toddtumblington · 10 years
A repressed childhood
I grew up traumatized.
My young sexuality fell victim to the patriarchy, you see. There is this myth that a young woman must be "pure", that is virgin, to be desirable. To be desirable for what exactly? Marriage. The patriarchy invented virginity as a way to scare us into submission, into domestication, like cattle.
Since I was  about 11, I've been curvy. Mind you, this was before I knew what thin privilege was. I grew up unable to understand why no one wanted me.
Then he came. A shapely young man of sixteen years.
He was the first one to caress me. To kiss me. To make me feel loved. He was my first. One day, he said we needed to talk. That he could not be with me anymore. I was heartbroken.
Little did I know that it was because of age of consent. I imagine his parents found out and said that I could claim statutory rape against him (yes, very probable). He wasn't my young lover anymore. He was a pedophile, or as I'd later learn, an ephebophile
Age of consent is a societal, patriarchal construct to keep a young woman in check.
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toddtumblington · 10 years
Hi everyone!
I’ve made this new account to talk about an issue that’s just to dangerous to talk about on my normal account.
It’s well known that the patriarchy oppresses not just full grown women, but even children too. My own experience of this was extremely painful and I can’t bear the thought…
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