tisicurlyfry · 24 days
Honestly it would be hilarious if Clark and Bruce started dating and Clark was unaware that Bruce was batman or knew his identity.
At some point Bruce kisses him as superman after a rescue and Clark is emotionally going through it coz his boyfriend kissed another guy. Even if that guy is technically him he's still mad and jealous of himself somehow coz even superman can't compete with Superman. He's not even sure whether or not to confronted Bruce about his affair since it keeps happening.
While he's trying to figure all this out Batman,of all people, kisses him. And he does it so casually. Sure, Clark had a crush on him for a while but he's over it now and he's in a committed relationship that he thought batman knew about. Now he's extra scared of confronting Bruce because he doesn't want it to look like he's just starting a fight so he can be with batman. And he's still hoping there's a way to work through this and for them to be together. He's being haunted by his moral code to just talk about this and get it over with but he's still afraid of losing Bruce and living in the shadow of the idolized version of himself again.
*Meanwhile in the batcave*
La la la Bruce, twirling around liking a fairy princess living his best life: my boyfriend's the best and every thing is perfect. Maybe world peace is real. Is this what happiness feels like?
The bat kids have tried giving him several rabies shots and an exorcism.
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tisicurlyfry · 29 days
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tisicurlyfry · 2 months
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tisicurlyfry · 2 months
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tisicurlyfry · 2 months
Please. Help.
The girl I'm dating and I both think that we sleep on the left side of the bed. I'm coming to terms with the fact that she may be a psychopath and I don't know what's real anymore.
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tisicurlyfry · 3 months
Cat with no trust issues
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tisicurlyfry · 3 months
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apparently someone in Edinburgh has been updating the street signs for pride
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tisicurlyfry · 3 months
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The were a lot of empty snail shells at the beach today so I decided to make a snaouncil ( snail council) or a snurch (snail church) if you will
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tisicurlyfry · 3 months
Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
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tisicurlyfry · 4 months
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tisicurlyfry · 5 months
fuck it homebrew boop button. reblog this post to boop the person you reblogged from.
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tisicurlyfry · 5 months
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Its from that meme
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tisicurlyfry · 6 months
You have been in suspension for 9999999-
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tisicurlyfry · 6 months
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tisicurlyfry · 6 months
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tisicurlyfry · 7 months
Right, considering the current state of corporate politics on this site, and that it seems that only those affected seem to be actively speaking on the matter, it is up to I, the only fucking cishet on tumblr, to drag this out to a wider audience.
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We need to show these higher ups how much we truly value them.
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tisicurlyfry · 7 months
Me, plunking Stinky Bastard Man’s carrier on the counter: hi he’s here for shots and a nail trim and he’ll need to be sedated
Nurse: Are you sure? We can try-
Me: he needs to be sedated
Nurse: Well, it’ll take longer-
Me: he needs to be sedated, he will try to rip your face off
Nurse: Well we’ll try without first and we’ll let you know if we need to sedate
Me, watching her carry him away: you will need to sedate him
Nurse, coming back 10 minutes later clutching her hand: so, we will need to sedate him
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