tkoolkun-blog · 7 years
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      ‘  another year indeed, huh...  ’   he’s celebrated far too many of them alone that the idea of others celebrating with him is a bit abnormal ; it reminds him how much he has truly LOST.
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tkoolkun-blog · 7 years
dezember is well aware nothing he could give could possibly match up to the G R E A T N E S S of the day, a momentous anniversary, Rchimedes' birthday. but he does what he knows, and what juli, exasperated with his fretting, tells him to get on with. rchimedes is presented with a cake, complete with dezember's usual posturing. it's a nice cake, well made and laboriously decorated. "--Happy birthday, Lord Rchimedes ! We are thankful for you."
      another birthday, another year has passed. too many have passed at this point for someone such as him who should be long dead ; at this point, one would think people would stop celebrating but... this is dezember. the demon who had done so much for the sake of his revival, his dedication was something worth commending... if rchimedes was the type to give it in a normal way. 
      he’s never been the normal type, always an eccentric in the most exhausting of ways. he contemplates not doing anything at all, acting completely normal in the face he can tell took time and effort -- but he doesn’t. something in his mind tells him otherwise, the remnants of a memory in the back of his mind flickering.
      ( shion, crea, a cake the two of them made together even though he forgot about his own birthday while burying himself in research. even on this day, some things never change considering the demon lord is wearing an old lab coat where he’s working on his latest project since his revival such a while ago. )
      we are thankful for you!
      ... it’s been a while since he’s heard that from someone else.
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      said man sets his pen aside, standing to his feet with an amused scoff and a smile.  ( surely humans would say it’s an expression far too warm for someone such as HIM. )
      ‘  thank you, dezember. i almost forgot my own birthday again, haha... let’s eat some together, hm?  ’   of course, he’ll save some for cecily to give when she’s not looking.
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tkoolkun-blog · 7 years
a hand moves to rest on dezember's shoulder, lingering there as rchimedes stares up at him. he says nothing for a moment before the hand pulls away, and he glances away. "thank you for everything until now, dezember." (maybe, just maybe, there's a hint of a smile.)
Lord Rchimedes thanked him.
Lord Rchimedes thanked him and smiled.
Not only have his years, decades of hard work and fervent (blinding) faith been finally acknowledged, but it is Rchimedes himself who has acknowledged his service– and been grateful for it. If that were not enough (it is enough, that alone is more than the requirements to make Dezember giddy), he gets a smile. He made Rchimedes happy. Dezember’s lone self-declared purpose in life, and however convoluted and hellish the path was, he did it.
            He did it !
Dezember just barely keeps decorum, clasping his hands together to keep from too ridiculous posturing (though that doesn’t stop him from bounding up on his heels, delighted) as a wide grin is given in response to Rchimedes.
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                       “It’s my honour.”
Loyal servant to the end, he is, regardless of if he gets acknowledged for it or not. But being thanked is nice, he’s definitely not going to dismiss this moment, no matter what may follow.
Mostly, what follows is Dezember not being entirely sure how to handle the feeling of Rchimedes praising him and the mess of thankfulness and pride leaving him just a bit too emotional. Definitely not crying a little. Definitely not crying a little in front of God after something so small as being thanked.
He’ll just pretend he’s fine. 
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
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I’m satisfied with this.
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
                                       Colors: Blue
Positive keywords: Loyalty, trust, caring, devotion, perseverance. Negative keywords: Deceitful, spiteful, sad, emotionally unstable, weak.
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
[2:48:17 AM] *** Kris has renamed this conversation to "You're walking in the woods, theres no one around and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye you spot him. Rchimemes. He's following you about thirty feet back, he gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint.. He's gaining on you. Rchimedes. You're looking for your nisepanda, but you're all turned around, he's almost upon you now and you can see... there's makeup on his face. My god, there's makeup everywhere! Running for your life from Rchimedes, He's brandishing a crab, it's Rchimedes. Lurking in the shadows, demon lord, magic user Rchimedes. Living in non-space (Rchimedes), Killing best friends (Rchimedes), piling all the bodies, actual crab holding Rchimedes. Now it's dark, and you seem to of lost him, but you're hopelessly lost yourself, standed with a demon lord. You creep silently through the underbush, Aha! In the distance, a large castle with a light on- hope! You move stealthily toward it... But your leg! Ah! It was caught in a slime trap! Shaking off your leg (quiet quiet) limping to the castle (quiet quiet). Now you're on the doorstep, sitting inside is Rchimedes. Shapening a crab (Rchimedes), but he doesn't hear you enter (Rchimedes), you're sneaking up behind him... sealing away demon Rchimedes. Fighting for your life with Rchimedes, Wrestling a crab from Rchimedes, Stab it in his kidney... safe at last from Rchimedes! You limp into the dark woods... slime oozing from your wounded leg, you've beaten Rchimedes. Wait! He isn't dead! Rchi surprise! There's magic to your head and there's death in his eyes! But you can do magic too, attacking demon lord Rchimedes! Legendary fight with Rchimedes, normal demon fight with Rchimedes, you try to swing the crab at Rchimedes but slime is draining you fast from your leg. He's dodging every swipe, he parries to the left, you counter to the right, you catch him with magic, you're sealing him away now, you have just sealed away Rchimedes. He disappears from the floor, expressionless, you fall to your knees and catch your breath. You're finally safe from Rchimedes." ***
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
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❝At least say decoy...!!❞
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
chargebolts started following you
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
      no blood to be seen, no drip of crimson -- there is only a mass of something INHUMAN, and that in itself is amusing to him. there’s a lingering thought in the back of his head, tracing to the thoughts of a long-forgotten researcher: ahh, i want to dissect him. what makes him tick? i want to know! 
