tokiokoeru · 10 years
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You have me confused with another Noriko.
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Noriko? What are you doing in a place like this? It’s late you should be home.
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
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".........I don't really like getting too close to humans, if I can help it. I can promise you it's not going to go well for either of us."
She sighs. It wasn't hard telling people this usually--when it did come up. But she was beginning to want to go against the rule she'd made for herself again... even knowing it would just have the same results as before.
"I'm glad you were able to help me, but... it might be best if we didn't become friends."
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"Huh?" Well that certainly came out of left field. She was another video game enthusiast, she was pretty, and on top of that they both just worked out part of her love life for the better. 
Why wouldn’t she want to make friends with Kakyoin-senpai? 
" Wait, how come?" Usagi asks, more confused than anything.
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
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That doesn't stop them from being food. 
I... I was someone else back then. I was still human in a lot of ways. 
[She sighs, pausing for a few moments.]
I don't know... I'm really nothing like the person I used to be. I don't even know what I was thinking back then. I remember... it was a lot of fun, but... I don't really... know why I did it, if it wasn't because I missed her.
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You still have the other me, don't you? ...why do you want me, too? She's still more human than I'll ever be. You'd have better luck with her...
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I’m not saying to make friends easily. I’m saying choose your friends wisely and sparingly. It’s not like you have to eat every single person you come across, is it?
I’m not the same as your Jotaro. We’ve established this. And yet, you still reached out to me. You still treated me like an actual person—like a friend should.
Don’t say that. I do still need you.
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
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Not really, no.
Maybe I should replay it sometime soon... 
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I guess there’s no use in complaining…
And yeah, it was pretty good. The soundtrack was nice.
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
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Well, that's how it is!
...Jet Set Radio was a pretty good game...
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A weird video game. Anyways, as much as I love video games I don’t actually want to live like one. Unless it’s like…. Jet Set Radio or something.
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
[AW MAN baby is cute but expensive rip I shop bodyline because I’m poor.]
((CLOSET CHILD. SHOP AT CLOSET CHILD. seriously baby jsk for 5000 yen. BABY JSK FOR 5000 YEN. closet child has a lot of really cheap lolita clothes cuz it's second-hand but it's all in sUPER GOOD SHAPE))
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
emeraldlolita replied to your post:((…emeraldlolita confirmed for a+ taste in...
((yiss baby is my favorite brand omg also I found a really cute red baby jsk for 5000 yen over christmas break and I--ok I'll shut up but bABY,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ))
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
((...emeraldlolita confirmed for a+ taste in clothes))
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
It's kind of like a video game if you think about it.
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100% serious. 
I don’t think I really ever will..
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—?! Uhm?! Did you just say time-travelling vampire?! You’re not serious are you?!
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
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You'll get used to it. Everyone does eventually. Just try not to think too hard about it.
[She laughs a bit.]
Time-travelling vampire. 
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I still find this rather hard to believe… So many Kakyoins… — What kind are you then? You seem rather normal..
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
"I-I mean, it is, I just..." she stares at Usagi, an awkward, forced half-smile on her face. "I don't know... It is, but..."
"...thanks, though." She looks away, feeling kind of bad that she doesn't have much else to say. She can't say she doesn't appreciate Usagi's help or enthusiasm--because that's not the case. She's just... entirely unaccustomed to making new friends. And still pretty sure it's not something she's interested in.
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"I'm not really sure if you want to be making friends with someone like me, though," her tone is suddenly a bit firmer. She's let this go on this far--but she's starting to think she shouldn't let it go on longer.
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"Whaaat, you don’t think getting the willpower to open yourself up and tell someone you love them is worth celebrating?" There’s no way someone could say ‘yes’ to that; summoning up strength like that is hard work!
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"That’s a pretty big deal in my book, senpai! I mean, you’re leaving your heart vulnerable in those moments, that takes a lot of guts!" Usagi released the redhead from her grasp, cooling down a little bit. "I’m happy you found the courage, I really am." It wouldn’t matter if she’d known her all her life or — in their actual case — just a few days ago; she’d still be proud of Noriko nevertheless, and that goofy, sincere grin of hers just proves it.
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
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[She can't help but smile even brighter at the other's response. It was always so cute when Jotaro got flustered--mostly because she didn't really seem like the type. It was so uncharacteristic, but so adorable.]
[Her face is still red--at least, as red as the face of a vampire who's not recently fed can be--but she seems to be much less shy now, no longer scared of rejection.]
Then... then that settles it.
[There's a short pause and she smirks back up at the other, quickly picking her up and twirling--what she thought would be a cute, romantic gesture, but winds up... fairly awkward due to the differences in their height. Still, she twirls the larger girl around and then squeezes her again before pulling away to finally give her a bit of space.]
[The giddy vampire pauses for a moment, one hand raised to her chin as she thinks.]
Maybe I should make something to... celebrate. Like, a cake or something?
-Everything is confirmed all over again one she manages to catch sight of a smile that’s pretty cute and warm, all things considered. Most might have an issue with finding things endearing on a vampire of all things, but… It really wasn’t like Noriko was like any of those other assholes, was she? Nah, even with the stories from the old man about what they were like, she just didn’t fit that description.-
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-Even with being affirmed that, well, they were both thinking the same thing, there’s a hug, and there she goes. There she goes, freezing up like a statue and flushing furiously despite herself. Noriko was always deceptively strong for such a small body, and it shows with that grip.-
-Not that she really minds.-
Yeah, I guess that’s what we’d be, I mean…
-A glance toward the vampire, finding herself smirking just a little bit.-
We said the things, and, well… If it’s cool with you being my girl, I… I’d like to be yours, too.
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
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...it's something like that, yes. Not quite a paradox... maybe. But there are a lot of Kakyoin here.
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—I’m not?! This doesn’t make any sense! How are you standing right in front of me?! Are you saying this is some time paradox thing like in those animes?!
[How was the other so calm about this?!]
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
((I'm going to try and get some backlogged posts done aHHH but I am back, ye, back back back and feelin pretty good overall too))
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
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"Vampire. So you know not to fuck with me, right?"
She smiles brightly at him again.
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      He notices the fangs. Cue Jotaro trying not to shit bricks in front of a pseudo-sukeban Noriko lookalike. « What the everloving Hell are you. »
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
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No, you're not. I guess I'm the first alternate of yourself you've met?
[She chukled at the other.]
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Another me….
[She repeated those words before promptly freaking out. This was some twilight zone type of shit.]
—!! A-Another me?! Are you saying you’re Noriko too?! How?! What?! Am I dreaming?!
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tokiokoeru · 10 years
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Hello, another another me!
[She's somewhat amused at the other's surprise and confusion.]
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[That was weird. Really weird. Aside from her brother she’s never met someone who looks so much like her.]
…… This is….. wow.
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