tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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This is a commission that I ordered from the AMAZING @thenamelessdoll that took my To Belong OC and drew him in the official To Belong art style. @tobelongtheseries is the property of TheNamelessDoll/Roosa and it is going to be an amazing show when it premieres. I ordered a colored commission, which was in black and white, apart from the eyes, and I absolutely LOVED it when I saw it! I am full of gratitude for this! I ended up getting the urge to actually color him and this happened. I asked Roosa’s permission first before I posted this here, to make sure she was alright with it, which she was. The coloring is mine but the real credit and praise for this image goes to Roosa. Thanks again for this! I absolutely LOVE it! She said she’ll be uploading the original image on her own Tumblr sometime later. When she has, I’ll provide a link to it.
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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Master post with my TB related edits/colouring pages. 
1. Charlie/Terren  2. Bram/Mermaid Charlie (AU)  3. Mermaid Charlie/Frey (AU)  4. Frey/Miche  5. Isaia/Celine  6. Mermaid Celine/Isaia/Jane/Nathaniel (AU)  7. Jeremiah/Laura-Louice  8. Haleigh  
Watch me make these: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 More To Belong edits by Kait  +  Really old ones my me
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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My roommates and I got really invested in thenamelessdoll ’s Animated mashup to Belong and I felt the need to draw fanart
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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Inktober Day One: To Belong. Isaia, Frey, and Terren Von Barth.
Characters, the world, and story belong to TheNamelessDoll. Art belongs to yours truly
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
To Belong: OCs
So this is for a story idea by @thenamelessdoll which is currently a kickstarter! I totally recommend checking it out! If you want a slight idea of what To Belong is, check out it out on Youtube, or check out the website. Anyway, profiles are under the read more (Sadly I was too late for the contest but it’s okay. Even if the contest is over, I want to share what I came up with).
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
remember my old to belong ocs? well, they got a slight revision! i still recommend checking it out over @thenamelessdoll 
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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Hi there! I started following @thenamelessdoll and the To Belong series ( @tobelongtheseries ) over a year now (I think?) and heard about the contest. Couldn’t do it on a doll maker though ‘cause I don’t have a computer right now and my phone’s real s**t! ^^“ This is my oc from a story I’m still working on, but I’m still not publishing it for some private issues, and I thought “what animal would he be if he was in the To Belong universe?”
Sooooo…. Here he is. :)
His name’s Ray (real name Raycher Vindeek) and he’s a really apathetic and reserved person who prefers to be left alone. Being a bastard (royal blood mother and a commoner father, in my story it’s possible Iol) he was exiled from his homeland and lives now by his own and survives by hunting in the forests and moving from a place to another.
I can see him being a bad guy lol!
This is it I guess… Hope it’s appropriate for the contest! :) Sorry if I’m not really active, but I’m a “silent follower” and I still have to figure out how Tumblr works. ^^“
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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made for @thenamelessdoll. I hope you like it
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
Ladies of Laburnum ~ To Belong
Well, I made some OC’s for TheNamelessDoll “To Belong” Series. I liked the series and I don’t know…I just kind of made them. I didn’t make any of the art because I can’t draw. Anyways, my polyamorous triad, the Ladies of Laburnum.
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Lady Eleanora Laburnum:
-A young noble woman left with a wealthy fortune and the large weight of her family’s history and all their enemies.
-Eleanora is an intelligent, analytical and is fond of learning for merely the sake of learning. She is straightforward and will read any book she can get her hands on.
-Eleanora, like anyone else, has her flaws. With a collection of extreme trust issues, she is vindictive and can hold grudges for life (like the rest of her deceased family).
-She also would prefer to be left alone or at least with intelligent company.
-Shifts into a mixed-breed cat
-19 almost 20
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Raina Wickes: Right
-A deadly spy that serves under the house Laburnum.
-technically her job is to collect information (which she does) and flush out traitors (but she usually ends up killing said traitors in brutal fashions).
-Raina is an interesting person to know, her natural charming and friendly nature can make anyone feel welcomed. She is filled with energy and always has the best gossip.
-However, it’s important to remember how manipulative and dishonest she can be. She isn’t sentimental either and has no qualms about killing people if they pose a threat to her or her fiancees.
-Shifts into a common rat
Knight Colleen Ashmore: Left
-A loyal knight that serves the house Laburnum.
-A lot can be said about Colleen Ashmore, whether they be rumours from her enemies or her compliments from her friends, but if nothing else you should know she’s compassionate and courageous.
-She also can be hot-headed and misunderstood the expression, “pick your battles wisely,” as she’s down to fight anyone. Her overzealousness can be too much for some people but it has good intentions.
-Shifts into a bengal tiger
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Backstory: (Above is the Laburnum Banner)
Raina used to be a highly skilled thief who attempted to robbed, Colleen while she was travelling on the road outside of Raina’s town to House Laburnum. Though, Colleen held her own and was impressed by Raina’s ambush so she offered her a job as a spy. Raina decided, ‘eh, why not?’. Thus began the highly unusual partnership between two people who give no fucks about socially acceptable things. Like not offering jobs to people who try to rob you. Six years later, this partnership quickly blossomed into a romance and they were ready to commit until the entire house of Laburnum was poisoned.
A rare and almost undetectable poison slipped into their drinks, killing all seven family members. All but one, a young lady who skipped dinner because she was too busy reading. Eleanora suddenly was the head of her house and plenty of people were ready to take opportunity of her inexperience. Whether it be her estranged relatives seeking wealth and power or the very same enemies who poisoned the entire family.
