tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 1/04/18
Alignment | Agreement | Advancement
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey
Our Tennessee missionaries are diligently serving our Lord and representing you with excellence. Be sure that you are meeting your pledges and the commitments you have made to these choice servants. Consider giving Tennessee missionaries an increase in support for 2018.
Don and Jacque Cartledge recently shared that they "have now completed the first two years of our assignment to Cuba. During 2016 we finished Phase 1 of this task by training 300 Cubans in basic missions philosophy and practice (30 hours of training). 70 of those 300 were chosen to do in-depth missions training during 2017. To date 40 of those individuals have done an additional 45 hours of training and are now qualified to raise the necessary financial and prayer support to begin their service as global workers sent by the Cuban church to the nations.
Would you pray with us that by the end of 2018 we will be able to send out the first group of 12 workers, fully funded and sent by the Cuban church? God has shown Himself faithful through your prayers and your giving to provide every step of the way for this strategic undertaking and we know that He will do so once again!” Love and appreciate you much! Pastor Terry G. Bailey
If My People... Week Of Prayer
This year’s week of prayer (Jan. 7-13) focuses on 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.” Resources, in English and Spanish, are available to download on the Week of Prayer website, including: PowerPoint slides, a bulletin insert, an email header, the daily prayer points, and an opportunity to sign up to help cover the Week of Prayer with prayer. The site also includes 7 brief devotional videos each featuring an Executive Leadership Team member. Read more here.
7 Ways to Recharge Your Prayer Life in 2018
I look forward to the beginning of each year because I set aside some days for special prayer.
For me, these days of prayer offer a holy recharge. Without that time I feel weak, directionless and unprepared for new challenges.
What about you? Are your spiritual batteries drained from the battles of 2017? The Holy Spirit offers a jumpstart. Here are 7 ways you can turn up the heat in your personal prayer life.
Should You Take Short-Term International Mission Trips?
The Lord has been incredibly gracious allowing me to travel and serve him in some unique places around the world. These short-term mission trips have not only impacted my faith but have shaped me as a pastor. On occasion, I have been asked, "Why, when it is so expensive to travel and there are so many needs here should anyone take a short-term mission trip?" I would like briefly offer some reasons as to why you should consider taking a short-term mission trip in 2018. Read more here.
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Bro. Bud Hudspeth was promoted to heaven on this past Sunday. Please remember his wife, Sue and their family in your prayers.
Matt Roelandts will be having shoulder surgery next week. Please remember him in your prayers.
Bro. Ron Forrester needs special prayer for healing.
Vada Allen, Gene Burgess, Ron Bush, Virginia Chapman, Chantrel Chase, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Sue Hudspeth, Jerry Jochem, Christi Jones, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Pixie Moore, Shannon Morgan, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Jim & Nancy Seagroves, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Don Tennison, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 12/21/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey
I wish you and your family a wonderful Merry Christmas celebrating the Advent of Christ. Unless there is an unexpected emergency on Christmas Day, disconnect your phone and text messaging. Sign off Facebook for the day. Spend quality and uninterrupted time with your family and close loved ones.  Look at the throwback Christmas card from Brother Jackson below.
See you next year, in 2018!
Pastor Terry G. Bailey
As a reminder, the TN Ministry Network office will be closed for the Christmas and New Years holiday. Our offices are closed from Friday, December 22, 2017 - January 1, 2018. Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Pastor Rick Seaton was the winner of our Credential Renewal drawing. He will receive His and Hers Apple watches. Congratulations Pastor Rick!
If you have not renewed yet, please renew by December 31. You can renew online here.
As a reminder, there is a renewal fee of $10.00 due to the TN Ministry Network.
How Your Husband Needs You
Whether you're a wife who's been married for six months or 60 years, you can learn about your husband's needs and grow in your role as his wife. Look beyond your marital expectations and pause to find joy in how challenging, wonderful and delightful the marriage journey really is! Read more here...
My Healthy Church Presents ... 2018 MEGA Sports Camp - Team Spirit
MEGA Sports Camp sports ministry outreach gets preschool and elementary kids out of their chairs and into the Word of God. Bible teachings interwoven with sports training make an unforgettable, life-changing outreach event. More info available online.
Free Allen Organ Available
If you are interested contact Pastor Bob Brooks at Dancyville Assembly of God. (901) 383-9200
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Special prayer for retired Pastor, Don Tennison, who is in rehab.
Vada Allen, Scott & Amiee Arnold (new baby), Gene Burgess, Lola Burns, Ron Bush, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Tracy Hagerman, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Jerry Jochem, Christi Jones, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Darlene McCarty, Pixie Moore, Shannon Morgan, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Monica Sanders, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Don Tennison, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 12/14/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey
The Advent of Christ totally changed the lives of Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds in the field. The angel had prophesied, “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21NKJV).
Lives are still being changed as we celebrate Christmas in 2017. Last weekend, at the Christmas production at United Church in Lawrenceburg, over 20 people accepted Christ. Pastor David Morgan reported that the production ran four times with an overall attendance of 1300. First Assembly in Milan had Ebenezer Experience last weekend, and Pastor Rick Waycaster reported that 25 people were saved. It is all about changed lives. Many of our churches are having various Christmas celebrations. Whatever you are doing, give people the opportunity for salvation and rededication decisions.
Love and appreciate you much,
Pastor Terry G. Bailey
Here are promos for this weekend at Union City First Assembly (Pastor Tommy Hall) and Trinity Algood (Pastor Mike Campbell).
Don't forget it's credential renewal season. The TN Ministry Network Deadline is December 15th. Renew online here.
As a reminder, there is a renewal fee of $10.00 due to the TN Ministry Network.
Sex, Power, and Abuse
In recent months, there has been an absolute explosion of allegations of sexual harassment and improper sexual conduct in the government, in media, and entertainment industries. What are we to make of all this? Two seasoned professional Christian counselors weigh in about what is happening in society at large, and what Christian leaders need to know to promote godly and ethical standards of conduct. Listen here...
