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A Haiku for My Muse
I waited for you
word-lusty by candlelight
you must be a man.
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In the bleak I asked to see the face of God
and was shown my heart,
how hope illuminated the fault lines
now I see the face of God everywhere.
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A poem from when I did #poetryondemand at a local art and music festival.
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The next morning i peed on a stick.
Hit repeat.
I walk around in slow motion
the rest of the day.                          Each frame vivid.
My enunciation clear.
Every gesture proscribed.
Every other pause
with meaning.
This must be what I do
when I have no other choice.
I have become a method actor in my own life.
-from The Education of Sugar Girl
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That Patti Smith Song
“I want one thing from our time together. I want,
                                                                            just once
to make you feel the way a Patti Smith song does.” -from The Education of Sugar Girl
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For the dark poets who follow: The Eldritch Press Dark Poetry contest will open for submissions on February 1st 2015 and will run until September 1st 2015. No Entry Fee. Three poetry collections will be chosen for the following prizes: First Place: $1500 and a three year publishing contract with Eldritch Press…
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So excited to announce that I’m one of the Guests of Honor for the 2015 @HorrorWriters #WorldHorrorConvention in Atlanta. More info: http://www.whc2015.org/. #thelegionseries
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toniamarieharrispoems · 10 years
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toniamarieharrispoems · 10 years
Hi Mr. Gaiman (Mr. Neil Gaiman? Mr. Neil? There needs to be an etiquette book for addressing your favorite author online). I'm a self-published author on Amazon, and I got an email from them regarding the conflict with Hachette this morning, trying to persuade us to write in support of Amazon. Thought it might interest you to see what the enemy is saying. I put it on my tumblr if you'd like to take a look--its the most recent post. Hope it helps! -HK
I don’t see an enemy. I see two huge multinational corporations having a fight over contracts and terms, and authors staring up at them from ground level. It’s like Godzilla battling Gamera, and we’re looking up from the sidewalks of New York rather worried that a skyscraper might topple on us. I liked Chuck Wendig’s summary and commentary at http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2014/08/09/in-which-amazon-calls-you-to-defend-the-realm/.
I’m a Hachette Author in the UK. My wife’s a Hachette Author now, and she has a big book coming out in November, which you cannot pre-order through Amazon. Which sucks. I don’t regard Amazon as the enemy, any more than I regarded Barnes and Noble as the enemy when they had a dispute with DC Comics and stopped selling the hundred top DC Comics Graphic Novels in their stores (which included 17 books by me, including all Sandman).
But this seems like a good time to remind people about other places to buy books. Like you could preorder THE ART OF ASKING from Powells at http://www.powells.com/biblio/18-9781455581085-42.
Or you could use http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780062255662 to find the Indie Bookshop nearest you to get your copy of THE OCEAN AT THE END OF THE LANE, if you haven’t yet read it.
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toniamarieharrispoems · 10 years
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Bukowski | 40x50cm | Graphite on paper
If it doesn’t come bursting out of you in spite of everything, don’t do it.
Unless it comes unasked out of your heart and your mind and your mouth and your gut, don’t do it.

If you’re doing it for money or fame, don’t do it.

If you’re doing it because you want women in your bed,
 don’t do it.
If it’s hard work just thinking about doing it,
 don’t do it.
If you have to wait for it to roar out of you, 
then wait patiently.
If it never does roar out of you,
 do something else.

Unless it comes out of your soul like a rocket, 
unless being still would drive you to madness or suicide or murder, don’t do it.
Unless the sun inside you is burning your gut, don’t do it.
When it is truly time,
 and if you have been chosen, It will do it by itself
and it will keep on doing it until you die 
or it dies in you.
There is no other way.

And there never was.
Charles Bukowski
Artprint available on FineArtAmerica
For more of my art visit me here:
Website | Shop | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest
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toniamarieharrispoems · 10 years
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Tonight, Spoke Art will be vending some tees, prints, buttons and more at the awesome Bill Murray party at Public Works in San Francisco!
Can’t make it? Visit our online store at : http://store.spoke-art.com/collections/apparel - international shipping is available!
Pictured here is our American Apparel women’s tee in grey, designed by Greg Gossel!
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toniamarieharrispoems · 10 years
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If you haven’t already, treat yourself to E.F. Schumacher’s fantastic A Guide for the Perplexed.
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toniamarieharrispoems · 10 years
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Fan of young adult novels in verse? Here’s a guide to the books out or coming out in 2014 that are in verse, and I’ve included links to additional resources and book lists featuring YA verse novels. Enjoy! 
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toniamarieharrispoems · 10 years
I did this radio show and the deejay asks me, ‘What if you woke up tomorrow and you were beautiful?’ What do you mean ‘what if’? He said, ‘What if you woke up and you were blonde and you had blue eyes and you were 5’11 and you weighed 100 pounds and you were beautiful? What would you do?’ And I said, ‘Well, I probably wouldn’t get up ‘cause I’d be too weak to stand.’ And I felt very sorry for him, ‘cause if that’s the only kind if person that you think is beautiful, you must not see very much beauty in the world. And I think everybody is beautiful. And if you don’t think that I am beautiful, you are missing out. Because I am so beautiful.
Margaret Cho: Beautiful (via afternoonsnoozebutton)
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toniamarieharrispoems · 10 years
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The absence of women in history is man made.
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toniamarieharrispoems · 10 years
You are in love when you are sea foam.
Love is not a safe place, an island,
or a shelter from your cleaved self
it is an ocean full of dark and primordial
selves begging for your soul to dive
deeper until the o of your mouth sojourns
into the what is not established but
is mystery you can't discover or document
but witness, silent, until the waves no longer
bear you
whole and heavy
until you give yourself to the sea foam
and become a story
sailors tell themselves on a night with no moon.
That is love. It dissolves.
Until you are but salt, color, and memory.
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