tiredbumblebeared · 24 days
oops! it seems i tripped and dropped several million free books, papers, and other resources
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tiredbumblebeared · 24 days
Agadez, Niger
go to this random coordinates generator and say in the tags how you would fare if you were dropped where it generates without warning. i’ll go first i’d be dropped in the middle of the fucking south atlantic ocean and perish
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tiredbumblebeared · 9 months
Aristaeus was essentially a benevolent deity; he introduced the cultivation of bees and the vine and olive and was the protector of herdsmen and hunters.
was there a god/goddess of beekeeping
Not as far as I'm aware. There are gods/goddesses who have bees associated with part of their identity or mythology (Ra/Neith/Hathor/Khnum, but no specific 'beekeeping' deity.
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tiredbumblebeared · 9 months
Hey, tiredbumblebeared! Did you ask for my video?
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PLAY VID 🍓👉 @AnnauopZTG0NTS 👈🍓
No and this is spam
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tiredbumblebeared · 10 months
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Gift from a few years ago, before I started dying energy work on it. Not sure what was fumed into the glass fur the colors.
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
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Memes shared by kids who grew up on starships I think they should have sea scout/land scout beef with kids that grew up on Starbases
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
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I don't know if this has been shared here before. I saw this on Ifunny and thought people would appreciate.
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
If you can't run efficiently, you shouldn't run at all.
we should globally ban the introduction of more powerful computer hardware for 10-20 years, not as an AI safety thing (though we could frame it as that), but to force programmers to optimize their shit better
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
I love that it's assumed the other half is human, especially when Ork is just as likely since they are known to raid and take slaves. Which they often have little qualms about procreating with.
If you were any partially human species, or any nonhuman species, what would you choose to be? (Example: you could be a lizalfos, or you could be a catman/catdude)
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
May your life in this world be a happy one,
May the sun be warm and may the skies be blue,
And may each storm that comes your way clear the air for a brighter day,
May the saints and saviour watch over you.
As you make your way through this old world of ours,
As you see the beauty of the morning dew,
As you smell the summer flowers, as you pass away the hour,
May the saints and saviour watch over you.
May your life in this world be a happy one,
May the sun be warm and may the skies be blue,
And may each storm that comes your way clear the air for a brighter day,
May the saints and savior watch over you.
As you spend your time with your friends and your family,
As you feel the warmth and love they have for you,
As you see the wars the hate that others radiate,
May the saints and saviour watch over you.
May your life in this world be a happy one,
May the sun be warm and may the skies be blue,
May each storm that comes your way clear the air for a brighter day,
May the saints and saviour watch over you.
May your life in this world be a happy one,
May the sun be warm and may the skies be blue,
And may each storm that comes your way clear the air for a brighter day,
May the saints and saviour watch over you,
May your life in this world be a happy one,
May the sun be warm and may the skies be blue,
And may each storm that comes your way clear the air for a brighter day,
May the saints and saviour watch over you.
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
⚠️TW: CSA, Incest, CSA EROTICA, ickybatz⚠️
Is a 16-year-old interacting with 18+ Blogs in multiple fandoms. They also requested CSA/Incest Erotica from ickybatz/demobatz and interacted with their works.
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They (venomsymbioteandparasite & ickybatz) also communicate through the app Wit and use it to share their ideas on said CSA/Incest Erotica.
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As I said before, this 16-Year-Old is interacting with 18+ blogs in multiple fandoms. They are interacting with SMUT.
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↓Here they are and the blogs they are following↓
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⚠️Block this child.⚠️
⚠️Do NOT harass the blogs mentioned. It is not their fault that this minor is roaming Tumblr.⚠️
⚠️Do NOT harass or bully this minor.⚠️
Thank you to @vladersira for bringing this to my attention by going through the comments of ickybatz incest fanfictions and providing me with screenshots. ❤︎
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
A random assortment of archaic/disused English words that should still be used:
brust (bristled or bristly)
coolth (coolness. We still have 'warmth' so why did this one disappear????)
ambiloquent (using ambiguous language)
downsteepy (steeply descending)
mazeful (confusing)
evulgate (to send out among the people, to publish or distribute)
toploftical (haughty)
hazardry (risk-taking)
dizzard (a fool, jester, or stupid person)
againster (someone who is habitually opposed to things or 'against' things)
loselry (behavior characteristic of a losel, which is similar to a 'loser,' except the connotation encompasses "profligate" or "scoundrel")
malengine (evil intent, fraud, deceit)
beasten (of or pertaining to beasts)
wranglesome (contentious and prone to quarreling)
dwine (to waste away)
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
Ah when it only meant happy
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Don’t get gay!
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
Why did life have to be so difficult. Why can't there be a settings menu where things like play difficulty are adjustable.
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
If only that worked
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tiredbumblebeared · 1 year
Ever fell like you screwed up in since way abs don't know what it is. I bet that comes from some jerk who doesn't care that they did.
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