemed to work I will be sick sometimes but it's mostly gone now I hope I never have to go to a hospital again I'm 16 and was out on a adult ward I'm not an a adult in just a kid who's now petrified of hospitals so thank you to the wonderful nh s for their help in that some of the people their were really nice like the canola lady but the rest made you feel like they didn't want you their made you feel like being sick was your choice
So what do you guys think was this right of the medical system to do it was it me just being a Karen
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