titaniumrode · 3 years
In case anyone is having a bad night:
Here is the fudgiest brownie in a mug recipe I’ve found
Here are some fun sites
Here is a master post of Adventure Time episodes and comics
Here is a master post of movies including Disney and Studio Ghibli
Here is a master post of other master posts to TV shows and movies
*tucks you in with fuzzy blanket* *pats your head*
You’ll be okay, friend <3
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titaniumrode · 4 years
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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titaniumrode · 4 years
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the suffering never ends
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titaniumrode · 5 years
Prepare for trouble, make it double ft. @mammonasmr 🌝
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titaniumrode · 5 years
I wish to contribute to this fandom
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titaniumrode · 5 years
Future reference lmao
I am a(n):
⚪ Male
⚪ Female
🔘 Writer
Looking for
⚪ Boyfriend
⚪ Girlfriend
🔘 An incredibly specific word that I can't remember
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titaniumrode · 6 years
Lawrence x Reader thing
 Tbh this is pretty bad but I thought I should post this because, well, i never do.
It's been a while since Lawrence had locked you in the basement with him. Since you lost the others. You had always loved it when people were possessive of you, it made you feel special, but this, this was too much. You don't forget how happy he looks. He's always next to you, smiling away like this couldn't have gone any better.
    You had a crush on him before any of this had happened. Despite the current position, you were pretty sure you still did. You couldn't help but wonder if you had confessed to him before that maybe none of this would have happened. You look down at Lawrence’s sleeping face beside you and sigh, leaning your head against the wall.
    Lawrence suddenly opened his eyes and stared at you. He must of heard you sigh.
“What’s wrong?” he asked worriedly
“It’s nothing. You don’t need to worry.”
Your heart pounded. Was it out of love or fear? You couldn't tell. Lawrence, you really went sicko mode this time, didn’t you? Lawrence was still staring at you.
“Are you really though?” his eyes seemed to pierce through your soul.
You never felt comfortable with eye contact, especially when it was this intense.
Lawrence looked a little peeved that you wouldn’t tell him what’s wrong, when something clearly was, but luckily he decided to drop it.
“MC...you know, Valentine's Day is tomorrow. Isn't it exciting? It's our first one together out of many! We should make it special!”
Lawrence was smiling away as he spoke. He seemed like he couldn't have been happier on how things turned out. Lawrence let out a giggle. He buried his face a little bit into your thigh.
“Just talking about it makes me want to hug you and-” Lawrence paused
He started to make a face. So many emotions flashed through his face when his eyes finally settled on you, a calm yet determined look on his face. Slowly he sat up, you felt the weight from his head leave your legs. His face was lined up with yours. Your heart was pounding.  Is he about to do what I think he is?  You were about to jerk your head back when suddenly both of his arms wrapped around your back and pulled you into him. Your lips were on his. He just forcibly took my first kiss. Disgusting. But why, is my heart throbbing?
His hand eventually grabbed your hair lightly and pulled you back from the kiss. You gasped for air.  After you gathered yourself back together you looked at Lawrence, horrified. He was looking at you with pure affection in his eyes and he cuddled up to you. His head rested on your chest. His arms were still wrapped around you, keeping you locked in place.
    You were completely still, feeling hopeless. With your feelings still twisting into a mess, you couldn't find it in yourself to sleep.
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titaniumrode · 6 years
Zion x reader fluff
You and Zion have been dating for a month now. Surprisingly though, you guys have barely held hands. Every time you went to approach him and made a few advances, he seemed to completely ignore to it. What was the problem? Was he uncomfortable with being touched by you? No, that couldn’t be it. Back when Scarlett was still….alive, they used to be all up close and personal. So why wouldn’t he be with you? You’re his girlfriend and she wasn’t! You sigh, you must be overreacting, maybe he just didn’t notice?
You’re going to go insane if you don’t find out though. You sigh yet again. Deciding you need to go to Zion's room and ask him, you gathered up your courage and walked out the door of your classroom.
On your way to Zion’s classroom, you encounter a certain someone in the hall. Noticing you, they call out.
