tkscz · 6 years
Well damn, I didn’t know he did that. That sounds amazing
So Matt Groening recently revealed that this character was actually voiced by Michael Jackson, who used a pseudonym in the credits.
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tkscz · 6 years
Simple, they are using the stereotypes so it’s ok. Remember, these people are so far up their own asses they can see their breakfast digest.
Also I hate the whole “this character is XYZ-coded” argument anyway because it’s almost always based on laughably offensive stereotypes. “This character has a gigantic nose and big lips! There’s no other explanation but that they are black-coded!” Fucking yikes. How is that in different than the black caricatures from 30s cartoons?
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tkscz · 6 years
Ooooooo @derpomatic, it’s like you just rang my bell with that last one.
The comic book industry has it the worst at the moment with SJWs pretty much running Marvel comics into the ground so badly that Disney told them to knock it off (they didn’t). Their comics sell so badly that they constantly try to find excuses for it or find quick fixes that don’t work. Like how they make every comic they KNOW won’t sell into a mini-series, so that when the sales are bad, they don’t have to say they canceled it, only that it ended when it should’ve. Or how about how the writers and editors (not the marketing department or anything) tell everyone over twitter that “it’s not about sales, it’s about getting your work out there” when it’s definitely about sales. Oh oh, or how about when they try to blame the sales on white men instead of blaming the sales on their terrible writing? Remember when race was the reason Black Panther and the Crew was canceled and not how the story changed the characterization of specific characters to meet an agenda and how the story was just boring and predictable and that there were already 3 other Black Panther books on the market. The biggest mistake they make is saying comic books are not an industry, but a community. No, it’s an industry. If no one buys the books, then the company that makes the books go bye bye, and your “community” is history. Even then, they call it a community so they can keep “certain people” from entering their “community” so they can have control over the hobby and determine who reads the books, or who is even allowed to bye them. There was a guy who wanted a certain book and got banned from the store he asked for it from because it was not the type of book they want you to buy (that store has recently gone out of business because of poor sales funnily enough).
I gotta wonder how many accusations of gatekeeping, whether it be in comics, games, tabletop, or whatever, come from people who shoved their noses in those things, started to act like assholes and tried to push their personal politics into it, got told to fuck off, and turned around and pushed the narrative that the people who are into these things are gatekeeping assholes who won’t let anyone into their secret club.
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tkscz · 6 years
Because they feel they have to. They have nothing else to do and feel the need for some form of relevance. No she doesn’t look Jewish, she just looks like an old lady with curly hair, a trait any European could also naturally have. If anything she kind of looks Russian to me, but whatever.
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Yeah, there’s a reason for that.
It’s called: antisemitic caricature.
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tkscz · 6 years
Gah, it’s so cute and so corny at the same time.
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And here we see the gremlin in her natural habitat
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tkscz · 6 years
*Sits patiently waiting for winter*
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tkscz · 6 years
Weren’t most if not all those stats proven to be false? Like the rape one was found to be more like 54% was men on women and the other 46% was women on men. I remember seeing that like 1000 times on here because the 99% stat was being passed along like wild fire, when the people they got the stat from said not to use the stat as it was unfounded.
And I’ve done multiple studies of domestic violence and know that it’s much closer to 50/50 in the US for domestic violence in straight relationships, so I know OP pulled that one out of there asses.
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tkscz · 6 years
But Daisy is in and Daisy is the most powerful Nintendo character. I don’t understand OP.
nintendo wont add rightful heir to the lorca tribe and greatest swordswoman ever who still holds the title of coolest critical animation in fire emblem lyndis because they’re still afraid of powerful women
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tkscz · 6 years
To put it as plain as I can, Rural vs Urban, with Suburban being in the middle.
Rural or Country areas normally vote republican as they are out in areas where economics play a huge role and have to face more issues dealing with an individual and their family. There is a community out in the country, but everyone lives like miles apart, so they don’t see each other often. To add to that, there are very few people living in these areas as is. So you’ll have like, 10 neighbors who all live 5 to 10 miles apart but all go to the same convenience store where they usually see each other the most.
Urban or City areas normally vote democrat as they live in areas filled with all kinds of people who all get impacted by the choices made by others. They focus more on social issues and group thought as they are clustered close together a lot, often finding it easier to blend with one another, as they pretty much have to.
Those red areas in both Florida and California (and most of the US) have fewer people, but are larger areas. See, though the US is portrayed as mostly big cities in media, the United States is really very few cities, and a WHOLE lot of nothing but empty roads. I mean it, trees, fields and wilderness make up most of the US. However,most people live in the cities. So the empty red country sides tend to have very few people, while the large blue city areas have most of the population. The biggest example of this is the state of New York. The majority of the state is empty, while tiny areas within the state are big cities, and yet these tiny areas have more people in them than the rest of the state. Same with my home state of Ohio. Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati (my home city) are big city areas with the majority of Ohio’s population, while the rest is just corn fields. It’s why the state flip flops so much.
