tlautner · 8 years
I’m sure you will know if I lie. When I say I’m bad, I mean really bad. I’m horrible at lying I don’t think I could ever be an actor. That and I giggle too much. 
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Oh I probably will, but I’m hoping you won’t have to lie to me. Guess we’ll have to see and find out. Acting is a little different then lying. Does that mean you’re also the girl that giggles even more when tipsy?
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tlautner · 8 years
I can imagine, Mr Action Star. The things you do without being attached to wires is amazing. Uh..some friends and I went to Florida and we were attacked by a stalker.
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Mr. Action Star? Well that’s a new one. At least, said to me. Well, a lot of training went into doing all of that. Attacked? Are you okay? Was he found guilty and locked up? Please tell me he was. 
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tlautner · 8 years
Maybe, I kind of like being a stay at home dad. I mean I know eventually going back to work is what I have to do but I think my wild days might be over. My girlfriend will be much happier. 
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Are you sad that your wild days might be over? I’m sure that’s definitely going to make your girlfriend happy but I’m sure you can live a mild wild life. 
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tlautner · 8 years
And you didn’t try and seduce the rich as fuck lady why?
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Sorry, not my type, and I can buy my own shit. 
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tlautner · 8 years
Honesty can be rough but in the end it helps you know who your true friends are. If people can’t handle you being honest or being honest with yo then they’re not really worth your time. I mean little lies to save peoples feelings are alright but I’m a terrible liar so.
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You have a good point there, it’s better to know your real friends even if it might hurt. At least they know what kind of person you are, honesty is good. So I give you credit. Well, good to know, I’ll know if you ever lie to me. I can usually read people really well. 
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tlautner · 8 years
I just took classes. It’s a great way to stay fit and lean. Plus it helps with the walking in heels. Gives me good balance and flexibility. Yes both of those things are true. I’ve had to deal with my fair share. Especially recently.
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I will say I had to take a few dance classes. Not ballet, in particular, but it does help with balance and flexibility, which helps with my martial arts training. Especially recently? What’s happened recently?
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tlautner · 8 years
T E X T ✉️️ L A U T N E R
Billie: yo, when is it okay for me to come and get my stuff?
Billie: you home tomorrow?
Taylor: Whenever you want.
Taylor: I have it all in a box in my downstairs closet, just take it whenever you want.
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tlautner · 8 years
Broke my damn phone so now I have to go to Apple to have it replaced. Do you know how much I hate the Apple store? It’s always so fucking busy, as much as I’m a die hard Apple person, do people not realize this stuff is expensive as fuck? Last time I was there I saw a woman in her 60′s buying an iPhone, Macbook Pro and iPad. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure she had the money to do it, but it just shocks me with how expensive it is, how many people are constantly flooding that store. 
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tlautner · 8 years
My friends keep sending me snaps of them in Mexico on this big bike trip and at first I was a bit jealous. Until the snaps of my friends being taken away in medi choppers started coming and suddenly I was very happy to be stuck home.
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My friends love to do that when I can’t join them on trips. They’re a lovely bunch, showing off. I would say maybe it’s karma but that’s pretty cruel to say it warrants being medi chopper lifted. Plus, you seem like the type that won’t be stuck at home for long, you’ll probably be back out and getting into trouble before you know it. I don’t recommend needed a medi chopper lift but you know, let the world guide you. 
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tlautner · 8 years
Should you ever find yourself there, then you should look up and visit BallieBallerson. But yeah, you’re right about both of those things. A little dirt never hurt anybody, and there’s more travel buddy options out there. Thanks for the input, dude. 
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Nope, little dirt never hurt anyone. Lots of travel options, I’m sure you’ll find someone to escort you there. No problem, that’s what I’m here for. 
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tlautner · 8 years
I’m going to take that as a compliment. I am a little on the skinny side but a lot of that is my genetics and then I think all the ballet helped. Coming from you I don’t think there’s a compliment higher. I think you do. I may never have seen Twilight but I’ve heard things and people could be mean.
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So you were a ballet dancer? Or did you just take ballet classes? Well I aim to compliment where compliments are due. People can be very mean, people can also be slightly psycho, so -- you know, we all have our things when we do certain projects. 
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tlautner · 8 years
Yeah I don’t think that sounds like a whole lot of fun. Not being in control of my body, gross. People seem to be more honest when they’re drunk but I like to think I’m honest all the time so that’s not really a plus for me. It is beautiful. 
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Some people would agree, some people go out in aims of being drunk off their ass every week. Never understood that. You’re honest all the time? That must make and break some friendships for you. 
