tittyana-samantha · 4 years
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✨ Room Goals ✨
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
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Connecting with your Inner Child 👣
Artwork by @CraftingWitch on Instagram! 🎨📷
This is a very turbulent time for us all!
Don’t forget to check in on your inner child, or your inner voice. Let your intuition guide & prosper!
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
Low energy cleaning + cleansing
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I make a lot of posts for bedridden witches, but many of us aren’t bedridden all of the time or have varying energy levels. This post contains a range of ideas and suggestions for keeping your home both clean and cleansed with low or unpredictable energy. While I do refer to energy levels, it is also applicable to pain levels. 
Setting yourself up for success:
Quick note: these are things I do, you may not find the same things to be overwhelming or necessary, as discussed later in the post! 
Multiple waste baskets. I keep two under my bed, for garbage and recycling. This makes it easier to throw things away when done with them, rather than letting them become an overwhelming pile.
A box or tray for used dishes, cups and water bottles. This keeps the piles from feeling overwhelming, and makes them easier to move to the kitchen when that’s do-able. 
Extra blanket to protect the bedding.  It’s easier for to move/wash one blanket when food spills, rather than wrangling with a comforter. 
Fitted vs. flat sheets. Fitted sheets are exhausting to remove/put on. Flat sheets can be easier! (Also, I recommend having two sets of sheets, so you can switch them out right away and have clean bedding whether or not you have the energy to do laundry.)
Clean and dirty laundry hampers. A way to avoid piles and stay organized without needing to fold laundry or put it on hangers. Simply have a hamper for each (or lots of baskets if you want it more organized).
Cleaning supplies in each room/area. That way, when the motivation to clean arises, you don’t need to spend that energy walking across the house to get the supplies.
Bedridden witch: The setup
Focus on the main areas:
My bedroom is my number one focus, as this is the room I spend the most time in. The others are my bathroom, living room and kitchen. There’s no point in having a spotless spare room if you’re overwhelmed by the rest of the house. Prioritize the places you spend your time in.
Do what you can, when you can:
The excellent thing about having a good setup is it means when you do have more energy, you don’t need to do as much to catch up (which often involves paying for it later by overdoing it). You know your limits, do what you can. 
Have no energy? Do your best to do the things I listed above. With this setup its okay if you can’t do it right away, when you feel able to, its there. Maybe today you can get the tissues in the waste basket and tomorrow you put the dishes in the box.  
Have a bit of energy? Empty your waste baskets, bring the dishes to the kitchen, move your dirty laundry into the washroom, etc. One step closer to helping your future self.
Have a lot of energy? Now is an excellent time to do some dishes or get some laundry started. Hopefully this is now manageable because of the steps your past self took. 
Along these lines, you don’t have to do everything at once. Because I have cleaning supplies in each area, I can clean whenever I feel like it. 
Perhaps I feel really motivated to scrub the toilet. That doesn’t mean that I also have to wipe down the counter and the tub, shake out the mats and sweep the floor. Each of those things can be separate. Cleaning something partially is better than not cleaning at all (or overdoing it) in my opinion.
Take breaks! It’s okay if things take you longer than that rude inner voice says it should, or if you need to take multiple breaks. 
Create a routine:
Here’s a glimpse at my daily routine (which is the ideal; when my health doesn’t allow for all of these, I do what I can):
Bedroom: Open the curtains and the window to let light and fresh air in. This also lets my bedding air out. After a few minutes I do a quick sweep of the floor and make my bed (which I can do while sitting on it).
Bathroom: Every few days I’ll sweep it and empty the trash + laundry hamper.
Kitchen: Sweep the floors each morning. Empty the dishwasher or load any new dirty dishes into it. Also feed the cats and check their water.
Living room: Whenever I get up to go to the kitchen, I bring any dishes or garbage. Each evening I tidy up and put things back.
I almost seem obsessive over cleanliness because I constantly do little things. Done using the kitchen counter? Wipe it down. Dirty plate? Rinse it and load in the dishwasher. My energy is very unpredictable so I do little things whenever I can so that when I crash, everything is taken care of.
Sometimes the ideal and the practical aren’t compatible. 
What MUST happen? For example, my cats come first. They have no control over their food, water or litter boxes. I ensure all of their needs are met early in my day. 
What will have negative long term effects? Shit happens, and it doesn’t always line up with our ability to handle it. Sometimes you must clean up a water leak or remove the gross thing, even if you pay for it with a flareup later or it results in other things not getting taken care of for a while.
Ask for help. I understand that not everyone is lucky enough to have a support system, but if you can, ask a friend or family member for help when you need it. Sometimes things get to overwhelming, and a little help can go a long way. 
Make a list:
Figure out what key things make the space feel clean or dirty to you. What would you like to maintain? What feels more manageable when you do it each day? What are you going to prioritize? 
Figure out the ideal frequency of each task. I’ve given examples of my daily routine, but what about the bigger tasks such as changing your bedding, or vacuuming the carpet? What about dusting and getting the cobwebs in those hard-to-reach corners? How often would you like to do those? Having a list can be helpful for your higher energy days so you know what to focus on. 
For me, a lot of my cleansing ties into physically cleaning + having a clean space. This can be a bit tricky when you don’t have the energy to keep an entirely clean home, which is why I focused so much on that side of things! Do the best you can and prioritize the places you spend time in. 