Loving Well Requires Finishing Well
This past year was marked by some amazing moments along with some reflective ones. These are the kind of moments that shake you to the core. It’s all about life and the relationships we form along the way. That’s what shapes us and makes us who we ultimately become. Read more...
Ten Critical Trends for Churches in 2018
Cultural Christianity is all but dead. The “Nones,” those without any religious preference, are increasing. Many of the communities are no longer friendly to local churches; some have become adversarial. Look at these ten major trends carefully. See how God would have your church respond. Read here...
Free Allen Organ Available
If you are interested contact Pastor Bob Brooks at Dancyville Assembly of God. (901) 417-1045
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Steve Allen was promoted to heaven last week. Please remember Vada in your prayers.
Darlene McCarty, Cordova Cathedral of Praise, had foot surgery this week.
Scott & Amiee Arnold (new baby), Gene Burgess, Lola Burns, Ron Bush (tests), Cooper Byrd, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Tracy Hagerman, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Jerry Jochem, Christi Jones, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Chuck Lester, Frank & Sue Livesay, Pixie Moore, Shannon Morgan, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Monica Sanders, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 12/7/17
Two weeks ago we once again gathered at Opryland Hotel for our annual youth convention. This year 1900+ students and leaders congregated in the Presidential Ballroom with a unified focus…the presence of the Lord. Catherine Mullins led us in worship and Karen Wheaton preached two powerful messages. I am so grateful for their investment into this Movement. However, what makes a TYM gathering special is the sense of family in the air. Along the way this has morphed from an annual event to a reunion of sorts. Youth Pastors who only see each other a few times a year have the chance to reconnect, the AIM team from last summer met up, camp interns reassembled and students from across the state joined their collective voices to call out to the One. Not only did we celebrate God’s goodness in free worship expressions, but we also tied to his mission through generosity. Youth pastors like Chase Hawkins, Derek Robertson and Bryce Harper (among many others) are creating a culture of practical generosity in the lives of our young people. This year at convention we received $46,000+ in our STL offering. To date, we have exceeded our average giving the last few years by $50,000+. So much of that giving has come directly from students and leaders leveraging their talent and being sacrificial for the cause of Christ. We are in a special moment in TYM.
As we closed the conference, I once again sensed the mandate of heaven to prioritize the presence of the Lord in our TYM gatherings…to perpetuate Pentecost…to contend for a wide-spread move of the Holy Spirit. And that is what we will continue to do.
Along the way, my heart was deeply touched as I considered how many people are willing to come along side our District Office team to make an event like this possible. If I begin giving names I am certain to accidentally omit someone. We had dozens of people working behind the scenes to make sure every detail went smoothly. Personally, it is humbling to look around and watch all of these Jesus-loving, talented people sow their lives into this Movement. It is also humbling to think of the effort required for a leader to bring a group to convention…How many people gave generously in our churches so kids could come and encounter the Lord…How many pastors made it a priority on the church calendar…How many parents saw the value in this experience and made family sacrifices to get their kids there. All of us were involved…we all had a part to play…we all made an investment. It is not lost on me how special it is for all of the pieces to come together so a generation can encounter Jesus. To every one of you…Thank You.
- Jeremy Austill
District Youth Director
Don't forget it's credential renewal season. The TN Ministry Network Deadline is December 15th. Renew online here.
As a reminder, there is a renewal fee of $10.00 due to the TN Ministry Network.
10 Mistakes Churches Make at Christmastime
Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. Some would even say it’s the most wonderful time of the year. While it still has its wonderment, Christmastime has a tendency to be stressful as well—especially in the church. Read more...
Five Key Steps to Reach and Retain Guests
We are living in a world of post-cultural Christianity. Our churches can no longer expect guests to show up just because we have the doors open. We have to be prayerful. We have to be intentional. Read more...
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Steve & Vada Allen, Gene Burgess, Lola Burns, Ron Bush, Cooper Byrd, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Tracy Hagerman, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Jerry Jochem, Christi Jones, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Pixie Moore, Shannon Morgan, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Monica Sanders, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 11/30/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey
Bruce and Marsha Headley came to us from Convoy of Hope and have served well as our Church Planting & Church Development Director. They are a wonderful couple. Bruce recently accepted an offer from Convoy of Hope to return as the Executive Director of the Southeast Region (nine districts including Tennessee). We will miss them. Please know that we are good friends and the Headley’s will continue being a part of the Tennessee Ministry Network, residing in White House.
Looking ahead, the Acts 2 Journey will continue, with four retreats led by Ron McManus on January 26-27, April 20-21, July 20-21, and October 5-6, 2018. There are currently several church plants in process, and we will be developing a Church Multiplication Cohort for pastors.
The top four dominant factors that influence Spirit-empowered church health are:
Outward focus demonstrated in community engagement
Absence of unhealthy conflict
Spirit-led worship
Pursuit of Spirit-empowerment
Moving forward to 300 Healthy Churches...love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
We want to encourage all of our ministers to renew by December 1, 2017. Each minister whose renewals are received in our office by December 1, 2017, will be entered into a drawing for a 128 GB Ipad Pro.
TN Ministry Network Deadline: December 15, 2017
Renewal Fee: $10
Church Shooting: Reducing the Risk​
AG Financial recently released two videos to help church leaders develop a plan of action for dealing with an active shooter situation. While no church can eliminate the threat of an armed intruder, these measures may decrease the risk of such an event and possibly even save lives. Watch Here
Being Aware of Future Choices
We all know that the past cannot be changed. Because of our choices, we are presented with good and bad consequences. These events have led to where we are today. Unlike our past, we have every opportunity to shape our future. Be aware of the choices you make today. Make choices that create the future you envision.​ Watch Here
The One Group You Might Forget This Christmas
The holiday season is upon us. As a pastor, you have planned Christmas Eve services, prepared end-of-year reports, and been invited to more Christmas parties than you care to remember. With all of the activity involved in getting your church ready for Christmas, ... Read more...
