tomcalvinfilm · 5 months
How Where Currents Meet Went
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tomcalvinfilm · 5 months
How Mither Went
Either I think has been a massive success, although it isn't quite what we had planned I still think it cam out amazing.
during the production so many moving part were happening and it was honestly very chaotic. I think we struggles not having a solid producer. James had to do a lot of the heavy lifting throughout the whole production, despite have two producers outsourced.
I Was DIT and script supervisor on set and so was mainly helping out when a pair of hands were needed. i think overall the set went very smoothly other that a little bit in the middle where we had an AD who was lovely enough but was not keeping anyone on schedule. that was my first time stepping up and taking on the role of AD as she was sat in the tent writing up the next days call sheets. I found I really enjoyed it and was pretty good at it. we ended up finishing up early that day, despite finishing late on most other days.
the edit is when I ran into a few issues, I found myself finding it really hard to find a story with this film, it was more of a me issue, I think I just had a few things on in life and I wasn't able to perform to the best of my ability. but will Pauls notes I eventually think we got there, and rowens sound has brought out soooo much that I think was missing in the edit which is amazing.
also having my dad on set was a fun wee time
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tomcalvinfilm · 5 months
How Tim, Sean Mirra and Mars Went
I loved booming on this production, it was a fun production to be on with great people. only thing was it was freezing in the cinema! but other than that it was a lot of fun. the team worked very well together.
I think the end product has come out amazing and im so happy to have been part of the team
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tomcalvinfilm · 5 months
How St Catherines Went
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tomcalvinfilm · 5 months
How Anna Went
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tomcalvinfilm · 1 year
How Dormouse went
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tomcalvinfilm · 1 year
Longboard Night
This film was an incredible experience to have, I was brought on to be the boom op within this film, I was working with Rowen who was the operator. This was an invaluable experience I had. Rowen is one of the best people to learn from and I loved working with him in a team so much, he has made me such a better sound person. we became a well-oiled machine by the end of the film by putting LAVs on people and learning about which is the best way to get the sound from that. 
Although I was a small part in this film the director very much made me feel like I was part of the team. I think ben is one of the best directors I've witnessed to this day, his working with the actors was amazing to watch and to see him draw these emotions out of these people was a marvel. 
Im so excited to see what rowen is doing in the edit with this, I'm going to try help with what I can but he is the master at this craft, we have talked about what foley we are going to do and how to create these sounds. The biggest task with this is the possibility of making a song for this, it is going to be styled after hyper pop which me and rowen share a burning passion for. It is going to be such an incredible experience to do with this amazing boy. 
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when we first got on set I was so out of practice for full scenes with booming, It took me a few hours but I got back into the swing of things and was able to work with Rowen very well. To improve sound quality, we taped foam from props to the boom pole just to stop handling noise. 
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Being on this helped a lot with my confidence, ive recently been having a crisis that I am not cut out for film, I don't seem to produce very great work and find the industry terrifying, although this shoot did not qualm these it had made me feel more confident that I can work within a team and I am able to work towards a goal that may be considered good work. 
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This shoot also solidified a lot of friendships for me, working with people I adore and having them around while working was such a special thing to me, it makes these relationships feel very real for me and improves my working relationships with these people. 
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tomcalvinfilm · 1 year
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This was the first shoot I went on this trimester, I was brought on last minute just to boom, it was a fun experience, although I didn't know too much about the script it was a great working environment, a very well run set with great people. I was working with Tom Spurin who was recording, it was a fun working relationship that worked well and we were able to communicate, this is the first in a long line of me booming in productions this trimester. 
im excited to see what the edit for this comes out like, but also a little terrified for the sound, I was out of practice with booming!!
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tomcalvinfilm · 1 year
Film Project - First Meeting
We recently had our first meeting for the project with Rosie and Robbie, its working title is “Vigiola”. im going to be the editor for this project, from briefly talking to rosie about this its going to be fun with some fast-paced editing and then two distinct styles when's it goes into the fantasy world, the example of the after sun strobe scene may be used, will have to look into wither this is enhanced through editing or is purely lighting. 
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tomcalvinfilm · 2 years
Film Project
This first two weeks has been so scary, going round hearing peoples ideas, loving the and then realising you need to join a group as they're all filling up was so scary, but luckily I got into some projects I think im going to really enjoy.  
im working on rosie and Robbies concept as an editor, after reading their synopsis and hearing the idea im very excited, something I've always wanted to explore especially on this drama heavy course is some for of fantasy, even if its small elements. This film will incorporate moments of complete fantasy within someones mind, personally I am obsessed with fiction and this is really gonna excite me with the whole process of this film. I going to have some more meetings with them and see what style and vibe they want to go for with the edit. I think this is gonna be such a fun experience. 
