tmpreg · 1 hour
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sometimes you just need to draw a pregnant dilf with massive knockers
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tmpreg · 2 days
The huffing and puffing of someone whose heavily pregnant 🫠
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tmpreg · 2 days
Get me pregnant as a sign that I’m yours. You own me and my body. Everyone is going to look at me and know you came inside of me, and I needed you to so badly. I’m yours, and you love it that way.
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tmpreg · 2 days
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Mmmmm look at that hand on that round belly
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tmpreg · 2 days
Thinking about first becoming pregnant, and greatly underestimating just how much my body will change. Perhaps I missed a day on the pill, or misjudged how fertile I was one night. Maybe something was even slipped into my food when I wasn't looking, priming my body to get knocked up.
Still after a few weeks of nausea, aching breasts, and an odd bloat in my stomach I take the test and it's positive. Aren't I showing early? I don't question it. I feel nervous, I'm not sure if I really want this. Imagining I was pregnant in bed always led to arousal, but do I really want to go through with it? I am convinced though and I try to quell my worries, I can't get that big from just one baby.
By the time I learn it's more than one it's already too late.
Almost 9 months later I'm miserably huge and regretting everything, trying in vain to find a comfortable position, where I don't feel like I'm about to burst. I'm stuffed full, disgustingly large and stretched, assaulted from the inside, by my squirming brood.
I've been completely taken over by pregnancy, my thighs have grown thick, my widened hips ache, my massive bump is streaked with bright red stretch marks, and my poor swollen breasts rest on my belly engorged with milk. A cute and small baby bump this is not, my entire body feels stretched in some way, and at this stage I feel more belly than person.
I lay on my side desperately trying to feel comfortable, crying out at the sudden pressure of a particularly harsh kick. I don't even recognize myself anymore, my trim and fit body replaced with extra curves and newly swollen features.
Every kick and roll within me feels overwhelming. My flesh will be permanently warped, my hips will stay flared out and widened, my body will never be as small and as tight as it once was. I desperately try to calm the squirming with a hand gingerly stroking my unbearably tight skin but it is a losing battle. I curl in on myself as much as my horribly bloated belly lets me, and try not to cry.
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tmpreg · 2 days
It starts with a sudden pressure in my stomach. Perhaps the food you served is disagreeing with me? I wince trying not to think about it as I rub my chest which has started to feel uncomfortably sore. But there's a growing and uncomfortable weight pooling in my midsection that I can't ignore.
A few minutes later I'm grabbing helplessly at my belly as it swells and swells, whimpering as my poor engorged breasts start leaking milk. I groan at the movement squirming inside me, tears pooling in my eyes as I grow larger and out of control.
I try to hide the small smile forming on my lips at first, waiting until you're heavily, hopelessly pregnant before letting on that I know exactly what's happening to you. I watch with rapt fascination as you touch your swelling breasts, clutching your growing baby belly as you struggle to comprehend what's happening to your body. Before you can even wrap your mind around it, your body is dominated by pregnancy, forced to carry my babies inside your womb.
I couldn't be more pleased with the results, thrilled as I move beside you and place a hand on your still growing belly, feeling the exposed skin where your shirt has already ridden up, too small to cover your heavy, full middle. The babies kick and squirm even more against my touch, almost like they know exactly who fathered them. "You're making milk already," I say, squeezing one of your breasts and soaking your already dampened top. "It won't be long now." It becomes painfully obvious what I mean as your belly surges out, each inch it gains bringing you that much closer to delivery.
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tmpreg · 2 days
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(Not my art)
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tmpreg · 2 days
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God I'm getting so big, I'm gonna be huge in a few months if it keeps going like this.
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tmpreg · 2 days
noisy pregnant boys 💕💗💞 big pregnant boys who moan so sweet and loud whenever they have to move around with that huge belly, groaning and sighing with relief every time they sit down and let their belly breathe 💕💗💞 pregnant boys who moan and whimper and whine and mewl and squeak at the slightest touch against their sensitive bumps
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tmpreg · 2 days
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any guys out there who want to use me as their breeder and make me bigger?🖤
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tmpreg · 2 days
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tmpreg · 2 days
Summary: A trans *cowboy finds himself pregnant. After denying it for as long as he reasonably can, and then for a while longer, he tries to hide his pregnancy. When he goes into labor, he gets some unexpected help. *In the western sense, NOT huccow.
