toomanyhusbands · 6 years
when ppl make really good art for a fandom you’re not in
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
You know what I wanna do? I wanna start a podcast about self ships and self inserts and like, invite people on to talk about their self inserts and ships and like, how they got into it, and what they like about it. Y’all think that might be fun?
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
B1, 3, and 9 for the selfship ask meme c:
Ah thank you! I’m in a big Lucifer mood, so I’m going to answer these for him!
B1) Do you love how they look even when it’s just the most simple task? and vise versa with them?
I do love how Lucy looks, there are certain moments especially when he’s getting frustrated in video games, or when he’s planning something devious. Lucy also loves how I look, but he especially loves how I look when I’m super focused on something such as homework, or while I’m drawing. He thinks I look really adorable.
B3) Do you and your fav(s) have matching outfits?
No we don’t I think it would really funny to get matching sweatshirts or something that say like ‘His Angel’ and ‘Her Demon’ or something like that, that sounds like it would be super cute!
B9) Are they the type to listen to you say the things you like and give you gifts of that nature later, or do they forget often and try to make up with kinda things you like, or are they something else entirely?
To be honest, Lucy isn’t really the type to remember, he’ll listen to me when I talk but he tends to forget important details such as: birthdays, favorite candy, flowers, etc. He’s the type of person that these little tidbits will randomly come back to him, because of this he tends to forget anniversaries and special events, but instead he’ll often show up with flowers, candy, special little trinkets on random days just cause he happened to remember I liked lilies while he was out.
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
Self Ship Asks
A) General kinda thought asks
1) What’s your favorite AU to imagine with your fav? 2) What thought/scene/image of you with your fav makes you the most happy? 3) What little things do you think your fav would do around you? and vise versa 4) What fav(s) do you think about on sad/bad days? Why? 5) Do you remember your first fav? who were they and why did you love them so much? 6) Do you ever imagine the opposite version(like if it’s a good character their opposite is evil and vise versa and such) of your fav? Would you like that version of your fav too?  7) Have you made up an AU just for you and your fav? 8) Do you like the thought of your fav being protective over you? 9) Do you have any kids with your fav(s)? If not kids what about pets? 10) Do you see a pattern or running theme with your favs?(if you have mulitple)
B) Mushy Gushy lovey Dovey
1) Do you love how they look even when it’s just the most simple task? and vise versa with them? 2) What’s your favorite thing about them? what’s their favorite thing about you? 3) Do you and your fav(s) have matching outfits? 4) Best date you’ve had with them? 5) Goofiest thing they’ve done to impress you? Have they almost gotten in trouble trying to impress you? 6) Cutest gift they’ve given you? Not so cutest gift they’ve given you? 7) Do you love waking up to them? What’s the best and worst part of waking up to them? 8) Do you ever just hold each other?  9) Are they the type to listen to you say the things you like and give you gifts of that nature later, or do they forget often and try to make up with kinda things you like, or are they something else entirely? 10) Silliest thing you two have done together?
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
When yall have more than one f/o and you really want to make content of them but you can’t choose one cause you love them all so much, so you sit there like;
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
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I’m almost certain this has been done before
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
Other ways to say “I love you”:
i. My hands gravitate towards yours, fingers intertwine without trying, and lips touching without thinking.
ii. Whatever “soulmates” are, you are more than that to me.
iii. It’s as if I knew you from my past life, and how grateful I am to get the chance to meet you again in this one.
iv. Your heart is a black hole, the kind that pulls you into darkness with no way out, but the gravitational force is so great there is no escape for me, and even if scientists discovered a way out, I would never want to leave.
v. My heart was a barren field and you planted a bulb. You let me blossom and in time, I became a garden.
vi. All I see in your eyes are particles of eternity.
vii. Making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches becomes special when it’s with you.
viii. I was never afraid of death, but I’ve found myself more careful when crossing the street and walking home at late nights because I don’t want to miss anything.
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
Send me 💌 with a confession !
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
F/O(s): //Does something cute//
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
i cant believe that ‘im such a top i’ve never submitted to anything, ESPECIALLY not stoplights’ is a real canon sentiment expressed by a real canon death note character
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
i like the sound of your voice when you say my name, the way your breath changes when i kiss your neck, the feeling i get when you tell me you want me.
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
Alright y’all:
Reblog if you would not mind having your self-insert be canon.
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
Date a cutie with an infectious smile, and a laugh that makes your heart fly
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
People who self insert are… cute. Like I don’t say this just to be kind. I sent something to a friend yesterday and it made her blush that was adorable. You guys are cute.
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toomanyhusbands · 6 years
This is such a neat, and really sweet thing for you to do!
My Self-Insert:
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and my F/O L:
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Free sketch of you and your F/O! You only need to reblog this post with a picture of you and your f/o! (Or just your f/o, and a detailed description of you, but the other is preceded c’:) Thanks !!
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