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Pastor Randy Carter's father, Boyd Carter, and Kay Enfinger's mother, Margaret Combs, went home to be with the Lord last week. Thank the Lord for godly parents!
Gene Burgess needs special prayer.
Pastor Jerry Jochem has been in Intensive Care this week.
Pastor Steve Bruce's mother needs special prayer.
Steve & Vada Allen, Shirley Bowen & family, Lola Burns, Ron Bush, Cooper Byrd, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Pixie Moore, Shannon Morgan, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 11/16/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey
As you plan your church calendar for 2018, be sure Tennessee missionaries receive highest priority!
AGWM Missionaries currently itinerating:
Jeremy Godwin - on field 8/1/18
Mike Lutes - on field 7/15/18
James Wiseman - on field 5/6/18
AGWM Missionaries itinerating during 2018:
David Barthalow 3/10/18
Dustin Barthalow 6/18
Jonathan Lowrance 11/17
Jason Curtis 10/22/17
Mike Fitzgerald 3/31/18
Micah Harrison 1/1/18
Justin Henry 5/4/18
Ben Roberson 11/11/18
Matt Roelandts 7/3/18
Mel Rogers 9/30/18
Nick Serban IV 3/18
Jason Wright 1/7/18
The theme for 2018 is: "Every Tribe, Every Nation”
Love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
We encourage all of our ministers to renew by December 1st. Each minister whose renewals are received in our office by December 1st will be entered into a drawing for a 128 GB Ipad Pro.
TN Ministry Network Deadline: December 15th
Renewal Fee: $10
Joy Middlebrook
Our love and prayers go to the family of Joy Middlebrook, and especially daughters Christy and Cindy, whose mother went home to be with the Lord on November 13th. Visitation is Thursday, November 16th from 5:00-7:00pm at Forest Hill East; 2440 Whitten Rd; Memphis, TN 38133. Celebration of Joy Middlebrook's life will be Friday, November 17th at 10:00am at First Assembly Memphis; 8650 Walnut Grove Road; Cordova, TN 38018.
Attention A/G Credential Applicants: Beginning January 2018, a new, non-waivable course will be required by General Council for ALL NEW credential applicants AND all UPGRADE applicants (the same way A/G History, Missions & Gov. is required now). "A Spirit Empowered Church" (Acts 2 Journey) is being developed this week, and will be offered by TSOM January 5-6, 2018. Bruce Headley, our CPCD Director and Certified Acts 2 Journey Instructor, will be teaching our class. We hope to have registration available by Thanksgiving at www.tnschoolofministry.com.
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Steve & Vada Allen, Shirley Bowen & family, Gene & Heather Burgess, Lola Burns, Mallory Byrd, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Melody Kirkpatrick, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Pixie Moore, Shannon Morgan, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Lavada Savage, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 11/9/17
We encourage all of our ministers to renew by December 1st. Each minister whose renewals are received in our office by December 1st will be entered into a drawing for a 128 GB Ipad Pro.
TN Ministry Network Deadline: December 15th
Renewal Fee: $10
The murders of 27 people in the Texas church are yet another warning of the dangers churches face in our increasingly angry and hate-filled society.  This I believe is the underlying dynamic driving all of these incidents.  Though many of these killers have religious or ideological motives, underlying that is an intense hatred and anger. Very often we learn that these individuals have a long-standing mental illness.
Pastors and church leaders have an obligation to protect their church members and visitors.  This is both moral and legal.
The moral responsibility is self-evident, but the legal duty is not necessarily known to many pastors.  
In the eyes of the law, failure of a church to take steps to protect members and visitors from violent acts committed on church property can be deemed to be a violation of that legal duty which will make the church and its leadership liable. If the church is unincorporated, every member becomes liable.
Already many lawsuits have been filed by church members against their own churches for incidents like this.  Though the incidents typically garner intensive media scrutiny for a relatively brief period, the aftermath is rarely noted.
Only one course of action can realistically protect members and visitors: Intensive training of key individuals in the church and the development of a church security plan.
This has the dual benefit of not only saving lives but also blunting or preventing successful lawsuits against the church growing out of a violent incident.
Violent incidents are now so prevalent and have received such media exposure that a pastor or church leader can no longer legitimately claim, “we had no reason to believe that this might happen at our church.” Such a defense would fall flat before a judge and jury in today’s America.
What should a church do?
Ø   Make certain your liability insurance would cover any such incident and that the coverage is ample.  Depending on the size of the church, a minimum of $5 million should be secured.
Ø  Do not rely on the proximity of law enforcement – even the presence of law enforcement professionals among your membership – as your security.
Ø  Arrange for security training by professionals who have credentials that make clear they know what they are doing and are competent to train others.  
Two individuals known to us we can recommend who do this training are Nashville retired FBI agent Walt Valentine (615-300-6623) and Rev. Garry Martin, himself a Jackson pastor with a background in security work. Walt and Garry can provide maximum benefit by doing the training jointly.
Ø  Consider encouraging stable and mature church members to obtain concealed carry permits. If nothing else is done, this at least should be done.  
Some will argue that this is not wise since an untrained person might shoot innocents.  This has some merit, and this is one reason why training is so critical.  However, I cannot recall a single case of a church member shooting an innocent person when using their weapon to stop a violent attacker.  But there are numerous cases of untrained concealed carry permit holders stopping an attacker.  In violent attacks, there can be no perfect solution.  But observing the facts of these attacks makes it very clear it is better to have armed but untrained church members than a church full of unarmed “targets.”