This story contains: mpreg, denial, multiples (quadruplets), labor, birth, unassisted birth that turns into assisted birth, lactation, and breastfeeding. Find it here on AO3.
It had been one time. He usually never let anyone cum inside him. That time, they'd both been drunk, and that was all it took. The sperm found his eggs, and unbeknownst to Beau, he ended up with a few babies growing in his belly. He didn't even remember everything that had happened, and had no idea it was even a possibility, much less a reality.
He was a tall man, with a naturally masculine chest, muscular and hairy. He was broad with brown skin and black hair, both on his head and on his face. He always kept fit, and found it strange when his belly started rounding out after just two months. Too much whiskey and beer, he figured, and decided to cut back. Despite his efforts, his belly kept growing, and his chest was becoming very tender and sore.
At month three, his belly was becoming noticeable to more than just him. When he was dressing, he found it difficult to button his shirt, and had to suck in his growing gut just to keep them from popping off throughout the day. One day after hitting four months, his buttons gave out, and he had to finally get new clothes.
He couldn't understand what was going on. Nothing about his habits had changed, and he'd never had an issue with his weight before. Seeing a doctor didn't occur to him, living life rough and on the road. That was something you only did if you were dying, not if you found yourself with a mysterious beer gut.
Sometimes, he found himself absently rubbing his new belly, feeling its firm roundness. As soon as he'd realize what he'd been doing, he stopped, face flushing with embarrassment. He'd started feeling strange sensations inside his belly, but he didn't think anything of it. It was just one of those things.
At month five, he was getting truly big. He looked pretty fat, with his whole body having put on weight, but it was his belly in particular that had grown. He looked like he was carrying a full term baby inside his growing belly.
One morning, he was inspecting his big, round, hairy belly, feeling its taut surface, when he felt something strange. His belly button was beginning to stick out. Bending himself as much as he could, he could just barely get a look at it. He looked... pregnant. Very pregnant. But how could something like that have happened? He shook his head, refusing to believe it. That wasn't something he was going to do. He was a rough and tumble drifter, not some broodmare, carrying and birthing babies, lactating and breastfeeding until the next litter came.
Grunting, he pulled on his shirt, already fighting with the buttons to get them to close and stay that way. He would have to go into town today for some new ones.
Feeling uncomfortable just walking through town with such a big, round belly, as he was purchasing his shirts, he decided he would travel north, where it was much colder, and he could wear a big coat to hide how much he'd swelled up.
He kept feeling this strange feeling inside his belly, like his guts were spasming, and absently rubbed the spots where it kept happening. The shopkeeper was looking at him oddly and he stopped, taking his shirts and heading out, feeling incredibly embarrassed. He had decided to get some of the largest shirts they had available, as well, feeling that this was only going to continue, even though he desperately hoped that it would end soon.
After going up north a ways, he found a little cabin deep in the mountains, far enough away from everything that he wouldn't be disturbed, if he didn't want to be. It was close enough to town, about an hour's ride, if you knew where to go. Judging by the level of dust and dirt inside, no one had been there in a very long time.
Finding himself getting more winded than usual, he grunted as he sat himself down after cleaning the place up and getting a fire going. His belly rested heavily in his lap, and he had to spread his legs to make room for it. He was getting so big, and he had no idea what to do about it anymore.
By the next morning, the shirts he'd been wearing no longer fit, buttons flying off as soon as he managed to get them closed. That strange spasming kept happening, and he could even see his belly moving from the outside. Still, he refused to see that he had a belly full of babies, little lives kicking inside of him.
When he walked through the nearby trees to gather firewood, he realized he was waddling, forced to lean back due to the sheer size and weight of his belly.
At six months, he was massive. To anyone else, he would look very overdue, or possibly very far along with twins, ready to deliver his big baby at any moment. Still, he refused to see what was becoming so obvious. He was very, very pregnant, and would only keep getting bigger.
