Secrets of Slytherin no.78
One of our biggest problems is that we love being alone but hate being lonely.
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This has been sitting in my drafts since I saw Black Panther.. .hAAA  I can’t wait  till these two become BFFs. 
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Marvel: Thanos will return
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Would anyone be willing to send me some positivity?
I’m… not in the best place, mentally. I just got done with my last practice before the parade, and I’m just… I don’t know, kinda out of it.
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Chapstick Challenge
Head in the Game
Stealing from a Spunky Girl
Scheming and Steaming
The Princess and the Pirate
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
A Cold and a Confession
Problematic Pirate Girl
A Good End to a Bad Day
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Chapstick Challenge
Head in the Game
Stealing from a Spunky Girl
Scheming and Steaming
The Princess and the Pirate
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
A Cold and a Confession
Problematic Pirate Girl
A Good End to a Bad Day
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Anxiety attacks aren’t always hyperventilating and rocking back and forth
Anxiety attacks can take different forms, such as:
Unpredictable bouts of rage or irritability
Nit-pickiness (obsessive behavior, which may be a part of OCD), and even a hypersensitivity to disarray, chaos, or any sort of change
Fast-talking, stuttering, stumbling over words
Not talking at all
Sitting rigid, staring into space, almost seeming “zoned out”
Understanding the way our or other’s anxiety works can help to decrease the stigma and help to calm a person faster and get them out of that state. These are just a few, but it gives an idea of the range in which attacks can come.
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I am not a “No matter what” ass girl. My love has conditions.
You will not try me, you will not betray me, you will not disrupt my peace and you will not disrespect me.
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i thought everything was kinda calm but turns out i’m just ignoring every single one of my problems
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How you tune a band
Kill the piccolos
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Writing Tip of the day: Accompany your writing with a nice cup of tea! 🍵 
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“you guys knOW i dont speak french!”
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“Maybe that’s worse, not letting ourselves be loved. Because we’re too afraid of giving ourselves to someone we might lose.”
Mitch Albom
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Dances Suck But You’re Okay. (Harry Hook x Reader)
Request: Could you please do a harry x reader Where the reader is the daughter if Esmeralda. And Auradon has a dance but no one asked you. But somehow you spend the rest of the night with Harry.
Words: 3,641
Warnings: Angst??, Harry admitting that he has an A E S T H E T I C, frickin high school dance
With a literal castle for a school, one might expect that school events were over-the-top. Everyone was buzzing about the upcoming Winter Solstice Dance. The girls were all attempting to secure dates and find dresses. The majority of them spent their time planning what they would do before, what jewelry they would wear, their makeup, hair, etc. All of the boys were trying to get their pick of the flock and attempting to come up with creative ways to ask the girl they had their eye on to the dance.
On an abnormally windy day, y/n and Lonnie sat on the steps of one of the school’s many elegant staircases. They watched as light blue and gold balloons rapidly floated away from where, y/n could only assume, they had aided in yet another proposal.
“So, have you figured out what you’re going to wear to the dance of the century?” Y/n asked, her voice taking on an announcer-like quality as she mock danced with the air. Some might mistake her sarcasm for lack of enthusiasm, but y/n was genuinely excited! She didn’t show it like others did because she didn’t stress about it. As long as she had a dress and a meal, she was good to go. Oh, and a date. She really wanted a date, but never in a million years would she admit that.
Lonnie regarded her with an exasperated look. “Actually, I have. I found this suit the other day, it’s black with silver details. My main concern for the night is dancing, and it’s very difficult to do that in a dress. I already checked with Jay, he said he’s going to try to match the colors.”
“Why would Jay need to - wait. Wait, Jay asked you to the dance? You have a date?!”
“Yeah, I kinda figured this would be the reaction I got from you.” Lonnie rolled her eyes. “It’s not a big deal. We’re just going as friends.”
Y/N shook her head, her hair falling into her face as she did so. “No, yeah that’s…awesome.” When met with Lonnie’s doubtful look, she persisted. “No I mean it! That’s so cool! You guys are gonna have a blast together.”
Lonnie grinned and wrapped y/n in a quick embrace, thanking her over and over before jogging to her next class, leaving y/n alone and somewhat disappointed.
Not having a date sucked, but y/n wasn’t going to let anyone know that she was upset about it. She continued with her normal routine: go to school, pretend that the constant talk of prom excited her rather than caused the pit in her stomach to grow heavier, go back to her dorm, imagine a thousand different prom scenarios, go to sleep, repeat.
One afternoon, two weeks before the big night, she made her way down to the lake. It was decorated nicely with a thin layer of ice covering the top of the water. It shone lightly in the sun and reminded y/n of the oncoming chill. The temperature had already begun to drop, sending warnings of its imminent approach with cold mornings and warm afternoons. The cool breeze made her shiver as it danced across the back of her neck. A few moments passed and the cool breeze grew more persistent, feeling more like tapping than anything. Y/n tensed and turned around, meeting the gaze of an amused Harry Hook.
