tmblrisms · 6 years
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tmblrisms · 7 years
Go home and think about what you just did.
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Is this even possible?
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tmblrisms · 7 years
The woman's kid is holding her back like "mom stop being an idiot, you didn't even vote!"
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tmblrisms · 7 years
Senator Sanders: “Will you work with me and others to make public colleges and universities ‘tuition free’ through federal and state efforts?”
Betsy DeVos: (as speaking to a five year old asking for candy at the store) “Senator, I think that’s…a really interesting idea and it’s really great to consider and think about, but I also think we have to consider the fact that there’s nothing in life that’s truly free.  Somebody is going to pay for it.”
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[Watch the full exchange]
I already like this woman.
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tmblrisms · 8 years
Says the guy who spends his time driving around in a truck that gets 10mpg. Classic. #fightthepower
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The people protesting against the Dakota Access aka Black Snake are putting themselves in harm’s way for every single one of us. This is about hundreds of years of blatant and systematic abasement of Native rights and culture. This is about the exponential amount of lives current + future at risk from cavalier environmental disregard. This is about setting the precedent that Big Energy is not right because it has more money, and about realizing that if we act in any way we can that it does not have more power. I encourage you to become informed, or more informed on this pivotal ongoing. I encourage you to talk about this with your peers, family, and followers. If you can’t be there, the boots on the ground in North Dakota need supplies, money, and for us to amplify this very real issue. Sending out this small amount of gear is a greater help than we know to a very real life, and I know many of you that can do the same. Let’s take a stand for something that we know is right; we are all contributors to the current state of our planet’s exploitation and condition. For more info and ways to help check this link
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tmblrisms · 8 years
This is gay
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So I saw this on Facebook…. wow. First of all Donald Trump needs to learn common decency. Just because he’s rich, doesn’t mean he knows what’s best for this country. Personally, I think people need to pull their heads out of their bums. Second, they aren’t “adult men” they are women and deserve your respect because they haven’t done anything to you. It’s like saying “omg, don’t let trans women walk in the streets with our wives and daughters!! They are going to rape them!!” No. Rapists will rape them, not trans women. Third, we are not YOUR daughters and wives, you don’t own us, we are our own people that can voice our opinions about the subject! This is like when guys think they get to have an opinion about abortion, birth control, periods, etc. Sorry, no you don’t. Forth, poor Mr. Wonka, I am sorry your face is used for stupid people to share their opinion in a “funny” way. Stand with our sisters, understand what they have gone through, and don’t oppress and segregate them further.
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tmblrisms · 8 years
Soviet Union: kills 1.7 million in the Gulags, 390,000 in forced kulak resettlement, executes 800,000 prisoners under Stalin’s rule, 10,000-20,000 Cossaks are executed, 700,000 killed during the Yezhov era, 1,710,000 arrested by the NKVD, 724,000 killed by the NKVD, 100,000 religious authorities were killed, 35,000 were killed during the Mongolian terror, 21,857 during the Katyan massacre (that is only the surface).
China: executes 712,000 people, imprisons 1,290,000 in labour camps, causes the death of 45,000,000 people during ‘The Great Leap Forward’, and 2,500,000 were systematically killed to feed the rest of the population, and 750,000 - 1,500,000 were killed in rural China ALONE
Cambodia: Khmer Rouge kills 200,000 in The Killing Fields (1975 - 1979), while 1,400,000 - 2,200,00 die from disease and starvation caused by Khmer Rouge policies, 740,800 die from disease, overworking and political repression, and the mass graves in Cambodia contain 1,112,829 victims of execution
Bulgaria: kills 31,000 people from 1944 - 1989
East Germany: 80,000 - 100,000 killed by the Soviet Union as part of political repression
Romania: 60,000 - 300,000 killed in Romania as part of, guess what? Political repression
DPRK: kills 400,000 in concentration camps alone (approximately), 100,000 - 1,500,000 executions and through slave labour, 500,000 deaths from famine, 600,000 - 850,000 other deaths from 1993 - 2008
Democratic Republic of Vietnam: 50,000 - 172,000 died in campaigns against wealthy farm owners, although some estimate 200,000 - 900,000 which includes executions of National Party Members
Ethiopia: 30,000 - 750,000 killed in a violent, Communist campaign called the Red Terror
Some 15 year old on Tumblr: Communism could work
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tmblrisms · 8 years
95% of the millennials I know....aren't self sufficient....
I hate the pro-abortion argument that fetuses aren’t self-sufficient and therefore not a person.
A newborn baby is not self-sufficient. A toddler is not self-sufficient. Many elderly people are not self-sufficient. Anyone with a severe disability is not self-sufficient. They’re still people.
Use a better/different argument.
You don’t even have to be pro-life to see the holes in that one.
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tmblrisms · 8 years
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tmblrisms · 8 years
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Visualizing the US National Debt
[via The Money Project]
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tmblrisms · 8 years
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tmblrisms · 8 years
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tmblrisms · 8 years
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tmblrisms · 8 years
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tmblrisms · 8 years
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tmblrisms · 8 years
By posting on tumblr. Take that world 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
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“Revolt against the modern world.”
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tmblrisms · 8 years
Only after the photo shoot did he realize grease is harder to get off than he thought.
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