tinymantis · 6 months
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what's her fucking problem lol
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tinymantis · 6 months
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tinymantis · 6 months
guys im back in the haselden archives and oh my GOD
may 29, 1929: what if you hired teams of hotboys to get votes
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jan 24, 1917: ye olde micropig/urban pig fad
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Feb 11, 1928: suck it, elon?
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tinymantis · 6 months
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FACT: you get special dialogue for pooping yourself
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tinymantis · 8 months
hermit crab mimic...... i love you hermit crab mimic..... so cool....
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tinymantis · 8 months
Day 16 making birds from blobs
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tinymantis · 8 months
Day 15. An rainbow in pastels instead of watercollors because I went to the theater and it is late.
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tinymantis · 8 months
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It's snowing here's my big long feet
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tinymantis · 8 months
Day 14. Drawing clothes from the top of my head
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tinymantis · 8 months
me holding a gun to a mushroom: tell me the name of god you fungal piece of shit
mushroom: can you feel your heart burning? can you feel the struggle within? the fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. you cannot kill me in a way that matters
me cocking the gun, tears streaming down my face: I’M NOT FUCKING SCARED OF YOU
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tinymantis · 8 months
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How to know someone loves you(r) back 💖
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tinymantis · 9 months
Real observations since I started wearing a wizard hat daily:
- Brim is so wide that I stay BONE DRY taking walks in the rain
- Brim can be positioned to block the sun from ever getting in my eyes AND keeping it off the back of my neck
- The pointed top part creates an air pocket, keeping my head from getting hot or squishing my hair as it might in a ball cap
- Hat can easily be pulled down over the tips of my ears without looking dumb, protecting them from wind chill
- Strangers say they like my hat, giving me the chance to tell them that I am a wizard
- When you’re wearing a wizard hat, ALL OTHER FASHION CHOICES become secondary, allowing you to branch out with style
Embrace ego death. Stay protected from all elements. Wear a wizard hat.
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tinymantis · 9 months
Day 13 drawing white on black.
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tinymantis · 9 months
Day 12. Yust creating an patern.
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tinymantis · 9 months
Day 10. Cheeted a little bit by looking at my page, but doing this in pen instead of pencil is an big step for me. My water bottle and my favorite snack.
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tinymantis · 9 months
Day 10. Transformative because I will be moving this year and go from student to the workfield
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tinymantis · 9 months
Day 9. This was harder than I imagined at the start. All cups are individually filled
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