We get South Florida TV channels down here...
…and it’s interesting how many Midterm ads seem to be basically either “this candidate hates Trump!” or “the other guy is pro-Trump! Vote for me instead!”
Especially since it’s a red state.
Oh, wait, Miami-Dade was 60-70% Hillary. That explains it.
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tkscz · 6 years
You know what, hear my out on this one
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The pure build up to mastered Ultra Instinct was INTENSE! We see it get used twice and each time builds its capabilities in different ways. The first showing offensive, and the second showing defensive. When it’s finally mastered and unleashed, it’s absolutely incredible from the single punch seen equating to hundreds of punches done, to the amount of energy he has looking like it’s own galaxy to give the viewer an understanding of the raw power Goku has attained. It was all amazing. But at the same time
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It’s another fucking new transformation in dragon ball. At this point, I’m tired of seeing them. And it’s not like I didn’t see it coming, but once the hype was gone, in came the sigh and cringe. What makes it all worse is that it’s not even what fully wins the day. Goku’s body can’t even sustain the power and at this point you’re thinking “fucking really? We going with that for why he doesn’t just finish Jirin now?” Hell, throw Jirin in there as well. His power just kept rising to the point where I was tired of the guy. Like, Goku reached a point where the gods had to pay their respects, and Jirin can just catch up? The fuck? This should’ve been like the ending of Justice League (yes I like that movie so sue me) where Goku should’ve just wiped the floor with Jirin, but nope, here is another rise in power that he suddenly has for that last minute stretch.
I did a vid on this in the past but I'm curious again so QUESTION
When does a FEAT of power/strength go from being ‘OH MY GOD THATS REALLY FUCKIN COOL" To “Okay, now you’re pushing it dude, you’re like a lil kid who just keeps making shit up as you go along” For example Saitama from One Punch Man parting the clouds is Raw as fuck to me
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, BUT SPAWN ACTUALLY DEFEATING GOD and SATAN, 2 “OP OF OP entities is the point where I’m like…thats just fuckin silly dude
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Shoot some examples down below for each!
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tkscz · 6 years
Point taken
What does it mean to be a billionaire?
So there’s been a lot of discussion floating around regarding billionaires and society, and I’ve noticed that most people have no idea what a billion dollars is for practical purposes - people tend to think of it as a vague, nebulous concept of “a lot of money” rather than something concrete you can wrap your head around. This is understandable, considering 1) a billion of anything is really hard to visualize and 2) the average person has no real reference point for an amount of money that large. So I’m going to try to break it down for everyone:
Okay, so imagine you have a billion dollars. What can you actually buy with that?
This is a mega mansion that will have an Imax cinema, a bowling alley, and a spa when it’s fully complete. It costs around 4.6 million dollars.
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Now let’s buy one of these in every country in Europe - that’s 50 mansions you now own. So how are you going to travel between all your many homes?
This is a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, the fastest street-legal car in the world. It has a maximum speed of a face-melting 254 mph and can go from 0 to 60 mph in 2.5 seconds. It costs around 2.5 million dollars.
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Let’s buy a dozen of them - you know, in case you total a few of them racing around the highway. But maybe a sports car is still to slow for you:
This is an Embraer Lineage 1000. It’s private jet that can seat up to 19 passengers, and we’re going to buy it for 53 million dollars.
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How about a boat? The Tatoosh is a 303 ft private yacht, meaning it’s longer than a football field. We’ll take it for 369 million dollars.
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Do you like art? Just for fun let’s buy Monet’s most expensive painting ($90 million) Van Gogh’s most expensive painting ($151 million), and this monstrosity, which is made with 8,601 diamonds and costs 65 million dollars.
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Now that we’ve gone on our ludicrous and absurdly wasteful shopping spree, how much money do we have leftover? About 12 million dollars, which is almost an order of magnitude more than the average American with a bachelors degree or higher earns in a lifetime ($1.8 million). So if you for whatever reason decided to buy the 50 houses, 12 sports cars, plane, yacht, art pieces etc. and immediately set them all on fire, you would still have enough cash leftover so you never would have to work again if you so chose. This is what it means to be a billionaire.
But we’re not done yet.
The richest person in the world is Bill Gates, with a net worth of 86 billion dollars. If he liquidated his assets, what could he buy?
Well, for starters, the Burj Khalifa - the tallest man-made structure in the world at 2,722 feet tall, costing around 1.5 billion dollars.
