too-many-headcanons Ā· 3 years
More Servamp Headcanons
because there were like two I forgot in the last post so I came up with a few more to make a second post
Mikuni is polylingual; aside from Japanese, he speaks English, French, and German
Tetsu is surprisingly good at English; he picked up a lot from tourists who came to his familyā€™s inn. Heā€™s not quite fluid, but he could get around if he needed to
He also learned how to say ā€œWelcomeā€, ā€œThank youā€, and ā€œPlease come againā€ in a few other languages. And can play rock-paper-scissors in them, too.
Usually, what a Servamp says is automatically ā€œtranslatedā€ into the listenerā€™s native language; however, if a Servamp actually knows another language, they can choose to speak that language (e.g. when Hyde goes ā€œIn Japanese, kakkoii!ā€, that word remains as ā€œkakkoii!ā€ regardless of the listenerā€™s native language, but if he used it in a sentence, itā€™d be ā€œkakkoiiā€ to someone from Japan, ā€œcoolā€ to someone from the UK or US, etc)
Nicco once had an ex who ghosted him
Iori kinda wants to have a family, but he thinks he would be awful as a dad/husband
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too-many-headcanons Ā· 3 years
Assorted Servamp Headcanons
hi i have 1 thought and thatā€™s servamp. And remembered I have this blog so, have some random HCs.
After the C3 arc (and once he had some time to recover and stuff), Tsurugi starts wearing all the jewelry, especially bracelets, anklets, and rings
Dude wasnā€™t used to owning anything and now you can hear him come from a mile away because heā€™s decorated like a Christmas tree.
Jun and Yumi at some point catch on and gift him accessories from time to time. Taku-chan made him a bracelet from those iron-on beads, and Tsurugi wears that one all the time
Jeje covering his face all the time has its roots in something that happened when he was human, but he canā€™t remember what
Kuro is a trans guy
Gear owns or has at some point owned a tamagotchi. Or twenty. Probably tried to get at least one of each type (Different versions/generations, angelgotchi, devilgotchi, etc).
Speaking of, once Licht hears that angelgotchis exist, he needs one. Hyde gets a devilgotchi to match and/or annoy him. (Licht is conflicted between ā€œDemon!ā€ and ā€œBut itā€™s CUTE!ā€ when he sees it. Ends up getting his own to reform the little critter.)
Lily has or had a mild crush on Otogiri Just... their Servamp Quest Banter...
Toma wears in-shoe heels to appear taller (Heā€™s smaller than Higan, but Higan fits through the doorframes better than Toma does despite wearing shoes with slight platforms, so something is up here)
Tsurugi has used his secret passageways to steal food from the C3 kitchen/pantry at least once. Yumi and Jun know, but he offered to share, so they kept quiet
When a Servamp drinks blood from their contracted Eve, they feel whatever their Eve is feeling at the moment
Even when not currently drinking their blood, Servamps can up to some degree sense their Eveā€™s emotions; the more often/more recently they drank their Eveā€™s blood, the more accurate
On the flip side, if they go long stretches without drinking their Eveā€™s blood, they have a harder time figuring out how their Eve is feeling
Jun gives amazing hugs
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too-many-headcanons Ā· 4 years
General Spencer Reid Headcanons
Spencer has the most gorgeous brown eyes (this is not a headcanon I just needed to say it)
Heā€™s autistic, but has gotten pretty good at masking
He can use computers somewhat well, but he doesnā€™t really like them
To be more precise, his computer skill is highly situational. Something that came up on a case before (like looking up the IP address)? He knows how to do it better than most people. Something that most people just Know because theyā€™re used to it? He is absolutely clueless.
As a kid, he kinda wanted pet reptiles - lizards or iguanas, though snakes wouldā€™ve been okay, too - but he wasnā€™t allowed to
He was never really interested in getting a dog or cat as a pet, but would be fine with getting one if he lived together with someone who had/wanted a fluffy pet
He gets super jumpy for a few hours or days if he watches a horror movie alone, but has no problems if he watches it with friends (which is why he doesnā€™t watch them alone)
Heā€™s mostly fine with touches, but he really does not like the feeling of handshakes, especially if the other personā€™s (or even his own) is sweaty or sticky.