Eleanora, however, was quick to find real allies and asserted her power, as she may not have wanted the title of Lady of Laburnum, she certainly wasn’t going to be pushed around. Amongst her real allies, was her knight, Colleen and her spy, Raina. The duo worked under Eleanora for a year, seeking out and fighting enemies for her ladyship. The three became very close in that year which lead to another romance between the three of them. Which really put a damper on the wedding plans due to Eleanora being proposed almost every week. Nevertheless, the (future) Ladies of Laburnum wait for the opportune moment to elope.
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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OCs Esther and Oli for the To Belong series by @thenamelessdoll​ ^o^ I recently wrote a fic of these two for a contest and it was super fun!! Esther shifts into a snow leopard, and Oli shifts into a stoat. I wish I could draw animals better :X Some other details about them under the cut!
Support To Belong on Kickstarter [link] to help it become a fully 2D-animated series! 
Esther (snow leopard)
Esther is a notorious leader in underground criminal guilds. She specializes in black market dealings, mostly illegally “harvesting” animal products like fur, leather antler, teeth, bone…
Ever say, “I’d just KILL to have my very own bear claw knife”? Don’t worry! Esther will do all the killing for you. Additional fees may apply.
Because of this, she has some very shady connections to some very shady nobles who like very shady furs…
Spends most of her time as a human
Has a wolverine fur shoulder wrap, which is the skin of her former guild leader. She hated him… very much. He’s very warm and much more useful as a rug.
People who aren’t close to her don’t know her favourite accessory was her enemy. She flaunts that it was a family member. It’s safer that way…
Olidammara (stoat)
Esther’s right-hand-man and best friend!
Is more of a thief than a murderer. 
Has piebaldism (has been missing patches of melanin in his skin and hair since birth, and doesn’t change) and heterochromia (one blue eye, another green!)
Had a very unpleasant incident that left him with a Glasgow smile on one side of his mouth…
Is constantly getting into mischief, so most of his time is spent as a stoat.
Will not go naked. Pants are a must. Esther thinks that’s boring.
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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This is my OC for the “To Belong” universe His name is Sofron. 
He works as a paramedic. 
Animal form: Badger
This character is not for the contest. I just made it for myself) I tried to make it in a steampack style, but for the first time I paint in this style, so it turned out very poorly. The main theme for me was to paint it as simple as possible, as in the non/disney cartoon style
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
I had this idea for the series @tobelongtheseries by @thenamelessdoll… This still isn’t exactly what I wanted to do, but it’s kinda there. (I am super excited for the series!!)
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
To Belong Unofficial Discord
Hello fellow @tobelongtheseries Fans!
With the permission of @thenamelessdoll, I created a fan run To Belong Discord for TB fans to hang out, talk, post artwork, and just discuss the series. If you want to gossip about the show and the characters or have TB OCs and have been dying to have a place to show them off and talk about them then look no further than the To Belong Unofficial Discord.
Join us at https://discord.gg/57Qmxcb
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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@thenamelessdoll mentioned that in their To Belong universe, your eye color doesn’t change when you shift forms, but they don’t know how this would work out, say, in the case of tree frogs. So I drew a tree frog and her gecko fiancé with the natural eye colors of their animals forms!
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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From a fan story by @thenamelessdoll i’m so amazed of it and i know she’s creating the same story but with original characters from her, i think :v Thanks! I had fun on this
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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I decided to do a little sketch of the main characters of To Belong, by @thenamelessdoll. My sketches don’t do the original drawings justice but I am fairly proud of the hair for all of them
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tobelongtheseries · 4 years
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This is a picture I did of my @tobelongtheseries OC, Ainsley Swanhild. I’ve mentioned before that he is based off a character from a book I’m writing. Ainsley is being comforted and vulnerable around Isaia and Celine, both character that are the property and creation of @thenamelessdoll lol. It was hard to manage to have it look like they are all sitting on the ground and to make sure Ainsley looked ten-years-old. From what I’ve seen, people always have their child OC’s be adopted by Charlie and Terren, so I wanted to be a little unique and have my OC adopted by Isaia and Celine.
First of all, I love the idea of a boy being raised by lesbians (Just like I love the idea of two gay men raising a girl). Secondly, I feel like these two are the right parents for Ainsley. Isaia is motherly and caring while Celine isn’t afraid to discipline someone, which are things Ainsley hasn’t had much of in his life. He hasn’t had genuine love and care, as well as discipline that wasn’t just him being abused mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexual. Plus, I feel like he would be good for the both of them too. First of all, I have ZERO involvement in the creating of To Belong the series and therefore this is just me having a bit of a fanfic in a way. Anyway, I feel like he could help Isaia be more willing to be bold and try to face stressful situations, though PTSD doesn’t go away, while helping Celine to be more comfortable around children and loosen up a bit.
This picture was difficult to work on but I love the end results. I especially love how I did the tears and the misty eyes. Ainsley is someone who has trouble being vulnerable and opening up to others, so when he finally manages to bring himself to, he is balling like a waterfall. I really loved doing Celine’s expression because she’s usually someone that is always composed and doesn’t show her emotions. To see someone like her have a softer expression, cry, and actually comfort a child was wonderful for me.
I don’t have a fanfiction planned. But I imagine the story behind this picture is that Ainsley had gotten close with everyone, especially Celine and Isaia, but was getting scared that he’d be rejected and abandoned because happiness never lasted for him. He ran away and he got into some danger, but was saved by Isaia and Celine. He’s confused as to why they would risk their lives for him and they tell him that they love and care about him. He breaks down crying and shares all the pain, emotions, and vulnerability he had been bottling up for so long. They’re crying tears of happiness because they were relieved he was safe.
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