tish-universe · 3 years
Week 15-Final Thoughts
This class was very interesting. It was not what I wanted it to be but ended up being what I needed it to be. I think I simply took for granted products and design that was in my face as nothing. I say that because, when I look at at product, that is what I see. I do not see the history behind the font or the original creator or designer, who’s work has been changed and developed over time. I found the greatest interest in the people who work, look and play with our everyday products and find a way to make them more useful. I just think about how that type of mind has to think and how mine does not. Appreciated. 
In thinking about what I would like to see in the future I would start with cars. Cars were horses when people started to travel. Cars have had advances like touchscreen, keyless, mini, and electric and  drive-less cars. I mean it is scary to think about but when we think of the future, and what we have been presented with, what comes next is usually amazing and scary at the same time. Flying cars is what I hear is next. Probably out of my price range but definitely in my dreams. 
I also think that cellphones will advance. The makers of these products keep coming up with ways to keep us wanting to purchase them. Coming from phones, where todays kids can’t even recognize, to phones where the glass folds. The apps on the phone are just as changing and innovative as the phone. With the two combined skies the limit. I see hologram communication or something similar, next. 
One thing that I am not into as much as I was when my 21 year old was younger is video games. The last time I had to purchase games, the xbox kinect was a thing. A big thing. The camera sensed your body and was able to track your movement so you could play games. I think I know of a video game where you put goggles on and it is VR. I would like to see that evolve. Maybe to the point where you don’t need a video game to virtually interact with who you want, in any way you want. Something like that is coming.
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tish-universe · 3 years
week 14-Your Choice
I have a whole different approach when thinking about deign and/verses art. I do, now, realize that they aren’t the same thing. I really took great interest in learning about the IDEO group. i was always wondering how things and objects advanced. I always wondered how they got to that next kind of cart, phone, lid top, etc. To know there is actually a job where people get to sit around and play with things to make them greater seems pretty cool and now, so much appreciated. 
My question would be, since we got so much in to design and what that is, did we touch on what art is? 
In this class I now pay a bit closer attention to regular, everyday products and objects. I look at the label. I look at the design. I look to see how and if it has changed over time. There is just a greater respect for people who design things. 
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tish-universe · 3 years
Week 13-”Digital Aesthetics”
Digital aesthetics began to be appreciated when, in the 1990′s, people behind the creative design wanted to “appear joyfully futuristic to consumers” (Eskilson, 389)
This is done by using technology, including  computers, laptops, tablets and cellphones.  or any other electrical component of design. These digital effects are getting more and more precise, as in clear,  and detailed.  This allows even the simplest minded person to engage, interact, create and design. When I think of digital aesthetics. I think about these cellphone apps. They can have yo doing, acting and being someone else, with the touch of a button. These “joyfully futuristic apps are always changing and getting more advanced”. They are also very popular because they give people the look they want.
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tish-universe · 3 years
when I thin about interactive design I think about the use of the cellphones, the apps that we interact with, the games we play on, smart tv’s, phones, the video games we play, the virtual reality interactive games we play, the interactive games like the Wii, xbox kinect and those similar. Our text readings said that Daniel Brown, the interactive designer  git this way by playing video games and wanted to use the web to  help people “use the web as a place to convey emotion and beauty through interaction. 
I think about the new exercise equipment. You could be exercising, but now, you ca do it with a family member that is out of town, you can run up your biggest  mountain. Everything is so interactive.
What do I do want to highlight, which was said in the video, is that new media is always changing, which means how interactive design affects us is always changing, and for the better, in most cases, I might add. 
Cellphones, tv’s equipment, cars, how we listen to music, architecture and how we create all have been redesigned. 
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tish-universe · 3 years
Our text “A Graphic Design” says a citizen designer is “ a professional who attempts to address societal issues either through or in addition to his or her work” (p. 431). This means that through the work they do they feel they can make some change or create a message. They have the ability to “use their skills in collaboration with people from government industry and private life to benefit the world”, stating that they work with “ consensus and connections”. 
If we think about who and what we are as a country and world, even, If this is the ability they have then they should be active citizen designers. 
