tkachukyxcheese · 47 minutes
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tkachukyxcheese · 5 hours
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matthew_tkachuk: 6 months (and 1 day) i still can't wrap my head around it. half a year of pure joy. watching you grow has been the greatest gift. here’s to giggles, wiggles, and endless cuddles! tagged: @swaterhousett
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tkachukyxcheese · 11 hours
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Matthew Tkachuk on friend, former teammate Johnny Gaudreau: ‘I’m going to keep his memory alive’
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Matthew Tkachuk, reigning Stanley Cup champion and prince of South Florida, was bouncing off the walls at the Baptist Health IcePlex on Tuesday. He delivered light cross-checks to his Florida Panthers teammates and led the pack in conditioning drills, and his mouthguard received its customary chomping.
It appeared to be business as usual for the young star who is always occupied with something, whether it be selling the sport in Florida or partying with the Stanley Cup all summer.
Right now, that might be for the best.
Tkachuk’s dream summer turned into a nightmare when he learned of Johnny Gaudreau’s death on Aug. 29.
Gaudreau and his brother, Matthew, were killed in a traffic crash in Oldmans Township, N.J., outside Philadelphia. Police said the brothers were riding bicycles when they were hit by a driver trying to pass an SUV on a two-lane road.
Tkachuk and Johnny Gaudreau played together for six seasons with the Calgary Flames, a couple of American kids taking western Canada by storm, often on the same line. The two left the Flames in the summer of 2022, Gaudreau signing as a free agent with the Columbus Blue Jackets, while Tkachuk was sent to the Panthers in a blockbuster deal.
Tkachuk, whose life has been a whirlwind for months, hasn’t had enough time to process Gaudreau’s death in the month since it happened.
“You put so much work into a season, that’s where all of your energy goes,” Tkachuk said. “Then you make the playoffs. You make the Final. And then, when it was over, we got to celebrate this summer. It was the greatest summer of my life, and some of the most incredible memories were made. But then, right at the end of this amazing summer, the unthinkable happened.”
Gaudreau took Tkachuk under his wing in Calgary, and a forever friendship was formed. Understandably, Gaudreau is on Tkachuk’s mind every day, but that was already the case long before Gaudreau was gone.
“Ever since I left Calgary and came to Florida, all I ever do is tell stories about Johnny,” Tkachuk said. “At one point, I was probably telling the guys down here a Johnny story once a week. I was always talking about him, about something funny he had done, something he had done in practice, whatever. He was the kind of guy that you could never get out of your mind, and I hated being away from him.”
Gaudreau and Tkachuk talked all the time after leaving Calgary, and while they badly missed playing together, they looked forward to having another opportunity to wear the same jersey and maybe even play on the same line.
The NHL 4 Nations Face-Off — a tournament among the United States, Canada, Finland and Sweden — will be in less than five months in Boston and Montreal. Then, in 2026, NHL players will return to the Olympics for the first time since 2014. Between the NHL balking at its season being delayed and COVID creating havoc with the 2021-22 schedule, NHL players have not participated in the Olympics for a decade.
“You have to understand that Johnny and I talked about being in the Olympics together a lot,” Tkachuk said. “In 2022, when they canceled us from being in the Olympics, we were so upset. We were both playing really well together in Calgary and we thought we were going to be so good in the Olympics. We talked about it all the time. That was a tough one. He had played for Team USA in so many big events, and I know it meant a lot to him. Obviously, we would have been together this time. It’s tough to think about right now. But I know he would have been excited for those tournaments and he will be on my mind during those times even more than he usually is.”
Tkachuk doesn’t require nor ask for any sympathy. He simply misses his friend.
“Trust me, I feel like I’m the luckiest guy in the NHL,” he said. “I get to play a sport that I love, and it’s my job. And I get to play it (in Florida), which, in my opinion, is the best place in the league. The lifestyle. The fans we’ve developed down here. The way our fan base is growing and growing every day. You wouldn’t want to be anywhere other than this place. It really is the best, and I’m so lucky to have this life. I came here to win a Cup. I looked at this group of guys and I knew it could be done. I knew something special could happen. I guess I was right.”