“Having fun, gypsy?” The nickname rolled off his tongue and made y/n tense.
Most of the time, when people called her gypsy, they weren’t being friendly. For the first few years that she attended Auradon, she hadn’t been popular. In fact, she was ignored until she decided she’d had enough. For a talent show that the school had been holding, she owned the stage. Backflips and cartwheels, the splits, handstands, everything she could do to wow the audience. It worked but earned her the nickname. She still wasn’t a favorite of the student body, but she had accepted that she never would be. Always an outcast, just like her mom. It didn’t help that her father had betrayed his orders in order to aid a gypsy girl. Her whole family was an oddity, and anything beyond normal wasn’t exactly welcome at Auradon.
Seeing her shrink back a bit at the nickname, Harry chuckled. “Don’t worry, no judgment. Heard you’re quite the spectacle.”
Y/n quirked an eyebrow as the pirate sat down beside her. His black jacket was unzipped, revealing a ripped white t-shirt, exposing patches of his chest and stomach. “Your ensemble seems sort of pointless. If you’re dressing for the cool weather, why wear a ripped shirt that exposes you to the cold?”
He shrugged. “To keep up with my bad boy aesthetic, I have to ignore how impractical my outfit is. I could ask you a similar question, you know. Why wear ripped jeans and a t-shirt to what may be the coldest part of campus?”
“To keep up with my outsider aesthetic.” She responded in similar fashion, eliciting a smile from Harry. “Not to be rude or anything, but why are you here?”
He answered as he shook his jacket off of his shoulders and leaned back on his elbows, directing his gaze toward the forest across the lake.
“This is where I go to be alone. I don’t really mind the company right now though. What about you?”
“Well, same here. How have we not … you know.”
“Awkwardly run into each other?” Y/n nodded in response. “I guess we space our meltdowns well.”
They both laughed at the strangeness of it all before diving into a comfortable silence.
Y/n couldn’t help but notice how different Harry was then she had thought he would be. She had never interacted with him before, besides a few quick glances thrown in each others direction. His face was tilted up and the light from the setting sun highlighted the small amount the stubble that he had. Of course, it seemed almost purposeful that he had tilted his chin so that his already prominent jawline was even more noticeable and, to y/n’s frustration, very attractive. His jacket was tight around his biceps and his breathing was deep and even. He seemed perfectly harmless, but that was so different from what she had heard.
Everyone at Auradon, villain kids included, seemed apprehensive about allowing the son of Captain Hook to join them at their prestigious academy. Y/n had heard about some of the things that he was known for, but most were rumors, and the ones that were true didn’t shake y/n. In fact, knowing that he had fought so fiercely for Uma had only led to y/n filing away for future reference that he was loyal. Now that she had actually talked to him a bit, she could see why her fellow students would avoid him, and her heart fell as she realized it was for the same reason that people avoided her. They were both outsiders in one way or another.
Unable to take the silence anymore, y/n spoke.
“So, if this is where you go because you’re upset, why are you here now?”
Harry opened one eye, inspected y/n’s face and, upon finding that she was genuinely curious, told her.
“Sometimes people make judgments about me without ever even talking to me. Normally, I’m just avoided, and I’ve grown used to dealing with that. But some days it’s just harder to be alone than others. So I figured that if I was going to be alone, I might as well make it my doing.”
She was right. They were more alike than she had ever thought they would be. Her heart fluttered at the thought of having someone to talk to who understands how she feels. Y/n loved Lonnie, but she was always praised and respected, no one stopped to make her feel like she was so different that she wasn’t even worth talking to.
“What about you?”
After a moment of hesitation, Y/n decided that it couldn’t hurt to be honest with at just one person. “This may be stupid, but everyone has a date to the prom except for me. I mean, not everyone, but everyone has someone to go with. For example, if a girl doesn’t have a date, it’s because she’s going with her friends instead. I just … I don’t have anyone. Lonnie was going to go with me, but now she has a date. I don’t really have any friends so I’ll be alone. Again.”
Harry frowned and nodded. “It’s hard to explain that to people sometimes.” Upon seeing y/n’s confused look, he elaborated. “That being alone doesn’t exactly mean that you’re lonely, and you don’t have to be alone to be lonely.”
“I … thank you. For listening. I’ve never actually told anyone about that. So, are you going to the dance?”
“Me? Dancing? I don’t think so, love.” As he stood, Harry noticed that y/n had wrapped her arms around herself and that goosebumps had appeared where her legs were exposed to the wind. He took off his jacket and handed it to her. “Here. You’ll freeze with all those holes in your clothes.” He teased.
“What about you?” Hesitantly wrapping the jacket around herself, she stood and looked up at him.