Hunting for game was becoming more and more difficult, and he had to rely on snares and fishing, since hauling a deer anywhere along with his big daddy belly was a bit too much for him. The babies continued to kick around inside of him, seeming to be trying their utmost to force their daddy to notice them growing in his belly, but he still refused to see it.
By seven months along, he looked as though he should have delivered a pair of twins weeks ago. The babies kicked and moved constantly, finally making it impossible for him to ignore what was happening inside of him. With mounting horror, he held the sides of his belly, letting it dawn on him that he was very, very pregnant, as his babies' little arms and legs jutted out from inside of him, tenting his skin in multiple spots at once. He was carrying lives inside of him, the evidence making him swell up and kicking against the confines of his womb.
"F-fuck, i-it's... kickin'...!" he murmured, still not realizing that he was set to deliver more than one baby. "Oh god, fuck, goddammit..." he groaned, holding the sides of his overburdened belly. It was much too late to do anything about it, and he couldn't even consider seeking professional medical attention. Slowly, he realized he had no choice but to carry the pregnancy to term, and eventually give birth. Panic began to set in as the inevitability of the impending birth weighed on him, but there was nothing he could do. He was pregnant. He was stuck with this big belly full of squirming babies, and he would stay that way, until it was time to deliver them. Then, he would have to push them out of his man-cunt, screaming in agony as they spread him wide.
As the days and weeks went by, Beau didn't get any more used to or comfortable with the idea. He still tried to think up ways to get out of it, some way it might not be true, but it wasn't possible. He had to simply feel the many kicks inside his belly as his babies grew inside of him, as he grew bigger, rounder, and heavier with the little bastards that had been fucked into him one drunken night.
When he reached eight months, it was becoming more and more difficult to waddle around, his enormous, heavy belly pressing on his hips and back painfully. His chest was much, much bigger, with round areolas and thick, puffy nipples, obviously preparing to fill up with milk to feed his babies.
While gathering kindling in the woods, which took far more time than it used to, with how he had to carefully, slowly squat down to pick anything up, he began seeing signs that other people had been in the area recently. He hoped they only passed through and were already gone, but he would have to pay close attention. The thought of anyone seeing him with his massive baby belly, riddled with kicks, was horrifying.
His shirts no longer fit over his belly, and he was forced to wear them with just a couple of buttons fastened, leaving his belly bare. He kept finding himself rubbing it, so unaccustomed to being so big and so full of babies.
By nine months along, his chest had swollen into a pair of big, heavy daddy tits, and his belly looked like he was very overdue with a set of triplets. He had finally realized that he was carrying more than one baby, but how many, he couldn't be sure. Large chunks of his days were spent leaned back in the armchair or bed, groaning as he rubbed his belly, totally overcome and overwhelmed with all the sensations of being so extremely pregnant.
The signs of others in the area were still around, but he'd had yet to run into anyone, thankfully. The signs were never too close to his cabin, and he hoped it would stay that way. He was too big and too far along to do any traveling, and was stuck there until after the birth.
Reaching ten months, Beau's belly was incredibly large, appearing as if he were full term with quadruplets. For the past couple of months he'd been expecting to go into labor, both dreading it and wishing to hurry up and get it over with.
His chest had grown into proper teats, big, full daddy milkers resting atop his overstuffed womb. Very recently, he had been feeling pressure growing in them, and it was getting worse day by day.
"Ohhh, god, get out...!" he groaned, laying in bed, almost trapped beneath his humongous belly as he lay there rubbing it, trying vainly to soothe the kicks. "Stop kicking... get the hell outta me...!"
He had begun feeling contractions, and a mixture of horror and relief came over him. Horror was the feeling that won out. Despite how badly he needed this pregnancy to end, the only thing worse than being pregnant was being pregnant and giving birth.
Unfortunately for Beau, true labor was a long ways off. He couldn't believe it when another month went by, leaving him huge, exhausted, and extremely overdue. His belly was so massive and so cumbersome, he was constantly bumping into things and knocking them over in the small space of the cabin. Even standing too close to something ran the risk of knocking it down, if a baby kicked in just the right spot. His tits were so painfully swollen and engorged, they felt like they might burst, until they began steadily leaking milk, which hardly stopped, once it had started.
