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The rating of the Fort Loterdale Incident would be Mature +17. The story contains violence amongst the crew, having one of the members being sacrificed and also contains profanity. 
There are also strong religious themes, and controversial ideologies, having science pitted against religion as well as showing offensive behaviour from figures with religious backgrounds. However, the story looks more at human nature rather than poking fun or mocking Christianity. 
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ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) Guide
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EARLY CHILDHOOD Content is intended for young children.
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EVERYONE Content is generally suitable for all ages. May contain minimal cartoon, fantasy or mild violence and/or infrequent use of mild language.
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EVERYONE 10+ Content is generally suitable for ages 10 and up. May contain more cartoon, fantasy or mild violence, mild language and/or minimal suggestive themes.
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TEEN Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language.
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MATURE Content is generally suitable for ages 17 and up. May contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.
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ADULTS ONLY Content suitable only for adults ages 18 and up. May include prolonged scenes of intense violence, graphic sexual content and/or gambling with real currency.
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RATING PENDING Not yet assigned a final ESRB rating. Appears only in advertising, marketing and promotional materials related to a physical (boxed) video game that is expected to carry an ESRB rating, and should be replaced by a game's rating once it has been assigned.
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The Fort Loterdale Incident Evaluation 
This unit has proven to be challenging when it comes to working in a team as pose to working alone. While originally I thought working in a team would speed up the process, it has proves to be difficult coming to creative terms with another person. I generally prefer working by myself since it means that I only have to worry about my own responsibilities and can work at my own pace. What has been produced for this unit has been below my expectations. This experience has made it prevalent than I need to improve my skills working within a team  
The narrative has felt muddy and nothing has felt concrete. This has then surfaced and become apparent in my work, all worksheets left unfinished and in need of more work. Similar with previous units I have used this one as a chance to expand my skills and develop new ones. I used this opportunity to upscale and downscale my work, a practice which I intend to further develop. This is also the first time I have created worksheets with rougher sketches, but I need to continue to do so and not revert back to solely creating clean work. 
I already have enough in my portfolio to prove that I can draw, I just need more of the process and development. One of the few skills I wanted to develop during this project which I neglected to due to time constraints was typography. If I wish to improve this skill I will need to find a way to make the process interesting to me. In general I prefer figure drawing than typography which I have less of an interest in currently.    
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M.A.R.S Project Boards
These are some of the boards for this unit from other students including mine and Brody’s. We decided what would be an interesting way to present our work would be to make our board look like it was part of a crime suspect board. In this case it was made to show the mystery of the missing people of the Fort Loterdale Incident. While this was an interesting idea in concept, the overall execution could have been better. It doesn’t quite convey all the information necessary, some images could have been larger and clearer to the audience. There was also a lack of information and process on this board which was the task.  
Other student boards seem to have more clearer images 
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Storyboards and Panel Layout Mock-ups Pt.2 
These are some more of the ideas for scenes presented as panels of a graphic novel. The scenes illustrated are as followed: scene of the crew finding the church in ruin, scene of the crew restraining McFagen, scene of Anderson alone and losing his mind. 
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Reflection Log 8
This practice of drawing rougher sketches while planning is important for the future, especially when conveying my process. Usually I get absorbed drawing a detailed piece, which is impractical when it comes to the process of planning since it’s time consuming. I have a tendency to be neat when it comes to presentation, however, being messy better illustrates thought, displaying an amalgamation of ideas. 
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Storyboards and Panel Layout Mock-ups Pt.1
These are some of my ideas for scenes in the story which have been converted into panels of a graphic novel. Here we have scenes of the crew arguing amongst each other which is followed by them going their separate ways. Another idea for a scene was two of the member huddling together with one of them coming to the realisation that the other has begun to lose their mind. 
For the character of Anderson I thought an interesting idea would be for him to believe he was a religious figure from the bible. The crew who are left in the Antarctic become insane and start to believe the disaster presented before them is a test. 
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One of the few ways people in the bible are tested is through fasting. An interesting story of fasting is called the Temptation of Christ. After the baptism of Christ, Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights in the Judaea Desert. During this point, the Devil appears before Christ and offers him food, to which Christ refuses.
Using this as inspiration, I decided that Anderson would believe himself to be Christ during his fast, and sees anyone who offers him food as the Devil. 
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Reflection Log 7
After receiving feedback it came to my attention that I rarely upscale when it comes to drawing. I should experiment with more since downscaling larger work can lead to high quality outcomes. This is something a lot of the artists I’m inspired by do when they create panels with tonnes of detail.
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Character Design and Development (Henderson) Pt.1
When it came to creating another worksheet of character designs, I wanted to avoid making the worksheets to similar. After receiving feedback, it became apparent that the best way to resolve this was to try upscale before downscaling. I have a tendency to work small, creating several small sketches grouped together when creating character designs. 
For this worksheet I drew a much larger drawing using 6B and coloured pencils. I decided to change my approach by experimenting with a medium I hardly use.  Overall the drawing      
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Reflection Log 6
While I had planned to produce two more character worksheets, I have only managed to start one, having not even completed this. I’m spending more time with the sketches than the final design and need to loosen up. Becoming fixated on these sketches is more of a hindrance and only wastes time. Admittedly the quality of my work has improved but I need to manage my time more accordingly.
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Character Design and Development (McFagen) Pt.1
This is my worksheet for the character of McFagen. Originally the crew was to consists of mostly priests but after consideration, it has been decided that the crew will include researchers and architects who are Christian.
For McFagen I want him to be a Christian scientist. Thinking of ways to incorporate science into the M.A.R.S project (Maths, Art, Religion & Science), I thought an interesting alternative would be to have a scientist as part of the crew. While I have kept to using more than just ink and have added sketches in pencil, majority of these drawings are still looking clean. To remedy this I plan to create a few rough sketches of expressions.
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Jake Weidmann
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What is Calligraphy?
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Calligraphy is a visual art created by using a brush, fountain pen or other writing implement. Classical calligraphy differs from typography and non-classical hand writing 
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Chris Piascik
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Chris Piascik is a graphic designer who eventually became an independent illustrator.  
Piascik makes carcitures and animated gifs of type, usually morphing them into other words or images and having some influence by pop culture. He has created type animations for social media Nickelodeon, McDonalds, and Facebook. 
Photoshop allows you to make simple animated GIFs it was only a matter of time before I tried some versions with words. The first one I did was morphing one word into another. Each word had the same amount of letters so it was pretty easy to just go frame by frame redrawing it a little different each time.  
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David Carson 
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What is Typography?
Typography is the visual art form of writing and is used to make text more appealing, readable or   
Typeface is a particular design of type, while font is used to describe the weight and size. A typeface can have many fonts  
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Studio Ghibli - Hayao Miyazaki Storyboards 
Studio Ghibli is a Japanese company set in Tokyo known for their animated films, many of them being commentaries about war, pollution and nature. These are some Miyazaki’s storyboards for Studio Ghibli films such as Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke and Ponyo. 
I find Miyazaki’s use of colour and pencil work make it easier for him to convey what’s happening in a shot, which translates well during the transition from storyboard to animation. For his storyboards for films like Spirited Away and My Neighbour Tororo he used yellow for sketching and added pencil to make them the images clearer. Compare that to his storyboards for his later film, Ponyo, and you can see how he uses a lot more colour in his backgrounds, letting animators known exactly how he envisions a scene.
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