Eskilson Stephen, F, Graphic Design, A New History, 3td ed.
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tish-universe · 3 years
Week 10-Graphic design
Because I am a thinker, I remember thinking, when I started writing, was who created these letters. How do they form or become what they are. Right. And this is well before our time. I get it. But looking at the video presented to us I would never think that they is an “anatomy of type”. I was explained very well and my mouth was open with amazement the whole time. Baseline, serifs, eyes, bowls, cap heights, (just to name a few) All something I never knew.
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tish-universe · 3 years
Week 9-Industrial Design
After reading about Brooks Stevens I see why the Milwaukee Art Museum with the Brooks Stevens archives. He did take some time to go to college but returned to Milwaukee because he said it was “where the business is” and that showed be to be true for him. He started out designing labels and logos, to then, opening his own business. He has “converted military manufacturing into civilian consumer products”. He then redesigned the “jeepster”, created an auto museum, founded SID, “shaping around 3,000 products and helping over 600 clients.”
I think Milwaukee was also good for Stevens because Milwaukee was and industrial place and the benefits were good. I am sure he worked close with everyone at the top. 
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tish-universe · 3 years
Week 8-Industrial Design around Me
Industrial design is everywhere you look. I use to think I had to seek hard to find an industrial design. We know that it involves  appearance, functionality and manufacturability. 
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The stylus pen is for everyone. This object is set to help those working with touchscreen devices but at the same time you can flip it around and use it to write, which is the initial reason for having a pen.
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This ninja bullet is a newer way to blend. It can come in a smaller size for smaller portions. It comes with more power and you can make a varied amount of dishes, sauces and smoothies. 
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This wand is made to help with skin rejuvenation. You use to have to be able to go to the spa to get such a service but now red light therapy is right at our fingertips, at home. It has 5 different settings to help skin in 5 different ways. Anti aging, collagen booster, red light therapy, firming and wrinkle fighting mode. 
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This drill is the best product I could have brought. It is a power drill. It has extra pieces, drills and bits to help complete as many jobs as you can complete with room to purchase other additions to complete even more duties. this product has a battery that can be charged so you can take it to go. 
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This is my version of a really good steam iron. Irons have changed over time. Most doing the same functions now as they did in the past except this version has a steamer on it. Some people go take their clothes to the cleaners. That is not needed if you get your hands on this iron.
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These are 2 two types of headphones. One louder than the other. I one brought for school and work with a microphone and one for my listening pleasure. Both are blue tooth capable. My Boomx brands are my favorite but that is because they are more modern in design.
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This is a mascara wand. They have so many brands out but they all serve a purpose. The new brands promise to separate lashes, full them out provide an extended lash look. (without the clumping)
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Tubberware has been around and now we see how it has evolved. Todays tubberware has compartments, can be made of glass, plastic or some recycled material and can be really neat, in design. 
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Everybody uses water bottles. Now we have the ability to mix our fruit with our water by infusing it. The water bottles now we have a center piece where the fruit can sit to do its’s job. 
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My fitbit. It is my watch, my food counter, my exercise tracker. I am sure it does many more things but I do not utilize all of those. I do know it even syncs to my phone. 
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tish-universe · 3 years
WEEK 7-Architecture
When thinking about creating universal design the principles that I would consider most would be equitable use and tolerance for error. Equitable design is important because it means your design is for most people, even those with differing abilities. The design is useful and marketable for all. A good example of this would be an automatic door. It can be use by people with or without disabilities. This automatic door make it easier for people to enter and exit. This is compared to having to grab a handle to push or pull to enter or exit. 
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Tolerance for error means the designer tries to minimize the potential for accidents, injuries and  hazards, which should be at the forefront of every designers head. Looking at the same design and make of the automatic door. Lets look at it when it comes to tolerance for error. With knowing a designer would want to eliminate any harm to a consumer, what did they need to do to make sure theses doors didn’t cause harm to anyone. I have seen some of these doors pause, when they should be opening but could you imagine walking through and it closes on you. Not good!!!