Throughout that month, the contractions kept coming, until at the end, he woke up one morning with them coming on so frequently and so strongly, he couldn't think about anything else. Something big was weighing heavily against his pelvis, and it felt as though it would fall out of him at any second. Slowly, he waddled back and forth in the small cabin, whining as he held and rubbed his belly with one hand, while the other braced against his lower back.
"Hoohhh... hoo..." he breathed, trying his best to breathe through the contractions. Up until then, he hadn't thought very hard about the birth. Now, he was realizing that he didn't know anything about it, and that it wasn't exactly safe or easy.
"Ohh, god... oh FUCK...!" he groaned loudly as his heavy belly contracted, forcing him into a partial squat while he held his belly and leaned against the wall with his other hand. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." he breathed. He was wearing just a shirt, with only the button just beneath his tits fastened. They steadily dripped with milk, soaking the shirt, but still he kept it on, feeling somewhat less exposed with it at least partially covering him.
He continued to waddle around, breathing heavily and rubbing his belly, desperate for some kind of relief and getting none. Another contraction seized his belly and he screamed, holding the sides of his impossibly swollen baby belly, when a sudden splash came from between his legs, forming a large puddle beneath him. He wasn't sure what it was, but he felt like it must have meant something, especially since the contractions started coming harder and faster after that.
With the next contraction came the unbearable urge to push, and he bore down hard, with his palms flat on the bed and his legs slightly bowed out in a partial squat. "Ohhh GOD! Fuuuuck, somethin'... somethin's happenin'...!" he couldn't help but shout, still shocked and mortified that he was really having a baby.
Panting, he struggled to haul himself heavily onto the bed. While on his knees with his legs spread wide, his belly contracted and he pushed hard. The weight in his hips shifted, dropping lower. "Hooohh... oh, shit, that fuckin'... hurrrts...!" he yelled, his body forcing him to push. "Hahh... hooohhh..." he breathed, rubbing his belly.
Laying back, he spread his legs wide, keeping both hands on his huge, kicky belly. Another contraction, another push. The mass inside him was steadily moving lower, working its way through his canal. It felt impossibly large, like it shouldn't be able to fit, but it continued to work its way through him as he pushed.
"Fuuuck, it's comin'...! I gotta puuush...!" he groaned, pushing with everything he had. The head spread him wider and wider, and he could feel his man-cunt starting to bulge out around it. "Ohhh, my god...! Jesus, fuckin' shit, get ouuuut...!" he screamed, still pushing. He finally stopped when he couldn't push any more, panting and holding his round, active belly. A sliver of the top of the head was barely visible, only just starting to form a teardrop shape between his legs.
This was the last place he wanted to be. Massively pregnant, with a baby coming out of his stretched man-pussy, while the others kicked around from inside his gargantuan belly as it towered above him.
"Hoohoohoohoo...!" he breathed in and out frantically, until a contraction forced him to push. The sliver widened slowly, and he wailed at the sensation of his cunt being spread so wide.
Slowly, the baby began to crown, and Beau screamed from the discomfort of being so horribly stretched and from the contraction ripping through his over-encumbered belly. The baby was coming, whether he wanted it or not. He pushed and pushed and pushed, pushing all the way through the contraction, the head bulging him impossibly, huge from going an entire month overdue.
When he stopped pushing, the head was stuck bulging out of his man-pussy, and his groans continued even after the contraction ended, the discomfort almost too much to bear.
It was merely seconds later when he found himself pushing again, struggling to birth the huge head of his first little bastard. He was angry that this had happened to him at all, but angrier still that he'd produced such big, strong, fat babies. It didn't matter that he never wanted to carry any babies in his belly at all, his body had betrayed him, making him fill up and nurture them inside his womb for nearly an entire year, until they were more than ready to come out and meet the world.
Huffing and puffing, he clenched his jaw tightly as he pressed his chin to his chest and pushed, squeezing his huge baby belly as he bore down. Finally, with an agonizing pop, the head was out. Gasping and panting, he barely felt a moment's relief, knowing he had so much further to go.