“MC! Hey!”, Lawrence said with a smile
“Oh, hey Lawrence" you said, feeling a bit restless, honestly you just wanted to see Zion.
“Where are you heading too?”
“I’m just heading to Zion’s room. You know, so we can chill for a bit.” You were a bit embarrassed to say that, but what else was there to say but the truth?
Lawrence seemed a bit uncomfortable. He looked to the side and started fiddling with his glasses. “Oh um, that’s nice."
Was it just you or did he feel a bit cold? You decided to ignore it. You’re sure it’s not your business anyways. Well, you felt a bit awkward just standing here so you quickly said goodbye and continued your way to Zion’s room.
“Bye…” Lawrence said softly as you walked away.
You finally reached Zion’s room. For such a short distance, you feel like it took such a long time. Maybe it’s because of Lawrence? Maybe it’s because you’re in love…? Feeling warm inside at that thought, you knocked on his door.
“Who is it!?” Zion yelled through the door.
“It’s me! If your gonna be so rude then I’ll just leave, ya know.” You say, knowing full well Zion isn't going to let you go now.
Quickly, the door opened and Zion stood at the door. “Don’t give me that attitude, MC.” He said with a smirk and a cocky look covering his face. Asshole.
“You're just mad because your dumbass doesn’t know how to open a door.” You teased
And with that, you walked passed Zion and sat on one of the desks that had been pushed to the wall. Rolling his eyes at you, Zion closed the door.
“So, whatcha want?” Zion asked
“Nothing much, I just wanted to see you.”
“Oh" Zion blushed a bit, though he turned his head to hide it
You giggled and you could feel yourself blush as well. But then you remembered again just exactly why you came here.
“Well actually, I do have something to ask you…” you said nervously
Oh gosh, your heart was pounding with anxiety.
“Oh? What is it?” Zion curiously asked
“Well I- I feel like we never do much more than talk. Its not like I’m not okay with talking but…” you trailed off.
All you really wanted was to be able to hug and cuddle him, to kiss him, to be able to love him. You sigh. Curious of how Zion was handling this, you look up at him. He looked embarrassed and surprised.
“Wait, wha- You serious?” Zion asked, disbelief coloring his voice.
You couldn’t help but laugh. He sound so shocked. How do you not realize that you never have physical contact with your girlfriend? The more you thought about it the more pissed you became. HOW THE HELL DO YOU NOT REALIZE THAT YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND NEVER EVEN BRUSH HANDS, LIKE HOW DUMB- Deep breaths Mc, deep breaths. You noticed that he looked even more confused now; probably do to your mood swings, seeing you laugh and then flat out seem disgusted and livid. It was completely silent while you calmed yourself down. You sighed. That’s when suddenly Zion spoke.
“Wanna cuddle with me tonight?” he offered, a blush coating his cheeks.
“wha-What?” you stuttered out.
He was asking you? Finally? Did he really not realize?
“Come on MC do you want to or not?” he said crossing his arms and closing his eyes
“Yeah, of course I want to!” you said practically jumping on him.
Zion gave you the usual cocky smile as he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the table he usually slept on. He let go of your hand, walked around the table and sat down on the opposite side from you. He swiftly maneuvered himself and pulled you onto the table, so that you were laying on your side, in his arms. Ah, he was so warm. You felt Zion’s soft breaths on your ear. Giggling a bit and snuggling closer into him, hours sped by, while you and him cuddled the night away.
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titaniumrode · 6 years
Lawrence x Reader thing
It's been days since Judy disappeared. Every moment you spend in the classroom you used to share with her feels like torture. What went wrong? You finally met someone you used to know, you finally had a friend. And what? She just.....vanished? It was hard for you to accept. Everything was getting to be too much. Scarlett was always yelling at you, believing that you were guilty.
It's too much. You feel so empty. You're alone again, in that classroom you used to share. Sitting in that classroom you can feel the loneliness crushing you. It feels like you are going to go insane. You sigh. Then, all of a sudden you remember what Lawrence had said to you, right after Judy went missing. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be here."
