tmsigal · 1 month
tell me about your current favourite oc!
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tmsigal · 1 month
actually your characters should be pure wish fulfillment and your writing should be entirely self indulgent and it should all be very, incredibly, undeniably horny.
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tmsigal · 1 month
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fairies come in many forms
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tmsigal · 6 months
I made a silly song
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tmsigal · 6 months
tbh the worst thing about being a self aware mentally ill person is that people assume that because you understand your illness you’re automatically able to actually apply your knowledge to your life and cure yourself
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tmsigal · 6 months
Cat with no trust issues
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tmsigal · 6 months
the cold was invented by big bed to sell more cozy sleepie in bed
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tmsigal · 6 months
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This beast came off the hoop this evening. 43cm (17") in diameter, 32 sections. Each section uses only 2 colours (white + 1 other). Blackwork embroidery on 14-count black Aida.
It was designed as a companion piece to this sampler. Same thread colours, same size (charts are 250 x 250 stitches; stitched areas are 240 x 240 stitches), different blackwork motifs and different arrangement of the sections.
Pattern here. Patterns for the pair here.
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tmsigal · 6 months
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via: Mustelid Madness Rescue
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tmsigal · 6 months
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tmsigal · 10 months
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>:) part 1
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tmsigal · 10 months
They remember a great deal more about being human then they are supposed to. Someone figures this out and calls them out on, and their life literally depends on them acknowledging this fact; anything short of this, and they will deny it.
If your OC could cast any type of magic spell, what would it be, and why (for what purpose) would they do it? And which OC would it be?
WRITEBLRS if you're seeing this, you're legally obligated to reblog with an answer, and then a new question for the next person!
Here's the start:
Which of your OCs is most likely to punch somebody in the face?
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tmsigal · 10 months
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the world is a scary place when you are a small and edible thing
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tmsigal · 1 year
darling is such a faggot word. gorgeously flamboyant. I love the feeling of saying it
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tmsigal · 1 year
Fadas may become a nickname for the Fox Goblin fae at some point, as she is most certainly “a woman who pretends she cannot die”
also she’s a faerie soooooo
Treasure of the Castilian or Spanish Language
My good friend gave me this very small book that was a translation of some of the many thousands of entries from a Spanish dictionary written at the turn of the 17th century. The original was by Sebastián de Covarrubias Horozco, and the dictionary was described, at the time, as "a large work of…slovenly erudition". The translator included only a few entries (the book is 62 pages long), but, let me tell you... You're in for a treat.
Here are some entries from a monolingual Spanish dictionary from 1617:
Garlic is so well-known that one need not describe it. Garlic is not a food for courtly people. The leopard abhors the smell of it; if the leopard's lair is scoured with garlic, the leopard forsakes it. Garlic rubbed against the trunk of a tree keeps caterpillars away.
Some say that women have three wombs on the right side and three on the left and one in the middle; some wombs create males, the others females, and the one in the middle hermaphrodites. And others attribute even more wombs to women, and many allow for none of this.
The symbol of sadness and weeping.
Eggplants are not beautiful. They taste insipid; they sadden the spirit; they cause headaches; their bad quality comes out in the face of he who eats too many, giving it their livid or dark green color.
It is a silent letter. It was called the sad letter.
The crocodile follows the man who flees it, and it flees the man who follows it. It flees from saffron. The crocodile that follows the one who flees it and flees the one who follows it is a symbol of glory and honor. A crocodile surrounded by wasps need not be feared.
The diamond can be worked with no instrument except another diamond and the hot blood of a goat.
For a serpent to become a dragon, it first had to eat many other serpents.
Enchanted nymphs or women who pretend they cannot die.
The rooster has a hidden virtue: when placed in the presence of the lion, it makes the lion run. The rooster always faces its beak to the wind—this keeps its tail feathers composed. Roosters grow livelier with garlic paste.
Salute this plant.
Its figure is formed of the light and the strong.
The copyist making a clean copy of my papers left this word between the lines, and many other words remained with it, forgotten, as I was so sick I couldn't write with my own hand or look over what was written in another.
Some ants grow wings to lose themselves.