Tkachuk’s emotions will surely peak in a few weeks, when the Panthers play on Oct. 15 in Columbus for the Blue Jackets’ home opener. In lieu of typical opening night ceremonies, the Blue Jackets will honor the memory of Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau.
“I really haven’t thought about that night too much just yet,” Tkachuk said. “But I have a feeling that it’s going to be pretty tough to play that night. It’s not just me that’s feeling it, obviously. The whole league is feeling it right now. Anyone who knew him is feeling it even more.”
Tkachuk is busy preparing his Panthers for a chance to claim back-to-back championships. Dynasties aren’t much of a thing in the modern-day NHL, but the Panthers have won the Cup once, have been to the Final two years consecutively, and their core remains in its 20s.
“We can do something special,” Tkachuk said.
Even still, a small part of his mind remains focused on the international tournaments, where he’ll never get the chance to play with Gaudreau again. But he does have a chance to honor Gaudreau during those tournaments.
“It’s been a really, really, really tough few weeks,” he said. “I still can’t even believe it. It’s just so sad. All of it.”
While sitting and looking down at the Panthers practice facility, Tkachuk’s face alternates emotions, his mind churning.
“You know, the thing that’s getting me through this is those stories I was telling you about,” he said. “Those stories about him I tell all the guys constantly. I’m going to keep those stories with me forever and I’m going to keep his memory alive in everybody by continuing to tell those stories.”
He hopes to generate another story involving Gaudreau when the Olympics arrive.
“He would have been there and wearing that Team USA jersey meant a lot to him,” Tkachuk said. “It means a lot to me, too. When I’m there, he will be on my mind the whole time. Even more than usual. And I’ll be telling stories.”
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tkachukyxcheese · 1 day
chucky: idk? like i said it's been forever. it probably wouldn't sound too good. ha, ok? ig that's fair since they're half yours now too. whatcha thinking? yeah, it was good to have other experiences i suppose. eh, glad i could give her something. hm, good to know. it's not bad lol, they like your voice. take the compliment damn. i don't make them, i merely suggest they listen. pls they would do the same if they were with someone in the biz. lol, i wouldn't go that far, but bark is fond of you, true.
chucky: i know i know. it's just a little more prevalent when you're having to work too. so i'm glad your sister will be around. i wouldn't take her to practice! well, i would, but i wouldn't have her on the ice while pucks and stuff were flying. give me some credit, babe 😅 are you sure about that? lol. you'd let me keep her in florida while you're off in la or somewhere touring? i dunno. i want to say yes but uh, after spending so much time with you and getting used to certain things, probably not 😅😂
chucky: i did! was js i can't take credit for the other. it's nice to start healthy, hopefully, it sticks 😅 it does and it was only a few months ago, it's wild. 😂 you're lucky i don't get that jealous, unless that's your attempt here 🤔 paul's wife would love this convo i'm sure, haha. probably yeah, it's still getting your picture taken tho and i don't love it. so it's a no for me. you were great at it, obvs
suki: that's sweet! why haven't you sat down at one of mine yet, and tried? which, funnily enough that reminds me. I have some..idk, ideas? requests? um, for..mostly the Florida house, but eventually and essentially be an absolute must for all homes 😬 but that makes sense, they wanted you to be well rounded, I can respect that. ah true, true. at least we know her chin'll be cute 🙂 I wouldn't mind dragging you. oof, do I even want to know? I can't believe you make them listen, chucky! give these poor men a break. we love polyamory here, I get it 😅
suki: I know, love. I get it. but we can't dwell and just roll with it. come now, you know that. if we don't crack on, then the times just going to drag on all the more. oh stop, I was teasing! I moreso meant you're not strapping her on and going to practice. I was doing my thing and being dramatic love, fuck! 😘 longer than what? a week? can u? I know I can.