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The Large Hadron Collider, the world’s biggest and most advanced particle accelerator for 9 billion dollars.
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The Hubble Space Telescope for 10 billion dollars (including 20 years of operating costs).
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The Three Gorges Dam, the largest power station in the world, more than a mile wide.
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And to top it all off, a fleet of five Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, the largest military vessels ever built for around 8.9 billion dollars each. If you look at the picture very closely you can see the people standing on it for reference.
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If Bill Gates bought all of this, he would still have around 2.3 billion dollars leftover. That’s enough to go on the billionaire shopping spree I described above twice over (so 100 mansions, 24 sports cars etc.) and still have hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank when it’s all said and done.
But we’re not done yet.
Currently, it’s estimated that there are 2,043 billionaires alive today, with a combined net worth of around 7.67 trillion dollars.
This is Russia, the largest country in the world, extending more than six and a half million square miles, with a population of more than 144 million people. The United Kingdom could fit inside Russia 70 times.
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In 2016 Russia’s gross domestic product was about 1.28 trillion dollars. This means that if the two thousand and some odd richest people in the world - less than half of 0.1% of 0.1% of the Earth’s population - liquidated and pooled their assets together, they could buy every single product and service made in Russia for almost 6 years.
So yeah, make of that what you will.
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tkscz · 6 years
Oh for fuck’s sake. Are people who don’t actually understand economy, wealth and business talking about shit they don’t understand again?
What does it mean to be a billionaire?
So there’s been a lot of discussion floating around regarding billionaires and society, and I’ve noticed that most people have no idea what a billion dollars is for practical purposes - people tend to think of it as a vague, nebulous concept of “a lot of money” rather than something concrete you can wrap your head around. This is understandable, considering 1) a billion of anything is really hard to visualize and 2) the average person has no real reference point for an amount of money that large. So I’m going to try to break it down for everyone:
Okay, so imagine you have a billion dollars. What can you actually buy with that?
This is a mega mansion that will have an Imax cinema, a bowling alley, and a spa when it’s fully complete. It costs around 4.6 million dollars.
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Now let’s buy one of these in every country in Europe - that’s 50 mansions you now own. So how are you going to travel between all your many homes?
This is a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, the fastest street-legal car in the world. It has a maximum speed of a face-melting 254 mph and can go from 0 to 60 mph in 2.5 seconds. It costs around 2.5 million dollars.
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Let’s buy a dozen of them - you know, in case you total a few of them racing around the highway. But maybe a sports car is still to slow for you:
This is an Embraer Lineage 1000. It’s private jet that can seat up to 19 passengers, and we’re going to buy it for 53 million dollars.
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How about a boat? The Tatoosh is a 303 ft private yacht, meaning it’s longer than a football field. We’ll take it for 369 million dollars.
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Do you like art? Just for fun let’s buy Monet’s most expensive painting ($90 million) Van Gogh’s most expensive painting ($151 million), and this monstrosity, which is made with 8,601 diamonds and costs 65 million dollars.
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Now that we’ve gone on our ludicrous and absurdly wasteful shopping spree, how much money do we have leftover? About 12 million dollars, which is almost an order of magnitude more than the average American with a bachelors degree or higher earns in a lifetime ($1.8 million). So if you for whatever reason decided to buy the 50 houses, 12 sports cars, plane, yacht, art pieces etc. and immediately set them all on fire, you would still have enough cash leftover so you never would have to work again if you so chose. This is what it means to be a billionaire.
But we’re not done yet.
The richest person in the world is Bill Gates, with a net worth of 86 billion dollars. If he liquidated his assets, what could he buy?
Well, for starters, the Burj Khalifa - the tallest man-made structure in the world at 2,722 feet tall, costing around 1.5 billion dollars.
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The Large Hadron Collider, the world’s biggest and most advanced particle accelerator for 9 billion dollars.
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The Hubble Space Telescope for 10 billion dollars (including 20 years of operating costs).
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The Three Gorges Dam, the largest power station in the world, more than a mile wide.
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And to top it all off, a fleet of five Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, the largest military vessels ever built for around 8.9 billion dollars each. If you look at the picture very closely you can see the people standing on it for reference.
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If Bill Gates bought all of this, he would still have around 2.3 billion dollars leftover. That’s enough to go on the billionaire shopping spree I described above twice over (so 100 mansions, 24 sports cars etc.) and still have hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank when it’s all said and done.
But we’re not done yet.
Currently, it’s estimated that there are 2,043 billionaires alive today, with a combined net worth of around 7.67 trillion dollars.
This is Russia, the largest country in the world, extending more than six and a half million square miles, with a population of more than 144 million people. The United Kingdom could fit inside Russia 70 times.
