tonyboy96page · 6 years
Looking to do a sequel to my Forever Yours Story,
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tonyboy96page · 6 years
Tartarus Effect 1
Tartarus Effect 1
Percy woke up screaming. It had been two months since the battle with Gaia ended and for some reason he was plagued with horrific nightmares. He kept having similar dreams every night. The endless tortures he suffered with Annabeth were merciless and ungodly. Percy looked at his clock, it read 4:45 am. Percy walked to the bathroom hunched over the sink and splashed some water on his face. He leaned up and looked into the mirror, and pale mess stared back. The only benefit of being sent to Tartarus was that he and Annabeth had some time to talk and get over some things in their lives, like for instance the fact that Percy had realized when he met Jason that he had had feelings for him, and in all honesty she was really good and accepting about it, hugging him when he had sad it and saying that she was so happy for him finding someone that made him feel like he could 110% be himself.
Percy made the grueling and agonizing journey back to his bed. The ghosts of those moments enveloping his mind in a haze of drowsy memories. Those moments seemed to flash by as he trudged back to bed. Meeting Jason, talking and bonding with him, Jason confessing that he had fallen in love with him and Percy saying the same, Annabeth falling towards Tartarus and Jason being forced to let Percy go, the last thing Percy saw before being consumed by the pit, was the face of the one he loved. Then having the talk with Annabeth.
**** Flashback****
The two followed the Cocytus down to find the doors, they walked in silence for a time, "H-hey Annabeth?" Percy asked "yeah?" Annabeth asked, "I need to tell you about something" Percy said and looked and saw Annabeth listening, "So first of all I'm just going to come out and say it, I-I'm gay." He let that sit for a second, "Pecry what do you mean?" Annabeth asked startled, " I mean that recently me and Jason have been connecting and I don't know I mean there is something about him that feels like it's fated to happen, and there is a connection that is far more old and 'destiny-ish' about it that makes me feel like like I can be me and while yes I know I can be me around you, just not the full 100% me, and you neede-" "Percy stop talking and look at me" Annabeth interrupted, Percy turned around and she had stopped a couple feet back, "I knew something had changed between you two," Percy walked back to her, "y-your not mad?" "Of course not," she said hugging him, "You are still my best friend in the whole world,"
**** End ****
Percy climbed in bed and sat knees up to his chin for the rest of the night, dawn arose slowly, the sun creeping up into the sky slowly. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Percy slowly unfolded his body, his muscles and joints creaking as if he had been that way for centuries. He walked to the door and opened it. The smile on Jason's face vanished when he got a good look at his boyfriend. "Percy what happened too you?"
Jason took in his boyfriend's appearance: Navy blue basketball shorts, a wrinkled gray "Apollofest 2015" t-shirt, beautifully golden tanned body that always made Jason's heart skip, hair that looked like it had survived three hurricanes (his version of bed head) and most notably, his eyes, bloodshot eyes surrounded by dark circles and bags under his eyes. "I didn't sleep well at all" Percy said his voice creaked and rattled the way a voice shouldn't be sounding, he cleared his throat and it returned to normal. "Your nightmares again?" Jason asked. Percy's eyes started to well up with tears, "y-yes" Percy choked out before rushing to Jason who took him in his arms.
They walked to the bed and they sat down Percy leaning against Jason who comforted him. "This time y-you were with us down th-there and I had to w-watch you die" Percy said struggling to speak through his tears. "Shhhh, shhhh baby I'm right here" Jason said holding Percy's face so he was forced to look Jason in the eyes. "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere ok?" "Ok" Percy choked out before Jason slowly pulled Percy into a light romantic kiss. Jason always loved how Percy's lips always had a faint sea salt taste to them, he also knew that when they kissed, like the water that Percy's father commanded, Percy as the conductor of Jason's electricity and it shot through him, just as it always did when they touched making him feel alive, and eternally in love with the son of Jupiter. "Ok Percy," Jason whispered in the Sea Prince's ear, "Now go shower and we'll go to breakfast."
After Percy showered and they got to breakfast Jason went and found Annabeth "hey can you come find me and Percy when your free at all today?" "Sure why what's wrong?" Annabeth asked quizzically, "It's the nightmares again" Jason said, "Oh my gods still?" She asked, "Yeah but anyway, come find us later I don't want to leave him for too long," Jason said, "Ok will do and Jason you are really so perfect for him thank you for being so good for him" she said with a smile.
Jason walked back to Percy who was doing his offering after getting his food, Jason got his and along with his usual offering to his father and more recently to Aphrodite, he also gave one for both Morpheus and Hypnos praying for them to give Percy at least one peaceful nights sleep. When they sat down Percy ate slowly and quietly mainly just poking his food with his fork. "Perce you need to eat," Jason said, "I don't know I'm not feeling all that hungry," Percy said sadly, Jason smirked a bit, "How about this, if you don't eat everything on that plate you get no more kisses or hugs today."
At that Percy started to eat slowly but he was doing it, "there you go," Jason said "I thought that might change your mind". Percy managed a smile. When they were done they went for a walk around camp, the day went by and they spent time together eventually they ended up sitting in the shade of a large tree over looking Long Island Sound. Annabeth joined them after about a half an hour. "Jason said your still having you right area?" Annabeth asked sitting down in front of the two boys. "Yeah," Percy said "Do you still have yours?" Percy asked shyly, "Not at all as often as I did but they still come and go," she said truthfully "How did you get rid of them?" Percy asked.
"I decided I wouldn't let them control my life and I found solace through my friends and my cabin," she said, "Percy you need to let your friends help you through this ok?" "O-ok," Percy said through tears, "Oh crap ok I need to run I can see Drew picking on Jordan again, just remember Percy let us help you, we all love you especially Jason" she said getting up. Jason got up, "I'll be right back baby" he said, he caught up with Annabeth, "Hey, I know he needs to let us in but please s there anything I can do help him out?" He asked, "Honestly keep loving him and show him how much you love him, be there for him and keep him interacting with other people your doing an amazing job already" Jason walked back to Percy smiling, ready to give him all the love and attention in the world.
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