PHONE: 731-784-4118
BOOK: www.IntoTheNightBook.com
MINISTRY: www.DecisionPointAmerica.org
LAW OFFICE: www.IvyScarborough.com
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Melody Kirkpatrick - recent surgery
Steve & Vada Allen, Shirley Bowen & family, Gene & Heather Burgess, Lola Burns, Mallory Byrd, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Shannon Morgan, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Lavada Savage, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
0 notes
tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 11/2/17
In less than three weeks, hundreds of students and leaders will converge at Opryland Hotel for The Movement Conference. I absolutely love these set aside sacred assemblies when our Network comes together for the purpose of encounter. It is humbling and inspiring to witness so many life-altering moments happening almost simultaneously. For decades to come, stories will be told by those in attendance, of how God met them at a convention center in 2017. As I reflect on my life, there are numerous memory stones, sovereignly constructed, marking those moments on my personal timeline where I intersected with divine purpose. These markers represent the suddenness of God. You are familiar with suddenly I’m sure. As a fellowship, we hang our proverbial hat on one particular suddenly in Acts 2. However, if you are like me, you are also familiar with a particular tension. The Kingdom of God, within its borders, has process as well as suddenly. To be a healthy citizen of God’s Kingdom is to be flexible enough, pliable enough, to hold onto both with equal fervor.
To maintain a consistent faithfulness, allowing process ample room to become fruition…
To contend with resolute determination for the suddenness of God to breakthrough and overturn the verdict…
To be diligent, that process has time…
To be unwavering, that a suddenly is coming…
The Movement Conference will be full of those suddenly moments, but the aftermath will require the steady patience of process. As you read this, you may find yourself in a strain. Maybe you are looking at circumstances, which have remained unchanged for a lengthy duration of time. Maybe you’ve seen so much, that mustering up a belief for suddenly has become arduous. Maybe you’ve ceased in truly contending for a suddenly…somewhere along the journey your heart for suddenly broke down and was left on the side of the road. Maybe a suddenly hasn’t come, and you are questioning the process. Maybe your suddenly didn’t show up, and you are questioning yourself.
Wherever you are on the spectrum, be encouraged today! The Lord is right in the middle of both the suddenly and the process. What’s worse than a suddenly not showing up on your doorstep? No longer contending for a suddenly because of disappointment, frustration or hope deferred is what is worse. The beautiful irony of God’s Kingdom way is this…typically, unwavering diligence and faith in process leads to more frequent suddenly moments. We don’t usually find suddenly so much as suddenly finds those who are where they are supposed to be, doing what they are supposed to be doing with a heart of delightful hope. Let it be said of us that we were wide-eyed with possibility, unwavering in our belief that God will, and willing to be patient until He does.
Jeremy Austill, District Youth Director
Three Ways to Tell the Story of God in a Big Way​
Every story starts at the beginning. That opening line may be, "Call me Ishmael" or "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times" or even "In the beginning." The integrity of a story rests with the concept of beginning, middle, and end. The Bible contains the greatest story ever told, but we often fail to teach kids just how amazing it is. Here are three key ideas that you can use to tell the story of God in a big way.
Read Full Article Here
What Level of Finanical Freedom Do You Have?
A recent study showed that 40 percent of AG pastors have no confidence that their finances will improve in the next 10 years. Maybe you or someone you know can understand how that kind of stress can affect your ministry, or even your perspective on church finances.
To help pastors achieve greater financial freedom, the Assemblies of God is creating the Center for Leadership and Stewardship Excellence. Please visit their website and contact them for more information.
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Steve & Vada Allen, Shirley Bowen & family, Gene & Heather Burgess, Lola Burns, Mallory Byrd, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Melody Kirkpatrick, Wanda Kramer, Gwen Lemley, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Shannon Morgan, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 10/26/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey:
The fall season means football, World Series, beautiful leaves, first frost, and harvest time in the fields. Jesus said, "Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest" (John 4:35). Jesus wanted His disciples to become skillful harvesters. As He taught them, He likely pointed to fields with green wheat that would be ready for harvest in four months. He then challenged them to look around and scan the wheat fields with golden wheat that was ripe to be cut by the sickle.
Pastor Roger Smith of First Assembly of God in Alamo scanned their harvest field and saw Hispanics that needed Jesus. Pastor Roger then connected with William Rose about the possibility of establishing an ESL (English as Second Language) ministry. He and William have begun to reach out to the community. The harvest in Alamo is already white for harvest.
Pastor James Biddle of Emmanuel Assembly of God in Knoxville reached out into their harvest field and had close to 300 at their fall outreach this past Sunday. They had the event on Sunday at 11:00 am so they would purposely reach unchurched. They prayed with many as they exited through the exit tent. They blessed kids with school supplies and gave bikes and prizes all in the name of Jesus. University of Tennessee Chi Alpha networked by bringing 20 students to serve, and they were a huge blessing.
The fields are white for harvest in your community, and it is harvest time in Tennessee. Go for it!
Love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
A Close Connection with God Brings Hope to Your Relationship​
The secrets of abiding will help you get the most out of your relationship with God. Listening, letting go and remaining will produce a harvest of goodness in your life and marriage.
Read Article Here
Dealing with Your Judas
Somewhere on down the line you will have to deal with Judas. Jesus talked about it in John 6:64-71, It must have been a very painful thing for Jesus to have to talk about. One of the things that I have learned is that as a young leader I got Judas and Peter confused, they both denied Jesus. Here is what I have learned their differences were.
Watch Video Here
What Level of Finanical Freedom Do You Have?
A recent study showed that 40 percent of AG pastors have no confidence that their finances will improve in the next 10 years. Maybe you or someone you know can understand how that kind of stress can affect your ministry, or even your perspective on church finances.
To help pastors achieve greater financial freedom, the Assemblies of God is creating the Center for Leadership and Stewardship Excellence. Please visit their website and contact them for more information.
