timewithtypav-blog · 8 years
Planning Social Media
In today’s world social media has developed two sides.  There is the professional side of social media and the funny side.  There are certain points where the two can be combined, like when vine was paying people to make funny vines.  Linkedin is one of the more professional platforms where people post resumes and are hired straight from the platform.  Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have professional sides to them but are mainly used for personal use.  I use those three for both professional and personal uses.  My personal accounts may contain some humor but for the most part I like to keep things clean.  I do enjoy the raunchy humor on these platforms but I tend to not share or post things of that nature, so my profiles stay professional if any potential employer were to look at my social media.  My twitter is mostly soccer things whether, the posts are funny or not, and my Instagram is mainly current photos of what’s happening in my life.  Now my personal accounts don’t really follow any plan in terms of what I post, but most of my posts have a similar theme.  My False 9 Apparel accounts all have a plan and theme to them to generate more customers and more traffic.  False 9 Apparel is my soccer clothing company and I keep things very professional.  Since it’s a soccer clothing company all of my posts are either soccer related or clothing related, sometimes these cross over. A plan is good for the more professional accounts that people have.  Of course personal accounts can have plans and themes but they’re aren’t as important as they are with business profiles. 
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timewithtypav-blog · 8 years
The Success of Social Media
Recently social media has started to be used for other things besides the funny posts and the unnecessary updates about their lives.  Businesses have taken over social media to their benefit by marketing on them.  The post, advertisements, they share videos, and they have the ability to promote these posts for a bigger audience.  The social media platforms are helping businesses spread their reach of ads to a larger audience with the promotion option.  Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all have the ability to promote these posts to people that don’t even follow them.  This is a massive benefit to these businesses allowing them to increase their audience.  Dunkin’ Donuts for example had great success on Facebook when the posted the “WTFast” 360 degree video that reached over seven million people.  Dunkin’ Donuts was able to have seven million people, who may or may not already eat/drink products from there, watch and talk about this video.  Lidl, an English company, had a different approach when it came to social media.  The performed an interactive price drop with their buyers. The item the customers talked about more would result in a temporary price drop for the holidays. Company’s are using the simpleness of social media as well as the vast outreach to target other potential customers. http://www.cio.com/article/3154439/marketing/10-must-see-social-media-marketing-successes.html#slide3
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