“Bad boy aesthetic, remember?”
“Your aesthetic includes not wearing a jacket when it’s cold?”
“No, but it does include giving your jacket to pretty girls with tragic backstories.” He gave her a heart-warming half-grin as he stepped back and waved before making his way back to his dorm.
In the days leading up to the dance, they continued to meet by the lake. They would tell each other about their days and their struggles. Y/n found that she was oddly comfortable with him and felt that she could trust him.
Of course, Lonnie had caught on to the fact that something was up, so y/n admitted that she and Harry had been meeting while carefully avoiding telling her best friend what exactly she and Harry talked about.
Y/n had thought that Lonnie would react in a negative way to the news, but Lonnie was ecstatic. Y/n found herself being encouraged to continue talking to the mysterious pirate boy; advice that she had no problem accepting.
“Oh! Just one more thing, girl.” Lonnie called to y/n as she made her way out of their dorm and toward the lake. “If he breaks your heart, I’ll break his face.”
At long last, the dreaded day had arrived. Lonnie was admiring herself from all possible angles in the ridiculously large mirror that took up almost half of the wall opposite y/n’s bed. They had managed to convince the housing department that both of the girls would need to use such a large mirror regularly, not just for planning outfits and having room to sit on the floor together and do makeup, but also because Lonnie could practice her fighting techniques and y/n could work on her dancing. The only reason that the housing staff allowed them to have such a large mirror was that the girls wouldn’t stop bothering them.
Lonnie looked like a suave secret agent. This was an opinion that y/n voiced openly, resulting in a burst of laughter from her roommate.
“You look like a model! Everyone is going to grovel at the feet of you, my queen.” Lonnie circled y/n, examining the tight dress and its somewhat scandalous openings. A slit went halfway up her thigh, and the sides of her dress were open, exposing part of her ribs to the world. The royal blue dress hugged her body tightly, but not uncomfortably.
“Thank you, Lonnie. You should probably get going. Didn’t Jay say that he was waiting downstairs 15 minutes ago?”
“Shoot! Right! Okay, I’ll see you at the dance! Catch you later!” Lonnie bolted out the door, her jacket hastily buttoned and the collar still popped up.
Y/n couldn’t help but giggle at her friend’s hasty retreat. The laughter died as she thought about the night she was in for. Pitying stares, sitting alone, people-watching for a whole evening. The sigh that escaped her lips was heavy. She finished her eyeliner with a flourish, making sure it was extra dark and bold. Her mom had always been one for making a statement, so one of the first lessons that her mom had taught her was how to make an impression with your appearance.
Y/n stepped back from the mirror and took in her appearance. She was something to behold, that was for sure. As she stood straighter and plastered a smile on her face, she decided that she would head over to the dance sooner rather than later. At least that way she could grab a good seat at a decently located table.
She only changed her mind 4 times before making it to the dance.
People stared as she walked in, but y/n doubted it was because of how she looked. Rather, she was sure most people were shocked that she had even bothered to show up. With a defeated attitude, y/n took a seat in one of the many dimly lit spots in the room. It wasn’t too close to the bright dance floor, but it was close enough that she could still watch the ensemble of energetic dancers.
Half an hour after the official start of the dance, Lonnie made her way over with Jay. They both walked y/n to the snack counter and laughed with her about some of the ridiculous dances they had seen and the odd conversations they had overheard.
“I’m serious! That kid said that he had spent 4 hours on his hair!” Jay insisted, annoyed by the girls’ refusal to believe his story.
“Well, even if it is true, it doesn’t show. He looks like he just rolled out of bed. Don’t get me wrong, it still looks good, just not very put-together.” Y/n spotted the target of their judgments and eyed him as he threw his arms up in a circle and hopped from one foot to another, startling who she assumed was his date.
“Looks deliberate if you ask me.”
Y/n spun around so fast that she almost lost her balance. She caught herself on the punch table as she looked up into the light eyes of none other than Harry Hook. And he looked … hot. If she had thought that his casual clothes were attractive, seeing him in a black suit with red accents was her absolute melting point. The dark charcoal around his eyes made the light blue of his irises pop more than y/n thought possible. The red button up that he had under his black tux jacket was tight, but not tight enough for it to look stupid.
It was unreal and unfair that he looked that good.
Lonnie and Jay made their quick escape as y/n looked Harry up and down with a flustered and confused look on her face.
“You said you weren’t coming! And now you’re here and all dressed up and everything!”
“What can I say? I’m full of surprises.” He shrugged as he attempted to check her out stealthily.
Needless to say, y/n noticed.
“Sorry,” He chuckled. “You look … stunning. Absolutely marvelous.”
“You look like a freaking god.” Y/n blurted.
