tintactoes · 7 months
"Probe the perimeters of possibility"
"From the Youtube Video: HOW TO DESTROY THE LIMITING BELIEFS OF SOCIETY | Write a New Story of Jason Silva
The global pandemic has truly awaken a lot of people especially in our generation today and with all the negative news brought by the media it led a lot of people into anxiety and/or depression. But it also brought more people to come together and came a lot stronger than the past years.
As young professionals and future leaders of this generation, we should start making little step of changes for the society we live in. We can engage with audiences in a constructive and empathetic manner, acknowledging the challenges faced by individuals and communities during difficult times. By providing resources, support, and encouragement, we can contribute to fostering a sense of solidarity and resilience among our audience members.
In the digital world today, we can use our platforms to raise awareness about the impact of the pandemic on various aspects of society, including public health, the economy, education, and mental health. "Let's promote resilience and hope" as Jason Silva said in the Video. By showcasing examples of individuals and organizations coming together to support each other and overcome adversity, we can inspire optimism and motivate collective action towards recovery and rebuilding.
Overall, media practitioners like us have the power to shape public discourse and perception during times of crisis like the global pandemic. By providing accurate information, raising awareness, holding authorities accountable, and promoting resilience and hope, they can help society navigate through the challenges and emerge stronger and more united on the other side.
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tintactoes · 8 months
What is up with Philippine Media? – The Adventure
Hey everyone, let's dive into the exciting world of Philippine media! Picture this: bustling streets, diverse cultures, and media buzzing with energy from Manila to the farthest corners of our beautiful archipelago. Today, we're going on a journey to explore the trends, challenges, and cool stuff happening in the world of Philippine media. So, buckle up, and let's get started!
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First things first, let's talk about digital platforms. Remember when we only had newspapers and TV for news? Well, those days are long gone! Now, we've got a whole bunch of online platforms right at our fingertips. Think news websites, social media, streaming services, and podcasts. These digital channels are like open doors to a world of information and entertainment, giving everyone a chance to speak up and share their stories.
But, here's the catch – with all this power comes responsibility. Yep, you guessed it! We've got to be careful about what we read and share online. Fake news and misinformation are like sneaky monsters lurking around, trying to trick us. So, let's be smart media consumers and double-check our sources before hitting that share button!
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Now, onto social media – the virtual hangout spot for all of us! Whether it's Facebook, X, or previously known as Twitter, or Instagram, these platforms are where we come together to chat, share ideas, and show off our latest selfies. Social media has given us the power to raise our voices and join important conversations. However, not everything is sunshine and rainbows. There's also cyberbullying and hate speech floating around. So, let's spread kindness and positivity online, okay? It's the least that we can do.
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Of course, we can't forget about traditional media – the OGs of the media world! Newspapers, TV stations, and radio channels might seem old-school, but they're still super important. They dig deep into stories, keeping us up-to-date on what's happening around us. Sure, they've got their challenges in this digital age, but they're still our reliable sources of news and information.
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Remember when we talked about "The Medium is the Message" by Marshall McLuhan? It was explained that "the medium" is an extension of our body, mind & senses which holds more value than the message itself. I believe that occurs today, especially in our country. Why? Nowadays, we watch vlogs or short-form videos that are not that relevant to our daily lives. We even tend to compare ourselves to others more because of this. We also recently talked about OliSUNvia's essay video which focuses on our relationship with new media that profoundly shapes our daily lives. These changes affect not only how we communicate but also the content, style, and context of our language usage. For instance, we discover new vocabularies, new perspectives, or even new household hacks we never knew we needed to know. This new media is pretty exciting, as people may say, but it's also somehow scary that it might lead to violence, pain, and depression too just like how Bo Burnham explained in his song, "Welcome to the Internet". It all comes down to the responsibility and awareness of the user.
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As a student, young professionals, and future leaders, we've got the power to shape the future of Philippine media. By supporting ethical journalism and diverse voices, we can make sure our media landscape stays relevant and inclusive. Let's be media superheroes, fighting for truth and fairness!
So, what's next for Philippine media? Well, change is inevitable! With technology evolving and society shifting our media world will keep on transforming. But hey, that's the fun part! As long as we stick together, stay curious, and demand honesty and integrity, we'll make sure Philippine media keeps shining bright.
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In conclusion, Philippine media is like a colorful tapestry, woven with stories from every corner of our amazing country. Whether it's online platforms or good old newspapers, each piece adds something special to the picture, keeping us informed and entertained. So, let's keep exploring, asking questions, and making our voices heard. Together, we can build a media landscape that reflects our values and makes the Philippines an even better place for everyone. Here's to the influence of media and the incredible adventures that lay ahead!
