tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
The much taller Rose here, I don't take any offense to your comment, weight included. Actually, I'd be very interested in meeting you face-to-face if you're comfortable with that idea.
I don't see why not. I've extended the curiosity to several other variations of myself in the past. It would likely be easier for me to come to you however, what are your coordinates?
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
Let's pretend I've reblogged some sort of ask meme. I'd just love for someone to interact with me.
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
"Aside from feeling like a far larger fool then my form would allow I suppose I'm doing reasonably well. The book was some garbage about wizards and vampires waging war on one another, there was of course a very boring love triangle shoe horned in. Yet I couldn't put it down. How have you been?"
>The head pat couldn't be returned, but the smile was returned full force. The tiny blonde was near beaming up at Jade's smiling face.
It’s lonely up at the top.
And by the top I mean I’ve somehow gotten stuck on top of someone’s bookcase. Send help.
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
>Rose was prone to worrying, so of course she was going to worry about it. However she didn't really get the chance as she was nigh instantaneously teleported onto a surprisingly comfortable couch. And there was her rescuer sitting right in front of her, her mountainous form looming far overhead.
"Hello Jade, and thank you for rescuing me. You're a very good girl."
It’s lonely up at the top.
And by the top I mean I’ve somehow gotten stuck on top of someone’s bookcase. Send help.
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
I apologise, in my defense my assumption was based on evidence. But I don't want to be stuck up here any longer, will you please forgive me and teleport me to said tiny couch?
It’s lonely up at the top.
And by the top I mean I’ve somehow gotten stuck on top of someone’s bookcase. Send help.
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
Why do I imagine you would warp me directly into your panties? Or under your foot? Or perhaps into some sort of wedgie contraption?
It’s lonely up at the top.
And by the top I mean I’ve somehow gotten stuck on top of someone’s bookcase. Send help.
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
If said dashing doggo darling is able to find me. I would be immensely grateful of course.
It’s lonely up at the top.
And by the top I mean I’ve somehow gotten stuck on top of someone’s bookcase. Send help.
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
Every so often I become so completely engrossed with a book that I'm reading that I lose all sense of time and space. Occasionally this leads to me doing things like putting salt in my coffee, or using the wrong settings on my washer/dryer. Today when I put down my book I was up here.
...The short answer is that I have no idea.
It’s lonely up at the top.
And by the top I mean I’ve somehow gotten stuck on top of someone’s bookcase. Send help.
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
It's lonely up at the top.
And by the top I mean I've somehow gotten stuck on top of someone's bookcase. Send help.
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
Being a night owl is ill advised when you're my size, partially because there are actual owls about and they tend to think anything small and scurrying is food.
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
Manhandling symbol starters
Send one for your muse to…
★ - drag my muse by the arm ⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back ✱ - take my muse by the hips to carefully move them out of their way ➜ - smack my muse upside the head ⌧ - grip my muse by the back of the neck © - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere ✂ - point sternly at a chair and tell my muse to sit down ✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed (perhaps involving illness, injury, or sleep deprivation) ☛ - press a finger to my muse’s lips to shut them up ♚ - put a hand on my muse’s knee while sitting next to them, to discourage them from standing up ♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch ♦ - grab my muse’s hair and yank ♤ - slam a door shut before my muse can leave the room ♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them ♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye ♨ - rub my muse down with a sponge/wet cloth  ☀ - pin my muse with their arms behind their back ☠ - slam my muse into a wall ☾ - wrestle/pin my muse to the ground
Add as much or as little context as you’d like!
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
【send a potion and my muse will have to drink it!】
Shrinking Potion: a potion that makes you shrink to only a couple inches tall.
Growing Potion: this potion makes you grow to gigantic proportions.
Truth Potion: a potion that compels the drinker to speak only the truth.
Love Potion: this potion makes you fall in love with the first person you see.
Sleeping Potion: a potion that puts the drinker into a deep sleep.
Paralyzing Potion: a potion that paralyzes you where you stand.
Calming Potion: a potion that soothes and calms even the most anxious person.
Happiness Potion: this potion makes even the angriest individual happy as can be.
Aging Potion: a potion that ages the drinker older and older the more they drink.
Energy Potion: a potion that invigorates even the sleepiest individuals.
Dragon’s Breath Potion: this potion gives the drinker the ability to breath fire.
Invisibility Potion: a potion that turns the drinker invisible.
Super Strength Potion: this potion gives the drinker enhanced strength.
Lazy Potion: a potion that turns the drinker lethargic and lazy for a time.
Floating Potion: this potion makes the drinker float uncontrollably for a time.
Mind Control Potion: whoever drinks this potion will obey any orders given to them.
Feral Potion: a potion that turns even the meekest of souls into enraged beasts.
Dread Potion: a potion that makes the drinker see their worst fears.
Memory Potion: this potion makes the drinker remember a long forgotten memory.
Your Own Potion: the asker makes up their own potion for your muse to drink!
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
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Doodles to remind you I love Nepeta Leijon.
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
Send me a kink and I’ll rate it:
No | Rather Not | I Dunno | I Guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh. God. You Don’t Even Know |
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
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Big Smoosh
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
Put a Pokemon in my muse’s askbox and they will either catch it or let it go; but they can only catch 6 total!
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tinytherapist-blog1 · 6 years
👥+ jade
Now this is far easier to answer. Jade is one of the few people who's perversions surpass my own, both in intensity and frequency. I've deeply enjoy it each time we've "played" together. She's also rather sweet and a good friend.
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