He felt it turn in his birth canal, just before he felt the urge to push again. He could feel the wide shoulders bulging him and wailed from the overwhelming sensation, just as the door to the cabin suddenly burst open while he was in the middle of pushing. From just over his belly, he could see three figures, and felt a wave of horror and humiliation. They were all greeted by the sight of him leaned back on the bed, legs spread wide with a baby's head sticking out from between them, all while he was in the middle of pushing out the shoulders.
As the contraction let up, he was aware enough to look closer, and realized, by some bizarre twist of fate, it was the man he had deduced to be the one to have impregnated him. He hadn't seen him in nearly a year, but there he was, staring at Beau's cunt as it stretched around the huge baby he'd put inside of him.
"Beau...?" Wayne finally said, he and the two others finally coming inside and shutting out the cold.
"Fuck, no, get the hell outta here...!" Beau protested, in no way eager to let anyone see him like this. He only vaguely recognized the other two men, and they were both looking at him with strange expressions. A mix of shock and something else he couldn't place, not while he was too busy giving birth to really focus on anything else.
"We heard you screamin'. I thought... well, shit, c'mon, let us help ya," Wayne said, throwing his coat off and into the armchair before coming to Beau's side. He still looked stunned, not having expected to find someone he knew, much less to find him heavily pregnant and in labor.
Beau squeezed his eyes shut and shouted, pushing as hard as he could to try and get the shoulders out. "There ya go. Keep pushin'. It's comin' along. There's a fella," one of the other men encouraged, sitting at the end of the bed where he could look between his spread legs.
"Get the hell away from there...!" he groaned, humiliated to be on display while he labored.
"I'm a doctor, son, just lemme help ya out. Ain't nothin' I never seen before," the man said. Beau wondered what the hell a doctor was doing in the middle of nowhere with a couple of degenerates - Wayne was a degenerate, anyway, so Beau assumed the other one must have been, by association - but decided not to ask. His question sort of answered itself, anyway, when the doctor took out a small whiskey bottle and took a big swig from it.
The other man was standing awkwardly off to the side, seeming unsure of what he should do. His eyes were looking Beau's laboring form all over, seeming very interested in his tits and belly, especially.
"Goddamn, what the hell happened to ya...?" Wayne asked, staring in awe at Beau's massively pregnant body.
"Ohhh, fuuuck...!" he began to scream as he pushed hard, the shoulders stretching his cunt obscenely. "Fuckin'... you stupid fuckin' bastard, you did this t' me...!" he managed to spit out.
Wayne's eyes widened, and his hand came to rest on top of Beau's belly, an action that made his stomach turn. "You mean, you're havin'... my babies?"
"Just shut the fuck up, ya stupid sum' bitch...! Fuuuck...!" he screamed, pushing hard until the shoulders finally burst free from between his legs.
"There ya go, keep it up. You'll have these babies out real soon. Doin' real well, son, real well," the alleged doctor said, his hand now splayed on Beau's wide and hairy underbelly, babies kicking relentlessly against his touch.
Wayne's hand stayed on top of Beau's laboring belly, rubbing circles on it, feeling his popped out belly button and the babies kicking just beneath the skin. "Good lord, you're havin' my babies..." he murmured, sounding about as turned on as he had the night he put those babies in his belly.
"Is this... it looks... real full..." he said, his other hand tentatively cupping Beau's tit, making him moan. They were incredibly sensitive, and painfully engorged with milk, his body seeming to have a better idea of how many babies he was carrying than he did.
Slowly, Wayne leaned in closer, unclasping the last of Beau's buttons to reveal his huge, leaking daddy tits. Beau was in the midst of pushing, his focus blurred to anything else. Wayne kept his hand on his teat as he drew in close with his mouth opened wide before he latched on, slowly drawing out mouthfuls of warm milk with each suckle.
"Fuck...!" Beau cried, a little shocked and very humiliated at the action, but his tits were so painfully full, what was more humiliating was how badly he needed to be milked. He found himself holding it and pumping the milk out of the other one, spraying it everywhere.
