timetogetfeisty · 12 days
Sebastian and Slugcat :3
Credit to @pinkghostdancer7 as the artist!
@bubblepopdubs as Slugcat
Myself as Sebastian
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timetogetfeisty · 15 days
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pandemonium looking at me in the locker on door 33
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timetogetfeisty · 16 days
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ok and if you kissed him? then what
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timetogetfeisty · 23 days
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if this isn’t madheart then idk what is
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timetogetfeisty · 24 days
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POV you are mad rat
og image under cut
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timetogetfeisty · 25 days
Make sure you say "I wonder what they're doing right now..." about your comic relief friends every now and then so the episode can cut to their B plot
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timetogetfeisty · 25 days
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Study of a cat I once saw in Sopot, Poland.
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timetogetfeisty · 25 days
i overanalyze mrd songs/levels: mimolette (phantom moon)
bpm: 140
nightmare count: none (boss fight)
(long post)
Mimolette’s character design itself holds a lot of meaning. Their eyes are a bright orange, which is not only a nod to the color of the actual cheese but also a nice contrast to the black cat’s blue eyes, who shows up after this level. The round, circular shape could represent the wheel while again being in contrast with the sharper shapes of the fake cheese that Rat God gives him. And, of course, it’s meant to be the phony cheese moon that he sees earlier in the lab, proving that now he’s learning to get over the hallucinations with Heart.
Unlike the cheese moon, though, Mimolette is more 2D- almost like a cross-section- making the holes much more visible and prominent, like Mad Rat is starting to poke holes in Rat God’s plan, and he’s starting to see the fallacies in what she’s promising him.
The actual cheese mimolette is banned in some places due to the presence of cheese mites. I think that’s funny because Rat God faces the same issue due to her parasitic nature, so it leaked into mimolette because of that. It also comes from the French word for soft / half soft, which could represent the fact that the boss fight is bittersweet- Mad Rat and Heart have grown much closer in the previous cutscene (“I’m your heart. How can I go away?” and “Put your paws on your chest when it’s scary. Do you feel the beat? That’s where I’ll be.” get me every time), but they still have to face a boss while knowing that Rat God is probably luring Mad Rat to a cat in the meanwhile. It’s hope, but it’s also desperation.
Additionally, the singular red eye that shows up when they’re vulnerable is directly opposed to the many eyes that they had beforehand, suggesting that while they look outwardly powerful like Rat God, inside they’re just as strong or even weaker than animals like Heart and Mad Rat. I also think it’s cool that in the hallucinatory levels after this one, the sky shows an empty hole surrounded by red veins, like Mimolette filled a void that is now vacant. Rat God’s last hope to have Mad Rat eaten by a cat in this timeline has been foiled, and now that Mad Rat knows the fake moon isn’t real, he’s filled with that sense of missing out, wanting to see what the actual moon is like (thus mini moon).
Eye imagery is used a lot during the game as a whole. The nightmares have multiple eyes, the Ghost of Culvert has four, the trees in the forest segments are aspen/birch trees (known for their eye-like markings), Heart’s eyes are arguably one of if not his most prominent feature in both forms, the cheese pyramids grow eyes in the later hallucinatory segments, and Mimolette goes from having many eyes to only one. It could mean, again, that Mimolette and the other hallucinations are something that can be dealt with, even though they look infinitely more powerful.
The moon is actually a pretty important symbol in MRD- at the start of the game, Rat God says that it’s a “beautiful night for stargazing”, and all the hallucinatory levels feature a night sky filled with stars- but with no moon. The only times that the moon actually appears (as in, not mimolette) are A Strange Full Moon / Stilton (which is fake), and Mini Moon. The scarcity of the moon compared to the over abundance of stars, I feel, could represent the many superficial things that Rat God offers to Mad Rat (a beautiful night to stargaze, the ability to turn back time, cheese, and a ‘happy ending’) compared to the few candid moments that are infinitely more important to Mad Rat (saving the black cat and the girl and getting closer to Heart).
