Reblog this and money will be entering your life this week
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Busting Schizophrenia Myths!
“Aren’t schizophrenic people dangerous-” No. Violence towards other people isn’t a symptom of schizophrenia, nor is it common in schizophrenic people. That’s not to say that no one with schizophrenia has ever been violent because of their psychosis, but it isn’t a symptom of or in the diagnostic criteria for the illness, and schizophrenic people in general are no more likely to be violent than anyone else.
“Isn’t that when you have multiple personalities-” No. Schizophrenia isn’t about having multiple personalities - that’s called Dissociative Identity Disorder and is a completely different mental illness. Schizophrenic people might hear one or more voices in their heads and may feel like their actions or thoughts are being controlled by other people/outside forces, but this isn’t the same as having several personalities as it’s always the schizophrenic persons own personality which reacts to these distressing experiences.
“Isn’t schizophrenia when you’re psychotic like when you hear voices and stuff-” Yes, but schizophrenia isn’t “just” about experiencing psychosis (hallucinations, disorganized thinking/speech/behavior and delusions), it also consists of what’s called negative symptoms (lack of energy, lack of motivation, social isolation, lacking or inappropriate emotional responses, lack of ability to feel pleasure) and cognitive symptoms (impaired memory, impaired concentration, learning difficulties, executive dysfunction and impaired working memory). Schizophrenia is a complex mental illness and psychosis is only 1/3 of what schizophrenic people struggle with.
“You can’t recover from schizophrenia, right-” Not true. 25% of the people diagnosed with schizophrenia are symptom free within 5-10 years of being diagnosed with the illness and up to 80% improve with ongoing treatment and support. Schizophrenia isn’t necessarily a life sentence, and while you can’t EXPECT to recover from schizophrenia and while there’s no known cure, recovery is possible for many people with the right treatment.
“Shouldn’t schizophrenic people be locked up-” No. Schizophrenic people are people just like everyone else, and we have the right to the same human rights and the same freedom as other people. We might need to be hospitalized for our own safety sometimes, but we have as much of a right to be a part of and interact with society as everyone else.
“Real schizophrenic people don’t know they’re sick, right-” Some don’t, but at least 45% of schizophrenics are aware that they’re suffering from schizophrenia, so a person being aware that they’re schizophrenic and having insight into their illness/knowing that what they’re experiencing isn’t real or normal isn’t a sign that they aren’t really sick.
“What if schizophrenic people just have special powers-” I’m not going to deny you your right to your spiritual beliefs, but I’m going to insist that you don’t force them onto me or any other schizophrenic person. Just like I’m not gonna show up at a Christians door saying that God isn’t real just because I’m an atheist, you don’t get to tell a schizophrenic person that they can see into other dimensions or talk to spirits. You risk triggering or worsening our illness by sharing your spiritual or religious speculations, so don’t bring them up. Ever.
“Aren’t schizophrenic people dangerous if they don’t take their meds-” No. Anti psychotic meds are heavy medication that impacts your life in many ways, and taking them should always be a free choice. Some people would rather live with their psychosis than take anti psychotic medication, and this doesn’t automatically make them a danger to anyone.
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dont apologize for speaking or taking up space. dont apologize for disagreeing with someone. dont apologize for having a question or needing help. dont apologize for making it known that you exist.
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nobody is ever gonna care about me as much as i care about them. not because they’re bad people but because they aren’t capable of this kind of intensity (and they are lucky). hurts
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concept: my partner isn’t comparing me to their abusive ex. it’s just a lack of judgment that means they keep getting brought up every time i try to talk about my bpd. i don’t feel paranoid that they’ll leave me if i mention this upsets me.
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my mother: why do you act like that
me: why’d you emotionally abuse me my whole life? we all have questions …good night
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tbpdfw you’re not sure if you’re actually having symptoms or if you’re just exaggerating them to get more attention, which ironically enough is a symptom of bpd
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living with borderline personality disorder isn’t the easiest. it causes to me to be impulsive. i have no sense of stable identity and my feelings towards people are constantly changing. oh that person is nice to you? I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY’RE THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME *one second later* i hate them they’re the worst i want to isolate myself. i’m like a fucking baby i need constant attention and validation or i’ll feel abandoned or rejected. it also causes me to be obsessive. dyed your hair red? OMG IT’S MY IDENTITY RED IS MY NEW FAV COLOUR BUY EVERYTHING IN RED LET’S GIVE YOUR NEW CRUSH THE CODENAME RED. when im dissociating, i can’t differentiate between what’s real or not. i’m constantly plagued with paranoid thoughts that people are out there to harm me and sometimes i hear voices in my head calling out my name. i constantly feel chronic emptiness. bored? here you go feel some chronic emptiness. i fucking hate that im constantly anxious about being abandoned or rejected. i’m so so so scared of being abandoned that i can’t get out of toxic relationships. i’m constantly jumping from one extreme to another. and here you go let’s constantly plague ur mind with suicidal thoughts!!! oh let’s not forget that it causes me to hate myself. accidentally said something wrong? *gets a mood swing and drowns into self loath* my mood is constantly swinging and man i just want to wake up one day feeling stable. i want to be able to recognise the face that stares back at me in the mirror. i want to be able to have self control. i want to be able to be able to feel love without having to beg it from someone else. it’s a constant war in my head. it’s so chaotic. i hate bpd. i hate it hate it.
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Safety in Isolation.
When I was a kid, being alone meant I was safe.
There was no one there to be enraged or erratic; no one around who could elicit my fear. I became accustomed to seeking refuge in a quiet space.
Unfortunately, this habit seems to have followed me into adulthood.
I had learned that a safe life is a solitary one, but this sentiment became a catalyst for my lifelong tendency to isolate.
The pangs of loneliness aren’t even enough to draw me out.
I crave to be known while never wanting to be seen.
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it blows my mind how literally NOTHING ever works out for me
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a fools guide to not wanting to die anymore
by me, a fool who doesnt wanna die anymore 
never make a suicide joke again. yes this includes “i wanna die” as a figure of speech. swear off of it. actually make an effort to change how you think about things.
find something to compliment someone for at least 4 times a day. notice the little things about the world that make you happy, and use that to make other people happy.
talk to people. initiate conversation as often as you possibly can. keep your mind busy and you wont have to worry anymore
picture the bad intrusive thoughts in youe head as an edgy 13 year old and tell them to go be emo somewhere else
if someone makes you feel bad most of the time, stop talking to them. making yourself hang out with people who drain you is self harm. stop it.
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I like you because you use me, and being used is easier for me to comprehend than being loved
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My dashboard is so empty right now. If you post about or have one or more of these disorders reblog this so I can follow you!!
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- metal health
(my mind went blank after this but you get the gist)
Follow me and if I like your blog I just might follow back!!
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ask personal questions, get personal answers
can ppl stop asking me how i lost weight like i starve myself karen idk what you want me to say
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