You spent a while contemplating, but eventually made up your mind. You were going to go to Lawrence's room. You didn't want to be alone anymore. Slowly, so no noise could be heard, you slid open your door and crept out into the hallway. While on the short walk to Lawrence's classroom you thought about how abandoned everything looked. To some degree it looked like how a normal school would at this time of day. It makes you remember the time when you and a friend snuck into your old school. You both walked around the hallways, made jokes, broke into people's lockers. The thought made you giggle a bit. Until you once again were hit with the sad truth, nothings normal anymore, it's all ruined. You wonder about what ever happened to them. Were they okay? You prayed that they were.
You approached Lawrence's room. The sight of it washed away all the horrible thoughts you had. You took a deep breath and lightly knocked on the door. As quietly as you could( with him actually having to hear it inside his room) you whispered, "Lawrence?"
After a few moments you heard stirring inside the room. The door soon opened. Before you was Lawrence, his hair messy (messier than usual at least) and his glasses a bit crooked. You had never seen him so disheveled. You giggled a bit. Noticing your laughter, Lawrence straightened his glasses and gave you a kind smile. "Mc...What brings me the pleasure of you coming here?"
Oh jeez, that damned smile. You could feel your heart racing already. Fumbling over your words a bit , but somehow managing to form a sentence you say, “Uhhh, well remember that time you said you'd always be there for me to speak with?”
Lawrence seemed a bit confused but nodded, “Yeah?”
“Well… I really don’t want to be alone right now and I think that I need someone to talk to. I’m sorry if I woke you, you really don’t have to say yes.”
You'd be lying if you said you weren’t nervous right now. You had said he didn’t have to say yes, but let’s face it. How were you going to survive if he says no? Your anxiety was going through the roof now . Calm down, calm down. It’s going to be okay . You looked at Lawrence's face, surprised to see that he looked thrilled. Happiness coloring his voice he responded with, “It's fine, I'd love to chat with you. It’s my duty as the leader after all. “
You let out a sigh of relief. See? It's fine. Nothing to get worked up over. Lawrence stepped aside so you could enter the room. Walking through the doorway you saw that his classroom wasn’t that different from your own. There was a table in the center of the room that had a blanket laid on it and all the desks were pushed to the back of the room. After thinking about it for a bit you decided to walk over to the table and sit on it. You could feel warmth coming from it, so you assumed that Lawrence was laying there before you came along. You could feel Lawrence's eyes on you. You looked up to meet his eyes and motioned him to sit with you. Soon enough, Lawrence was sitting on the table with you.
“So, do you have anything in particular you need to talk about?” Lawrence asked, his voice soft and calming.
“Hmmmm, Why don’t we ask each other questions? So we can get to know each other a bit better. I feel like we never get any opportunities to talk.” You gave a small smile.
Lawrence smiled a bit more in response. “Yeah sounds good. Do you wanna go first?”
“Sure. How about- What do you wanna do when you get older? Whenever the world is back to normal?”
Lawrence let out a small laugh, “I want to be baker!”
“Woah! That’s super cool! Hehe, I love sweets so I'm sure I’d like anything you make.”
It was true. You absolutely loved treats. Your mom used to make pastries when you were younger. They were always yummy and it made you happy that you got to spend time with her. The thought of your mom brought your mood soaring but then quickly it fell. Was your mom even okay? You had promised that you would eat with her the day this had all started. The day the apocalypse started. Suddenly it was too much, you could feel the tears start to fall down your cheeks.
Lawrence looked shocked and concerned as he asked you what was wrong. You couldn’t find it in yourself to even reply. You just kept sobbing. Suddenly your vision went dark and you felt a warmth around you. It took you a second to realize that Lawrence had pulled you into his arms. Even though you’d usually been embarrassed, you were honestly lacking the warmth of another person. When’s the last time you’ve been hugged? You started settling yourself into Lawrence's warm embrace. Lawrence soothingly started to run your hair through his fingers. You could slowly feel yourself start to calm down, and eventually you feel asleep that way. Quietly, Lawrence whispered to you, “I love you.”
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