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tish-universe · 3 years
Week 6-Architectural Elements in Milwaukee
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Pictured above is the Milwaukee Art Museum’s Burke Brise Soleil. Photo by Fritz Juseak/Milwaukee Art Museum.
Everybody that goes down to the Milwaukee lake can not help but notice the Milwaukee art Museum and it’s amazing design. When I first moved here it was one of the first places y step dad took me to visit. Not so much what was in the Museum but the design of the building, itself. 
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This is the Mitchell Building. “This is one of the country’s finest examples of French Second Empire architecture, a style based upon Parisian buildings designed during the reign of Napoleon. It was built in 1876 by the man who also built the Mackie Building, Alexander Mitchell.” 
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We took our youth on an art walk. We walked down by the lake and up Wisconsin Ave. On our walk we saw this piece of art. I know it sits not to far from the museum but it is simple but very cute. 
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Milwaukee Bucks arena was recently built in downtown Milwaukee. I have been in this space a couple times and I must say I like it. I was not a fan of the outside at first but it has grown on me since I’ve visited a couple times. I was thought to myself, “how did they build that round design”
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Milwaukee War Memorial Center which won the 1955 ARCHITECT Progressive Architecture Awards
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tish-universe · 3 years
Week 5-History of Design
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Russian constructivism and graphic design, 1923, according to  Illene Swizter, in the  Creative Pro stated, ”photography, typography, and imagery, combined to create montage or photomontage.  This was art with a social purpose and message that they wanted to reach to many. Design in this time was designed being  “a new illustrative method: montage of printed and photographic materials focused on a certain subject. Providing ample material of great demonstrative value and conviction, it dispenses with illustration by drawing.”
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Modern graphic design in 2020 and modern graphic design in the 1940′s is what is pictured above. In the video we watched in class we learned design, back in the1940′s wanted to be described as being less is more with images and geometric forms being a message with the design being pragmatic and intuitive. 
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When we look at billboards which are plastered pretty much everywhere you go you see they usually have a picture, some form of design, with some letters and images. Saul Bass used images as central design while herb Lubglin used photography, illustrations and letter norms for advertising posters, which is now billboards. 
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tish-universe · 3 years
Week 4-Found Object
I was going through my things and came across my shuttle pen. I used these when I was growing up in high school. I have always been a person who likes to be different and creative so when writing I would be able to switch between colors without distracting the class and interrupting what I was doing. This is very pleasing to me because the design allowed me a little bit of creativity. When we think about pens we think of the traditional fine, med and bold point pens being black, blue and maybe even red, usually with caps. This pen is not that. Today we dont see this pen as much but designs have proven to go from one new think to the next. That includes now, gel pens, pens with infrared lights, pens with regular lights and pens with a stylus on the other end, to go with the times of the cellphone. I would love to bring this design back. The only thing I would want is for the pen to write in fine, smooth print. 
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tish-universe · 3 years
Design History-Week 3
Cars: Cars have changed over the course of time. In the 1920′s cars were just getting doors. In 2021 we have saw that cars now have lambo doors, which open and expand up, we have doors that open backwards and we have cars with no doors at all. We have also come to modern times where cars are designed to drive themselves which is a step up from cruise control. 
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Television: TVs were once very box and designed to look like a piece of furniture. The TVs today are designed with certain technology, as in plasma, ultrak, etc and can come in a huge size without the weight. 
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Phone: The evolution of the telephone is thee best design. We see the candlestick phone as one of the first phones. Then by 1963 there was the rotary phone. Now we have smartphones. We already know what that is about but how it started verses how its going......
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Fonts:  Times New Roman was first created in 1931. A new variation, Times Modern, was created in 2006. Now when we look at the computer there are so many type fonts to choose from. All of which can add design to your product. 
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1920: electric refrigerator 1930: introduction of freezer 1940: every household wanted one 1950: proudful addition to the home 1960: futuristic design 1970: energy efficiency 1980: sturdy with pragmatic design 1990: French doors & stainless steel 2000: aesthetics and modern day efficiency 2021: A TV that has all of the following with a TV, water and ice dispenser, and can tell you what you are missing!!!!! Talk about design!!!