The other project im helping on is Ben M’s film, the skateboarding zombie film, obsessed with the concept of this and I think ben has done an incredible job as bringing this all together, a really solid team around him with lots of passion, I will mainly be boom opping, I would love to help with a little of the sound design but I don't have enough confidence in myself to take. big role on that so I shall leave that to rowen and his expertise. 
Im very excited for this semester, im sure it'll be amazing. 
one other thing im excited to see is to start costume designing, I've recently found a passion for making clothing and wanting to see if I can incorporate this into films we are going to be making, ill need a lot of practice but hopefully this year I can get a handle on it. 
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tomcalvinfilm · 2 years
Film Craft Discipline Crit
Film Craft Discipline Crit
First off I want to say I've had a great time on this set, its been a blast to work with this crew, out communication and connection really was amazing throughout the whole process.
one of the main critiques I picked up on was my shot choices that seemed to take us out of the film language that I was introducing to the audience, this was mainly broken when using the wide shot, using a different shot would have been less disrupting for the viewer and would have kept them gripped. The main reason for this wide was due to performance, when deciding what shots I was putting in I first went through either it would work with continuity, then I went onto what type of shot I was looking for and finally would decide between what take of that shot I wanted for performance. As I went on I had to make certain decisions to fit with the style of performance that sam wanted. When considering our work flow I think it was very professional in how it functioned and I hope sam found working with me to be a good flow, I first started with many different types of timelines for him to look and from that we started on fine tuning. I was a very cathartic experience as I have been very worried that I wasn’t up to the task when it came to editing film but this showed me that I was able to. When working with sam what we did was check in every few days and would point stuff out that wasn’t quite working and try and think of some suggestions to try for the next one. Beth has also been the backbone of this whole production, she is an incredible producer who I would love to work with on any production, especially when it came to when I was editing she was always about if I needed a quick decision on something but she also kept me going mentally, she could tell when I was burnt out and would send me to get food or sit down and have a chat about something other than work.
One of the other things was the sound being a bit uneven with its levels but this was due to the harsh conditions rowen had to record in, there was a lot of noises within that house and sound travels a lot within it, but he didn’t an incredible job when it came to making it sound good and taking all the humming and background noises out.
The over arching thing I took away from this was that as a group we all worked very well together and it showed when watching this piece and that the short choices to go to the wide broke some peoples perception of the film.
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tomcalvinfilm · 2 years
CineHaiku Reflection
After finishing our cinehaiku I’m very pleased with the outcome of the final product. I was the editor for this project which seems very simple with it only being three shots spaced equally but I also had to quickly edit the projections that went on behind the actors in bed. This was tricky mainly because I had around an hour to quickly get the footage in and ready before we shot the scenes in bed. As it turns out we were able to shoot these scenes on another day so allowed me to breathe a little when trying to export the files. Some of the feedback with the footage in the background was that it doesn’t exactly show the awkwardness. The group noticed it was a lot more awkward in person rather than in footage a lot of it looked quite sweet. Quite a lot of the audience interpreted it this way which I am still very happy about, it was still the idea of they were both over thinking what had gone on during the day and then in the end came together, the sentiment was still there, and I was very happy with this. The other piece of advice we got was to do with the position of the projectors and how the harsh lines kind of take away from it, but others enjoyed it due to the sound design giving it an old film reel feel. I personally like the harsher edges rather than a soft edge just because it gave more of a sense of two frames within the one shot. Again, this was a small issue, the brain usually can only perceive one image at once and therefore some said they found it hard to look at both the frames. I think making the projection behind the actors would work better if it was simpler, therefore we can concentrate on what is happening in the bed. The film that stood out to me from the class was Rowen, Sam and Cals, when watching it, it creates a sense of wonder and I felt in awe at the shots. The grandeur of the shot and the amazing sound design all add towards this feeling, that is what I think good film should do, to evoke strong emotion and this did. Although we don’t have a story line as such we see a progression of time and a sense of place. The sound design in particular really made my heart swell hen listening, its as though something epic is coming to pass. It’s a hard feeling to describe but this is exactly what I want to strive for when making film. Over all I thought all the haikus were great and thought they all really showed what you can do with just thirty seconds, I’m happy with ours but like I said I would really love to strive to make the audience really feel full and powerful emotions with my work. But the group I worked with was incredible and I’m so glad I got to work with them and share this experience.
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tomcalvinfilm · 2 years
Critical Reflection
This is a reflection of our crit, I think it went very well when hearing back the feedback, the biggest thing I took away was that people liked the film but the thing I took away from this was the editing for the first conversation scene was too basic, it was just a reverse shot on whoever was speaking. which I agree it was too rigid, I think this came about because I had watched this scene too much and became to close to see the bigger picture. but overall i think this edit was brought together with Rowen VFX, they were rightfully praised highly in the crit i think they brought the believability up significantly for our piece. we got feedback to do with our audio quality which was understandable but i also saw how much effort Alex put in to fix this audio and therefore i am in awe of his effort. overall though i think this film is one of my more proud moments just because i saw the whole process and got to be involved with an amazing group who made it feel like i was just hanging with friends which it definitely was in the end. im so happy to have worked on this even when stressed to the limits it still felt like an incredible experience. 
