timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
OOC: gah, sorry I've been a bit inactive everyone. I'm sorta multi tasking. I will get this blog active soon once I get some other important stuff done.
but if you want to contact me in the meantime, my skype is Jake5274. again sorry for being gone!
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
Alen looked at the other man, blinking. from the looks of it that was a rocket grunt. But what was one doing here? He hoped he would not find out. "O-Oh um, sorry. I did n-not mean to bother you. I-I don;t need anything." He replied in a timid tone, taking a step back
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"…another grunt? oh…this time from Plasma…what do you want?"
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
purple potato. 
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haha just too funny
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
Give my muse an item and see how they react.
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
my mother is saying that holloween is just for kids and that 16 year olds are considered adults and should not be allowed to go out. now, im 17 going on 18, and i STILL have that holloween spirit. please reblog this to show that holloween is not just for children! adults can enjoy it too!
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
Alen winced a bit at his words, taking a deep breath and slowly stepping out, peeking around the corner as he did. "Um...sorry for intruding." The plasma grunt spoke, trying to think of what to do or say here. His tepig on the other hand, stood her ground next to Alen, ready to defend him.
The man leaned against the building, worn and tired yet wide awake. He held the egg against his body with a single arm, trying to keep it as warm as possible. Once again, he licked it, and quickly looked around. “Really gotta stop that…” He rubbed his nose against the egg. He...
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
Alen was walking down one of the kanto routes, smiling to himself. It's been awhile since he had gotten to go to kanto again. His Tepig beside him as always. But he blinked as he noticed a man with an egg and a....rather odd arm. that uniform...ah crap that's team rocket isn't it? He panicked for a moment, thinking of what to do before going behind another building and hoping he was not spotted. out of all the organizations of the pokemon world, team rocket kind of scared him a bit. 
The man leaned against the building, worn and tired yet wide awake. He held the egg against his body with a single arm, trying to keep it as warm as possible. Once again, he licked it, and quickly looked around. “Really gotta stop that…” He rubbed his nose against the egg.  He didn’t notice the stranger who had gotten closer to him.
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
Have you ever regretted joining Plasma?
Alen tilted his head a bit. That was an odd question. Though he disliked the job sometimes there are good times as well. He shook his head. "No."
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
You can ask me anything and I’ll answer honestly, but only with yes and no.
The 'yes or no' game.
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
He took a step back at this. "W-what? no! I mean sure we're seen as evil by others b-but we've done good too!" Alen protested back, swallowing. Okay, this man was rather strait forward. He'd need to tread carefully here.
timid-plasma has come to the Gym!
"Huh? Plasma? You an extension o’ Magma/Aqua or somthin’?"
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
Alen looked at the other stranger, tilting his head a bit. well....that's one way to say hi I guess He thought to himself, shaking his head. "S-sorry, I'm afraid not. Plasma is it's own organization." Alen replied, looking at the blue haired man. 
timid-plasma has come to the Gym!
"Huh? Plasma? You an extension o’ Magma/Aqua or somthin’?"
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
Got a crush on anyone?
Alen was a bit taken back by this question. "W-what? NO!" He shook his head quickly, a faint blush on his face. "I don't have a crush on anyone. I have not met anyone that I like that much to consider them for that."
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
Scare my character with one sentence
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
Alen shook his head. "N-no, we help pokemon who have abusive trainers." Alen replied, finishing the drink and nodding. Though this was not the 100% truth, lying was apart of the job. though it was not a lie either. This was kind of like taking the truth and bending it a little, 
Alen began thinking on how to answer this one. He would need to put it into light terms… “Well, we help pokemon.” He replied. That was not a lie, so he did not feel bad about that one. Hopefully that was not to vague either.
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
Alen looked at the stranger named Ash. He looked a bit...intimidating to say the least, but he tried not to let that get to him. "E-er, hello." He greeted back, the plasma grunt staring at Ash. "I'm Alen. Sorry for intruding." He apologized, swallowing a lump in his throat. 
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ignore "Aren’t I popular these days? Anyway, I see at least one familiar face in the crowd. I’m Ash for those that don’t know, nice to meet you."
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timid-plasma-blog · 11 years
Alen began thinking on how to answer this one. He would need to put it into light terms... "Well, we help pokemon." He replied. That was not a lie, so he did not feel bad about that one. Hopefully that was not to vague either.
Well, Alen guessed he could answer that one. “Well, I guess my boss just got rather curious. and rather then using a map he wanted someone to get to know the area better. I honestly do not know the exact reason, but hey. an order is an order right?” He Explained, reaching down to pet the tepig’s head again, who was eating happily. 
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