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Steve & Vada Allen, Shirley Bowen & family, Gene & Heather Burgess, Lola Burns, Mallory Byrd, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Melody Kirkpatrick, Wanda Kramer, Gwen Lemley, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Shannon Morgan, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 10/19/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey:
Harland Sanders retired but became discouraged when the thought of simply sitting on the porch and waiting for his $105 Social Security check to arrive was going to be his lot in life. To deal with his discouragement, he began to write a list of everything he had going for him, all his blessings and talents. One of the things he wrote down was that he was the only one in the world who knew his mother’s recipe for fried chicken which included eleven different herbs and spices. At age 65, he started franchising that recipe, which has become what we know today as Kentucky Fried Chicken.
What if Colonel Harland Sanders had given up and quit when he got discouraged? What if you give up and quit just because you are going through a discouraging season? No matter what you are going through, remember the words of Isaiah 41:10,“fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Don’t sit there in discouragement and give up. Make a list and count your blessings. Start dreaming again and believing. You have more going for you than obstacles against you. From your list will come your next steps of action. Your strengths and gifting will make room for you as you move forward. God is your God. He will strengthen you, help you, and uphold you through it all.
Love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
The Reason why Leaders Fail
There are many reasons why leaders fail, but I want to focus on this one today, self-sabotage. Have you ever seen somebody that you have known in previous times, who was full of potential, full of promise, they were going somewhere. They had everything going for them, and then they messed up. If you were to rewind that and dissect that you would probably find out that they were sabotaging themselves a long time ago.
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NEW BOOK: Killing Kryptonite by John Bevere
Much like Superman, God has destined you to live supernaturally—but there is a kryptonite that steals your strength and undermines your potential as a child of God. Check out @JohnBevere’s new book #KillingKryptonite and get your strength back!
Order Killing Kryptonite Here
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Special prayer needed for Pastor John and Christine Lawson, pastors at Knoxville, Circle AG. One of their church members was murdered.
Special prayer for Shannon Morgan who is having knee surgery. Pastor Steven and Shannon pastor at Columbia, Destiny Church.
Special prayer for Lola Burns. She is recovering from recent back surgery. Pastor Warren and Lola pastor at Crossville Trinity Tabernacle.
Special prayer needed for Melody Kirkpatrick. Pastor Mark and Melody pastor at Dyer First AG.
Special prayer for Pam Meek. Her mother passed away. Pastor Billy and Pam Meek are the pastors at Hohenwald First AG.
Steve & Vada Allen, Shirley Bowen & family, Gene & Heather Burgess, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 10/12/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey:
When you are discouraged, it is time to hit your knees and pray the situation through. An acronym for PUSH is Pray Until Something Happens. "And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness" (Acts 4:31). When you pray it through, get ready because there will be a divine shaking in your circumstance and you will be filled with the Holy Spirit to speak the Word with boldness.
General Robert E. Lee had surged forward to Gettysburg, and the Battle of Gettysburg was pending. President Abraham Lincoln was asked by his General how he could be so self-assured. Lincoln replied, “In the pinch of the campaign up there, when everybody seemed panic-stricken, and nobody could tell what was going to happen, oppressed by the gravity of our affairs, I went to my room one day, and I locked the door, and got down on my knees before Almighty God, and prayed to Him mightily for victory at Gettysburg. I told Him that this was His war, and our cause His cause, but we couldn’t stand another Fredericksburg or Chancellorsville. And I then and there made a solemn vow to Almighty God, that if He would stand by our boys at Gettysburg, I would stand by Him. And He did stand by your boys, and I will stand by Him. And after that (I don’t know how it was, and I can’t explain it), soon a sweet comfort crept into my soul that God Almighty had taken the whole business into his own hands and that things would go all right at Gettysburg.”
It is time for you to PUSH, pray until something happens. Pray it through!
Love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
The Power of Observation
Be aware! Don’t neglect the stuff going on in your peripheral vision. Be aware of people’s body language, be aware of how they roll their eyes or don’t. Be aware of the people that seem helpful and those who try to get out of work. Be aware of the opportunities in front of you and those who are so yesterday. This is what I would like for you to do...
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The Wittenberg 2017 Congress Live Stream​
The Billion Soul Network would like to offer free viewing of the Wittenberg 2017 Congress to you. Just signup at www.Luther.tv as a scholarship.
Sign Up Here
Ever wonder how you should handle toxic people?
Last week, I asked world-renowned Christian psychologist Henry Cloud (who spends a lot of time advising the worlds top CEOs) for his take. Frankly, it's the best advice I've ever heard on how to handle fools, toxic people and all the weirdness we often get in leadership. -Carey Nieuwhof
Full Interview Here
"Only when your own cup is filled are you able to fill the cup of your spouse, your children, and other people."
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Compact Family Services/ Hillcrest Children’s Home presently needs houseparent couples. If you know of couples that are searching for a place to minister, please direct them to their website under the “Get Involved” tab.
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Steve & Vada Allen, Shirley Bowen & family, Gene & Heather Burgess, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Mary Rose, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, Jimmy Williams, and Bobby Willeby.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 10/5/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey:
Working with people can sometimes be discouraging. One week, you think they will be with you forever, and the next week, they are leaving you for another church. Remove a sacred cow and watch that (un)sanctified saint become deeply offended. When someone stays offended at you, it is hard to win them back. Proverbs 18:19 says, "A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, And contentions are like the bars of a castle." Some ministers have been burned to the point where they proclaim that they love the ministry, but not working with people. Cynicism is a deadly trap for those in ministry.
How discouraged are you? First, there is the mild discouragement, when no one else knows, and the blues only last for a short time. Strong discouragement is when others around you sense something is wrong, and your prolonged discouragement is lasting for weeks. Disabling discouragement is when you are completely drained of all energy, and you have no motivation, and your discouragement extends over a period of months. If your season of discouragement is strong or disabling, it is time to seek help and possible intervention.
David lamented three times "Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me?" He then proclaims, "Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance" (Psalm 42:5, 11; 43:5). God is going to command His loving kindness to you in the daytime, and when you are going through the darkness of discouragement, His song shall be with you!
