timetopeaktrans · 1 year
Have y’all seen this video yet? Worth a watch. Proving AGP and the trans cult in one swift go.
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
Have y’all seen this video yet? Worth a watch. Proving AGP and the trans cult in one swift go.
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
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Breast ironing is the pounding and massaging of a pubescent girl’s breasts, using hard or heated objects, to try to make them stop developing or to disappear. It is typically carried out by the girl’s mother who will say she is trying to protect the girl from sexual harassment and rape, to prevent early pregnancy that would tarnish the family name, or to allow the girl to pursue education rather than be forced into early marriage. It is mostly practiced in parts of Cameroon, where boys and men may think that girls whose breasts have begun to grow are ready for sex. (Source)
My thoughts are that I just wish we didn’t live in a world where a girl has to be physically mutilated in order to feel safe from rape and harassment. 
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
Female prisoners in Scottish jails have told how transgender inmates serving sentences alongside them switched back to their male birth gender after being released.
The disclosure — in a study published in the British Journal of Criminology — has raised fresh concerns about self-identification of gender posing a risk to women’s safety as first minister Nicola Sturgeon prepares to press ahead with gender recognition legislation this year.
In England and Wales there have been a small number of incidents of violence and sexual violence involving female prisoners being attacked by trans prisoners.
The study by Dr Matthew Maycock of Dundee University’s school of education and social work turned up no such disturbing behaviour in Scotland, with only some discomfort about very limited consensual sexual activity.
One Scottish Prison Service (SPS) source said: “There have been incidents, but very minor. No one can say for certain that nothing significant has happened, but if it has none has been reported.”
However, Maycock’s report did identify fears among female inmates of predatory behaviour by some trans prisoners, with one suggesting “the transitions of transgender people might be an attempt by paedophiles or other sex offenders to access cis-women in the female prison estate”.
Another woman told of a transwoman prisoner in her work party whose views “were totally wrong. He wanted to be in this hall because he wanted to have sex with loads of lassies.”
In response to a freedom of information request, the SPS confirmed that one transgender woman housed within the women’s estate was on the sex offenders register as a result of a previous offence unrelated to the offence for which they were currently being held.
It also confirmed that no one currently in SPS custody had made the service aware that they were in possession of a gender recognition certificate confirming their acquired gender.
Another recent FoI request revealed that 12 trans prisoners convicted of violence or sexual crimes had been accommodated in Scottish women’s jails within the past 18 months. Only one had transitioned fully while the others had self-identified as female.
Maycock, who worked for the Scottish Prison Service when he undertook the research at four Scottish prisons, said several of the 15 female prisoners he interviewed spoke of transgender people who had transitioned in custody and reverted to their birth gender following release.
While some believed prisoners born male had switched for sexual opportunities, there was also a view that some had abused the system to get an easier time in jail.
Marion Calder of the campaign group For Women Scotland said the findings raised new questions about the Scottish government’s gender reforms agenda. “It has repeatedly said it will uphold the rights and protections that women currently have to single-sex spaces under the Equality Act, and yet we can see quite clearly that in practice it is busy undermining them in the most egregious way.
“It is a cruel and unusual punishment when failing to pay your TV licence can result in being forced to share a shower with a male sex offender. Single-sex prisons need to be reinstated immediately; the prison service has already shown it is capable of safely housing men, however they identify, in the male estate.”
Dr Kate Coleman, director of Keep Prisons Single Sex, said: “When you consider that very many women in prison have a history of violent and sexual abuse at the hands of men, to force them to share accommodation with prisoners who they could reasonably recognise as male is outrageous.”
While some women surveyed were respectful of the rights of trans people to identify as they felt, and positive about some of the trans prisoners they had lived beside, there was also anger that they had no opportunity to express discomfort.
One prisoner said she feared the trans prisoners she had known had conned the SPS. She said: “The last one to get out, back living as a man. The one before that got out, back living as a man.
“While he was in the hall, [he] was telling people, I’m stopping taking my medication because I can’t [become erect]. I’ve not a problem living with trans people; it’s living with people who are manipulating the system and pretending to be trans.”
Another said of another trans prisoner: “I feel like it was a bit of an act. Because she had a beard and she didn’t try. She basically had a short back and sides and . . . she just looked awful. And she didn’t try to cover up her ‘down belows’. She just didn’t try.”
The SPS is aware of Maycock’s research but has no plans to make use of it. Instead, it has undertaken its own consultation exercise into how it fits trans prisoners into its estate and expects to have a report by the summer.
On Christmas Eve, Scotland’s prison population stood at 7,435, with only 259 listed as women. A total of 15 prisoners were trans, 12 of them trans women and three trans men. It is understood that all are currently held in female units as previous experience of trans men in the male estate had caused tensions.
A senior SPS source said risk assessments are conducted before offenders born male and identifying as female are allowed into the female estate, and the validity of their claims is tested. “It is not, as some think, automatic on request,” the source said.
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
If its not safe for you to say no then your yes is meaningless
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
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Keep reading
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
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Serie of things I like, for no apparent reason:
1. Kitchens
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
obsessed with how often women describe falling in love with other women as a quieting, a moment of stillness and calm where before there was noise.
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
*me as a judge* lawyer: Your honor this woman has poisoned her abusive husband and he’s dead now. me: mam I personally apologize for the failure of our police system to protect you from abuse, here’s a salary for doing our work for us and a medal bc you did it better than us, bless and godspeed
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
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just take them and leave me alone, raoof haghighi, 2021
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
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Paintings by Aleah Chapin:
Laugh (2011)
And We Were Birds (2013)
Shanti and Heather (2012)
When Given Dragonflies (2013)
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
POSITIVITY FOR: girls who threaten to kill you in arguments, girls who get angry with such intensity they start crying, girls who scream in pillows, girls who randomly leave social events when agitated
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
Interesting how trans people will say that detransitioners were "never actually trans" but then turn around and say that anybody who says that they're trans is trans
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timetopeaktrans · 2 years
If your immediate response to being challenged to think harder on your gender identity and consider waiting for longer is to threaten suicide. Please check yourself in. I'm not kidding. That is some manipulative and dangerous behavior and you will need to be evaluated. And then THEY will talk about "dangerous rhetoric".......
“Believe/support trans kids or else they will commit suicide.”
“Respecting trans kids prevents suicide.”
I think that there’s something gravely wrong with “Believe/support/respect us or else we will kill ourselves. This is totally healthy behavior to threaten suicide if we don’t get “Respected.” or “believed.” that we are trans.”
The grooming is astronomical.
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