"Damn, that's good, yeah. Keep doin' that," the "doctor" said almost breathlessly, sounding like he was enjoying the sight too much.
"Baby's almost out. Just a few more pushes, c'mon, now," he said after a moment, seeming to remember what he was supposed to be doing.
The third man had moved closer to Beau's side, looking on hungrily as Wayne nursed from the man he'd so thoroughly impregnated. Beau began pushing again, not noticing the man approaching until his lips were inches away from his dripping nipple. He was utterly humiliated as the stranger latched onto his teat, easily drawing out huge gulps of milk. He didn't stop him, however, and more humiliating still was how good it felt to be milked.
Looking down, the sight was horrific. All he could see were the two men breastfeeding from his big hairy tits, his enormous daddy belly, stuffed full of kicking babies, and that "doctor" between his legs, staring at his man-pussy as he strained to squeeze a baby out of it.
Groaning, the pain of the contraction had him squeezing his belly from the intensity, his voice raising into a shout as he pushed hard. "There ya go, keep pushin'. Push, push, push, uh-huh, almost there, big fella," the doctor said, patting Beau's belly, which only deepened the humiliation he was feeling. He could feel the baby hanging out of his man-cunt, and the doctor's hands on it. "Ya got a big, healthy lookin' baby comin'. And a couple more after this one."
The men on his tits squeezed and pumped his breasts for more milk, their hands occasionally roaming over his big, swollen, kicking belly. "Ahhh... fuck... hahhh... hooohh..." he moaned and breathed, desperate to be done and doing anything other than giving birth and nursing.
With the next contraction, he pushed as hard as he could for as long as he could stand to, until he felt the first of his litter slip out and into the doctor's waiting hands. "That's it, push for me, here it comes, here it comes! There ya go! Little baby girl." The man delivering the baby was a lot more thrilled about its birth than the man who'd just pushed it out, holding it up for him to see with a grin. The baby, which wasn't actually so little at about fifteen pounds, immediately began to cry loudly, cementing the fact that he'd truly just given birth to a living, breathing baby.
The man posing as a doctor looked around the room, finding a few old blankets he could wrap the babies in and swaddling the first one to the best of his ability, which wasn't very good. The baby continued to cry from where it was laid on the bed.
There wasn't much time for rest, Beau's next baby already painfully shoving its way through his cervix. "Ohh, god, it's comin'...!" he screamed as his belly contracted and his body forced him to push. "Fuck, I don't wanna... fuck, I'm pushiiing...!" he cried, still in disbelief that he was really going through labor with multiple massive babies.
"Good, yeah, keep 'em comin'. Attaboy." The doctor rubbed Beau's underbelly, feeling it contract around his babies as they writhed and kicked inside his womb.
"Birthin' my babies so good, ain'tcha...?" Wayne murmured, briefly unlatching from his tit. "Made ya so damn big. Wanna fuck another litter into ya, soon as ya popped the rest of these out," he said, patting his belly. Before Beau could say a word, Wayne was back suckling from his teat, and he was overcome by the urge to push.
The second baby quickly began to crown, and Beau couldn't stop pushing. The head bulged out of him more and more, until it burst out of him with a splash of amniotic fluids.
"That's the head out. Good boy. Just breathe, let it turn."
Beau groaned, leaning his head back as he tried to focus on taking deep breaths, his hands rubbing the sides of his belly as his babies kicked against his hands. Wayne and his friend continued to nurse vigorously, pumping his tits and milking him into their mouths.
"Ooohh, fuck, fuck, here it... comes...! I gotta push...! Pushin' out your baby...!" he groaned, screaming as he bore down and the shoulders of his second child bulged against his man-pussy.
"Yeah, there ya go, that's good. Push it out. Feels good pushin' that big baby out, don't it? All them other ones kickin' around inside ya..." The "doctor" hadn't taken his hand off his belly this entire time, rubbing it all over as Beau labored. "Big belly fulla babies, nice big, milky tits... might wanna fuck a couple of my own brats into ya after this, ya look so damn good, all big 'n pregnant, lettin' just anybody drink your milk."
