tits-and-curls · 6 years
I accidentally posted this on the wrong blog but I didn’t feel like retyping
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tits-and-curls · 7 years
I wonder
If people can remember the time their heart was first broken?
I don’t mean it in a cheesy way, I mean if they remember when they just couldn’t be 100% happy anymore because they lost the bliss of being a child.
I wonder because I don’t remember. I must have been very young when my heart first shattered. I just feel so empty and sad all the time, no matter what I do. I distract myself with animals and video games, but I feel as though I have no purpose.
I keep dweling in the past, and I know it’s not healthy, but I can’t help it. I feel like I have nothing now, even though my life is better than it has been in a long time. Maybe I should get some medication for my depression.
I feel like I’m mourning. I’m mourning lost friends, being in college, my parents, etc. I’ve been trying to live in the moment but it’s so hard for me.
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tits-and-curls · 7 years
I can decide if it’s better to just apologize and fix things or just to break it off
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tits-and-curls · 7 years
Pros of T
listens to me
I feel like I can tell him anything
nice eyes
we oddly have a lot in common
makes me feel needed
I always love talking to him
first love
wanted him to get to know me
Cons of T
inconsistant communication
doesn’t know how to fucking spell or use grammar
will stop talking to me whenever his current gf comes back in his life
shitty father
tries to act cool
drug addict
takes forever to respond back
lives far away
flirty with others
drug dealer
drove me crazy
we fought a lot
caused a lot of problems between my parents and i
hurt me
Pros of P
Was there for me in the past
I liked kissing him
good hugger/cuddler
has that “damaged boy” charm
used to be hot… (see cons)
has a secret crush on my that boosted my self esteem
tried at one point to save our friendship
first serious crush
Cons of P
Ditched me for a crazy ass finance and didn’t even take my side when she was acting like a cunt
gave up on our friendship
Gave up on all our friendships
has a crazy cunt fiance
emotionally abused maria
used to tell me weird shit in middle school about how he could see the future and ghosts and shit
daddy issues
never happy
always has some kind of problem
socially awkward
mean to others
only liked me when i was with someone else or didn’t like him
is fat and ugly now
hurt me
ignored me… I think
Pros of M
educated on social justice issues
doesn’t pretend to be nice… for the most part
tall, good hugger
amazing at sex
was there for me at times like no one else has ever been
i wanted him to get to know me
always called me beautiful and popular and made me feel special
we had a nice connection
cool cat
isn’t afraid to take charge in a situation, assertive
poems, good writer
made me feel needed
i was always really excited to talk to him
liked animals
Cons of M
VERY insecure
pretended to be different things around different people
pretended to be more sexually active than he was
threw up on me
tons of emotional truama
projected emotional trauma onto others
shits on everything
doesn’t shower sometimes and smells gross
was interested in me at first but then started acting like i bored him
cares about actives more than people
obsessed with shit
ruined harry potter
puts people down because he isn’t satisfied with himself
probably wanted to use me when he thought i was a huge party girl and most likely wanted access to drugs
ignored me and treated me like shit when he was mad at me
unfriended me multiple times
tried to make me jealous
lied about not wanting sex and then had sex
made me feel like i had to meet his expectations and put me on a pedistol
hurt me
fight with me a lot
had to always be right
wasn’t there for me at later times
liked to fight with me a lot while i was sad
made me have a lot of bad days
would accidentally blow me off
gets caught up with dumb shit
was a douche bag about traveling
pretended to care about under privileged populations but was low-key privilege as fuck
low-key jealous as fuck
wasn’t good enough for me
manipulative as hell
never took my concerns seriously
ditched me sometimes
does stupid forgetful shit like forgetting to put gas in his car and locking himself out
i hated his friends
he probably didn’t like my friends either
did that thing where he would wipe his ass with baby wipes and let them sit in his garbage can in the bathroom so his bathroom smelled like shit
has A LOT of cons
know it all
Pros of S
I for some reason find her cute
big tits
has that shy-cute vibe
likes to be choked
cute legs
lovely hair
good listener
likes cuddles
low maintenance to be around
cute laugh
was an excellent friend before we became roommates
easily accessable
made me feel special
cooks food
always there for her friends…well used to be
good kisser
steven universe and video games
easy to talk to about concerning heavy subjects
horny freak when she’s drunk
Cons of S
always has to have a problem with someone
sucks at sex
has gross smokers breath… but i kinda liked it sometimes i guess
controlling and needs to be in charge
ditched me for sam multiple times and often when i needed her
talked about people behind their backs
told me she didn’t want me in her life any more
made me feel like a back up friend multiple times
can’t handle anger without exploding on you
made problems between me and tyler
hard to talk to sometimes… she made me nervous and anxious and i was always afraid of upsetting her
made me miserable in my own living space
shitty co-parent
complains all the fucking time
has trouble developing friendships and not turning them into romantic friendships.