To a certain friend it seemed that the word "picnic" may have come from the Greek word for "pig," because the day the pig is killed is a day of joy, and because of the many good morsels that the pig provides, and furthermore the whole house rejoices, even the children, who play ball with its bladder. The pig is the rich man who has poor debtors and grunts like a pig his whole life until he dies.
Sheep lick salt, dogs lick blood they find on the ground. To lick plates is proper to boys who delight in belly cheer.
Delight in leisure grew, and men invented sleeping on the delicate feathers of the breasts of swans and other birds and on mattresses of cotton and wool, and even with all this the delicate can sleep no more than if they threw themselves on brambles and thistles because of the cares and passions pricking their souls.
The lion isn't as brave as they say. For the Egyptians it symbolized the heart, the sun, the earth, or he who subjugates others' hearts. It suffers from mosquitoes that bite its eyes; it flees from the sight of the rooster and the rooster's voice, particularly if the rooster is white. Why this is so is unknown. Nature provided that this most ferocious of animal be less prolific than the rest, in contrast with the fecundity of the fearful little rabbit. The lion cub ravages its mother's womb with its claws. The lion forgives.
Common honey is nothing but dew that falls over the leaves of grass and trees that bees deflower and lick with great appetite, swelling in size until they are forced to vomit.
It is unwise for brave men who hunt these wild beats to wait and fight them face-to-face, since bears tend to be dangerous.
This insect is made from dust and a little dampness.
"Q" is mute, because it sounds like "c" and in a certain lazy way, like "k."
Blood of the dragon: the true blood of the dragon is the blood that runs from the dragon that has fought with the elephant, which, atop the dragon, crushes it. The dragon tries to cling to the elephant's belly as there the elephant's hide is thin, and the blood that the dragon sucks out mixes with its own and becomes the true blood of the dragon.
There are books written only on this topic.
A primitive pronoun of the second person.
Soaked in joy like the breadcrumb in liquid that loosens and puffs.
That which pleases us most about glass is its transparence. If glass did not break, silver or gold couldn't compare with it. The Romans used glass clocks. The ancients drank from glass cups with great delight, as do those now for the joy the sight of glass gives us: if you fill it with water, it seems like a diamond, while red wine makes it like a ruby, and white wine, a balas burning with color, a quality that cups of myrrh, being like mirrored black stones, do not possess.
Very few have learned to play the vihuela since the invention of guitars. This has been a great loss, as the guitar is no more than a cowbell, an instrument so easily played, especially if strummed, that every stable boy plays it.
The drunk becomes an "x" because his weak legs cross. A very erudite man censors this letter.
A stone that glints like crystal. A poison. I do not understand how some young women peel the crust off the walls and eat it like icing.
Sweat keeps man from being lustrous.
This is but a selection. I've omitted the shortened definition of elephant, which was originally twelve pages long (this guy evidently revered elephants—and roosters. And goats. I omitted that one, too, as it was long). The translator is Janet Hendrickson, and you can find this book at ndbooks.com. It's an absolute treasure.
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tmsigal · 1 year
Very soon I shall be posting The Fox Goblin Fae and the Dark of the Ways story! (hopefully, one can never tell with my damn health). fantasy story with romance as very minor side plot much later in the story (which includes queer elements when it appears), from queer writer who is also an ethnic jew! (but not very jewish for all that, alas; and disabled as fuck, which is why its not been posted yet, also alas)
I hit a tumblr milestone today! And now I am officially being followed by almost double the amount I follow so...
I need more writeblrs to follow!!!!!!!!!! Obviously
Please reblog/like/talk to me somehow if you're a writeblr that is:
Original writing only (sorry I'm not a fanfic person don't hate me)
Fantasy / Sci-fi / Horror (bonus if no or side-plot only romance)
Any type of minority rep, especially ownvoices
Especially disabilities and religious minorities!! I need moreeee where are youuuuu
Any queer stories, especially aro/ace/queerplatonic and nonbinary
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tmsigal · 1 year
I want to distill myself like the poets do;
The horrors of war in a single shoe,
The glory of spring in a secluded meadow,
And all the happiness that comes from yellow.
I want to distill myself like the poets do;
Metaphor, refrain, words both true and untrue.
A lilting song that holds the fullness of me;
All of adventure in a single ship at sea.
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