His surprised laugh only made the blush on her cheeks darker. Y/n silently thanked the party committee for making the lights dim enough that he wouldn’t be able to tell. He was so unbelievably beautiful. He threw his head back when he laughed and squeezed his eyes closed. It was like he didn’t have a care in the whole entire world. But he did, and that was what was so frustrating to y/n. He was so chill but he had struggles too. It made him seem real, and that made him easier to like.
Not that she was sure that she like him, but she thought he was attractive, sweet, funny, and … shoot. Maybe she did like him.
“Y/n?” Harry had a cup of punch in one hand and his other was extended towards her. “Would you like to get some fresh air with me?”
With a smirk, she took his hand and prayed that hers wasn’t sweaty and gross. “Calling it quits already, Hook? You’ve been here for what? A whole 3 minutes?”
He laughed again, quieter this time. “I just figured that you might want to have a moment away from all the people that have begun slow-dancing.
She turned her attention to the dance floor and took in all the couples and friends swaying to the sound of the light acoustic melody that floated through the room. The knot in her stomach grew heavier as she nodded to Harry, plastered yet another fake smile on her face, and followed him outside to an ornate bench next to a lovely little tree.
“So,” His voice rumbled as he attempted to keep his voice soft, but still loud enough for her to hear. “How are you?”
Y/n took a deep breath and tried to focus on what he had asked and not on the fact that he hadn’t let go of her hand yet or that he had lots of extra room on his side of the bench but was still sitting so close that their arms were touching.
“In there? Meh. Lonely I guess.”
“And out here?”
“Not so lonely. I’m pretty content out here.”
“With me?”
She nudged his shoulder with her own, a reassuring touch. “With you. How are you?”
He tilted his head back a bit as he let out a breathy laugh. “To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure. You see, I know that I’m comfortable around you.” He squeezed her hand. “I know that I want to keep you from feeling lonely and that I’m not lonely when I’m with you.”
Y/n wasn’t sure how to react, so she decided that she wouldn’t overthink what she was going to do next. She gave him a soft smile, squeezed his hand as he had done to her, and rested her head against his shoulder.
“You know, showing up at the school dance deducts 3 points from your bad boy status.” She teased.
“Worth it.”
As the cool night air mixed with the soft rain that had begun to fall from the sky, y/n shivered. Luckily, the tree provided a thick enough canopy that neither of them was getting rained on, but it didn’t protect them from the light mist that the wind blew in their direction every few moments.
As Harry wrapped his jacket around her, y/n felt a warmth bloom in her chest and smiled at the rugged boy as she was overwhelmed by a rush of affection. And then it hit her.
There she was, on the night of the dance, having fun. She wasn’t alone.
“Harry? Why did you come to the dance?”
For a moment, y/n thought that maybe he hadn’t heard her. There was a long pause, a moment where the only sound was the pattering of rain falling on the ground around them. At long last, the silence was broken by a heavy sigh.
“Do you want the honest answer or the suave, bad boy answer?”
“Honest.” She said.
He smirked, turning and angling his body so he was facing her. He avoided looking into her eyes, instead choosing to stare down at his hands which were resting in his lap.
“I wanted to see you.”
Y/n grinned. “What was the bad boy answer?”
“Never miss out on an opportunity to see a bunch of pretty girls all dressed up.” He teased with a sly grin on his face.
He was so pretty that it physically hurt. If he kept looking at y/n like that, she would have to do one of three things.
1)Slap him in his stupid pretty face. 2)Kiss his stupid pretty face. 3)Walk away and pretend that she had never seen his stupid pretty face.
Luckily, she didn’t have to choose.
Harry put a calloused hand under her chin, tilting her head up and urging her to meet his eyes. His other hand cupped her cheek, and y/n found herself leaning into his touch as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
He smelled like ocean air and peppermint.
As Harry traced the line of her jaw with his thumb he let out a shaky breath. His eyes were closed as he let out a weak laugh.
“I’m not too good at … feelings. So, let me know if I’m doing something wrong. Please. I don’t want to mess this up.”
“You’re doing a pretty great job.” Y/n said.
She placed her smaller, softer hand over Harry’s and smiled.
“Oh,” She pulled his hand away from her face and held it between them. “Just one suggestion.” Seeing that she had his attention, she continued. “If you don’t kiss me or ask me out soon, I might scream.”
“How about both?”
He cupped her face with both of his hands as he softly pressed his lips to hers. The kiss wasn’t long, but wow. Y/n hadn’t thought he would actually kiss her, but she was so glad that he did. She was dazed after he pulled away, but still took note of the blush on his cheeks and the small kiss he pressed to her forehead before he stood.
“Now, the dance isn’t over yet, so how about that date?”
She took his extended hand without any hesitation. They were going to give the rest of Auradon quite a show and, for once, she wasn’t worried about what others thought. It was her and Harry against the rest of the world.
She wouldn’t want it any other way.
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too soon?
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