My Sister's Prince (1st Version)
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Setting: Your mother and sister Mary are frantically running around the estate trying to get ready to leave for French Court with high hopes that the Dauphin will choose Mary to be his wife.
Mother: What about this one?
Mary: It's blue.
Mother: But Francis loves blue.
Mary: Which means it's been worn by all the other girls the Dauphin has considered marrying.
Mother: (impressed) Very good, Mary.
They finally notice that you're not there.
Mother: Where's Y/N?
Mary: Probably sitting up in a tree somewhere.
Mother: She has too much spirit for a girl of her station.
Mary: Why does she have to go with us? Her "spirit" will just get in the way.
What if the Dauphin decides he doesn't want to marry me because she's too much trouble.
Mother: My child. You are worried over nothing. Besides, I want her there to support you. And hopefully, while we're there, she'll also find a suitable husband. Perhaps the right man will help her settle down a little and start thinking about her future.
Mary: She'll always be wild. No man is going to change that.
Skip to you.
You're laying in a field, wearing a crown made of flowers. Enjoying the sunshine and the cool breeze.
Mary: Should have known I'd find you out here, getting fithy.
You: What do you want, Mary?
Mary: We'll be leaving soon. Mother wants you bathed and dressed.
You: I'm already bathed and dressed.
Mary: And it wouldn't kill you to act like a proper lady while we're at court either.
You stand up.
You: I live for no one therfore I live to impress no one.
Mary: Can you at least try to pretend you care about what's important to us?
You: Fine. I suppose it wouldn't hurt me to be a little more diplomatic while we're at court.
Mary: Thank you.
After a quick bath, your servants help you dress. Your mother comes in to check on you.
Mother: Much better.
You: You mean I look like a proper lady now? I still don't see why I have to go.
Mother: Because it's a huge opportunity for Mary.
You: For Mary.
Mother: You should be there to support her.
You: Can't I just support Mary from here.
Mother: Give it a chance, my love. You might even like Court.
You: I'm not holding my breath, Mother.
Mother: (sigh) Go wait in the carriage. You're Sister, and I will be there in a moment.
While on your way to Court, your mother keeps reminding you of your manners.
Mother: We are guests of King Henry's, and I expect you to behave like a respectable young lady. Y/N?....Y/N? Are you listening to me?
You: Yes, Mother.
Once you've arrived, you're welcomed by King Henry, Queen Catherine, and the Dauphin. Francis and your sister listen intently to your parents' conversation while you look off towards the nobles who are outside enjoying the warm weather.
You see a young couple holding hands, laughing, and whispering secrets to each other. The sweetness of the moment makes you smile to yourself. Francis notices and looks in the same direction, then back to find you still enchanted by the young couple.
Catherine: Henry, why don't we let our guests get settled.
Henry: Yes, of course.
Henry and Catherine walk back towards the castle. Your sister and Francis are behind them. You and your mother are following in the back. You can't help but stare at the large building in front of you, trying to gather your thoughts
Mother: Y/N Are you alright?
You: It's nothing, Mother. Nothing.
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