tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
Every tool in the box.
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
After Boston’s huge protest, neo-Nazis cancel 67 rallies in 36 states
So-called “alt-right” organizers behind a series of pro-Trump “America First” rallies around the country have called off their events, citing overwhelming resistance from counter-protesters. 
After thousands of counter-protesters showed up to oppose the Boston Free Speech Rally — the first major right-wing event since the deadly Charlottesville, VA “Unite the Right” rally — the pro-Trump and anti-Muslim group ACT For America has called off 67 rallies in 36 states. The neo-Nazis and white nationalists in Boston numbered only around 100, while some estimate as many as 40,000 turned out against bigotry.
Resisting fascists WORKS. 
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
Tumblr is now owned by a phone company, so it's stopped fighting for Network Neutrality
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Yahoo’s sale to Verizon means that Yahoo’s sub-companies – Flickr, Tumblr and a host of others – are now divisions of a phone company, and as you might expect, being on the payroll of a notorious neutracidal maniac with a long history of sleazy, invasive, privacy-destroying, monopolistic, deceptive, anti-competitive, scumbag shakedowns has changed the public positions these companies are allowed to take.
This matters a lot. The previous fights for net neutrality were won in part with the support of scrappy online companies like Tumblr, whose CEO, staff and users worked together to send a strong message to Congress and the FCC about the importance of a neutral internet, free from ISPs who slow down your connections to services unless they pay bribes for “premium” carriage.
With Trump’s FCC set to slay Net Neutality, the internet is once again planning a day of coordinated action: on July 12, sites across the net will send their users to the FCC and Congress to demand that ISPs be held to a public service standard befitting the trillions of dollars in public subsidies they receive every year in the form of access to rights of way through our cities and between them.
However, Tumblr is not among the companies presently slated to participate, and sources within the company told The Verge that the company and its CEO, David Karp (once a staunch Net Neutrality campaigner) have been given orders to sit this one out.
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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Geography for Racist People by Lilly Singh
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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Dick Gregory has transitioned to the ancestors. What an amazing man. Thank you so much for your fight, your humour, your intelligence, your willpower, your determination and your mentorship to millions of us who watched your videos daily. Rest in Power. 😢✊🏽✨
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
Some reminders from a baby antifa:
You are not useless if you can’t punch a Nazi. Tripping and throwing elbows is just as good.
Get first aid training. Street medic training is much more useful, but first aid is usually easier to find.
Carry water and liquid antacid (Mylanta is cheapest). Make a 50/50 mix and keep it in your bag – it’s better than milk for tear gas.
KEEP AN EMERGENCY BAG OH MY GOD I CANNOT OVERSTATE THIS ENOUGH. There may be a point where your only backup is yourself. You want at least two disposable water bottles, a bottle of your Mylanta mix, a scarf, and sunglasses or a mask. Optional items are a first aid kit, a battery pack or two, apple cider vinegar (you can soak your scarf in it to get through tear gas, do not try to take care of someone who is affected without protecting yourself) and a camera.
Keep your cellphone charged and your shoes flat.
Protect your medics. Cops used to go after YPSL medics during the social security wars. We have no reason to think they won’t this time.
There’s a saying in Disaster Science: not everyone can be a hero. Some people need to fill sandbags and carry water. You are still fighting fascism even if you’re not personally punching Richard Spencer. Show up. Participate. Take care of your fellow protestors.
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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my little collection of leftist literature!! i’m working to expand it and get more must-haves in there so please give me some suggestions if you have any!!
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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Fab, Not Fasc!
The far ­right are coming to Bristol to try to spread their Islamophobic and racist agenda. This time they are using the label ‘Gays Against Sharia’ in a blatant attempt to tokenise LGBTQIA+ communities and use us for their own ends. So we are planning to stop them with a large, spectacular and fabulous carnival. Dust off your heels, shine up your boots and join us!
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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Alerta German antifascists! Coming Monday! [event]
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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Alerta Austrian Antifascists! Help stop the fascists of the Identitäre Bewegung from marching through Vienna! [event]
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
I'm worried that with the rise of the use of the word "antifa" in popular media, the public perception of "antifa" will go from one of "grassroots belief that fascism is bad" to "active militant group", which optically alienates the public. In my opinion, what makes antifa successful is the fact that it has stayed both local and welcoming. How can we stop this developing optics and ensure that the public aren't alienated?
By defending our communities against fascists.
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You’re more than welcome, Dr. Cornel West!Read some more first-hand accounts about how Charlottesville antifa didn’t alienate the public here.
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tltouomstbt-blog · 7 years
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Cornel West & Rev. Blackmon speaking to Democracy Now! on how Antifa and leftists groups protected the Clergy from the Nazi Alt-Right:
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