A few basic methods:
Bedridden witch: Stale energy edition (lots of small tips for cleansing and changing the energy in a space). 
Smoke cleansing. Can be done with a variety of plants.
Steam cleansing. An excellent alternative if smoke isn’t your thing, boil the plants instead and allow the steam to act the same way smoke would.
Cleansing spray. Similar to steam. Be aware that some plants may stain surfaces, and avoid using undiluted essential oils. You can also buy natural room sprays if making one feels unmanageable. 
Sound cleansing. This is often done with instruments, but can also be done with song.
Elements. Open your curtains and windows, let the wind, the rain, the sunshine, the full moon, etc. do its work.
Absorbing. Sometimes we can’t open a window or actively cleanse, this is when having things that absorb negative energy can help, such as a Himalayan salt lamp, a bowl of salt, etc. 
Negativity absorbing buddy
Salt bowls to absorb negative energy
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Energy cleansing through cleaning
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
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The death card made me wheeze.
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
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Witchy Self Care & Mindfulness🌻🌿
Artwork by @CraftingWitch on Instagram
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
Magical tattoo ideas
A ‘blank slate’ magic circle that the wearer can fill in with the necessary sigils and symbols to make it cast a specific charm
An animal figure that is a direct link to the wearer’s familiar, allowing them to communicate with it even when they are parted
Protective sigils that begin to itch slightly whenever their power kicks in, alerting the wearer to the fact that they are in danger as well as protecting them
A mark that is linked to another person, that will light or heat up when the other needs them
Do feel free to add your own!
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
likes charge | reblogs cast
“I will have good luck both in finding suitable work and in obtaining stable income.”
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
likes charge | reblogs cast
i attract compassionate and healing love.
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
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art credit to @bluecollards on ig
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
Every word used against me will falter. Every evil eye will go blind.
You are protected. Words are powerful, for good and bad. We manifest with words, and some times there are people who use their words to spew hate, to create obstacles, to welcome delays, to enable fear, to stop the abundance in your life from flowing freely.
It stops here and now. Their words will no longer touch our lives. May this ward away those who have bad intentions towards us or those whose negative thoughts spread and brings trouble our way. We are protected. We are covered. May we, our loved ones and our possessions be shielded and guarded. Period.
Blessed be, bbs 💕✨
Likes to charge, reblogs to cast.
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
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A lil tidying up
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tittyana-samantha · 4 years
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sachet spell for social anxiety
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tittyana-samantha · 5 years
Starting a New Journal
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My aunt gave me this journal last summer, and I’ve finally figured how I want to fill it up.
I always make a chart in the front and back for easy access in divination and symbology.
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tittyana-samantha · 6 years
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Character Development Tarot Spread
I didn’t see any of these, so I guessed I should make one! The cards can be drawn at random or you can meditate on them, you an draw as many cards for position as you want, you can se any kind of cards, runes, stones, cristals, whatever you want.This serves more as an inspiration than anything else.
Character Traits: Literally what it says. Draw as many cards as you want. You can select them yourself, if you want. Here, the traits can go from physical appearence, to personality, to behavior, to all of them.
Background: What happened to the character before the story began What’s their history? And most importantly: was parts of their past is still haunting them today?
Mental: What is the character’s mental state? You can draw one card for how they are at the begining and another one for how they are at the end, or draw multiple cards. It’s important that you link their state to the things that have happened to them. If they watched their whole family get killed, as part of their background, I doubt they will be the happiest person on earth at the begining of the story.
Emotional: Same, but with their emotional state.
Psychological: This can be a little more tricky if you don’t know lots about psychology, but some research will do.
Character Arc: What is the Character’s Arc? What is it about? What do they go through? What do they learn? How do they change? More detail in the following cards.
Begining: Strongly linked to their Backstory. How are they at the begining of the story? How is their life? How does their world work?
Journey: What makes them start their journey? How does it go? Is it freeing? Is it painful? Do they chose to start their journey, or are they thrown into it by the circumstances? What do they learn? How does it take them to the Ending?
Ending: After the journey, what are they like in the end? What has changed them? How dod they change? Do they feel better than they did in the beginig? Or worse? Or somewhere in between?
Philosophy: This is very complex, so you should probably draw many cards. Like, at least three cards for each stage the character is in (Begining, Journey, Ending). This refers to the way they see the world, the way they think. What they think is fair, what they think is right, how they see themselves in relationship to the world, etc. It depends on the personality of the character. For example, a philosophy teacher in an university won’t have the same complexity of thought as a withe cishet fuckboy.
Want: What does the character want? Will that REALLY make them happy? What are they going to do to achieve it?
Need: What does the character actually need? Do they want it too, or does it repulse them? How do they realize this is what they really need?
Lie: What is the lie that the character believes? What is keeping them back from being happy?
Truth: What truth does the character need to learn? What do they need to be happy? Do they get it in the end? It is Pretty? Is it Ugly?
Inner Conflict: What’s the character’s inner conflict about? What torments them?
Goal: What is the character’s goal through the story?
Obstacle(s): What is stopping them from achieving said goal?
Hopes: What are the character’s hopes? What are the character’s fears?
Strenght: What are the character’s strong traits? What are they good at?
Weaknesses: What does your character fail to do? Do they overcome their weaknesses? Do they (learn to) accept them? How do they feel about them?
Inspiration: A random card(s) you can draw to get inspired, for anything you need.
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