tobee-the-bee · 5 months
Beatrice: Ah, yes. I’ve been expecting you.
Abigail: What? How’s that possible?
Beatrice: By staring at that door continuously for hours. Something was bound to happen.
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tobee-the-bee · 5 months
Abigail: I feel like you’re judging me.
Beatrice: I am not judging you. I am HEAVILY judging your parents.
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tobee-the-bee · 5 months
Erik: let’s not abigail this into a worse situation than it already is
Abigail: did you just use my name as a verb?
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tobee-the-bee · 5 months
Abigail: *finds a stray cat*
Abigail: Can we keep it?
Cass: Your dad is allergic.
Abigail: Dad can stay outside.
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tobee-the-bee · 5 months
Erik: well, if I was the murderer
Abigail: *suspiciously and reluctantly crosses out Zuko’s name on his list of possible murderers*
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tobee-the-bee · 5 months
Cass: Why do you smell like weed?
Abigail: How do you know what weed smells like?
Cass: I—
Abigail: Aha, busted! You're grounded for a week!
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tobee-the-bee · 5 months
Bison: *banging a pen on the table out of frustration*
Abigail: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table?
Bison: I—
Bison: I don’t know the correct answer to that question.
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tobee-the-bee · 5 months
James: Do you ever wonder what happened to your mother?
Orion: Nah
Orion: Why care about some deadbeat
James, holding back tears: W-well suppose for a second that you did wonder
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tobee-the-bee · 5 months
Axel: What kind of girl do you prefer?
Bison: My wife.
Axel: Now what kind of girl do you prefer?
Beatrice/Brennan: Bison's wife.
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tobee-the-bee · 5 months
Abigail: Did you know that Samantha thinks we're gay?
Beatrice, sitting on Abigail's lap, arms wrapped around her neck as they cuddle: I wonder where she got that from. We're just friends.
Sam, across the room: No, you're not.
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tobee-the-bee · 5 months
Abigail: Do you have the key?
Beatrice: No, I'm just gonna say open sesame.
Beatrice: Of course I've got the key.
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tobee-the-bee · 5 months
Beatrice: What is love?
Brennan: An emotional minefield.
Erika: A neurochemical reaction.
Dex: Baby don't hurt me.
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tobee-the-bee · 2 years
Erik: Bea dear, what are you hiding?
Beatrice's jacket: *barks*
Beatrice: ...Drugs
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tobee-the-bee · 2 years
Merlin, walking into the kitchen:
Avery: Good morning mom!
Avery: You may be wondering why I'm glued to the ceiling.
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tobee-the-bee · 2 years
Mcgonagall: Wheres Erika?...
Erik: Doing stuff.
Mcgonagall: I don't like how that sounds... where's Beatrice?
Erik: Trying to prevent Erik from doing stuff
Mcgonagall: Abgail?
Erik: Distracting Beatrice from preventing Erika from doing stuff
Mcgonagall: Then what are you doing here?
Erik: I'm supposed to be distracting you from stopping Abigail distracting Beatrice so she doesn't go prevent Erik from doing things. *smiles*
Mcgonagall: I do not get paid enough to deal with this idiocy...
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tobee-the-bee · 2 years
Erik: I put a little note in your bag to tell you that I love you.
Beatrice: Dear, this is a ten page essay.
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tobee-the-bee · 2 years
Erik: how do i know axels gay?
Erik: he liked my facebook photos at 3am
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