too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
Glenn hops down and descends the spiraling staircase behind the younger Autumn. As the minority in the party without darkvision, he figures it’d probably be safer that way--though it would be fucking funny if he fell down these stairs. Which reminds him:
Hey guys, what do you call a snobbish criminal going down the stairs? A condescending con descending!
He mentally exclaims to the group, attempting to bring some light to the situation. After all, this has been so incredibly easy so far; they just walked in and, by the looks of things, they were going to just walk out. And more than that, the group could kick anyone’s ass! Nothing could possibly go wrong, so they should stop acting like they’re going to a funereal.
(( @methbay-best-fighter​ ))
Listen, we don't need this much of you! That's just the facts of things! You can either decide amongst yourself which part of this garden bed you're going to cede to other plants, or you're just going to have to deal with me ripping you up and throwing you into the sea!
Autumn realizes she hears a bit of a commotion coming from the tree line, and realizing this must be the rescue party, hikes up her skirt and starts sprinting towards the noise.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
(12 + 8 = 20 stealth + 10 pwt)
Glenn continues his charge until they reach the inside of Bear's house. Yep, just as humble and homely as he remembered. He glances around to see if there are any shiny objects he could steal, but stops himself before he could go down that train of thought any longer. Glenn, that would be fucking weird--what would Henry say? In fact, he should have brought that spider robe you stole earlier to return...but he left it at Henry's house. Ah, shit.
He cringes a little, remembering what his kids might do with a robe that gives you spider abilities, but ultimately brushes it off as no big deal and goes to pull out the fancy rug.
(( @methbay-best-fighter ))
Listen, we don't need this much of you! That's just the facts of things! You can either decide amongst yourself which part of this garden bed you're going to cede to other plants, or you're just going to have to deal with me ripping you up and throwing you into the sea!
Autumn realizes she hears a bit of a commotion coming from the tree line, and realizing this must be the rescue party, hikes up her skirt and starts sprinting towards the noise.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
Glenn didn't nessessarily like Oakvale, but had to admit it was...pretty, now that he actually looked around. (Perception = 7)
He didn't have much time to sightsee, though, so he directs his attention to the creepy basement. He doesn't say anything but a quiet thanks to Autumn before running in the direction of Bear's house.
(( @methbay-best-fighter ))
Listen, we don't need this much of you! That's just the facts of things! You can either decide amongst yourself which part of this garden bed you're going to cede to other plants, or you're just going to have to deal with me ripping you up and throwing you into the sea!
Autumn realizes she hears a bit of a commotion coming from the tree line, and realizing this must be the rescue party, hikes up her skirt and starts sprinting towards the noise.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
Round Four, Bracket 3
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
His heart sinks as Hen pleads. Shit. There's no use trying to communicate at this point--he knows what beating a dead horse looks like. He does what he finds least exciting: following the lead. He touches the tree and dissapears.
(( @methbay-best-fighter ))
Listen, we don't need this much of you! That's just the facts of things! You can either decide amongst yourself which part of this garden bed you're going to cede to other plants, or you're just going to have to deal with me ripping you up and throwing you into the sea!
Autumn realizes she hears a bit of a commotion coming from the tree line, and realizing this must be the rescue party, hikes up her skirt and starts sprinting towards the noise.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
Glenn rolls his eyes at Junior. Come on--comparing him to the guy wearing an ugly-ass robe? Where'd he even get something like that, some...dead Faerunian grandma's estate sale? It's not even an option--she's just so much cooler and much more representative of the Glenn name!
At the time that he was in Oakvale, he reasoned that Bear was an asshole with a shitty interior design sense. But thinking back...wasn't there something he missed?
Okay, got it--once we get there, we can figure it out.
Come on, Glenn knew what a trapdoor looked like, especially under the poshest rug he had seen in his life. (Perception check: 20 + 3) But was he going to mention that? Not really--everyone else could just follow his lead.
His grin reaches his eyes in a way that is purposeful.
(( @methbay-best-fighter ))
Listen, we don't need this much of you! That's just the facts of things! You can either decide amongst yourself which part of this garden bed you're going to cede to other plants, or you're just going to have to deal with me ripping you up and throwing you into the sea!
Autumn realizes she hears a bit of a commotion coming from the tree line, and realizing this must be the rescue party, hikes up her skirt and starts sprinting towards the noise.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
Yeah, yeah, we're all capable of carrying out a mission; let's not hurt each other's feelings.
He says, almost breathlessly. As much as he thought he wouldn't have time for a smoke break in the whole nature cult thing, he was already debating lighting one up right here and now. Wow, Glenn, what an tough fucking iron will you got there. Did 'ya get it from Toys 'R Us?
Can we all at least pretend to know each other--or, for some of us, pretend we don't--so we can get this done as quickly and/or smoothly as possible?
He chuckles, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his signature leather jacket.
(( @methbay-best-fighter ))
Listen, we don't need this much of you! That's just the facts of things! You can either decide amongst yourself which part of this garden bed you're going to cede to other plants, or you're just going to have to deal with me ripping you up and throwing you into the sea!
Autumn realizes she hears a bit of a commotion coming from the tree line, and realizing this must be the rescue party, hikes up her skirt and starts sprinting towards the noise.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
Well, he sure remembered this place. Where he made an ass out of himself and still somehow made it out with a...Henry. (There were probably better words to use for him, but Glenn hadn't thought up of them yet. He's too busy "managing" the small pit in his stomach--if "managing" meant "shoving and punching and stomping down into a fine ash".) Despite his horrible nature, things were looking up and that's all he had to focus on.
And that's definitely an Autumn, alright; even he could see the similarities clear as the blue sky they stood under. He holds a hand up in the laziest wave he could (not) muster.