It was embarrassing enough, being enormously gravid with huge, overdue babies, breastfeeding the man who made him like this and another whose name he didn't even know, but the other man's commentary deepened Beau's humiliation to depths he didn't know possible.
"Ohh, fuuuck, I'm givin' birth...! Your baby... your baby's comin' out nooowww...!" he wailed, just as he pushed the shoulders out. Encouraged by his words and how wonderfully he labored, Wayne suckled even more furiously from Beau's tit.
"Yeah, just a couple more pushes, now. Doin' so good, havin' these babies. Breathe, then I want a big push from ya."
"Hoohoohoohoo...!" Beau did as instructed, panting frantically until another contraction took over and forced him to push. He screamed, pushing with all his might for as long as he could, feeling the baby inch out of him more and more until it plopped out and into the doctor's waiting hands.
"That's it! There it is. 'Nother girl. Lookit that, daddy," he said, again holding the baby up for Beau to see, despite his disinterest in parenthood. The newborn cried loudly, demonstrating its powerful lungs. It was huge, far bigger than any newborn any of them had ever seen.
"Ohhh, god... fuckin' shit... how many... how many more...?" he asked, looking at his still huge belly. It was significantly smaller than when he'd gone into labor, but still absurdly large. There were still plenty of kicks and squirms from babies writhing around inside, and he feared the worst.
"Maybe three, by the size of ya. Made some real big babies, didn't ya? Real big. Might just be one big one in there," the doctor said, patting Beau's belly.
He groaned, leaning his head back, his two drinkers never slowing down as they ravenously suckled at his teats. There was little time to rest, as the third baby was sinking into his pelvis, already passing through his cervix.
"Ohhh, here it comes...! Fuuuuck, it's comin' noooow...! Your baby's comin' outta meeee...!" he shouted, pushing and feeling it move through his canal inch by inch. Already he had it crowning on the first push, his body already becoming accustomed to birthing. "Hoohoohoohooohhh...!" he panted and groaned, hardly having a moment to rest before he was pushing again. "Can't... stop... pushiiiiinng...!"
"Oh, yeah, keep goin'. Doin' so good. Push that baby out."
Beau was practically an icon of fertility, having already birthed two huge, squalling newborns, while laboring with another, his belly still absurdly large, and two men eagerly breastfeeding from his heavy, milk-filled tits.
The head burst out of his cunt, bringing with it a splash of fluids. "That's it, big fella. Keep pushin', get them shoulders out." The doctor sounded like he was enjoying the birth far too much, his hand never letting up in how it rubbed Beau's contracting belly.
Hardly taking a breath, Beau pushed hard, the shoulders stretching him wider and wider until popping out in a single push. "Hahh... hoohhh... ahhhhghhhh...!" he struggled to catch his breath, only able to resist pushing for mere seconds. He bore down, the torso sliding out until the arms flopped out, followed quickly by the hips, then legs, already finished birthing his third monstrously large baby. Its cries joined the other two, as the doctor wrapped it and laid it with them.
"Goddamn. Birthin' so good for us, ain'tcha? Attaboy. Got another one on the way, now. Try to breathe."
"Ohhh, fuck, make it stop...! Get... it... OUT...!" Beau wailed, hardly taking the time to take a breath before he was pushing again, the next baby already sliding into his canal. He pushed as long and hard as he could stand to, the huge head bulging out of him only briefly before it was out. He didn't stop pushing, nearly getting the shoulders out in the same push.
"Hoohoohoohoohoo...!" he panted, holding his belly as he began pushing again. The shoulders slid out, with the torso following after almost with ease. The baby hung halfway out of him as he took a breath before pushing again, birthing the final massive baby from his overdue litter.
"Hot damn. That's it. Shit," the doctor said in disbelief, wrapping the final baby and laying it with the other three. "Four baby girls. Congratulations, you're a daddy now."
The words made Beau feel sick to his stomach, wanting nothing to do with the squirming, wailing little brats he'd just squeezed out.
Wayne stopped nursing momentarily to get a look at his new babies, grinning as he turned back to Beau. "Let's see if I can't put four more in ya, next time."