rude sometimes
Things to work on after this relationships:
be more assertive about my boundaries
talk about things that might be upsetting to me without coming off as angry
just stop hiding my hurt and pain behind anger
don’t be so passive aggressive
don’t make people jealous because I’m insecure
don’t fixate on just the positives when there are a lot of negatives
Don’t ignore who a person is because you want them to be something else
leave a relationship alone if its hurting you this much
don’t make mountains out of molehills
actually go and talk to a person
don’t let things fester
be more considerate of others feelings
trust more
don’t just shut people out… talk to them even though its hard
don’t pretend to be something you’re not
don’t try and make yourself more like a person… see above point
dont be so needy. accept that people have other commitments and friends
you don’t always have to be number one all the time
don’t expect them to be okay with your relationship with tyler just because you’re poly
don’t send novel texts
don’t say things just to hurt someone even though they might be true
be kinder
don’t be so self-centered and egotistic
if you’re going to shut someone out, keep them shut out. don’t keep trying to have them back in your life just because you don’t know how to let go
be kinder.. to yourself
you can’t fix everyone. its not your job and you can’t do it.
stop having fantasies about these people that are unhealthy and perpetuating your longing for them
you don’t have to hate someone you once loved
its okay to be sad over these people and its okay to miss them
you’re not pathetic
if someone is constantly making you more depressed, maybe its time to reconsider that relationship
there are other ways to feel love without feeling like you need to feel pain
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tits-and-curls · 7 years
Sasha’s 4am adventures.
I didn’t get enough sleep last night. I’ve been waking up around 4 am for no reason every night and it’s annoying. I’m supposed to be getting up around 6, so I’m missing out on two hours of sleep. 😒
It was kinda cool because Sasha was running around the room this morning. She’s a fearful cat, so it’s rare I see her come out of her little haven I made in my closet for her. I was happy she’s comfortable moving out of the closet while Tinker, my dog, was watching her. Maybe she’s not afraid because we were all asleep, but gosh was she cute.
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tits-and-curls · 7 years
My job is either unbearably boring or insanely irritating.
I want to go home.
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tits-and-curls · 7 years
Left in 2017?
How surreal that it is 2018. I’m not sure why, but I never really pictured my life after 2017. I don’t have any idea what this year holds, and I have no expectations for this year either.
It’s odd, isn’t it? Humans celebrate the new year like it’s a whole new life. Like we’re different people in 2018 than we were in 2017. But to the earth it’s just another rotation on her axis.
I suppose I am different now than I was a year ago. I was looking at old pictures from last year yesterday, and I was reminiscing on how quickly a life changes in 365 days. I miss a few people and my parents. I’m having a hard time letting them go. Which is ironic because most of them I pushed out of my life.
Oh well. I guess they’re #leftin2017
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tits-and-curls · 7 years
Cooking shows.
While at work, I watch a lot of these. They’re my only solace of being awake when my patients asleep, besides animal shows.
So many people in my family are excellent cooks. Grammy was phenomenal. Best cook ever. Dad, Robbie, Patina... so many blessed with this ability.
I have a hard time getting motivated to try new things by myself. I have no problem being peer pressured, but I’m not a thrill seeker honestly. No one taught me how to cook. I watched though. I felt like it was one of those skills that set you apart as a good adult. I had no idea how my brother was able to get into it so effortlessly. I asked my dad many times if I could help him and he either said no or made me cut veggies- which sucked. I did help Robbie a few times, but he was such a control freak he didn’t let me do much. I guess he takes after his mom.
So when I finally got out on my own and I was no longer supported by my college meal plan, I got straight to cooking. And I really enjoy it. I still have a lot to learn though.
I don’t know why cooking shows are so... fake. They’re so talented at cooking, why do they have to pretend to be happy and stage so many family and friend meals?
Does anyone else notice this?
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tits-and-curls · 7 years
I was inspired by someone to make a blog so that I can just post all my random thoughts. It wasn’t even someone who I find very inspirational, I just admired the way she put herself out there. I found it by creeping on her twitter while I was bored at work.
However, I don’t plan on posting this on twitter. I’d like to keep this private for me and for whoever else would look.
I chose to keep the old username I used in my old blog name. “Tits and curls”. I changed it because I constantly got followed by porn blogs. I did like it though. It sounds provocative, but if you knew me in person it would make sense.
I don’t have an intended audience here. I’d really like to have no audience. It’s hard keeping the judgement from my own head at bay, yet alone the judgement of others. I want a space to share all my thoughts. I think it would help if they took a trip outside of my head and onto this blog.
Idk how often I’ll post here. Maybe once a month? Once a year? Who knows. I’m not going to set a goal. I’m terrible with goals. If I make myself do something, I hate it and never do it. I’m just going to post here when I need to.
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