tonysvandyke · 3 years
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it only two nearly two years to finish (bc i took uh…a quarantine/lockdown length break)
but i finished it!! (I might still touch it up but I’m calling it good!)
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tonysvandyke · 3 years
literally losing my mind over this tik tok sebastian shared on instagram
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tonysvandyke · 4 years
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As we said in our closing message at the end of this year’s auction, 2020 has been a year of tremendous change—change that we had no control over and change that we made with our own hands. Many times this year—and the past four years under the Trump administration for those of us in the U.S.—we’ve felt helpless in the face of terrible upheaval. But rather than forcing us to give up, the calamities we’ve witnessed and experienced galvanized us. We’ve seen people volunteer to drop off groceries for immunocompromised neighbors during the pandemic. We’ve seen people donate generously during the worst global economic crisis in modern history. We’ve seen people become more politically active, taking to the streets to protest and voting in record numbers like they are tonight.
And we’ve seen that same passion, that same desire to make change and help people, fuel all the MTH participants this year.
We weren’t sure what the turnout would be like. Would people have the time or energy to sign up as creators? Would people be willing to donate, and would they have the means to do so?
Our worries proved to be baseless.
This year, 273 “Marvel”-ous creators came forward to offer 416 auctions.
And this year, we raised…
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That’s just over $11,000 more than the MTH 2019 total. 😮💖🎉
We’re going to channel Beast here and exclaim, “Oh my stars and garters!”
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The race started off with a bang, with bids racking up quickly on the first day. Even so, we were shocked when we matched last year’s total, which we weren’t sure we could do ($27,193.91 was beyond our wildest expectations), and then just ran right past it before the auction even ended!
It’s been an incredible journey, with the mod chat pinging at all hours with excited gifs, effusive heart emojis, and inarticulate keyboard smashes as we expressed our love for the wonderful people in our fandom. It’s been very hard not blurting out the milestones as we reached them when we desperately wanted to share these amazing results with you all.
Creators, we couldn’t have started this auction without you. We loved seeing so many veteran creators sign up again and were pleasantly surprised by how many new faces showed up to the party.
Bidders, as crazy as it sounds, most donations were small ones (including some of those crazily high winning bids—several were the result of people pooling their five dollars together!). This has been consistently the case since MTH began. It just goes to show how much of an impact you can have when you’re part of something bigger than yourself. Each donation has a ripple effect, and enough ripples can cause a wave. You matter, and you can make a difference.
We also owe our success to our amazing signal boosters. There can’t be an auction without any participants, so to every fandom community Tumblr that agreed to reblog our posts, every Discord server mod who let us post announcements, and every person who shared our posts and encouraged their fandom friends to sign up and/or bid, thank you so much! Together, we reached hundreds of fantastic creators and bidders from all corners of the Marvel fandom, many of whom we didn’t know and some who were hearing about us for the first time.
Thank you all. We’re so touched by the massive number of people who donated above and beyond their pledged amount, creators who took on multiple auctions and offered multiple winner slots, and bidders who accepted their second-place wins with such eagerness! We also had people make donations in the spirit of MTH even though they didn’t win an auction, which was beyond generous.
We’ve already seen how our donations are changing the world for the better. To name a few examples:
Partners In Health is on the ground testing, providing care, assisting local government response, and mobilizing community health workers in countries where the mortality rate is expected to be much more severe than those with well-resourced health systems
The Southern Poverty Law Center raised $10 million to fight voter suppression in the South, with some great successes in Florida
World Central Kitchen has purchased over 10 million meals from small, independent restaurants in 400 cities, putting $105 million and counting directly back into the economy and helping both struggling businesses and people who need food the most during the pandemic
We’re sure that in the months and years to come, we’ll see even more wonderful results.
In addition to the astounding amount of money we were able to raise for charity, MTH was successful in other ways. We strove to be as inclusive as possible, determined to make this event a fandom-wide effort. Considering that the auctions covered over 369 unique platonic and romantic relationships (if we include “all ships/gen”-inclusive relationships, this number is even higher) across 31 universes within the Marvel multiverse, we can safely say that we accomplished our goal.
This spirit of inclusion also applies to our auctions and charities. Every one of 416 auctions was bid on, and every one of our 30 supported charities received donations. We’re in awe of your commitment to supporting all our creators and charities and thrilled that you spread all the love around, bidders!
Here’s our breakdown of the donations (click to enlarge the image and hover to see the donation amount per charity):
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We’ve also listed the amount raised per charity on our 2020 auction results page.
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for helping us turn our third Marvel Trumps Hate auction into such a fantastic experience. We cherish every single message of love and support that we received and continue to receive on our Discord server and through DMs, Tumblr messages, emails, tweets, etc. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!
To remember or learn why we created this auction in the first place, please check out our 2018 “thank you” post to all of our creators, bidders, signal boosters, and supporters.
If you’d like to stay updated on all of the 2020 Marvel Trumps Hate fills, follow us and/or check out the “mth 2020” tag on our Tumblr. You’ll also be able to find works posted on AO3 in our Marvel Trumps Hate 2020 collection and links to fills in our Discord server, which you can join to brainstorm prompts, chat about fills, and find out about other fandom events.