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tmpreg · 2 days
Thinking about someone who is so vehemently against getting pregnant, they're completely in denial up to their due date. They're on birth control, they insist on always using a condom, or maybe they don't think it's even possible for them to get pregnant. Maybe their partner tampers with their BC, and starts secretly feeding them fertility drugs.
The early symptoms are easy to ignore, since they have no reason to suspect they could even be pregnant. When they start to show, they insist it's just a little extra weight, to themselves and everyone else. Those little flutters inside are just indigestion or something.
Their belly keeps growing, and even though they are putting on weight almost everywhere, it gets more and more obvious that it's mostly their belly that's getting bigger and rounder. They eat more, both because of cravings, and because the little part of them that knows what's happening has to do whatever it can to hide their pregnancy. No matter how much weight they put on, it can't hide how heavy and swollen with babies their belly is, but they still manage to deny that they're carrying.
They end up huge, with babies kicking all throughout their massive belly. Their belly button is popped out, but they've blown up so much, they can't see it unless they look in the mirror, something they've deliberately been avoiding for months.
Their partner goes along with it, mostly, but they can never resist making comments here and there. They'll let their hand slide over their big belly, asking things like, "are you sure you're not pregnant? You're getting pretty big," and, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say your due date is coming up."
When their due date is finally approaching and they start feeling braxton hicks, that's when their partner finally starts forcing their attention to just how big and pregnant they've gotten. They lift their shirt all the way up over their belly and chest, showing how they've developed big, pendulous teats, with thick, dark nipples. They'll rub that burgeoning belly, pressing on it all over to make the babies kick, because at that size, there's obviously more than just one baby in there.
Still, they'll insist they don't know what their partner is talking about. They've just gotten fat, they don't have to be mean about it. Their partner pretends to concede, before latching onto their tit, pumping it with one hand. It's so sensitive, they don't even think to push them away, laying back and letting it happen. Their discomfort is getting worse, though, with the weird cramps in their belly and a pressure in their tits. They gasp and moan when they feel something strange in their chest, looking down to see their partner releasing their breast, their nipple dripping. "You're making milk," their partner says with a sly grin before switching to the other tit.
They're petrified, staring down at their leaking teat and their stretched, overfull belly. Their partner presses on it, and makes the babies kick. "The babies are so active," their partner stops sucking at their tit to say, before getting right back to it. They whimper as they feel their milk letting down again, their partner eagerly swallowing as much as they can get.
The cramps have just been getting worse and worse, to the point now they can't stifle a cry. "It's almost time. You're gonna pop any minute, now," their partner says. They just shake their head, not wanting to believe what they know is true. Within moments, they're holding their belly and wailing, feeling as if something actually has popped inside of them, a strong cascade of fluids splashing out from between their spread legs.
All they can do is grunt and shout, "I'm... not... pregnant!" as they struggle to push out their first baby, the head bulging their pants.
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tmpreg · 2 days
fantasizing about being fattened up and bred so fully that my tits swell up, engorged and aching to be milked as my belly swells- both from the constant stuffings and the life growing inside me. my heavy chest resting on my shelf of a belly, all three massive orbs weighing me down until i can only sit back and be fed and fucked
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tmpreg · 2 days
i’m on my third day of stuffing myself and i feel so fucking heavy and full it’s insane. i can literally feel a soreness in my back and sides from how stretched my belly is, how constantly full i’ve been trying to keep it. i woke up with my chest sore from my fwb playing with my nipples for hours the night before. i’m wet through my boxers thinking about them growing too, milk slowly dripping down the curve of my stomach. each day id be able to fit more and more, i’ve already seen a capacity increase just over these past few days. gotta make sure my belly can stretch even farther for when i’m really bred, endlessly growing and stuffing and milking my engorged chest.. fuck
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tmpreg · 2 days
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pumped myself up a bit after i ran out of food to stuff with 😵‍💫 ended up sooo achy
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tmpreg · 2 days
ngl thinking about you pinning me, a bear, and force feeding me your milk until my belly is too swollen to stand
Oh I would love nothing more <3 To feel you suckle helplessly at my teat while your hairy bear belly gets tighter and tighter, rounder and rounder...
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