tjtomu · 2 years
dumb slut 🙄
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tjtomu · 2 years
in love w my codeine baby rn, at least u wont play me sweetheart ❤️
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tjtomu · 3 years
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tjtomu · 3 years
Nothing to report yesterday, but general report, im 19 and a half hours into a fast, only broke near the start with a monster. No food. I’m starting to realise that hunger is actually a controllable urge again whereas a few days ago I was allowing myself to be controlled by it.
I want and need to get into the best shape of my life in time for summer.
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tjtomu · 3 years
I will fucking starve until this is gone, it hurts, but the pain is good. Its progress.
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tjtomu · 3 years
Time to stop denying its got bad
Okay. It’s got bad. It started with smoking, now all my other bad habits have began to come back. I noticed when I opened the fridge today, i’ve started eating SO MUCH. just like I did 3 years ago... and I stopped running. But I AM BACK. Just did a 2 mile run, starting from now I am taking back control. Day one log tomorrow.
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tjtomu · 3 years
aight, so ive been smoking and getting munched out, its time to quit it, i dont wanna go back there. Im stopping these eating habits now. Tomorrow will be day one logged.
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tjtomu · 3 years
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These mf duckss beeen doin handstands and shi in the water
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tjtomu · 3 years
Day Eight
Like yesterday, had chicken and shii, tons of food. Hungry asf wit a hangover. Should be good to go tomorrow,
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tjtomu · 3 years
Day Seven
Day seven today, went on a benderr and ate a shit ton, fucked up again, but fr i think i mightve just burnt it all i had hella caffeine too
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tjtomu · 3 years
Day Six
Ate a shit ton today, dominoes and that, feel like shiii, buuu did a 5k so. Idk. Might be under maintenance, part from that im chill, ready to recover
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tjtomu · 3 years
Day Five
Aaaight so, today was day five, but also like a date day wit my boo so like, ate sum shit but still got 2 miles in and im 99% sure i stayed in maintenance calories.. so i feel finee, looking sweeet as a mf like always, gonna monitor my macros more from here, like piano g once said, gotta hustle hard gotta get it
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tjtomu · 3 years
Day Four
Today went, well really well till the end, when i ate oreos and pinballs, not all of them, just like 20% of both packs. Apart from that i did a 2 mile in 15 minutes 30 seconds and hit both my protein and calorie goal. Feelin healthier, lookin better
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tjtomu · 3 years
Day Three
Day three today, did a 2 mile run again and ate like 1200 calories. Went under protein goal buuut i had a green tea which was nice lol. Nuthin much more 2 say
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tjtomu · 3 years
Day Two
Day two done, 2 mile run, too much sugar again from coke but part from that under calorie limit and over protein limit. Feelin strong, shadow boxing rn before bed. Did like 40 pushups and 40 sit-ups, might do 20 more of both rn.
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tjtomu · 3 years
Day One
Day one done!! Shii was pretty easy, ate around 1,500 calories and a biiiit too much sugar aha. 2 mile run done, took 16 mins, and tbh shit wasnt that hard. Feeling pretty motivated, updated my scale app weighing 148.8 pounds. Feelin motivated,
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tjtomu · 3 years
Heyooo, due to some unforseen rona related matters im stuck up in the crib like a Disney Princess once again... soooo time to get back on the grind.
Next 10 days ima go at it, like break my body style, miles a day iron man shit to help distract myself from being in the hole.
Startin tomorrow, ill keep u posted, - yours truly
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