Thank you once again to everyone who volunteered their services, time, money, and platforms to spread the word. Though we may sometimes wonder how much of a difference we can make, it’s moments like this that show that every bit helps, no matter the size of our contribution. With that in mind, we’d like everyone to keep the following quote close to their hearts as we move forward and find ways to make the world a better place, to remember these words when they’re feeling lost or small.
Purpose is the essential element of you. It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history. Your very existence is wrapped up in the things you are here to fulfill.“ — Chadwick Boseman
Think about your purpose. Think about what you can do while you’re here. Know that you matter.
And with that, MTH 2020 has officially come to a close. We’re so beyond grateful to you all and can’t wait to see all of your fanworks over the coming year!
Lots of love and gratitude, Your 2020 MTH mods
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tonysvandyke · 4 years
Last day of bidding if you’re interested! Remember, there are a lot of talent to choose from, have a looksie 😙
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See Domon’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Twitter: FanDomiAlex
Preferred organizations: - Equal Justice Initiative - Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) - Native American Rights Fund - Planned Parenthood - The Trevor Project (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Anything! From teeth-rotting fluff to blood-curdling horror, I’m game.
Will not create works that contain: Can’t think of anything at this moment
– Art –
Auction ID: 1182
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson - Any Universe Steve Rogers & Tony Stark - Any Universe
Work Description: A fully rendered color illustration commission of your ship. Usually with a background, unless requested without. Please contact me before bidding if you have any questions!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
The auction runs from October 18 (12 AM ET) to October 24 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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tonysvandyke · 4 years
Psst, it’s open now ! 
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The Marvel Trumps Hate 2020 auction has officially begun! View auctions and place bids at marveltrumpshate.com.
Remember, we have 273 creators and 416 auctions offering all types of works and all types of universes, fandoms, ships, and characters. Follow the suggestions below to find the perfect auction(s) for you and figure out your bidding strategy:
See all of the auctions on our website
Filter auctions through several different ways (work type, rating, universe, character, ship, and gen relationship), using the tags on our tag list and our tips on finding specific auctions such as auctions offering “teen-rated 616 Steve/Tony” or “all ships in the GotG fandom” on our search guide
Check out our list of creators
Read our bidding guide and Bidders FAQ
If you’re on our MTH offerings Tumblr, click the auction link on a creator’s post to bid on that specific auction on our site
The auction will close at 11:59:59 PM ET on Saturday, October 24 (what time is that for me?).
For more information, check out our About | FAQ | Schedule | How to Participate | Supported Organizations pages, or get in touch with us!
See our charity spotlights here:
Chadwick Boseman
Black Lives Matter
Environment & Natural Disasters
Civil Rights Advocacy & Litigation
U.S. Politics
Women’s Rights
Education & Literacy
Best of luck, everyone! Have fun and most importantly, remember that all winning bids will be going directly to great nonprofit organizations that work tirelessly to make the world a better place.
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tonysvandyke · 4 years
*revives this blog*
Heeeey, I’m joining this thing again this year. For those of you who don’t know, Marvel Trumps Hate is an action for charity where you get to bid on your fav creators for a chance to win fic and art commissions of your favorite marvel characters. Go give it a look! (You can bid on me!)
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See Domon’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Twitter: FanDomiAlex
Preferred organizations: - Equal Justice Initiative - Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) - Native American Rights Fund - Planned Parenthood - The Trevor Project (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Anything! From teeth-rotting fluff to blood-curdling horror, I’m game.
Will not create works that contain: Can’t think of anything at this moment
– Art –
Auction ID: 1182
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson - Any Universe Steve Rogers & Tony Stark - Any Universe
Work Description: A fully rendered color illustration commission of your ship. Usually with a background, unless requested without. Please contact me before bidding if you have any questions!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
The auction runs from October 18 (12 AM ET) to October 24 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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tonysvandyke · 4 years
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its a pirate au babey!!
plus some extras:
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tonysvandyke · 4 years
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stevetony only its mermay
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tonysvandyke · 4 years
real talk, superheroes can be so focused on stupid shit sometimes…arms dealers this, drug dealers that… take down the fucking government already you stupid bitches!!
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tonysvandyke · 4 years
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A double date!
IG: nat.owe || T: natnatowe || pillowfort: natowe (I do commissions!)
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tonysvandyke · 4 years
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“Miles, the Hero” 
This is the first in a series I’ve been contemplating for a while, about how heroes have transformed since humans began telling stories. We’ve always told these stories of heroes, and uplifted them through art and group storytelling, and I think we have mythic heroes today in the same way we had mythic heroes in the era of Gilgamesh. So here is Miles, in front of a window of his world… NYC.
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tonysvandyke · 4 years
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Spiderverse is my favourite spidey movie 
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tonysvandyke · 5 years
Trying here too 
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Hey I opened up commission over at twitter! If you’re interested send me a dm at @DomiAlexDraws (if you don’t use twitter sending me an ask here works too)
Thanks for your consideration! <D
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tonysvandyke · 5 years
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Black Widow and Hawkeye by Ivan Shavrin
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tonysvandyke · 5 years
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Drawing Tony in the undies I wish I owned 
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tonysvandyke · 5 years
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Steve loves his heart 
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tonysvandyke · 5 years
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