Love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
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"New Vision Compels Youth Ministry"
What is the purpose of Youth Ministries? To improve character? To involve students? To provide a positive influence on young lives? Heath Adamson, senior director of Assemblies of God Youth Ministries, believes the answer is found within equipping the Church until all students know Jesus, which they believe will produce three outcomes in Youth Ministry: students who are Gospel-Centered, Spirit-Empowered, and Personally-Responsible.
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The Heart of JBQ
The heart behind JBQ—the reason all 576 questions were written in the first place—was because leaders in the Assemblies of God feared a time when children would become biblically illiterate. There was no goal of taking teams to a national competition because they were concerned with what would happen if kids associated winning and losing with the Word of God. So, let’s go back to the heart of JBQ by implementing 10 steps that will reinforce the true “heart of JBQ.”
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Retired pastor and Bible prophesy teacher, Bobby Bowen, was promoted to heaven earlier today. Please life up his wife Shirley, and their family in prayer. Funeral arrangements are pending.
Steve and Vada Allen: Sister Vada had a stroke that has affected her left side. Please pray for her complete healing.
Special prayer needed for Joy Middlebrook.
Gene & Heather Burgess, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Pixie Moore, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Mary Rose, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike Tullos, Doak Turner, Mike Vandergriff, Larry & Carol Vine, Jimmy Williams, and Bobby Willeby.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 9/28/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey:
Everyone goes through discouraging times, including you and me. The storms of life are real. No matter what you are going through, remember that someone else is going through even tougher times. For example, take a look at Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and Mexico. Storms have taken a huge toll in both property and emotional damages. So many in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico have been significantly impacted by hurricanes and in Mexico by earthquakes. Tim Barker, South Texas District Superintendent, reports that 33 Assemblies of God churches and 18 pastors’ homes have suffered varying degrees of loss. Rebuilding and returning to normalcy is going to take many months and even years. For many, the daunting task is a very discouraging process. Thank you for responding generously, whether you are making donations through the Tennessee Ministry Network or Convoy of Hope. Your giving is making a difference. Let’s continue partnering to rebuild these devastated areas.
What do you do when you get discouraged? Carey Nieuwhof recently shared on Facebook Live, seven things he does when he gets discouraged. They are:
Remember your calling. God got you into it. He'll get you through it.
Shift the weight. Sometimes I forget it's Christ's ministry, not mine.
Do what an emotionally intelligent person would do.Because on my bad days, my inner toddler comes out.
Find some quick, easy wins. Like cleaning your desk.
Call a friend. Loneliness is a choice. So is community.
Get some rest! 70% of discipleship is a good night's sleep (or a nap...go on... take one!)
Don't quit. I'm convinced you're most tempted to quit moments before your critical breakthrough.
No matter what you are going through, “let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up" (Galatians 6:9).
Love and appreciate you much! Terry G. Bailey
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"Secrecy is the enemy of intimacy in marriage."
If you think that you (or your spouse) has let a friendship go to far, please take immediate action to create healthy boundaries and restore healing and trust in your marriage. Here are the 10 signs you’re having an emotional affair. If ANY of these are happening with you OR with your spouse, please take immediate action before it’s too late…
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Successful Marriages Need Passion and Perseverance
Why do so many marriages end in divorce? Why do so many husbands and wives simply give up? They lack grit.
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Reinventing Yourself
Every leader reinvests him or herself. I know in my life, I have been through many reinventions. When someone comes up to you and says “Hey!! You are still the same as 5 years ago.” Don’t take that as a compliment. If you are still the same as 5 years ago you didn’t reinvent yourself, because life will take you to a place where you have to reinvent yourself.
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Mike Tullos (retired pastor) has been in rehab.  
Pastor Chuck Catalfu, pastor at Smartt Assembly, lost his son, Jino Catalfu, last week.  
Pastor Mike Vandergriff (New Tazewell) for complete healing.
Steve & Vada Allen, Bobby & Shirley Bowen, Gene & Heather Burgess, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Mary Rose, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Doak Turner, Larry & Carol Vine, Jimmy Williams, and Bobby Willeby.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 9/14/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey:
Believers are “waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13 ESV). While waiting, beware of those of who set dates for the Lord’s return and those who predict the end of the world. Another misguided person has predicted that the end of the world to occur on September 23. His theory is that a supposedly hidden planet, Nibiru, will crash into the Earth next weekend. He cites Scripture references, taken out of context, to back up his claims. Discerning believers, beware. While waiting with great expectation for the blessed hope, don’t buy into such crazy thinking.
Waiting for His return does not mean you become a passive procrastinator. Until He returns:
Win the lost and make disciples (Titus 2:11). Paul wrote to Titus, “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people.” Every lost person needs Jesus, period. Develop every person to become a passionate follower of Jesus. Every community in Tennessee needs a healthy, soul-winning, Jesus-centered, Spirit-empowered Assemblies of God church. Period.
Live differently (Titus 2:12). The grace of God teaches that Christians should live differently. Educate and train believers to renounce ungodliness. Give up godless ways and worldly passions. Surrender all to Jesus. Exercise self-control, live wisely and upright. The Lord can strengthen you to transcend cultural norms so you can live a victorious Christian life.
Jesus is coming soon. Be ready and bring everyone to heaven with you!
Love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
CPCD Exponential Transformation Offering September 17
Tennessee Ministry Network,
Exponential Transformation Sunday is almost here!
This coming Sunday, I am excited that two brand new churches are launching in Tennessee. You and your church are such a vital partner in the future of reaching the state of Tennessee for Jesus Christ. Sunday, September 17th is an opportunity for our churches to participate in the joy of fulfilling the Great Commission all across the Tennessee Ministry Network.
I encourage you to...
Take a separate offering for Exponential Transformation. (We would never want to negatively affect your tithe and offering.)
Play the following testimonial video: https://vimeo.com/228668114.
Take the offering.
