timetwister · 3 years
// Apologies for not being active here! I’m gonna try and pick up my activity and pray to god Tropy doesnt get caught in the check. So uh, like for a starter?
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timetwister · 3 years
The bandicoot blinks for a moment as he looks over the others reaction to what he had said. The more he looks at Tropy the more he’s noticing the slight differences in his appearance….. 
Wait if Tropy can’t remember being here…..Then this isn’t his Tropy then! The whole adventure with the rifts and Quantum masks had made him learn about the existence of multiple universes…..This was a different Tropy, possibly one who has a different timeline to him….One that probably doesn’t know how to react to such a think existing?
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  ‘ Nothing has fried my brain,you were here before…..Well another you was….The one from my Universe but it seems he was sent back home and you were pulled here instead ’
Nefarious crosses his arms, waiting for Crash to come up with some stupid, absurd idea that can be brushed off almost instantly. It’s a conversation he clearly doesn’t want to be having, and his attention more seems to be on strangers passing as opposed to his familiar enemy, perhaps that’s how he’s so easily caught off guard. It takes a moment for him to register what Crash is signing, mimicking a few gestures as though trying to understand.
“What do you mean another me, how is that even-“ he stops, lowering his hands, grasping them together. Ah, that makes a lot more sense. In all honesty he feels a bit stupid for not being the one to figure that out, although he won’t admit it. 
“Peculiar… how do you know about that? I doubt you could put that together yourself.”
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timetwister · 3 years
The bandicoot stops in his tracks at the sight of the other gritting his teeth,green eyes lightly blinking for a moment as he gently tilts his head in visible confusion. There was something off about Tropy but he couldn’t quite put his tongue on it…..
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  ‘ But……You knew I was already here,you were here too for a bit before you suddenly were sent home! ’
He signs to the other,almost fumbling over his ‘words’ as nervousness sits in. Was Tropy not that fond of him still,even after that moment in the winter? Well he should have expected that since they were in a life or death situation and Tropy hated his guts so he probably was just being okay with him because he knew Crash had the ability to fight the diamond monster….
He furrows his brow, opening his mouth several times before hesitating and staying speechless. Crash wasn’t here yesterday and neither was he. Tropy stares down at Crash, squinting slighty… something isn’t right here, there’s little details on Crash that he’s never noticed before, and he can’t decipher if it’s just because he’s never been bothered to study the bandicoot, or if something else is at play. 
“Have you gone mad? I know for a fact that I’ve never seen this city! What finally fried your brain?”
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timetwister · 3 years
@timetwister​ || Isola starter || Accepting 1 more
Another day,another ellipse it seems. The Bandicoot had gotten used to them and the dread they seem to bring with them. But today was different…..He spotted a certain someone returning to the city of Spirale
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Well he wasn’t exactly that hard to miss….Tall and Blue,no one else in the world looked like him….However Crash didn’t know if he should greet the other back,their relationship wasn’t exactly the best,but they did seem to somewhat get along during the winter time? Tropy did save him and seemingly care for his safety when facing one of those diamond monsters…..
Shrugging to himself,the Bandicoot makes his way towards the other,giving the time master a gentle wave and smile hello for now!
                                                Oh it was probably a bad idea tho……
Since the moment he woke up in this place, Tropy has been trying to claw his way out, certain he can. Of course, with a city so large, trying to piece together the key to escaping isn’t exactly easy… especially with his armour nowhere to be found. Can things get any worse? Certainly not. Or, at least that’s what he thinks until he spots an unwelcome familiarity in his life: Crash Bandicoot. He visibly grits his teeth as the other approaches, but tries to keep himself composed, at least for the moment. “Oh wonderful, the little rat is here as well. Seems all of your mindless mischief has finally gotten you into trouble.”
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timetwister · 3 years
So, because I’m back in Isola, here’s a starter call! Caps at 3, not counting castmates. 
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timetwister · 3 years
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(Icon is by @askfordoodles )
⏰ Self-proclaimed Master of Time and Space
⏰ Has an unhealthy obsession with time. 
⏰ His name is Nefarious, OF COURSE he’s evil
⏰ His best friend is an egg(?)
⏰ Yeah he’s blue. Don’t worry about it.
⏰ Here to cause problems and ruin everything. 
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timetwister · 3 years
(( I’m going to try and come back to this blog but it may take me a while. I look forward to coming back here and hopefully staying.))
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timetwister · 4 years
(( I kinda vanished from the face of the earth there, huh? Oh well. I’ll try to be active here again!))