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Computers: Computer have gone from being this big bulky thing to a portable device that does the same thing. There were once many pieces to a computer. A designer found a way to have the modem, mouse and screen all be together, in a lightweight capacity so that people can travel with it, use it as a touchscreen object, flip it back and forth from tablet to computer. 
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Flowers: i picked this because I thought whomever designed it was very creative and had to be a thinker and know science. This is a real rose, dyed and put inside a glass bubble. I can not water it. I can not open it. It is what it is. We know when we get roses we have to put them in water, water them on a daily and give them sun. Well this designer said forget all of that and created this amazing design
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Coffee maker: I love my coffee and I was so glad when they created the Kreuig. Such an awesome design. Now we can make a single cup, quickly minus the mess
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Fans: Fans have went from metal, to plastic to having no blades or hearing any noise. The first was an electric fan. Circular and boxed, Now we have fans that do not look like fans, with no blades. 
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The sneaker: My favorite thing to design. I buy so many because my son was a sneaker head while in school and I have even grown to love then again in my older age because the get more and more creative. From the colors, to the air bubbles, to the height of the shoe being varied, to the different kind which is running, casual, basketball. They have leather, plastic, suede. They have straps and even pumps on them. 
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tish-universe · 3 years
Week 2-Design Thinking
In looking at what design is and isn’t is still something I am learning but find it to be oh, so interesting. When looking at the video “Deep Dive” and then looking at how the IDEO team approaches designing, makes me understand why they call it such.   Dave Kelly and his team explained their process of innovation, which they say is the same for a brush and a shuttle, if you can imagine that. The video showed a process that is taken. In the case of the cart, that means, taking into account safety and  theft, what the people who actually use the carts, as in store workers and customers, a group project happens to come up with ideas and then brought together to sort those ideas, mend them together and re-tweak. The process seems deep because it is so many steps to get to a somewhat complete project. The team puts in long hours but what I could appreciate and respect is what they describe as a “focused chaos” in a playful work environment where design is encouraged. You know this from the team explaining that workers hung bikes in the office and created their own work spaces. The dive is deep but so is the outcome. 
The best example of clarity for me in regards to design is when the team described the dental floss inventor as the inventor and the person who created the part where you pull the wax off as the designer. What also made it clear what design isn’t was made when someone from the IDEO team said the only thing that can not be redesigned is nature.
In reading Design Thinking, it states to have a process, “take a human centered approach”, “try often and early” and seek outside help. They also state that designing projects “must pass through 3 spaces, which include, inspiration, ideation and implementation”. 
The readings only lead me to still believe in the fun of design and informs me of what it takes for one to be innovative. 
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tish-universe · 3 years
Week 1-About Me
Good afternoon class. My name is Latisha Gyden. I go by the name Tish. I hope this is my final semester as I hope to graduate with spring, May with my bachelors in Community Engagement and Education. .I am currently a Program coordinator for a non-profit and basically, I plan everything fun for youth and families. This includes programs and special events. 
Then you ask why I take this course. I like art. I like design. I like being crafty. I do now now there is a difference and that is what I am willing to learn. I have always been one to draw beautiful flowers, rainbows and hearts. Bright, pretty and big. Everyone always said I was creative and a good artist. Now that I am grown I do not feel like an artist at all. There are so many talented artist that I have come across that it amazes me. 
I work with one,as a matter of fact. I support him as his supervisor with his art programs. I took this class because i want to know more about art, design and being crafty. I want to share what I learn with my coworkers so we can offer the best art experience to the people we  work with. On top of that I want to learn more about art because it is a hobby of mine and so I figure why not learn about something that could help me in my profession, fulfill a needed requirement to graduate all while doing something I enjoy. 
I get excited by bright, bold colors and anything that is made oddly, if you know what I mean. Shiny and blingy excites me. I am one who does want things that look cool (but they do have to work for what I need it too) but now that i think about it, design does play a role in making my choices. I think the latest design style I went back and forth on was picking a pair of tennis shoes. Air bubble verses no air bubble. I had to think about the sole of the shoe as well. Design is a major component, now I see. 
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