tiredtrekie · 9 years
“Well, if you wanted to give me a couple names to talk to, or just pass my name along, I sure wouldn’t mind. I really don’t relish the idea of being out of work for very long...” Mira replied before taking a few moments to enjoy the meal she’d been given.
“Though to be honest I imagine it’ll only be a week or two max before I hear something from STL. The company has a couple Nebulon B’s it uses for escort duty, and some sort of bigger ship, I’m not sure what it is, but the owners really don’t stay in one place very long, it’s entirely possible they weren’t even on Hosnian Prime.”
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
“Well, it’s a corporate ship...” Mira trailed off in thought for a moment while she ate. “I can’t imagine, given the current circumstances, that they’d get terribly upset with me for using the ship for other things, so long as I continue to maintain it as well as I have. And given that I spent a good 6 months learning how to fix a YT-1300, before they let me even fly it once, I think I’ll be ok on that front.”
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
Reblog if you're an RPer of the Star Wars fandom
You’ll be added to the MASTERLIST.
Must be an Indie Roleplaying blog.
Multifandom is okay as well, as long as you are centered around the specific fandom.
Likes are allowed.
AUs/OCs may reblog.
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
Mira had her fork halfway up to her face with food before she registered what the woman across from her had said. She turned a shade of red, and tried to hide her embarrassment. “No I, don’t usually wait on such formalities, ya know, eating alone all the time... Sorry...”
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
“I know... I don’t always eat like crap, just most of the time...” Mira replied, rolling her eyes a bit. “Besides, I do make sure I’m staying healthy, healthy enough. This trip was a little rough on me is all.”
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
“Well... My father died when I was 3 years into med school, so about 6 years ago. My mom hadn’t worked in a decade or more, she had been a teacher before she started raising my little brother and sister. Dad worked for the government, or so we thought, and as such, we thought there’d be some sort of pension, or insurance, or something... But with his savings running out, we discovered that wasn’t the case, and that somebody had to bring in some money. So I dropped out of school, was hired by STL, and my mom got to stay at home and raise the little ones.” Mira rattled off, like it had been practiced one too many times. Unfortunately, it had been, but only because in all her years working for STL she really hadn’t told that many people, despite preparing for it...
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
Mira sighed in relief. She had inherited her mothers looks, and not-so-razor-sharp wit, but definitely not her cooking skills. “I... think I’ll have the noodles and nerf-meat sauce?” Hopefully it would be a safe choice, her body might not agree though with having been on rations for so long...
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
50 Shades of Blue! Send a colour to ask something sexual:
Aqua: Top or bottom?
Azure: What’s your biggest turn-on?
Baby Blue: Have you ever had sex with someone of the same gender?
Carolina: Have you ever had sex with someone of a different gender?
Cerulean: What’s your biggest turn-off?
Cyan: What’s your sexual orientation?
Cobalt: Rough or soft?
Cornflower: Are you a virgin?
Denim: Are you naturally submissive or dominant?
Electric: Do you prefer lingerie to regular underwear?
Indigo: Do you like phone sex?
Lapis: What’s your best fantasy?
Midnight: Are you into role-play?
Oxford: Have you ever had sex with more than one person?
Periwinkle: Do you use toys often?
Persian: Would you do public sex at all?
Powder Blue: Vanilla sex or spiced up?
Prussian: Confess a kink to me?
Royal: What’s your favourite position?
Sapphire: When was the last time you had sex?
Sky: Do you read smut/watch porn?
Teal: Where was the strangest place you ever had sex?
Tiffany: Would you/do you do sex work?
Turquoise: Have you ever taken part in group sex?
True: Do you remember your first time?
Ultramarine: Do you do/enjoy oral?
Zaffre: Make up your own question!
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
Mira took more than a few minutes to look at the menu, occasionally asking questions about things she hadn’t heard of. To say that she hadn’t really eaten anything approaching real food in a while, was an understatement. Unfortunately, most of it sounded delicious. “I don’t have to cook it myself do I?” She asked in a moment of panic.
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
Mira’s stomach seemed to agree with the idea as it made a low rumbling sound. Which bothered her, since it wasn’t like she’d been starving, yet... Ok, maybe she was hungry. It had been a day since she’d actually eaten... “Lead on my blue haired friend.”
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
Mira was about to reply to the supposed bodyguard/secretary when the door in front of her opened and she was yet again distracted, by the second person who she’d been unavoidably faced with. What was it with all the good looking people seemingly on this ship... “Uh, thanks.” She mumbled to the comment about her ship. As the door shut behind him, she couldn’t refrain from asking the question that had just come to mind. “Is everyone here this gifted with their looks?”
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
Mira looked away in embarrassment, this time she hadn’t even realized she was staring. “Sorry” She mumbled. She wasn’t ignoring the information about her Company, she’d just already come to the same conclusion, and was hoping for the best. The Company HQ was sort of a formality, but there was still a chance that for all intents and purposes, she’d be out of a job for good. “Thanks, for everything.”
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
“I uh, yeah. I eat rations a lot.” The freighter pilot replied, glancing at the screen as well, with a barely concealed sigh. “I make decent enough money, but I send everything I can to my family.”
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
“So am I going to die at a moments notice?” Mira asked perhaps a little too sardonically as she stepped out of the scanner. “Or do I have to live a long and healthy life still?”
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
“Oh...” Well, if people weren’t poking and prodding her, it wasn’t really an issue now was it. Though, she’d probably have words with whoever interpreted her results. Nice words maybe, since it was likely to be her current guardian. “Oh shit, what am I gonna tell my mother...” She muttered as she stepped through the door that was indicated.
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
Mira gulped a little nervously. “Have you ever heard the axiom ‘doctors make terrible patients’? I feel like it applies here...” She said as she never-the-less followed the, whatever-she-was, out of the lift and into the medbay.
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tiredtrekie · 9 years
“I’m sorry, it’s the doctor in me, I’m, curious. Though if we go back to your rescue, your rules, does buying you a drink count? Assuming your ship has a bar, or whenever we get back to, what did you say, Eshan?” Mira was far past considering this rescue to be anything but, so she was gonna pester the shit outta the person in front of her. She blamed the drugs.
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