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for being the editor i was very happy with the footage that i received, i was so thankful that rowen always got the clapper board in but also that he got so many shots that we had so much to pick from. this was great but it also took me ages to go through all of this and try and sync it.
overall the whole process from the start of term was great and it was actually a great project to work with.
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tomcalvinfilm · 2 years
Adaptation catchup
So starting with the process. I was doing Sound on set and picture edit for this project it has been so hectic. I want to first preface with saying this has been one of my most enjoyable projects with a great group. we had Alex come up with a script based on an O’Henry story, he adapted it to be a virtual reality piece about body image and wanting to fit in. it went through many different iterations with how we were going to communicate about how this girl is feeling, what were her motivations for being in the game, all whilst making it believable. I would say Alex did a great job in showing this through the script, but I would also say that Rowen, our director, really helped to draw out the essence of the story. I was very thankful to Rowen and Natalia for making out shoot days very smoothly, they were some of the most enjoyable shoots over been on yet. Rowen was an incredible director he was able to get people to do what needed to be done and did it in such a way that it cause no drama. even in post production he was a great help in the editing process. His direction towards the cast was also very professional which I admire greatly. Natalia was also incredible with keeping things moving, she was able to get everything needed and everything sorted, so great to work with. Peer was our cinematographer, the shots speak for themselves, this whole film looks so pretty, although small hiccups everything was great in the end. Alex was our writer and post sound designer, the writing was great and I thought was such a great idea. his sound design was even better, I know I didn't make it easy for him, some of our sound files corrupt o the most conversation heavy day. this was a nightmare for dialogue. Luckily we had a separate recorder recording independently. so luckily we had some clean dialogue to work with for our main character. Therefore after handing off the picture lock was scary but also was hoping we could salvage some audio. but after seeing what Alex did with the sound design was incredible and really brought alive the whole scenes. Finally was Rowens VFXs, they exceeded my expectations incredibly, they were of professional level in my opinion. 
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tomcalvinfilm · 3 years
Drive My Car (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021)
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this film was certainly interesting. my initial thoughts when watching were that these actors aren't giving us much emotion, I think through just watching so many western films with over theatrical tropes made me want to expect lots of emotion within a film, but as the film went on I realised how it was a more accurate depiction of how someone may react in these situations. I really enjoyed the film but I still think it was too long, towards the end their was a scene in which they are standing over the house that was buried, this seemed like a nice poetic ending but it continued and Im not sure it added much to the story with this ending, to me it was a little unclear what happened in the end. overall though I thought it was a beautiful film with many different facets that were very polished and thought out. I think it used subtleties to its advantage and really stands out in my mind as a very solid film.
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tomcalvinfilm · 3 years
Pitches 17.02.22
So we have just had the pitches and I believe they went pretty well, I was able to get across a few of my ideas to do with pacing within the edit. Also looking at match cutting to be able to have the illusion that these are being loaded into the world. With visual effects I’m so excited to learn from rowan, especially to be able to use blender again. These effects I think are really gonna bring it all together when telling the story.
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Sound wise I got the basic notions across that I wanted to in the pitch. It helps to give across the world that is being created. Helps to create the space and sense of space. Using less electronic sound when in the outside world to really show the difference in spaces and worlds.
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tomcalvinfilm · 3 years
Film Adaptation - Pitch
This is just me thinking about what I want and need to do for the pitch in a couple of weeks, I am the editor of this piece and so will need to thinking about what I want on my shopping list. after having the workshop with keiran we ran through a lot of thing that are needed when discussing shots that are needed and such, he also mentioned pitching is tricky to do as an editor because all of the things I will talk. about will be hypothetical and dependant on if we get the shots needed. But for my shopping list, the list of shots I will ask for from the cinematographer and director, I want to ask for sweeping shots to then intensify do interesting transitions between the different worlds our character goes through. for the visual effects side of things I unfortunately am not very proficient in that aspect but luckily Rowen in our group is very good, I will be asking for lessons but most likely will be asking for his help when doing the actual edit. Therefore I want to have a meeting with Rowen to see what he thinks we will be able to pull off but also what type of shots we will need to help these effects look the best they can. all this talk leads back to what I will be able to offer when talking in the pitch but also means that I can confirm with my shopping list that I will be able to pull these off, especially if im offering them in the pitch. 
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This is rowen first example of how to show our character entering into a world, things being rendered in like a game. Im so impressed by him work and hopefully ill be able to pick some of it up when working with him. 
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