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In 2016 Russia’s gross domestic product was about 1.28 trillion dollars. This means that if the two thousand and some odd richest people in the world - less than half of 0.1% of 0.1% of the Earth’s population - liquidated and pooled their assets together, they could buy every single product and service made in Russia for almost 6 years.
So yeah, make of that what you will.
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tkscz · 6 years
Whoa what? People are editing what others are saying now? I mean, I know they did that with Hayao Miyazaki and “anime was a mistake” but that was for laughs. This is supposed to be serious and is seriously disturbing. Things like this can spread and have a negative impact on the lives of those people when things like this are taken seriously. Always make sure to tell people when you edited something if it’s not meant to be taken as a joke. For fuck’s sake, shit like this caused the end of a friendship between two people because you fucks wouldn’t stop saying they were dating because you had head cannon of real people.
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Tom Holland defending his partner’s pronouns.
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tkscz · 6 years
I’m sick of seeing people who don’t understand how economy works bitch that there are rich people in the world because they are not one of them. I mean, you are aware there are reasons there are so few actual billionaires out there right? I mean, everyone here already explained to you that it comes from someone making a product or service that billions of people enjoyed or needed and bought it. Not many products exist like that and thus there are few people who make that insane amount of money. Bill Gates for example made Windows, which is still used on billions of computers today and sold at $100 a pop for the average consumer and at a high monthly fee for businesses. They had alternatives with Mac and Linux, but Windows was easier for end users to understand and worked with more programs and not because Microsoft chocked out the competition, but because Windows is easier to program for and thus more is made for it and thus it’s sold more to people and thus Microsoft makes a lot of money, which went to it’s creator Bill Gates, who tends to give it to charities, find cure for diseases and create technology scholarships. But no no, let’s do what you suggest, which would crash the economy, as no one being able to be a billionaire would deter people from wanting to start a business. With no businesses, no one has anywhere to work, with people not having a place to work, the economy crashes and now everyone is in poverty. There being billionaires is also GOOD for the environment. “but but, they pollute with their factories and deforestation!” Not really, at least not most of them as they don’t have to, and it would actually cost them more money to pollute. These days it’s cheaper to use alternative energies for large factories as they wouldn’t have to pay power companies or have long lasting coal/oil bills as those fuel sources are soaring in prices. Deforestation is just pointless with most data not even being used on paper, plus businesses were never stupid and would replant dress they dug up as to always have a replenishing source of material.
“But what about oil spills caused by oil tycoons!?”
Accidents that coast them far more money than they’d ever want. Most companies that handle things like oil and coal try to keep their products safely out of the environment as they don’t want to lose money on clean up, PR and losing the product. It’s greedy but it means they try to be extra careful not to make mistakes.
“What about all the plastic dumped into the oceans huh?”
That’s not billionaires, that’s us. WE, the average person, are doing that.
“Well they treat their employees horribly!”
Ok, besides Amazon and Walmart, which companies are doing that out of the 200+ that are owned by billionaires world wide? We hear about the most popular ones on the news because it makes good news that you would actually pay attention to, but overall, most of them treat their employees, at least they ones they can interact with, with dignity. You have to also remember that they themselves don’t control that, but local management does. If you want to change the way employees are treated, then you need to take care of the local management, not the corporate management, as CEOs tend to have nothing to do with the lower workers in the company.
“Well that’s still an unimaginable amount of money!”
So whats your point? Again it’s not like they didn’t earn it or their family didn’t earn it. It��s not like they aren’t using it for their companies in order to pay all their other workers. Do you understand the business owners tend not to get paid for months on end while having to pay banks and employees most of their earnings? CEOs tend to only get paid out of the profits while the rest of the billions they earn are given to the employees. A CEO may not get paid until the end of the year, it may be a lot, but they don’t usually see a cent until profits are good enough. If they aren’t ever good enough, they may never see a cent. So they did earn that unimaginable amount of money and it being as such doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to have it.
Your entire argument comes from the ignorance of not knowing about businesses and economy.
Thought: I do NOT think that 50% of the world’s billionaires should be women. I think there shouldn’t be any billionaires at all.
So you are saying 0% of the world should be billionaires?
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tkscz · 6 years
I love the last panel saying “I am very intelligent.” That’s the artist here. Making comparisons that don’t make sense. Because last I checked, there are quiet a few different alternatives to an iPhone if it makes you angry. Hell, I own a Black Berry Priv as a personal phone and an iPhone for work.
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“Mr. Gotcha” on The Nib
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tkscz · 6 years
Ok but I have to be playing as Daisy when I do it.
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tkscz · 6 years
160+ people walked and jogged right by and many of the female pedestrians automatically assumed he deserved it and one saw the woman as a role model. only 3 attempted to slightly help.
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