"Don't use it to impress people. Use it to help or impact people" - The Happiness Coach
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tintactoes · 8 months
Welcome to the Internet!
from the album 'Inside' of Bo Burnham
In this song, Burnham cleverly depicts the vast and often overwhelming landscape of the internet, highlighting its dual nature of being both a source of boundless information and a platform for various forms of distraction, misinformation, and manipulation.
The lyrics of the song capture the fast-paced and fragmented nature of online culture, touching upon a wide range of topics including social media, viral trends, online debates, and the relentless stream of content that inundates users. Burnham's use of humor and irony adds depth to his critique, revealing the absurdity and contradictions inherent in our digital interactions.
From the perspective of your generation, how much do you think your generation, in general, is aware of the hierarchical structures that control the internet?
I can attest that awareness of the hierarchical structures that control the internet varies among individuals. Generally, many of us are aware to some extent of the existence of these structures, but the depth of understanding may vary depending on factors such as education, interest, and personal experiences. Many individuals may not be fully aware of the intricacies of internet governance or the extent of corporate influence over online spaces. This lack of awareness may stem from a variety of factors, including limited access to education on digital literacy, a passive approach to online engagement, or simply a lack of interest in the technical aspects of the internet.
Regardless of the level of awareness, it is essential for my generation to recognize the significance of understanding the hierarchical structures that control the internet. These structures shape our online experiences, influence the flow of information, and have implications for issues such as privacy, freedom of expression, and digital rights.
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tintactoes · 8 months
drowning in entertainment: the age of distraction
In today's digital age, our relationship with new media profoundly shapes our daily lives, influencing how we connect, consume information, and perceive the world around us. From social media updates to online news articles, the abundance of digital content can sometimes overwhelm us, leading to stress, misinformation, and disconnection. However, by cultivating healthier consumption habits both individually and collectively, we can harness the positive aspects of new media while mitigating its negative impacts.
In the video, OliSUNvia mentioned that "changes in the form of technology literally redefine language and public culture" which made me realize that with the advent of new technologies such as the internet, social media, and smartphones, communication patterns have evolved significantly. These changes affect not only how we communicate but also the content, style, and context of our language usage. For instance, the rise of digital communication platforms has introduced new modes of expression such as emojis, acronyms, and hashtags, which have become integral parts of modern language. Moreover, social media platforms facilitate the rapid dissemination of information and the formation of online communities, influencing public discourse and cultural norms.
It was also explained in the video, "When people are represented first by their image, and not their work, it really changes how we evaluate people" - this often happens in the Philippines where politicians are now being evaluated by their looks and how they present themselves and forget about what they have done in the past. (Ops wag triggered pls) Or let's not go further, this is the same with celebrities that has to show themselves in a way where people are pleased to avoid issues or drama.
How can we have a healthier relationship with new media that we consume, individually and collectively? Fostering a healthier relationship with new media is a journey that begins with individual mindfulness and extends to collective action. By prioritizing self-awareness, critical thinking, and community support, we can navigate the digital world with greater resilience, empathy, and positivity. Together, let's embrace the transformative potential of new media while striving for a healthier and more balanced digital future.
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tintactoes · 8 months
"The medium is the message"
In the digital age, our interactions with various media play a pivotal role in shaping our behaviors, both as individuals and members of a larger community. Marshall McLuhan's famous, "The medium is the message," underscores the idea that the characteristics of a medium themselves shape how we perceive and interact with information.
I'm at 50/50 on this as a digital content creator and as a normal netizen. It is explained that "the medium" is an extension of our body, mind & senses which holds more value than the message itself. Example is that a simple daily vlog can deliver hundreds of message for each which makes people focus on different opinions, what they wear and what they eat on a daily basis; while the person who created the video just wanted to upload it for work purposes or even because they wanted to advertise something. We are often blinded by the content of a medium while it makes structural changes into our lives.
To relate this in our digital world today, there are a lot of known people in the Philippines called influencers or celebrities who creates such fuss for their "followers"; it may be another issue expressing their opinions or just hyping up another product they just recently purchase but their sole purpose is just plain work purposes. But viewers aren't conscious that they are being invited to purchase these things, affecting their point of views in life or even change their goals or dreams in life by just watching it.
Best example I can think of right now that made a lot of noise on all social media platforms, is the ₱299 engagement ring where a lot of people criticized the person who wrote their thoughts. A lot of people got affected and even changed their beliefs in so many ways when it comes to engagement or relationships.
In conclusion, as individuals and as a society, we must actively engage with media in a thoughtful and critical manner to foster a balanced and informed collective behavior.
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