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timetwister · 4 years
This is ironic, huh?​:
There was a bit of recoil from the bandicoot spinning the monster’s attack back,his eyes spinning round for a second before he snaps out of his daze at the sound of Tropy’s voice calling his name. He turns round lightly to give the other a quick glance, making sure he was okay before his attention was back on the diamond monster. Yeah Crash was way smaller than the Yeti but that didn’t stop the orange marsupial from squaring up with it….He’s faced larger enemy’s before! Well only one….That being Tiny of course,but still counts!
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He takes a step back lightly as the monster begins to ready it’s arm again for another attack,the bandicoot taking a deep breath for a moment as he too ready’s to attack the creature back,however he didn’t expect to feel something grab the scruff of his neck and within a second he was pulled out of the way of the Yeti’s attack with a light ‘ ack! ’,the creature missing him and hitting the ground with it’s arms with a loud *thud*
He lets go of Crash soon after, leaving the other to stand up himself. Tropy stumbles backwards, at the same time searching for something, anything to fend off the beast. “If one of us goes down that thing will hone in on whoever’s left, so don’t try anything.” Strange words coming from someone with a history of traitorism, but he knows his limits. There is no point in backstabbing if you can’t leave the situation alive, and leaving the bandicoot to be felled would only delay the monster. No, for once, he has to work together with someone he despises without a plan of betrayal. 
“You’re the hero, rat, what’s your big plan?”
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timetwister · 4 years
Nefarious watched N. Tropy pace and talk, her expression shifting between surprise and befuddlement. The spin-crazed bandicoot? That inept scientist? Why? And how? If it wasn’t the masks, then who or what brought them here?
“I… I don’t understand.” She finally admitted, a hand going to her forehead. “But we can’t be stuck here forever. Time and space belong to us!”
As if to demonstrate, she tried to conjure a chronal energyball in her hand, but the attempt failed completely. After a stunned moment, she tried again. And again. “No. No no no, what the hell?!”
He continues to pace, to ramble, trying to conjure up some sense of comfort which he can only find in understanding. “I have theories. There could be some sort of deity who is curious about unfamiliar life, or perhaps just enjoys the idea of collecting living creatures. An experiment certainly isn’t out of the question, seeing as how things are set up… and that’s assuming there’s anyone in charge at all! This could just be some pocket dimension used to bring balance to universes when things go awry. There’s so many possibilities!”
The sound of his partner panicking, struggling, brings him to a halt. He gazes over at her, with a heavy sigh, “whatever it is, it’s subdued seemingly everyone. Notable powers are seemingly few and far between.”
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timetwister · 4 years
Nefarious grasped his hand, squeezing it tightly. “We’ll get revenge on those damn bandicoots and their cursed masks.” she said solemnly. “This place can’t hold the both of us forever.”
“I wish I could tell you I have a plan.” He responds, quietly, glancing away for a moment, “I wish I could say that I have any clue where or what this place is, or that I know a way out, but every time I think I’ve finally figured something out everything goes haywire!” He slips his hands from her grasp to take a step back and pace a small area. Stepping back and forth, turning frantically to retrace his steps, he continues.
“We aren’t bloody alone either! Nevermind the hundreds of others here who’ve been dragged from their own universes, I’m not the only one here from my own! Cortex is here… Crash is here… I don’t know if the masks did this to us! Why would they take hundreds of strangers from different planets and timelines and ram them all into a city, much less get rid of their own hero? It doesn’t line up!”
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timetwister · 4 years
Nefarious blinked, mind whirling. When she’d fallen through that portal and ended up here, she’d assumed the masks had separated the two of them, casting them into different prisons. But that wasn’t the case, they’d just screwed up the temporality!
Overwhelmed with relief, she wordlessly closed the distance between herself and her counterpart, pressing their lips together. “I thought so, too. That I’d never see you again.” she said, once the moment of passion was broken.
He leans into this kiss the moment he realizes what’s going on, trying to savour the moment as best as possible. Knowing this place, they could be torn apart again by the next hour. Everything counts. One hand goes to gently grab her hand, still not entirely sure the interaction is real. 
“I’ve been stuck here for months. It’s not the type of prison I was expecting to be put into, but it’s equally as bad… although, everything isn't normally covered in this ice.”
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timetwister · 4 years
After finding herself in this place, with a plastic fork instead of her tuning fork - which she couldn’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard she tried - Nefarious resorted to wandering the diamond coated streets. She was so busy marveling at the beauty surrounding her she didn’t notice she was about to bump into someone until it was almost too late.