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too-many-headcanons Ā· 4 years
Yato, Yukine, and Hiyoriā€™s reactions to their SO turning into a cat
Because why not
Well. He had weirder.
Like legit his first reaction is "Huh. okay."
... Unless he's currently in an emotional mood, in which case he freaks out more than you probably do
He'll probably try to turn you back into a human, but he also really likes you as a cat, so he's not in a big hurry
Having you nap on him, carrying you around, all that is just?? A lot of fun tbh??
I mean he'd also do those things when you're in human form, but it's easier with a cat
There will be So. Many. Pictures. of cat-you and cat-you with Yato and cat-you doing things and...
That said, if you're very upset by it, Yato will of course also hurry up in trying to find a way to turn you back
He'll absolutely tease you about it afterwards. Like, wave a cat toy near you to play with you
(He gets really excited if you indulge him an swat at the toy)
Super worried for a while, until she's sure you're okay, just uh. Cat shaped.
She spends a lot of time running from God to God trying to find SOME way to turn you back
Definitely gets Yato to help
You are pretty cute as a cat, yes, but she kinda really wants you back to normal
If you want to, you can convince her to like, enjoy the situation for a bit, but only for a couple minutes in the evening when she can't really do much else
Might sneak one or two pics of you in cat form, but not many
He is Shocked for a moment because, wtf??
Catches himself pretty quickly though
Very confused. Like. Why on earth are you a cat??
He'll try asking Yato and Kazuma for help, and if that fails, he'll go to other gods/regalia
Very earnest about finding a way to turn you back, even if he thinks you look adorable
(Not that he'd admit that)
He'll still like, pet and cuddle you, and if you're up for it he'd have the time of his life playing with you in cat form, but his focus is turning you back
While he doesn't, Yato ends up with a ton of pics of Yukine cuddling cat!you
Won't mention it much afterwards, but will when you least expect it. Like, say, if the topic is Kuraha, he'll ask your opinion because you have the best insights into cats
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too-many-headcanons Ā· 4 years
BAU DnD Alignments
(Iā€™ll add the newer member once Iā€™ve gotten past S10)
Aaron Hotchner: Lawful Good
Derek Morgan: True Neutral (Good and Chaotic Leaning)
Spencer Reid: Chaotic Good
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau: Neutral Good
Emily Prentiss: True Neutral
Penelope Garcia: Chaotic Neutral (Good Leaning)
David Rossi: Lawful Neutral
Elle Greenaway: True Neutral (Slightly Evil leaning near the end of her career)
Jason Gideon: Neutral Good
Ashley Seaver: Lawful Good
(Since thereā€™s different interpretations what which alignment leans: Lawful means either a very strict moral compass or a strict adherence to rules, while Chaotic means more focus on freedom and less predictability; Good means more altruistic rather than morally good, while Evil means more egoistic rather than morally evil)
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too-many-headcanons Ā· 4 years
General Shinya Hiiragi Headcanons
He's arospec, acespec, and pan, though I'm not quite sure which identities in particular he has
The people Shinya is most attracted to are surprisingly specific: People whom the world tried and failed to break
(ā€If you donā€™t have your own hope, drive, or optimism, you can borrow some from your friends!ā€)
He tends to just. Not have opinions if something isnā€™t important. Favorite animal? Food? Music? Heā€™ll probably just say whatever is the most likely to get reactions out of the people around him
That said, he kinda likes the color blue and winter as a season
However, he still tends to say his favorite color/season is whatever gets the biggest reaction. Shinya has 0 qualms running around in, say, a hot pink t-shirt if that means getting a rise out of his squad
Shinya tends to be at the same time very in touch and very out of touch with his own emotions. He can probably tell pretty accurately what heā€™s feeling - and then he just ignores them. Not even really on purpose (anymore), heā€™s been doing it so often, for so long, itā€™s become is natural reaction to emotions, and heā€™d have a hard time reacting differently
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