tobycastles · 1 year
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To finalise the project, I created bamboo sticks to hold the structure. Also, I added 4x Area Lights to imitate a soft, sun-like effect. Finally, I placed a panoramic image of a sky to contextualise the model in space.
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tobycastles · 1 year
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Next up, I want to texture the surfaces. In Hypershade, I use a layered texturing function that allows the grass texture to naturally combine with a dirt texture. I also plug in the 'Fractal' function to disperse the texturing around the surface.
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tobycastles · 1 year
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I have the idea to vertically stack the terrain models to somewhat resemble the Studio Arkhagen inspiration image from earlier in the project.
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tobycastles · 1 year
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The next step is to source height maps to generate a unique mode. I go to an open-source tool called https://heightmap.skydark.pl/. This website allows a user to create their own height maps for free. I generate 6 different height maps of the greater Sydney region.
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tobycastles · 1 year
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I return to my original idea of terrain modelling. For this, I sourced a terrain height map and used Maya's 'Displace' function. It worked perfectly. Also, the strength of the displacement map is changeable.
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tobycastles · 1 year
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Developed model
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tobycastles · 1 year
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With the post-Assessment Task 1 research underway, I head into Maya to begin modelling the form. Here are images from Day 1.
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tobycastles · 1 year
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So, my next step is to develop an iteration of the structural form by utilising an AI image generator platform, Midjourney. First, I type in words to describe the studio.arkhagen cocoon-like image. For example, the descriptive phrases entered into the Discord feed included: complex, detailed, vertical stacking, transparent, drapes, and vertical.
As I input the data into the Discord feed, I developed the imagery by upscaling and diversifying images that resembled the studio.arkhagen forms.
These are the results.
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tobycastles · 1 year
My submission for Assessment Task 1 slightly strays away from my original idea at the beginning of this course. The cocoon with flora bursting out in city environments is conceptually interesting; however, I am seeking to pivot my model to align with the original vision of a landscape environment.
One day, I scrolled through 3D Architectural Visualisation feeds on Instagram. I see this image from the studio.arkgen account.
The structure's visual appeal stood out as it is an abstraction of a cocoon with elements that can benefit my original landscape vision.
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tobycastles · 1 year
"The apocalypse is here…they have proven to be survivable… but culture and society will never be the same."
We are certainly in an era of climatic and (political) turmoil. The idea of our universe breathing in and out, always in motion, cyclical and transforming, is profound to me. Therefore, I like to develop this fantastical structure that aims to assist mass culture to live cohesively with the future-shaped world.
The world will change, and humanity will survive (in one way or another). What other fantastical structures will help us live positively in the always-changing land?
Yunkaporta, T. (2019) "The Porcupine, the Paleo-mind and the Grand Design," in Sand Talk. How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World. Melbourne, VIC: Text Publishing, pp. 78-79
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tobycastles · 1 year
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The physical modelling process.
The plants are placed inside the gap.
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tobycastles · 1 year
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The broken mould gave me an idea - what if the plants were located inside the gap.
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tobycastles · 1 year
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The physical modelling process.
Leaving the mould to set for an hour meant a huge gaping crack developed (due to leaning on a water bowl that was positioned on the table).
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tobycastles · 1 year
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The physical modelling process.
So, once I created the general mould, I began to place leaves and succulents into the clay. I gravitate towards positioning the leaves on one side of the clay mould because it reminded me of a cocoon breaking or hatching. My imagination saw a butterfly coming out.
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tobycastles · 1 year
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The physical modelling process.
As mentioned in my research summary, I want to make a cocoon-like form. So, I buy some clay and began sculpting it with my hands. I broke off a piece of bamboo that was lying around and stuck it through the middle of the mould.
The stick held the form and also worked for my research from Assessment Task 1a.
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tobycastles · 1 year
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I’ve spent the last few days in Santiago, Chile. The city is fast, chaotic, unstructured and colourful. Interestingly, recent years of 2019-2022 saw civil unrest leading to mass demonstrations, in which the middle-class rioted against social inequality occurring at the time. My conversations with locals and friends led me to believe the protests have an impact to this day. The idea is visualised through the multi-coloured murals and graffiti that remain unchanged over walls, windows and buildings.
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tobycastles · 1 year
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In the past week, I've discussed my project with others; interestingly, a friend mentioned that the forms look like cocoons. I like the cocoon's symbolism with the notions of metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly. Cocoons are universal metaphors for transformation and rebirth. With this idea in mind, I can re-iterate (or re-contextualise) my project with a different city, Santiago, Chile.
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