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tlautner · 8 years
I guess it’s just something I’ve learned over the years. You have to be tough to be a model. It’s all a fight. I still get people telling me I’m not good enough or that I’m not thin enough. You have to have really thick skin. Well we can’t have that.
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I can imagine, it can’t be easy. Though I can’t believe anyone would say you aren’t good enough or thin enough. Personally, I think you  might be a little on the thin side. But, you’re absolutely gorgeous, so never think you aren’t good enough. A tough skin is important, I like to think I have one, but I’m good at repressing emotion. 
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tlautner · 8 years
I drink but not very often. Usually if we’re out at a party and even then I don’t usually drink much. It’s not worth all the side effects. Plus no one wants a drunk model. It’s not a big touristy place. Most people usually just go to Amsterdam.
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I don’t like the idea of being so drunk I’m not in control of my body. Just doesn’t seem like a good idea, but to each their own. I’m sure some people like drunk models, I’m just not one of them, plus it says a lot about you as a person. I’ve been to Amsterdam, gorgeous place. Much nicer then here, honestly. 
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tlautner · 8 years
Has anyone ever heard of the ball pit bar that’s now open in London? Germ worries aside ( they clean the balls every half hour, I believe ), isn’t that just the greatest thing ever? It’s like mixing your childhood with your adulthood, which I think is pretty fucking rad. Anyways, point is – should you ever find yourself on your way to London, then feel free to invite me along. I won’t get in your way or anything; I’m just in it for the bar, but too chicken to travel alone. 
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Can’t say that I’ve been in London lately, so I haven’t heard of it. Though a little germs didn’t hurt anyone. In fact, that’s how we build up our immunity after all. I’m sure you can find someone to go with, but thanks for the tip. 
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tlautner · 8 years
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I have been very fortunate to not have to deal with any of that— I did have a stalker once before, though. But I can only imagine that, some people do get very passionate about their ships and I understand it a little, but we’re not the ones who are writing the story. It does suck that a lot of fans can’t separate us from the characters that we play. Even then, the writers have the right to do what they want to with their characters, you can’t make everyone happy. Oh, I spoiled the next Fantastic Beasts movie for you? Eh, I don’t know for certain if I will be back for the next one or not, they don’t have everything settled yet… I mean, they’re still trying to decide on who they should cast as young Dumbledore, so not everything is finalized yet and there’s still three more movies after the next one— so if I’m not in the second one, then I may be back later. It all depends on the story that they’re trying to tell and if I will somehow fit in there or not. And, yeah— it wasn’t the best idea that I have ever had, mind you and I wish that I hadn’t. They actually tried to get me to sell it for about 5 million dollars and I told them absolutely not… It’s a terrible thing to have to go through, so I feel really bad for both of ‘em. And that’s cool. Do you think that you could teach and old guy like me a few things? I’ve been trying to find myself a new hobby to keep my mind off of smoking. Do you think that karate would work?
Eek, stalkers can’t be fun. I’m not sure I’ve had like a true technical stalker but it wouldn’t surprise me if I just didn’t know it. Like I said, Twilight era, was a dark, dark time. People do get passionate about their ships, which I don’t really understand. They’re not real, it does nothing for their lives, I don’t mind people having them but come on, don’t make it your whole life. It’s not worth it. I saw the movie, I figured you weren’t going to be in it or you’d have minimal part in like flashbacks, but still, pretty awesome to be apart of the Harry Potter world is frigging amazing. That’s one fandom I would gladly jump on the bandwagon and never complain. This reminds me to text Rob and tell him how much I hate him just because he got to be Cedric Diggory for five minutes. It’ll be interesting to see who they cast as young Dumbledore, I’m excited, I take my friends kids to the movies since they’re not really into the Harry Potter stuff. I mean, I feel bad that their personal space was invaded, but I guess at the same time we live in a world full of technology, and you just have to be careful where you store things or who you do things with. I’m not saying it’s their fault, I’m just saying people need to be more aware of everything they’re doing. I could probably teach you, doesn’t matter the age. People start studying at all different points of life, but if you’re trying to break a habit, then it’s a good way. Sweat the toxins out of your body, makes it a little easier to move on. It’s a healthy way to go about it, rather then putting chemicals in your body to help you quit. So if you’re up for a few lessons, I can manage, but I can tell you right now, I don’t go easy on anyone. Even if you’re a big famous actor. 
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tlautner · 8 years
It’s game on. I never back down from a challenge so I’ll check my calendar and see if I can’t spare a day and fly out to LA. I can’t very well have you doubting my word and abilities.
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Well I like that you don’t back down from a challenge, I like that trait. You do that, hopefully you have some spare time in that crazy, busy, model life of yours. I already have a list of movies. Not quite doubt yet, but it could get there.
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