Akira bike sliding on a horse
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Surprise! It's not Hazbin Hotel, shock horror... but happy pride month! I like this Mordecai headcanon
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Mitzi's costume design for "Ingenue", and some of the ~1919-1921 catalog fashions that inspired it. Everything is always in transition fashion-wise, but it's interesting to see the very defining rectangular shape of the 1920s start to emerge from post-Edwardian/WWI era style. (The contrast in how comparatively modern things looked by the latter part of the 20s is pretty striking.) Design by me and L. Frostad, who did the finalized character sheet! ------------------------
Lots of character designs, extras, and other behind the scenes stuff are on the Lackadaisy Patreon!
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it鈥檚 so funny that rogue can鈥檛 improvise, because the doctor has a PhD in pure unadulterated BS so he鈥檚 already so deep into this fake fight and he looks up and rogue is just the equivalent of the error 404 website message
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Adora: Catra you gotta help me! We found some documents Hordak signed when I first came here, and according to Etherian law he's my legal guardian!
Catra: Oh my stars. That's hilarious!
Adora: Catra!
Catra: Oh what's he gonna do? You're a grown woman, not a baby.
Adora: Hordak's not the problem!
*Entrapta busts in*
Adora: *screaming*
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She cry
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Endless Sailor Moon Favorite Moments! | Serenity Transformation + Restoring the City
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So lately I鈥檝e noticed all the different kinds of girls on tumblr. The ones that have the pictures with all the notes? These five types of girls are basically all the types of girls I see on my dash. Minus the nekked girls, but I didn鈥檛 really want to draw that so :T聽
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The truest queer friend group experience is sitting in a line at the train station scrolling tumblr
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I think the funniest dynamic for arranged-marriage royalty would be a queen who came here 100% prepared to murder her future husband and rule as a widow queen in her own right, only to discover that the king is autistic as hell and responds to her wish to rule with "oh thank god please do, I don't want to be bothered by these people. I can just tell them to go bother you instead, if you really want that. I've got beetles I wanted to study."
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Sailor Moon Episode 140 - Love Those Minis! The Fashionable Senshi
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Meet gigi!
She is a circus performer that sometimes appears on the show in very rare occasions Usually her puppet is a 3 arm use puppet, with only her long neck and head showing along with two pairs of arms behind a curtain. However thanks to a few sparse storybooks there were recreations of her full appearance to be shown.
She's also semi used to help teach shapes to the younger audience of the show and in books.
She's a bit of a silly giraffe who likes showing her purple tongue in a bit of a childish manner but loves listening to rock music. She laments there's no electric guitar version of the circus theme Gigi and Barnaby would be long distance pen pals, gigi always does bring Barnaby back new balls to play fetch, juggle or some so big he can roll around on them like how Gigi performs "A dog always needs a new ball!" Gigi would say, each ball is different to represent the different places She's been while traveling
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I've been discussing Little shop of Horrors with @reizerisanoingsstuff and we came to this. Kane/Phobos is actually more an impulsively aggressive narcissistic dominance freak rather than sadist, but trust me he did LOTS of questionable shit including turning living galghots into whisperers.
The origin:
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Winx x W.i.t.c.h.
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League of Legends - Heartsteel
Artist:聽Sean Budanio / Oxana Turliai / Vlad B膬cescu / Rachael Cross
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NaruFox AU Sannin鈥檚 Arc pt 4 Prev / Next
With no Hokage at the moment and most stronger ninjas being busy with missions and defense鈥he little leaf ninjas work together to rebuild their village and help their people however hey can.
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