After stumbling back, she fixed the offender with a glare and was prepared to tell him off, only for the words to die on her lips.
“N. Tropy?!”
The moment he sees her, usage of words is off the table. Every sentence he desperately tries to speak doesn’t get any further than a mere thought, unable to utter a single syllable. This can’t be real, he’s been here for so long, he thought they had arrived together and she had gotten the short end of the stick and stumbled into the void in the centre of the city. She’s HERE! Unable to call out to his counterpart, Nefarious instead makes the move to approach her… or more accurately, get her attention. He walks in the opposite direction, intentionally letting their shoulders touch. He readies himself to take the brunt of whatever the other has to throw at him, at the same time trying to regain his voice. When she finally realizes, he’s able to speak.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been looking for you! I thought you may have… well… I thought that perhaps only one of us made it.”
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timetwister · 4 years
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timetwister · 4 years
@timetwister​ || Shine Bright starter call || Accepting 1 more
The bandicoot certainly didn’t expect the current events to unfold. One day he was enjoying the snow that covered Spirale and the next suddenly there was diamonds falling from the sky, preventing people from entering their housings but also trapping people inside! 
And that wasn’t the half of it…..It seemed there was also monsters made of diamonds appearing around the wards! Thankfully Crash hasn’t encountered any himself and stayed away from any areas that was overrun with them……Aka he was hanging out in trees again and picking up some diamond shards now and again…..Listen they reminded him of the gems back at home and he wanted to at least try and carve one out of the diamonds!
He was currently heading back to his housing, which he hopes wasn’t blocked off from diamonds, his right hand gently brushing up against a large pile of snow and diamond. He did enjoy how the texture of them mixed together felt honestly however he flinches at what sounded like a loud roar followed by something…..or someone getting hit. The orange marsupial just stood still for a moment, his ears moving slightly as he tries to identify the location of where the sound came from before soon hearing someone groan out in pain.
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Using his trusty Crash Dash ability: Crash had begun rushing his way towards she source of the sound, surprisingly not slipping on the snow at all! And in about 20 seconds he had finally reached the location. Gently skidding on his heels, the bandicoot’s breath escaped his lungs at the sight of one of the Yeti monsters towering over someone……Wait hold on the person had blue skin……
Not wasting any time,the marsupial rushes over to the Yeti, his face scrunching up with worry as he sees the monster readying another attack on the time master, however thankfully he was fast even without the use of his Crash dash and made it in-front of the monster, basically blocking it from hitting Tropy,letting out a low growl as he timed his cyclone spin just right to reflect back the Yeti’s attack and causing it to recoil back slightly.
Death wears a hideous, jeweled face, one that stares down at him with eyes of cold disdain. He had made the mistake of sizing it up, and now he pays the consequences as the beast sends him flying once again. He hits the ground and skids across it, sound resounding but pain moreso. There’s not much he can do as it begins to close the distance than writhe, and weakly shove himself from the ground only for his arms to give out. It stops, and Tropy doesn’t look, too focused on his agony to scramble any longer. He expects something...
It doesn’t come. 
“C-Crash?” He tries again to get up, slowly able to stabilize himself on shaky legs. Standing his full height makes him appear infinitesimal in the shadow of this monster, and the bandicoot appears even smaller. Any real chance to analyze the other’s actions are cut short as the yeti readies its arm yet again. He makes a move to dodge, but not before grabbing Crash by the scruff of his neck and pulling him in the same direction, out of the way of the beast’s attack. 
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timetwister · 4 years
‘ does your culture not have CUSTOMS of their own? ’ he almost questions, but it is held back behind a firm barrier chaining his curiosity. the other individual seems an old soul, an INTELLECTUAL —- lonely, perhaps, but of his own making. master of time? why, that explains his assumption, does it not? what use does someone like this have for little things? a quiet breath exhales – were they from the same world, would he CURSE the very name of the man before him? ❝indeed. i PREFER not to let down my guard, and from prior experience, this island tends to turn lives to ruin the moment one grows complacent. CHARMED, i hope, doctor. i am ganondorf.❞
Distance is kept, not out of fear but of a rare sense of respect. Allies or next to none, and the few people he knows are people he’s always hated. But this one individual, off the beaten path? May be his first step to power. He plays it slow. “Understandably so. Pleasure to meet you, your advice is extremely valuable. I haven’t been here long, and I already want out… I take it you aren’t from here either?”
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timetwister · 4 years
“I haven’t been stuck with Cortex this long since we were in the time prison... It’s different, this time. Not as bad...”
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