“we live in an uncaring universe” yeah dude and I live in an uncaring house. and I shit in an uncaring toilet. but do you touch an uncaring lover? do you comfort an uncaring child? do you guide to sleep each night a cold and uncaring self?
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This isn’t real FYI.
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Elon’s being weird again. Threatening everyone on twitter for calling his weird friends weird.
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titletobedetermined · 10 days
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(video tweet: https://twitter.com/Etherelle/status/1484410925490708481?s=20)
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the work of etherelle: https://t.co/dPhLw3xuRx (carrd)
happy belated st sebastian day. no idea how to tag this.
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titletobedetermined · 11 days
Serious answer: it’s a bonding activity for me and my partner. We’re laughing together, trying to make each other laugh by heckling the screen, and occasionally having big feelings together. It’s something we both think is worth making time for.
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titletobedetermined · 12 days
Non-jews of tumblr:
If possible, please write your answers in the tags!
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titletobedetermined · 12 days
From the River to the Sea
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titletobedetermined · 12 days
>Join a union
>Hear people constantly complaining that the current union leadership is super corrupt, it's all just the same ten guys making all the decisions in secret and nobody else in the union ever gets to know what's going on
>Go to the monthly union meetings that are completely open to all 1200 union members
>The only attendees are the same ten guys every month, giving detailed reports about everything that's going on
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titletobedetermined · 12 days
This is an interesting problem because people doing AI research often should include ChatGPT and other LLM responses, but also why include a citation if the citation can’t be checked?
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titletobedetermined · 12 days
xkcd is wild cause there are plenty of comics that are like, sensible chuckle-level geeky jokes, every now and then you read one that permanently alters the way you think about something.
Like the reason you see so many ‘relevant xkcd’ type comments is that they embed themselves so deep that you can’t think about a subject without thinking of one specific comic about it.
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titletobedetermined · 13 days
This version of the progress flag legitimately looks so nice
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Gilbert baker rainbow, huge intersex circle, the design is cluttered but in a good way 10/10
[ID: A version of the progress pride flag with a large purple intersex ring outlined in gold, looping through pink, blue, brown, and black chevrons on the side, which have a base of white. The horizontal stripes are: pink, red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, and purple. End ID.]
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titletobedetermined · 13 days
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titletobedetermined · 17 days
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titletobedetermined · 17 days
There is a minor character in the final Codex Alera book who fits this description. The main character and his girlfriend initially think he’s just super nervous about meeting them but once he threatens to kill them they realize he’s not scared at all and they instantly desire him carnally.
I was about to ask if there are any characters that speak with a stutter, not out of nervousness but just because they have a stutter (cause that's how real life works), but then I remembered Toothless from the How to Train Your Dragon Books, who is... definitely an example of what I was thinking of. I still want to know if there are any human examples though
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titletobedetermined · 17 days
The three core rulebooks are called the Player’s Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual.
It is a game where players control colorful and unique characters, go into dungeons, and fight monsters.
Perhaps you've talked about this before, but what do you view as D&D's "comfort zone" as far as the rules expectations are concerned? If I'm playing a 5e game with my friends, what kinds of stories are generally going to be most enjoyable to run with the ruleset as it exists already?
Broadly speaking, D&D's narrative comfort zone revolves around stories about small groups of highly skilled weirdos whose core competences lie somewhere in the vicinity of "hurting people and breaking things", trying to achieve a goal that can be accomplished by travelling from point A to point B (and hurting or breaking whatever they find when they get there). This journey will take the form of a picaresque series of set-piece encounters, characterised by the ever-present threat, if not necessarily the eventuation, of violence, in which various only-semi-avoidable horrible things will happen to the group – potentially up to and including death – and they will do horrible things to others in turn. Though the framing of this series of set-pieces may involve some sort of mystery or intrigue, the rules don't care about that dimension of the story's premise and offer few tools for engaging with it; rather, the spotlight lies on the logistical dimension of the journey – i.e., how the group marshals the limited resources available to them in order to accomplish the getting-from-point-A-to-point-B part.
(Some folks reading this may be thinking "wait, you just described a completely standard RPG", and given the influence of D&D on the evolution of that standard, you're not wrong; however, if that was your reaction, it may be worthwhile to back up and count how many weirdly specific assumptions about the shape of the game's story I just outlined – there may be a few you didn't realise you were making!)
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titletobedetermined · 18 days
Why do we segregate sports by sex?
Disclaimer: this video was intended as a fun look at the inconsistent logic of gender segregation in sports, but as a short-form video, it naturally does not go into much nuance. One thing I want to make clear is that I do believe we should be making sports more inclusive to trans and intersex athletes, and it seems to me that a great starting point would be to stop gender segregating sports that really don’t need it. Like archery!
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titletobedetermined · 24 days
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titletobedetermined · 28 days
I think it should be illegal to show me an advertisement ever, under any circumstances
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