suki: well whatever, babe. just take the bloody compliment. well that's good. last season feels like a hell if a time ago. mm, course you are. right after Paul. you know this, love. we've been over it, like honestly. that's different, shoots are different. especially if you get the vibe right with the right photog? the right mood? even the worst muse/photographer duo on an iPhone 4 with the right connection vibe and lighting would look like a work of art. trust me..I used to be a model 😉
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tkachukyxcheese · 1 day
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tkachukyxcheese · 1 day
chucky: yep, my mom made me take lessons as a kid, but god i haven't played in probably 15 years. idk if i'd even remember how. my parents wanted me to be involved in stuff besides just hockey. lol, i would be shocked if she doesn't have some athletic and/or artistic talents, yeah. uh huh. i wouldn't mind tagging along for that if it happens. you're welcome. you're a hit with the boys too and they're not biased 😜 just benny and barky, maybe.
chucky: yeah, i know. i just... you're right. you two are on my mind a lot, i can't help it. 😅 you wouldn't let me take her for a bit? wow, babe 😂 ok ok. question is can you last longer than that 😏
chucky: i only played one of the two games so i can't take much credit for the wins lol. but i def feel a lot better than i did last pre-season. i love my teammates and you are very good at it, but i better be the only man you're giving massages to. 😂 i'm not, the stuff i've been tagged in is fine. i'm just saying having my picture taken is weird lol, i could never be a model.
suki: I didn't say that, but it's good to know. piano? I didn't know that one. 'bubs is going to be so fucken talented. it wasn't, stop! 😅 right? we shall see! thank you for that, though. glad you approve 😘
suki: and it is, and for right now, this is how it is bc its what's going to work. stop overthinking it. you're absolutely correct, but it's fine. I'm fine. let's just have a good week and not overthink it. oh, ok? 😅
suki: good baby, I'm glad to hear you're already doing your thing, lol. I bet. I'm glad, tho. it's good timing, lol. good, I didn't want you, too 😜 I'm sure the pictures were fine, lol. stop being so hard on yourself.
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tkachukyxcheese · 1 day
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tkachukyxcheese · 1 day
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tkachukyxcheese · 2 days
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tkachukyxcheese · 2 days
matthew_tkachuk: october 4th, baby!!!
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tkachukyxcheese · 2 days
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tkachukyxcheese · 3 days
chucky: i like music, who doesn't like music? i can play guitar, used to know piano. and records are cool. mhm, suuure. it feels like a given. hey, hopefully, you can then. that'd be a cool tour. ok maybe you're right but i'm not just saying it! i would like it even if you weren't my wife. that's my opinion.
chucky: i know i know, but it should be on both of us, not just you. i'd say you should let me take her for a bit and take a break, but i have a feeling i wouldn't be able to pry her from you. 😂 uh huh, i can last longer than a few days... shush. really? 😁
chucky: no it went pretty smooth today, things looked and felt good. paul just runs an intense camp so it's a heavy tiring couple of days. but we get a breather for a couple days. thanks, baby. fuck. i'll do my best to stay awake 😅 nuh, i'm not sharing you with them. eh, if you say so. it was, besides the pictures. i don't think i'll ever love them. no, i know that, i didn't mean the money thing. just taking photos in general.
suki: well I know that, I guess I just never knew music was one..or records? I think its something I'd like to know more about, I wasn't implying that, you git. hopefully you're right, bc it was really cool. I'd love to make it a multiple stop thing, if I can. if you thought it would make me happy, or would hurt my feelings if you actually did, then yes. I do. right, but music is very subject.
suki: I know, chucky. but you're going to just have to get over it, love. just like I will at some point, I'm sure 😅 thanks, I think I do. ok, I was just covering bases, my goodness 😅 but I also don't know if rarely is a correct gage but if you say so 🤷🏼‍♀️ fine, I suppose u can.
suki: taking a bit to get back in the swing? congrats, btw. well if you can wait a few more hours, I can give you a lovely massage, just you tho. not the boys. bc you're a good man, thats why it feels good to do good from you're heart. well that sounds fun! I'm sad I missed it. please, I was paid to get my photo taken, not the other way around 😅
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tkachukyxcheese · 3 days
chucky: gotcha. lol, why's that? i do have other interests besides hockey you know, it's just my #1. 'course, i'm sure you have plenty of fans who would want a repeat. yes, do you think i would say something i don't mean? you have a beautiful voice and obvious writing talent, my being in love with you doesn't have anything to do with that. yeah yeah.