Send me a text to let me know what the offering was. My cell number is 417-693-0355.
Mail the offering to the Tennessee Ministry Network and write in the memo line: Exponential Transformation.
God bless you and I am praying for you and your church this weekend.
Thank you!
Bruce Headley Church Multiplication Director
Church Planting // Morgan
View Statement
The Nashville Statement
A group of leading Evangelicals recently released "The Nashville Statement” on human sexuality. It is an excellence resource that every person in your church should receive.
Intercessory Prayer
Please pray for Pastor Mike Vandergriff (New Tazewell) for complete healing.
Steve & Vada Allen, Bobby & Shirley Bowen, Gene & Heather Burgess, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Pastor Joel & Linda Pledge, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Mary Rose, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike & Linda Tullos, Doak Turner, Larry & Carol Vine, Jimmy Williams, and Bobby Willeby.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 9/8/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey:
“Though it tarries, wait for it” (Habakkuk 2:3). Our problem is that we try to make it happen and we often miss God’s best. Between receiving a vision and realizing the fulfillment of a vision is the deep valley of waiting. Some very significant people in the Bible had to wait a long time, and so will you at times. Abraham waited 25 years for his promised son, Isaac. He became too impatient while waiting. His efforts to make it happen on his own resulted in the birth of Ishmael, and the Arab-Israeli conflict exists to this very day. Moses' make it happen social justice murder resulted in a prolonged forty years of preparation. Imagine that, waiting forty years for Israel’s deliverer to be ready to lead. Israel had waited 360 years for a deliverance, but God had Israel to wait another 40 years to prepare Moses to become the deliverer of Israel.  David spent eleven years running from King Saul, waiting to become Israel's next king. God had Joseph to wait in an Egyptian jail and permitted Job to go through a long season of pain.
Wait for God’s best, “though it tarries, wait for it.”
Love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
Church Planting // Rosenbalm
Church Planting // Morgan
CPCD Exponential Transformation Offering Sep 17
Tennessee Ministry Network Family:
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." – Amelia Earhart
This weekend, I am asking you to make the decision to act and the following weekend, have the tenacity to complete the Exponential Transformation Offering for Church Planting. Your offering is going to transform communities around Tennessee in 2018. We are, Giving to a Future That Has Not Been Written. We are exploring, dreaming and discovering together.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." – Mark Twain
I encourage you to follow the steps below for an effective Exponential Transformation Day.
Make sure September 17th is set aside for the partnership offering.
Download the attached graphic for your power points and bulletins.
Follow the included links and download our Church Planting testimony videos, to be used the week before and the week of the partnership offering
Use Pastor Randy Rosenbalm’s video on Sunday, September 10th and Pastor Steven Morgan’s video on Sunday, September 17th.
Thank you!
Bruce Headley Church Multiplication Director
Intercessory Prayer
Chaplain Ed Jefferies is recovering from a recent major surgery and his sister also passed away last week. Pastor's wife Jonna Jenkins (Cross Life, Hendersonville) fell off a ladder Monday and was injured. Missionary Brad Walz' father passed away last week.
Joshua Rose, son of William Rose, recovering from surgery this week.
Pastor Ronnie Sanders (Savannah Living Word Fellowship) is scheduled for surgery next week. Praise Report: Pastor's wife Kathy Kelly (Smithville 1st AG) received Cancer free report. Five years now! Thanks for prayers!
Please pray for Pastor Mike Vandergriff (New Tazewell) for complete healing.
Pray for Chi Alpha Ministries on our college campuses and Youth Alive groups to spring up in high schools across Tennessee as students are beginning a new school year.
Steve & Vada Allen, Bobby & Shirley Bowen, Gene & Heather Burgess, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Pastor Joel & Linda Pledge, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Mary Rose, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike & Linda Tullos, Doak Turner, Larry & Carol Vine, Jimmy Williams, and Bobby Willeby.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 8/31/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey:
Dear Tennessee AG Ministry Network,
Hurricane Harvey and its devastating impact upon Texas has been on all our hearts and in our prayers this past week. Rescue efforts are continuing. Over 30,000 displaced people are in shelters. The countless hours by police, fire, ENT, medical personnel, National Guard, and many other volunteers has been nothing short of heroic. Rebuilding is going to be a very long term process. Our Assembly of God churches and ministers in Texas have also been greatly impacted by this catastrophic event. Now is the time to respond with compassion.
Let's network together to directly help Texas churches and ministers with rebuilding efforts. If your church could receive a TEXAS RELIEF offering, please send funds to the Tennessee AG Ministry Network and we will network our funds together, and coordinating with the South Texas District, we will directly help our churches and ministers as needed.
Pastor Craig McGee (Somerville Victory Life) is gathering relief items such as water, nonperishable foods, and hygiene items to take a tractor trailer to Houston on September 5th. Please contact Pastor Craig by September 3 and drop off donations at the church on September 4. Other ministry teams from Tennessee will be mobilized in the coming months, too.
As always, Convoy of Hope has once again been one the first responders on the scene. Your generous giving to Convoy of Hope makes a real difference.
Let's network together to help Texas!!!
Love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
Church Planting // Rosenbalm
Church Planting // Morgan
CPCD Exponential Transformation Offering Sep 17
Tennessee Ministry Network Family:
On, Sunday, September 17th, we are asking you and your church to partner with us by giving in the Exponential Transformation Offering. We are expecting that God will move in your partnership with us to invest in the future of Tennessee Church Planting. By giving in the Exponential Transformation Offering, you are giving to a future that has not been written! I encourage you to follow the steps below for an effective Exponential Transformation Day.
Make sure September 17th is set aside for the partnership offering.
Download the attached graphic for your power points and bulletins.
Follow the included links and download our Church Planting testimony videos, to be used the week before and the week of the partnership offering
Use Pastor Randy Rosenbalm’s video on Sunday, September 10th and Pastor Steven Morgan’s video on Sunday, September 17th.