(( @methbay-best-fighter ))
Listen, we don't need this much of you! That's just the facts of things! You can either decide amongst yourself which part of this garden bed you're going to cede to other plants, or you're just going to have to deal with me ripping you up and throwing you into the sea!
Autumn realizes she hears a bit of a commotion coming from the tree line, and realizing this must be the rescue party, hikes up her skirt and starts sprinting towards the noise.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
Yes, sir.
He grins, kissing him back. 
Now, I have a prince in a dungeon to save.
He lets go of Henry, still admiring him. Still grinning.
Real hero shit.
He starts toward the portal, walking backward.
I’ll be back real soon, alright?
He shoots Henry a wink and a wave, then enters the portal.
Autumn gives Dood's hand a squeeze.
I'm hanging in there. We'll be back outside with more space soon enough.
As cramped as she felt, she did always love seeing how many people Henry could pack into his house. The temple had always felt so big and empty when they'd both been back in Oakvale, so seeing that her son had crafted such a lively, cozy, and bustling place to live after he'd left always warmed her heart.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
He listens carefully, a blush rising up his face as Henry holds him. When he finishes, Glenn reaches up and rests a hand over Henry’s.
Henry, I will always come back. You know that. I’ll keep an eye on your mother, and those kids, and--you know, everything’s gonna be fuckin’ fantastic!
He leans forward a little bit so both their noses touch. He completely missed Henry’s theme of home, but generally got the point.
(( @henry-is-o-a-k​ ))
Autumn gives Dood's hand a squeeze.
I'm hanging in there. We'll be back outside with more space soon enough.
As cramped as she felt, she did always love seeing how many people Henry could pack into his house. The temple had always felt so big and empty when they'd both been back in Oakvale, so seeing that her son had crafted such a lively, cozy, and bustling place to live after he'd left always warmed her heart.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
Glenn laughs at Junior's panic, knowing he would have said the exact same thing if there weren't much bigger fish to fry here.
One of them. Hey, Hen!
At Henry's request, he stays back. He would always stay back for him. He would do anything he asked, really; this is the Henry he cares about, after all. Even though there is another Henry to save, Glenn takes in all of his features in the morning sunlight. Gorgeously standing there beside him of all people.
Yeah, of course. What's up?
He whispers back.
(( @methbay-best-fighter ))
Autumn gives Dood's hand a squeeze.
I'm hanging in there. We'll be back outside with more space soon enough.
As cramped as she felt, she did always love seeing how many people Henry could pack into his house. The temple had always felt so big and empty when they'd both been back in Oakvale, so seeing that her son had crafted such a lively, cozy, and bustling place to live after he'd left always warmed her heart.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
ohhhhh shit right you're in a. basement? bummer. don't worry! i'll keep you updated, everythings gonna be fine.
hen! hey, how's it hanging? we're almost there.
-og glenn
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I'm okay!! Looking forward to seeing you all! And the sun
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
Glenn follows the rest of the group to the backyard, but lingers at the door. This was really happening. He would prove himself at last.
What, can you read our minds now?
He says to Dood, mentally. He didn’t actually intend on questioning them, but...you know, he couldn’t help it. Mind-reading’s fucking weird--haven’t they ever seen a sci-fi movie? Even worse than all this weird fantasy bullshit he and his friends had landed themselves into. Honestly.
He turns and gives Henry a small smile before exiting the home and crossing the backyard. He hoped Henry wouldn’t feel so bad about all this--he hates seeing him so worked up about and blaming himself for...well, everything.
(( @methbay-best-fighter​ ))
Autumn gives Dood's hand a squeeze.
I'm hanging in there. We'll be back outside with more space soon enough.
As cramped as she felt, she did always love seeing how many people Henry could pack into his house. The temple had always felt so big and empty when they'd both been back in Oakvale, so seeing that her son had crafted such a lively, cozy, and bustling place to live after he'd left always warmed her heart.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
idk??? maybe we just have to find his real (?) body
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
Well said, Junior.
Glenn steps back, returning to the table to put his dishes in the sink. Right, Hen was in danger--he had no time to deal with these people.
Just going through the trees--it's how Henry and I got there the first time, when we met Hen. Some sort of spell.
As he passes Henry, he gives his shoulder a squeeze to say not your fault, Sunshine.
(( @methbay-best-fighter ))
Autumn gives Dood's hand a squeeze.
I'm hanging in there. We'll be back outside with more space soon enough.
As cramped as she felt, she did always love seeing how many people Henry could pack into his house. The temple had always felt so big and empty when they'd both been back in Oakvale, so seeing that her son had crafted such a lively, cozy, and bustling place to live after he'd left always warmed her heart.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
Glenn instinctively reaches a hand on top of Henry’s, but is quickly assured that there is no danger. Look at Dood go!
You did good, little man.
Sure, he got it. Meth Bay, fighting for your life--it had to take a toll. He was jumpy around Ron when that demon Jodie took him out, but a few drinks took that right out of him.
He pushes Henry’s hand away as he gets out of his chair and walks over to wherever Glenn ended up. He puts a hesitant hand on his shoulder, forcing himself into Glenn’s entire line of sight. 
Glenn. We good here?
He says bluntly, his face showing nothing but seriousness.
(( @methbay-best-fighter​ ))
Autumn gives Dood's hand a squeeze.
I'm hanging in there. We'll be back outside with more space soon enough.
As cramped as she felt, she did always love seeing how many people Henry could pack into his house. The temple had always felt so big and empty when they'd both been back in Oakvale, so seeing that her son had crafted such a lively, cozy, and bustling place to live after he'd left always warmed her heart.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 1 year
“she’s got legs for days” pfffft not impressive. i;ve had mine for years
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