tiredofthepcu-blog · 5 years
Did the PCU harass you too?
And did you report it? But it didn’t help did it? We’re upping our efforts in making Blizzard notice and take action against this issue. Bullying of this scale should not be happening. 
 While one or two people crying wolf against a large group of people is often overlooked, a large amount of people reporting the same issue is bound to get a larger reaction from the Game-masters. And hopefully that’ll be enough to put this issue higher up on the todo-list. 
 Haven’t you heard about the PCU harassing people? Then this post isn’t aimed at you. We’re reaching out to people that have or is being harassed by the PCU, in an attempt to stop it. This is not a place to send complaints or taunts. We will not be reading or responding to any comments aimed at this blog. 
 So what do we want you to do? The post below this one is a pre-written ticket. Read it through, copy it, then submit it to Blizzard as a ‘continued harassment’ ticket. Attach files retelling your own experiences with the PCU at the bottom of the ticket. Acceptable file formats are BMP, GIF, JPG, LOG, PCX, PDF, PNG, REP, SPX, TGA, TXT, SC2REPLAY and STORMREPLAY. You can attach up to 4 files, each no larger than 15MB.
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tiredofthepcu-blog · 5 years
-I didn’t personally write this ticket, but I agree with its contents and I personally have had trouble with the PCU in the past.  -My personal experiences can be found in text files attached to this ticket. -I can be contacted for further details on my experience with the PCU.
The PCU is a large community focused on roleplay led by the player Perroy and his guild officers. The community promotes a very toxic attitude and a mentality to win by any means necessary. This actively harms other players on Argent Dawn.
Continued harassment both within and outside the game through chat programs such as Discord and on the Argent Dawn forums has happened for at least 2 years now. Multiple tickets and reports have been sent by multiple people in the past, but the actions taken have not had enough impact to stop the harassment.
Harassments happens through, but is not limited to:
-Whispers in game. 
-Griefing roleplay and roleplay events either through forcefully derailing the plot, or through interruptions such as ganking, spamming toys, whispering, and/or  outnumbering and overwhelming players with text until keeping up with anything becomes near impossible.
-Forum posts being hijacked, (often spammed into obscurity, or the PCU mass reports replies until they’re taken down to prevent others from arguing against them with success. Or most commonly, attempts to start fights in the threads they disagree with through taunts and baiting.) 
-Rumours being spread both in game and outside of it, often along with screenshots to prove the targeted person ‘guilty’. These screenshots have had emotes and text edited onto them in some instances. The roleplay community keeps track of people’s reputation. People with a bad rep will be avoided and frozen out. A false rumour can shut you out from the roleplay community almost entirely.
The PCU defends its members from consequences. If one bully is called out, the rest of the PCU will jump in to defend them. People refusing to let the PCU have their way are often harassed into silence/leaving. While not all of the people in the PCU have bad intentions or are as extreme as the ones leading the community, them acting as a nameless face in the mob is enough to give the PCU more power over people.
The nickname PCU stands for Perroy’s Cinematic Universe, and was originally meant as a insult pointing at the group’s desire for everything to revolve around them while keeping them in control. The name stuck in people’s memories and the PCU themselves started using it.
For scale of how many people this involves.
List of known PCU guilds:
Rotgarde (68 members)
Hand of conquest (74 members)
Highblood myrmidons (44 members)
Painted shields (49 members)
The bloodied verdict (1 member)
Men of good faith (18 members)
Assemblage of Uld (42 members)
Dirge of Teldrassil (26 members)
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