Thank you!
Bruce Headley Church Multiplication Director
A Letter from Ivy Scarborough
Within the last few days I was contacted yet again by a church in crisis due to the exposure of sexual misconduct within the church.  In this case, a youth minister was arrested for soliciting sex from a 14 year old girl. It was learned that this was not the first time. More than any other sin or illegal conduct, sexual misconduct is growing more prevalent within churches.  I am called upon more and more to advise or represent churches facing this issue. The damage done not only to the victim, but to relationships within the church and the reputation of the church can be massive. Prevention is my primary goal in working with my church clients.  This is why I designed the Prevention and Protection Program. Protecting the church is the secondary goal when the first cannot be achieved. That means working to mitigate the possible damage and minimizing the possibilities of legal complications. This subject is so grave and so complex that I cannot address it in this one email.  That is what the Prevention and Protection Program is intended to do.  But I can put before you key points to remember.
Carefully vet and investigate anyone you are considering hiring for a key role with the church, especially if they will have contact with minors. If you do not know a capable and competent investigator to do background checks we can provide contacts. This step is critical to prevention.  It can also lessen the dangers from lawsuits.
Never permit situations in which employees or volunteers are alone with minors. Always employ the “Two Adult Rule”.
If allegations of sexual abuse are made you must investigate this rapidly. If you learn of any possible basis to the allegations, immediately report what you have learned to the TN Dept. of Children’s Services OR your local law enforcement agency. It is always safer to report than to have regrets later.
Keep a written record of every step you take, including when you made the report and to whom.
Do not “circle the wagons” and become defensive when allegations are made against employees or volunteers. Do not project an image of unfairness either to the alleged victim or the alleged perpetrator.
If the situation becomes public and you are concerned about damage to the church’s reputation, begin immediate preparations to submit a media release if called for and devise a plan for how you intend to deal with questions and who will speak for the church. We also advise and can represent churches in dealing with the media.
In the case referred to above, the youth minister resigned and is facing prosecution. The church could be vulnerable to a lawsuit by the minor and her parents. The media picked up the story and the church’s reputation has been damaged.  But my first point to them when I was called was: “In every crisis and adversity there is opportunity IF we seek God’s wisdom in finding it and then act upon it.” Ivy Scarborough 731-784-4118 731-697-7326 CELL BOOK: www.IntoTheNightBook.com MINISTRY: www.DecisionPointAmerica.org LAW OFFICE: www.IvyScarborough.com
Intercessory Prayer
Please pray for Pastor Mike Vandergriff (New Tazewell) for complete healing.
Pray for Chi Alpha Ministries on our college campuses and Youth Alive groups to spring up in high schools across Tennessee as students are beginning a new school year.
Steve & Vada Allen, Bobby & Shirley Bowen, Gene & Heather Burgess, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Pastor Joel & Linda Pledge, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Mary Rose, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike & Linda Tullos, Doak Turner, Larry & Carol Vine, Jimmy Williams, and Bobby Willeby.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 8/25/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey:
“I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord” (Psalm 27:13-14 NKJV).
Have you ever grown impatient while waiting for that red light to hurry up and turn green so you can take off? I have. Or maybe you are speeding through life, full speed ahead, and caution lights are going off within your spirit? When that happens, you’d better slow down and listen to the warnings.
Waiting is an important part of the process to abiding within the perfect will of God. But who wants to wait when you can make it happen yourself? You have your systems and structures in place, so why wait any longer? The reality is sometimes it is not quite God’s time yet. God's work done God's way in God's timing equals true success.
When your peace is disturbed, put on the brakes and wait. If you try to make things happen by your own efforts, you will make a mess. When you wait on the Lord, He causes everything to work together for your good.
God's best becomes your reality when you learn to patiently wait on God. When the Holy Spirit prompts you to wait, obey those promptings. You will be glad you waited for God’s best.
Love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
Tearing Down Our Monuments to Racism
Read this excellent article by J. Lee Grady and break free of any racism that may you have a place in your heart!
Read More
Rob Ketterling2017 Influence Conference
CPCD Exponential Transformation Offering Sept. 17
Tennessee Ministry Network Family:
Please read the following update from Pastor Kim Trimble at Freedom Church Dickson. God is moving mightily!
“God is on the move at Freedom Church Dickson! Last Sunday we had 5 first time guests with 1 salvation and 1 rededication. Today we had 8 first time guests with 2 more rededicated lives - 86 in attendance with 10 of our regulars out today.  We are honored to be a part of what the Lord is doing and excited to see where He leads! Praise the Lord! Pat and I cherish your prayers for continued favor, provision, wisdom and discernment in the days ahead. Specifically, we need prayer for a student ministries pastor!
Thank you all.”
Would you join with me as we continue to pray for the Spirit of God to move at Freedom Church Dickson?
Thank you!
Bruce Headley Church Multiplication Director
CDM+ Demo
CDM+ is a complete church business system, engineered for anywhere and any time access and designed for ease of use. It's one solution for all of your ministry's data needs.
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Intercessory Prayer
Harry Umfleet's brother, George Umfleet, passed away this morning.
Mary Rose, Pastor Gary Rose's wife, having surgery today (Madison First AG).
Please pray for Pastor Joel and Linda Pledge (Jackson Crossroads).  Joel is having surgery for kidney stones today.  They were involved in an auto accident last week and Linda's right wrist bones were crushed.  She is having surgery Friday to place titanium plates with an expected 12-week recovery period.  Specifically, pray for no infection, that her nerves and tendons will accept the metal and that she will regain full function of her hand.
Pastor Bobby Willeby (Waverly First AG) had shoulder surgery yesterday.
Pastor Keith Boothe's brother, Michael Boothe passed away this week (Brighton First AG).
Steve & Vada Allen, Bobby & Shirley Bowen, Gene & Heather Burgess, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike & Linda Tullos, Doak Turner, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
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