toadtrumpets · 10 days
Big photo dump of stuff I'm proud of:
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Been getting really into nature photography recently, mainly animals and grass. I especially like when nature and infrastructure kinda weave between one another. I've also been messing with color a bit more, doing things less standard and more weird or poppy.
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toadtrumpets · 22 days
About the time of night to start taking copious online personality tests. Take that 16Personalities one and figure out what I'll be like in business, relationships, or as a leader, go to some random pseudo-medical website and find out if I have ADHD (currently diagnosed with it), or go to buzzfeed and find out what flavor of ice cream the first letter of my future husband's favorite color will be, then go to bed having learned so much wrong stuff about myself that I will promptly forget the next morning.
Honestly a perfect night.
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toadtrumpets · 23 days
I like walking because it is healthy and relaxing, but on the other end it is also an invitation to be perceived and interacted with while I have my earbuds in, and that is a heavy cross to bear.
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toadtrumpets · 1 month
To be a bird in space with a little bird space suit. nothing better
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toadtrumpets · 1 month
Moved in with my grandma and I get how people can go into adulthood without knowing anything about upkeeping a living space. She takes the trash out, does the dishes, cleans and I never even see it happen. If I hadn't lived my last 20 years having to do my own chores all the time I would probably assume the house cleans itself.
I took the clean dishes out of the dishwasher yesterday and she texted me thank you.
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toadtrumpets · 2 months
Poppin pills (ibuprofen) in da club (my bedroom)!!!
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toadtrumpets · 2 months
British TV is so funny because you'll hear of a long running show that's had 10 seasons and ran for many years and you'll look at the episodes and it's like 5 per season with a 2 year break between each season.
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toadtrumpets · 3 months
Photos from the past few months:
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The stars photo may look bad if you are looking at it on a phone, it really needs the large screen and brightness of a computer monitor.
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toadtrumpets · 3 months
All the discourse around how games have gotten too big in storage size means nothing to me after downloading ark. It's like 1 part decent dinosaur game and 2 parts zip bomb downloaded directly to your computer.
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toadtrumpets · 3 months
I've learned in the past month that 2 people I know believe that Alaska is an island, I feel like I'm going insane. How common is this? How many people have just never looked at a map? Or, how many people have and simply never bothered to check out America on that map?
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toadtrumpets · 4 months
I always fight back my sneezes, want my body to really earn it y'know
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toadtrumpets · 5 months
Absolutely wild the amount of self described Christians out here just outright cheering for homeless people to die. There are a lot of things that are very un-christian that many christians say and do without a hint of self-reflection, but the amount of direct instruction to help the less fortunate in the bible is immense. It is one of the most advocated for things in the text that they supposedly follow, yet they can't seem to get behind that or anything else in that book they never read.
Almost like they're only religious so that they can feel good and moral while they rage against the less fortunate.
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toadtrumpets · 5 months
I realized that you all only ever see the final image when I upload my photos, however there is a decent bit of editing that is behind each photo before the version that you see:
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This is a photo I took yesterday, and you can see that the edited version is pretty drastically different from the raw image taken from the camera. They're not all like this, but it was a very foggy day.
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Most of the time the only thing that's needed is a bit of color correction in order to capture the right mood or vibrance that I'm going for. Particularly in the case of the fire pit, you can see there's not much difference between the source image and the edited one, so much so that it's not immediately evident where the seam between both images is.
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Most of the time, this difference in color is just a matter of personal preference, however in some cases, like the one above, it really is necessary. In the original sunset image, the photo doesn't capture the pure wave of color that the sunset had, instead looking very dark and bland. After editing it is able to more accurately capture how it looks in my eye.
With all this said, I don't claim to be an expert on color correction or photography as a whole for that matter. It could be that I just shoot my photos wrong and all this editing is unnecessarily fixing a problem that I shouldn't have. Either way, it looks good in the end.
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toadtrumpets · 5 months
Wizards of the Coast always on some burning the village down shit when all they need to do is just be normal and nobody would care. Let the gays have their land of magic and whimsy... maybe make some less racist campaigns
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toadtrumpets · 5 months
Watching a show right now that is free on all the free movie sites (plex, roku, tubi, etc.) and I like to put them in a list and just pick a random one for the next episode. Nightmare for remembering which episode I'm on but very fun.
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toadtrumpets · 5 months
15 for the end of the year asks!
15. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
I think the worst thing I've started doing this year is not sleeping enough. I'm the kind of person who needs at least 8 hours of sleep per night or I'm just completely fucked for the entire day. I'm not much of a fan of sleeping, so it's something I have fought against a lot with no victory. For most of this year my sleeping schedule has just been completely random. I'll sleep anywhere from like 3-6 hours per night for multiple weeks and just be a zombie all day. This week specifically though has been a godsend because it's a week off work so no matter when I go to sleep I can guaranteed get a full 8 hours because I have nowhere I need to go.
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toadtrumpets · 6 months
They gotta make water 2 this shit ass for real
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