      ‘ me? die from that? no, nope~! i created this ability, after all! it’s mine! i could just heal myself right away, actually! ’  words are chipper and CHILDISH, a sudden contrast to the violence so quickly caused by his own fingertips. laughter bubbles up, hands resting on his hips for a moment before it dies back down into silence -----
      in his unnerving smile comes something AMUSED.
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      ‘ god. the devil. both are correct, for god and the devil are one the same. and you? ’
Lovecraft is very much not happy about this. Being attacked when he’s doing something, that he can understand. Some unknown entity hopping up to him and trying to mutilate him for no discernible reason (not that he is frequently capable of discerning reasons at all), that he can not understand. Tentacles curl around the open wound, nestling around it instead of blood.           “O-of course not. Would you die?” Read: would you like to find out how it feels to be decapitated through constriction?
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          “Working. What are you?” It sounds as if this odd individual is inhuman, but he belongs to no group Lovecraft already knows of. Whatever he is, Lovecraft decides not to like it.
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
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Rchimedes sexcanons under the cut --
Nsfw, obviously. Most of them have to do with Cecily because of their marriage but. You know.
Okay so, firstly, there’s a difference between pre-demon lord rchimedes and Demon Lord Rchimedes because their lives and thought processes are very different. Pre-demon Rchimedes is a lot more submissive basically, and when he does top, he’s very gentle and caring about it. Cecily usually tops because she’s, well, more dominant than he is tbh.
He’s a masochist.
Megane Rchimedes
He has never topped a day in his life, Cecily tops and you know she does. Total sub to the very end.
Masochist. He definitely has to be when his wife is so scary ♥♥♥
And when I say masochist i mean leaving bites on his neck and scratch marks and bruises and AND HAIR PULLING SO HA RD TO WHERE HE HAS A HEADACHE IN THE MORNING BUT HE DOESN’T CARE HAHA//
Okay but imagine this: having sex and he’s still wearing his labcoat
giving oral haha (he gets excited at the noises because he’s selfless and likes to please)
Demon Lord Rchimedes
A SADIST IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD. He tops, bottom line.
Petplay / Servant-Master (Mainly the latter.)
Hair pulling
Scratching / biting
Bloodplay probably
Choking / Breathplay
collars/leashes NJDHFBSF he would do that sort of gross shit and treat them like the dog they are
Mouthfucking someone
Daddy kink (G oodbye that definitely didn’t go anywhere)
I actually do have the headcanon they’d both have their masochistic and sadistic moments
like at first they’d be really innocent because A) Rchimedes is naturally mushy and affectionate like that and B) Cecily has to get out of the habit of being guarded because everyone else has been so put off by her attitude when Rchimedes isn’t
but once they got to that point it’d be Cecily to initiate it and Rchimedes would be so “!!!?!!?!” at first because he definitely wouldn’t be expecting it but he loves her so much he’d go along with it and end up enjoying it a lot
and he’s naturally submissive so of course he’d enjoy that sort of thing haha
until that possessive dominant side of him was really brought out, in which case he would be the dominant person.
he’d really like hair pulling and biting no matter which one he was i know because i see Cecily prone to biting and/or scratching because she’s also possessive and wants to leave marks to remind him ‘you’re mine i love you’ but he doesn’t even mind it (though he’d get embarrassed if anyone noticed tho because it’s like holding a sign up saying 'i had sex with my woman’)
in contrast if Rchimedes left marks it’d be in some place much more discrete, a place only he knows he’d be able to see like her inner thigh or her hips
On the topic of that area, since Rchimedes is such a genuine lover and very quick to aim to please and just goes with whatever she’d want to make her happy (and he trusts her she wouldn’t do anything he wouldn’t like), he’d be one to eat her out. and he likes it when she pulls on his hair.
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
sometimes time just flies by so fast, all you can grab hold of are fragments of your memories.
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
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@coquettishcrown, @joyfulleaf
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
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      ‘ what’s this... you didn’t die after all! ’   tone is so matter of fact despite the weight that should be behind the words. a hand lifts to his head to run through dual-toned locks with an expression that teeters in between interested and surprised. so it wasn’t a human after all, just as he thought... something felt off about this person, and his deductions were accurate, it would seem.   ‘ that’s an amazing power you have there! what’s something like you living around pitiful humans? ’
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tkoolkun-blog · 8 years
[Senyuu Chapter xx: Rchimedes, Gets Funky]
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