tklmasterpost · 3 years
Will you collect fics from writers that have only created one or two fics?
Yes, no matter the quantity of writing, we will definitely still catalogue those!
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tklmasterpost · 3 years
Tickle Fic Network
Hello! This blog has been created as a sort of mega-masterpost for tickle fics. We are heavily under construction right now, so please be patient as we get settled and figure out the best formatting, tag system, etc. to run this blog smoothly. However, if you see this account popping up in your followers or notifications, don’t be alarmed! We’re just trying to gather a good list of writers and start compiling some fics to begin reblogging.
Asks are currently open, if you have any specific questions (i.e. you want us to find some fics that have lee!Ron Weasley for example) please shoot over an ask and we’ll get on it ASAP!!
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