tootels · 4 months
Leopard gecko care
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Leopard geckos are very docile and peaceful creatures, which make them perfect for beginner reptile owners. They are hardy and easy to care for, with a decently affordable cost. They can live up to 20 years in captivity if taken care of properly.
Enclosure :
A leopard gecko (like most reptiles) needs their tank to be split into two sides, a warm side (85-90 degrees fahrenheit) and a cool side (75-80 degrees fahrenheit) so they can regulate their internal body temperature correctly.
Within the enclosure there should be at least 3 different hides for the gecko to take shelter within, there should be a warm hide on the warm side of the tank, and cool side on the cool side of the tank, and a moist hide in between the cool and warm side.
There should also be at least 2 thermometers to measure the temperature on the cool side, and a thermometer on the warm side to make sure the tank is regulated correctly.
The humidity should be between 30%-40%, and the temperature should drop to the upper 60 degrees fahrenheit during the night. A strong day and night cycle should be established for geckos so they can remain healthy, the cycle can be established by a heat lamp.
Geckos should have different things in their enclosure to enrich them, such as branches to climb, artificial plants, and live insects to feed and hunt. While insects should not be left unattended in any tank or enclosure, it is good for them to hunt them alive.
NEVER house two male leopard geckos in the same enclosure as they are solitary and highly territorial, while two female leopard geckos may cohabitate peacefully if there is enough room for the two to roam. No matter the gender of either gecko, it is always a dangerous game to play cohabing two or more geckos together, and only experienced owners should play such a game as it may put your geckos in danger. The only time it is acceptable for geckos to be housed together is during mating season. If two geckos are housed together, feed the geckos individually to reduce the chance of fighting over food.
sand should not be used as substrate in enclosures as a young gecko may lick it and clog their intestines, causing health issues. reptile carpet is a good alternative but a gecko may get its claw stuck and cause injury. reptile liner is easy cleaning but it may carry stubborn bacteria. my personal favorite is paper towels as you can just dispose of them once .
Leopard geckos can only digest insects as they are insectivores, so they should only be fed insects to reduce the chance of health issues developing. Juvenile geckos (younger than a year) should eat 4 - 6 small insects daily, and adults (older than a year) should be fed 6 -10 insects 2 - 3 times per week. While some owners like to allow their pets treats, geckos should only have 0-3 treats per month so they do not get improper nutrients.
All insects fed to the gecko should be gut loaded 24 hours prior to feeding time (meaning the insect is fed before getting eaten), and insects should be dusted in calcium dust 1-2 a week to allow proper nutrition.
Staple insects
Crickets (easy to gut load, but escape artists)
Dubia roaches (most nutrition, but lowkey kinda gross)
it runs a huge risk of carrying diseases or parasites that may infect your gecko, NEVER feed your reptile hornworms found in the wild as they are toxic, only get hornworms from a breeder.
Shedding :
Once your gecko gets to the shedding stages, it is helpful in many ways to soak your gecko in shallow, warm water for 10-15 minutes to help loosen up their dry skin. Soaking also helps to induce defecation in case there is a block up of their bowels.
Most geckos shed every 4 to 8 weeks, and they should have access to a moist hide filled with damp moss or other substrate to help with ridding themselves of their old skin. If your habitat for your gecko is too dry, there is an increased chance of your gecko getting shed skin stuck around their eyes and toes. A light misting daily or a few times a week can also help with shedding and also improve hydration and spike humidity slightly.
if you have any questions, feel free to ask !!! :))
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