As for the actual song, it overall sounds very video game-y (does that make sense?) especially because of all of the background sound effects. I view it as a way for Heart to comfort Mad Rat, reminding him that like a video game, the hallucination is not real and there is a set end to it. The song is also the most optimistic-sounding out of all of them, despite still having a fairly high bpm (which is also the same as the black cat’s boss theme!).
Mimolette is less of Mimolette’s theme and more the song that plays while you’re battling Mimolette. If nothing else, this song is Heart’s lifeline to Mad Rat, because the beat is the only way for Mad Rat to call him. Adding onto that, the main melodies also repeat a lot, providing a sense of stability for Mad Rat, though at the cost of being repetitive. This kind of alludes to how Heart rewinds time after he’s freed to spend even more time with Mad Rat, even though rewinding time keeps both of their lives from progressing (or ending in mad rat’s case lol).
and yea that’s pretty much it. sorry this kind of went into design and general symbolism rather than the actual song but those were things that I’ve wanted to talk about for a while
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timetogetfeisty · 1 month
”mini moon is about mad rat forgiving humans” “mini moon is about mad rat coming to terms with his death” true. but also- mini moon is a confession.
there’s an old Japanese folktale about a poet who’s asked to translate “I love you” into Japanese. he responds that nobody would ever be direct, and that someone would use a more subtle comment like “the moon is beautiful”.
and mini moon is, of course, centered around the moon. mad rat asks heart if he knows a place, and heart responds by asking if he wants to see the real moon. mad rat, in turn, says yes, commenting that dying in the moonlight would be picturesque.
of course, heart never actually says that the moon is beautiful. he tells mad rat to look up at it, and him bringing mad rat to the moon is already symbolic enough (implying that he wants to see the moon with him before he dies), but he doesn’t say anything about it.
neither does mad rat. he doesn’t call it beautiful- in fact, he’s disappointed. he remarks that it was bigger in his hallucination, and that he had big expectations for the real thing. heart asserts that that’s just how things are, and mad rat agrees.
any beauty that mad rat had of the moon, then, is stored in the fact that he’s never seen it. that’s the allure, the fact that he had to climb up so far to see it, that even a hallucination of it was so majestic. this, along with the fact that this stage is called “high moon,” implies that mad rat may have only found the moon beautiful as he couldn’t reach it for the longest time- and wasn’t supposed to, really, as without heart he’d die before nightfall.
this translates to one of the possible responses to the moon comment- “it’s only beautiful because you can’t reach it”- which is seen as a light rejection.
however, he follows up his comment about the real moon not being that impressive with saying that “I’m sure dying isn’t a big deal either,” with a smile on his face. this implies that not only is he alright with dying, he’s alright with dying here, with heart, under the moon. one of the ways to respond to the moon comment in a positive way is to say “I could die happy,” which is an intense but effective way to say that you reciprocate the other’s feelings.
so essentially mad rat is saying that while heart can’t have him, he wishes that he could. both of them know that he’s going to die either way. both of them know that nothing can really be done- lest they stay in the wheel. but before that, they get to see the moon together. they get to fight the moon together. heart gets to help free mad rat from rat god’s control, and mad rat helps heart escape his cage.
and while heart never gets the chance to finish his sentence on the rooftop before rat god toxoplasma gondiis all over the place, enough has been said.
he’ll always be his heart.
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timetogetfeisty · 1 month
mad rat dead storyline is honestly crazy because a little girl getting hit by a truck is maybe like the third most emotional scene
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timetogetfeisty · 2 months
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timetogetfeisty · 2 months
dont know how to progress a fic? scene cut to yaoi, works every time until it doesnt
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timetogetfeisty · 2 months
guys guess what
chapter two of my mrd fic is out :3
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timetogetfeisty · 2 months
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mini moon edition
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timetogetfeisty · 2 months
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nobody liked her insane :(
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timetogetfeisty · 2 months
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literally what happens after mini moon
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timetogetfeisty · 2 months
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