chucky: well yeah, i didn't mean it like that. i just feel bad when i'm not around to help with her, you've had to do that a lot... so i'm glad you're not alone with that. mhm, sounds like you already have it figured out. pssh that's not what i was getting at. my mind's rarely in the gutter. mm, i can't convince you to come home for the week can i?
chucky: he does, we won both games today but man, i'm beat lol. think most of the boys are. maybe, idk feels natural to me. it's nice being able to make a kid's day. oh, bracelets and drawings, little stuff like that. a couple custom funny shirts haha. nothing special just standing next to people, lol. to you maybe, you're a model, i'm not.
suki: yea, it wasn't at the venue. it was set in the record shop. really? I'm a bit shocked to hear that, actually? bur fret not, my love. I'm sure I'll do it again. you'll make one. love 🙈 do you really mean it or are you just saying it nc the whole blinded by love thing 😅 I know, but there'll be other times.
suki: well, between her and the band, myself, everyone else - I knew we'd be fine. but this way if maybe the venue isn't great for noise or what have you, they can go back to the hotel and what not. teddy won't have to be with me 24/7 if it's a better idea for her not to be to rest and whatever. but yes, lol. probably some selfies, nothing too spicy if that's what you mean 😅 but I miss u, too.
suki: the man knows what he's doing, I trust him 😅 I know, and that's very sweet, bc I doubt everyone realizes or looks at it that way. it's commendable. what kind of gifts? anything good? wait, what sort of poses? that's not bizzare atall!
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tkachukyxcheese · 3 days
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tkachukyxcheese · 3 days
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tkachukyxcheese · 4 days
chucky: oh, so it was a separate thing? that's awesome. ngl i've always wanted to experience a signing at an actual record shop. well yeah, your album's amazing, babe. i listened to it all finally so i can say that. let me be jealous! i wanted to be there.
chucky: well, i'm glad you won't be on your own. was kinda wondering how all that would work with ted. lol, she's your tour babysitter now, eh? ... of you too? miss you ❤️
chucky: that and paul is known for his hard training camps 😅 but they clearly work. i try to give them good experiences. i remember being a kid in the stands when my dad played. me too, but i'd rather be with you two. well, for one having to pose with and getting gifts from women who aren't my wife just feels weird af lol. also, people paying to get their picture taken with me will always be bizarre idk.
suki: I did, yes at this really cool record shop. seeing and holding the vinyl and getting to hear full responses and reactions was 🤯 oh stop it, don't be, even if i wish you coulda been here, too. I really, really was!
suki: yea she doesn't have much coming up and has always wanted to come along on tour but it never worked out. she used today as a practice run since this tour is likely going to be quite different with theo. she loved it, tho. mm check the cloud, love. there's a bunch. but we miss u, too 😘
suki: not used to being back yet, or are they working you extra hard? you're always so good at those things, especially with the kids. I'm glad you were there for that. cuz I know you love it just as much. omg, lol. what on earth was weird about it?
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tkachukyxcheese · 4 days
chucky: so you had a signing with fans and a show? damn, i'm sad i missed it. i thought you were just opening for someone. sounds like you were in your element then. glad it went well and you had fun, baby.
chucky: haha, i was wondering who'd watch her during. also glad to hear she behaved for you both. send me a pic later? i miss her 🥺
chucky: it was great. practice was exhausting, but it's always fun getting to meet fans and we had the cup today for them to hang with. i signed a bunch of shit, gave a couple sticks away to some kids, and had to pose for way too many pictures. it was weird you would've loved it 😅
suki: holy fuck, Portland was brilliant, today! between the back to back record signing and talking to fans and so many of them, it was wild. and then opening? the response was mad, it went so well. and then she put on a brilliant show, it was amazing.
suki: and immy was quite the au pair to our girl. who was just the happiest all day and whos been out like a light the past 2 hours 🤩
suki: how was your event, love?
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